To Dress a Pig Chapter 5: Unreason

Story by Mojotheomegawolf on SoFurry

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#5 of To Dress a Pig

Chapter 5. Final chapter. Enjoy if you can, but it gets pretty hairy.

Chapter 5: Unreason

"Have a nice dream?" Eve asked him menacingly, causing his eyes to turn down to her once again.

"What is this?" Garth demanded frightened, his voice and his body trembling "what's going on?"

Eve smiled and allowed a single chuckle to tickle her throat.

"Don't play dumb with me, Garth," she seethed, stepping forward and delivering a forceful blow to his stomach, "you know exactly what is going on."

Garth groaned as he felt her paw contact his stomach and felt tears sting his eyes, for his terror was absolute, as he somehow knew that whatever it was that Eve was going to do and for whatever reason it may be, he was going to die today.

"What are you going to do to me?" he whimpered, a lump filling his throat.

Eve only smiled.

"Well," Eve began, studying her claws inquisitively, then brought them slicing across his muzzle, "a little birdie told me that you were cheating on my daughter." She paused, moving so that her muzzle was right next to his ear. "And if you act like a pig," she whispered, "you'll be treated as such."

She laughed maniacally and then sunk one of her claws into the skin on his chest, just beneath his collar bone then began to cut slowly down his sternum, being careful not to cut too deep once she reached his underside, as she did not want to puncture any organs.

Garth screamed loudly, his body tensing from the pain and felt his blood begin to drip down his stomach.

Once Eve reached the area where his sheath began, she veered to the right and cut around it, then went back and cut around the left side, stopping once she reached the backs of his thighs.

"Please stop," Garth cried, "somebody help me!"

Eve laugh, shook her head, and began to scream as well.

"Scream all you want, Garth," she teased, "nobody will hear you."

Garth choked on his tears and screamed again, for the pain in his stomach continued to throb.

"So tell me, why is it that you cheated on her?" Eve asked menacingly, "surely you would have known the consequences of screwing around with some common whore."

"She's... not... a common... whore," he grimaced, lifting his eyes to her again, "her name is Rain... and... she... told me... everything... that you... did to her."

Eve, upon hearing this locked up, but only for the briefest of moments then regained her composure.

"Is that so?" she asked venomously, cutting the thin membrane of skin that remained along his stomach open so that his organs began to bulge out of his cavity.

"Yes," he spat, on the verge of passing out, "I know... the real reason... why I am here... and... when I get out....I'll... tell... everyone what... you did."

She smiled and shook her head.

"So, she did tell you," she mused, then cocked her head, "I was afraid of that, but it doesn't matter. You won't live to tell anybody else. I've made people disappear in the past, and I can easily do it again. As for your little whore... when we kill her, nobody will even know she's gone. Our secret will die with you, and when we find your little girlfriend, it will die completely."

Garth locked up and a thin stream of blood shot from his open stomach cavity.

"Dammit, you leave her alone," he demanded then grimaced as another pain shot through him, "I'll kill you if you hurt her."

Eve tisked a few times, shaking her head.

"Garth, Garth, Garth, look at yourself and the mess of trouble that you are in," she mused, "do you honestly think that you have any room to make threats? And besides, I'm afraid that it's a little too late for her," Eve began, "I know where she stays, and so do my men. She'll be in about an hour, but you, you won't last that long, though it will seem like your suffering is eternal."

More tears began to flow down Garth's cheeks.

"You conniving bitch!" Garth screamed, ignoring the pain, "what will you say to your daughter when I don't come home!" He then broke down and began to sob. "How will she raise our pups without her mate to take care of her?"

Eve chuckled darkly.

"Simple," she replied, grasping his jaw in her paw, "I'll just tell her that you were cheating on her and that you ran off with your whore. She may deny it at first, but when you don't come back and there is no trace of you, she'll believe me and come to hate you just as one would expect her to." She paused. "As for your pups... though I did tell her not to get pregnant before mating season, I'll allow it, and we'll just take care of them ourselves."

"How dare you call yourself a leader!" Garth yelled, "how dare you even call yourself a wo- gah!"

Eve cut him off by jamming her paw into his cavity then pulled it out once more, studying the blood which dripped from it inquisitively.

"You know, Garth, the body is a peculiar piece of work," she said, turning her paw over and over slowly, "and it's amazing just how much damage it can take when the proper steps are taken."

She jammed it into him once again, causing him to cry out in pain.

"I mean, in all accounts, you should have gone into shock and then died the second I cut you open, and yet you remain alive, but why is that?"

Garth hung with his head held low, tears pouring down from his eyes.

"It's a really simple task, you know," she mused, "a little bit of opium to slow blood flow, but not too much, because we still need to feel the operation, and some adrenaline to keep that cheating heart of yours pounding and whadya know? You can survive almost anything... Just so long as I don't do too much damage to anything vital."

As she finished, she dug her claws into the cavity of his stomach once more and sliced a kidney.

Garth cried out as a sickly, yellow liquid began to drip from his body.

"You're... insane!" he screamed in a choked voice, feeling the burn of his kidney as it throbbed inside of him.

"Maybe so," she replied, licking the blood from her claws, "but only you and a select few know that."

Garth grimaced in pain, one eye screwed tightly shut while the other remained open, watching Eve through a veil of tears.

"What?" she asked, "you think this is the first time I've ever done anything like this?" She laughed and turned away. "There were others," she began, "six in fact, and they were all so pathetic, kind of like how you are right now. They tried to be brave, they tried to make threats, but each of them suffered the same fate you will." She paused then turned to him once again. "Though I'm afraid your death will be forgone far beyond theirs. You see, they... well, besides the first, they were mere experiments of procedure or annoyances to my day that I felt needed to be removed, but you know far too much and, mostly, you have pissed me off for the last time."

"You fucking psychopath!" he screamed, his contracting organs pulsing with each movement he made.

Eve laughed.

"Funny, this reminds me so much of how it looked when I was about to end your mother," she said, "you both have such beautiful eyes when they have tears in them."

Garth closed his eyes and clenched his teeth tightly together.

"No," he seethed, slowly opening them, "you're lying."

Eve shook her head.

"What? Were you not aware that she was in on this as well?" she asked, watching as the purple veins in his organs quivered beneath their thin membranes of skin, "so she didn't tell you everything."

"Shut up right now," Garth demanded, "my mother loved me! She would never take part in any of this!"

"The same way your father loves you?," Eve asked him incredulously, arching an eyebrow, "trust me, Garth, besides your little whore, my daughter is the only one who ever truly cared for you."

"Stop it," he growled, his muscles and organs tensing.

"She was actually the first," Eve continued, then laughed, romanticizing the memory, "I remember how weak she truly was. She begged me not to hurt her, to please let her go. She tried to bargain with me. Oh how you should have been there to hear her scream when I pulled out her liver. It truly was a thing to behold."

"Shut up shut up SHUT UP!" Garth screamed, thrashing against the restraints, ripping the holes in his wrists wider.

To the pain he took no heed as he continued to struggle against the restraints, snarling and snapping, flinging about a white foam which dripped from his lips like he was something rabid.

Eve took content in watching him thrash for a moment, then once his energy was spent and he settled, she continued.

"She had grown soft," Eve continued, stepping forward so that her muzzle was only an inch out of his reach, "once she saw how badly it hurt you that Rain was "dead," she began to detest the operation. She wanted out, threatened to expose us, herself included if it meant you could be spared, so we gave her her wish. She got out, but not the way she wanted. Oh no, she suffered just as you suffer now, begging for me to stop and then finally begging me to kill her as her organs were revealed to her."

Garth screamed viciously, lashing out at her, but his swing was arrested by the restraints and he was held fast. Eve watched with a smirk, chuckling to herself as she watched some of the membranes which held his organs in place tear with the sudden change in momentum.

"Careful, Garth," she warned, "we don't want to have to remove anything before it's time."

"Why don't you just kill me now!" Garth demanded, "what are you waiting for!"

"Nothing at all," she replied, "I'm simply making YOU wait for death. Now let's see... Your mother lasted... thirty minutes I believe? I expect you to last at least that long. Don't disappoint me."

Garth began to struggle again, growling, but was held fast.

"Normally we would save this part for last in this operation," Eve began as though nothing had happened, "but seeing as that this was what got you in trouble in the first place, we'll let it serve as a reminder of what happens when you let your dick control your head."

Garth's eyes widened.

"Please no," he begged, curling his tail in so that it covered him up, "anything but that!"

Eve ignored his cries and lowered her claws until they were only an inch higher than where the tip of his sheath began then carefully sunk a claw into his skin and began to cut, again making sure not to slice any organs.

Garth screamed in agony as he felt her claws begin to slowly cut into his wolfhood and involuntarily shot out a stream of urine. Eve smiled as she finished cutting around his sheath then used one paw to grab its tip, lifting it up, then used a claw from her free paw to remove it, much like filleting a fish. Garth thought that he would faint, but the adrenaline introduced to his body kept him conscious and rendered him helpless in his many attempts to simply black out.

Once Eve finished cutting beneath his penis, she let it hang limply between his legs, dripping a sickly combination of blood and urine to the floor, then began to cut into his thighs near where his testicles were attached.

"How are we feeling, Garth?" Eve asked as she finished cutting then grasped his penis and ripped it, along with his testicles, off of his body.

Garth screamed so loud it caused Eve's ears to ring, but she was not bothered by it. She was enjoying herself far too much.

"Somehow I knew that was what you were going to say," Eve mused, holding his dislodged member in her paw.

Garth screamed yet again then began to pant heavily, grimacing and groaning with each breath he took and looked down at where his penis used to be, finding it to be nothing but a gaping hole out of which dripped blood, semen, and urine and it was at this part that he threw up.

Eve always loved this part of the procedure, getting to watch the many wonderful mechanics of the body as her victim's stomach tensed and stirred in preparation to expunge its contents. She saw the bases of each of his lungs expand and contract sporadically in company of his diaphragm beneath his ribs and watched as his Adams Apple raced up and down his throat until finally, with a lurch of his stomach, lungs, diaphragm, kidneys, and liver, he vomited, not once, but three times, and with each volley of the putrid liquid that shot forth from his mouth, one of a color that resembled dirty motor oil shot from the cavity of his body and the place where his wolfhood once was.

His vomit splattered onto the floor, mixing into his blood and other bodily fluids in such a way that created quite possibly the worst stench imaginable, but to Eve, the stench of blood and other sickly fluids mixed together with vomit was like sniffing a bouquet of flowers.

"Ah, I just love the smell of justice, don't you, Garth?" she asked him smugly, taking in a deep whiff of the scent which filled the room.

"Go... to hell," Garth spat, his voice trembling.

Eve laughed.

"All in good time, but I'll bet that you're having a hard time believing that you aren't already there yourself," she replied with a sneer, "but don't you worry about one thing." She jammed her paw into his cavity once more and pulled out his gallbladder, causing him to scream. "you'll be there soon enough."

She then dropped it to the ground and smashed it with her paw, sending a tepid green liquid squirting everywhere around the den, including across Garth's face.

Garth attempted to vomit again, but his stomach only lurched repeatedly, fruitlessly, for there was nothing left to expunge.

"Now," Eve began again, grasping the fur on each side of the wound on his chest, "it's time to remove the skin."

Garth began to struggle again and Eve began to slowly move her claws toward his skin, lifting a flap so that she may fillet it, but just as her claw was about to make contact, there was a knock.

Eve scowled and lowered her claws.

"Just what I need," she mused bitterly, "a fucking interruption."

She cautiously moved toward the concealed opening, ready to spring in case her location had been compromised, and slowly pulled away a rock.

"Oh, Cole," she said in surprise, "I didn't expect you so quickly."

"We've found her," he informed.

"Status," Eve asked.

"In custody awaiting execution, ma'am," he replied.

Eve smiled and turned back to Garth upon hearing said victim begin to growl.

"I want you to forgo the execution and bring her to me," she ordered, "quickly because time is of the essence."

Garth couldn't see, but he understood the nod then watched as Eve closed the door.

"Good news, Garth," Eve mused, "your little whore is dropping in for a-" Another knock interrupted Eve, only this time she smiled.

"Well, well," she mused sadistically, "you speak of the devil and she arrives."

She turned and moved yet again to the concealed entrance, pulled it until it was open, thanked somebody, more than likely Cole, then closed the door.

"Oh Garth, look who's here," she said excitedly, dragging Rain in closer so that he could see her, "your whore."

Garth snarled seeing her tied and beaten the way she was.

"Garth," she cried, lifting her eyes, but when she saw him, she screamed and tried to turn away.

Eve, however, grabbed her face and held her eyes open, forcing her to look at him.

"You see that, Rain!" she screamed, "this is how crazy shit has gotten because of you, you filthy whore!"

"God dammit Eve let her go!" Garth screamed weakly, his head distant.

Eve reared back a paw and struck Rain hard in the face then pulled her up again, using her other paw to grab Garth's detached penis.

"You... bitch," Rain grimaced, turning to her, but just as soon as soon as she was facing forward once again, Eve dragged a claw across her throat, sending out a sickly stream of crimson.

"No!" Garth cried, lashing against the restraints.

Eve, with a maniacal laugh, then shoved Garth's penis into the gash and down her esophagus, forcing her to choke on it and the blood which poured like a fountain from her wound.

"That's right whore!" Eve screamed, as Rain fell to the ground, choking and gagging, "swallow that cock! Do what you do best!"

"Stop it!" Garth yelled, tears rolling down his muzzle.

Eve laughed and watched her choke for a moment longer then scowled and kicked her square in the chin, breaking her neck with a series of dull pops.

Garth thrashed about, enraged, his intestines now hanging to the floor, revealing his vertebral column and his back ribs, but he did not stop.

"I'll fucking kill you!" he bellowed, his voice breaking, "I swear to god I'll rip your fucking head off!"

Eve sneered.

"That's right, Garth," she teased, "keep struggling, but you'll never get out of here alive."

Garth snarled and continued to thrash, cutting his intestines open on the ground and smearing it with a nasty yellow and green color, but his blind rage drove him on past the point of feeling pain, refusing to allow him to stop.

Eve, knowing now that Garth would bring about his own demise, smiled and watched.

"Did you love her?" Eve asked, "spitting on Rain's bloody face, "a very poor decision on your behalf."

Garth screamed and thrashed harder, causing his liver and stomach to dislodge and hang side by side just above his intestines.

An incomprehensible amount of blood then began to drip from his cavity and onto the floor. It wouldn't be much longer now before he either bled out or his body began to shut itself down from its recent trauma.

"Come on Garth," Eve taunted, "what could you possibly hope to achieve in what you are doing?"

"I'm gonna tear you apart!" he bellowed, thrashing against his restraints again, breaking one of the meat hooks through the tendon which once held his right paw.

Eve's eyes widened, but she knew she didn't need to worry because she could see that his motions were growing slow.

Garth, realizing that his paw was free, turned and began to try and free his other paw, dripping more and more blood onto the floor. He grunted and pulled, clenching his teeth tightly until finally, his tendon snapped and his wrist pulled free. However, as his tendon snapped, he fell quickly to the ground, landing heavily on the side of his head with a loud snap.

Eve, having broken so many in the past, was quite familiar with the sound of a neck as it snapped and upon hearing it, knew that her job here was finished.

"Good riddance," she seethed and spat on Garth's lifeless body then turned away.

She opened the door to the hidden room and stepped outside.

"Cole? Zach? Clean up the mess," she ordered as she walked past them, "I need to go wash my paws."

The two of them nodded in unison and walked into the den and stared at the carnage that Eve left behind.

"You think anybody will miss them?" Cole asked Zach, eyeing the dead bodies.

"Not for long," Zach replied, shaking his head, "poor stiffs."

Cold nodded.

"Well, let's cover the evidence and get on home, my mate has supper waiting for me and I've gotta get to it."

Zach nodded and took Rain by the scruff as Cole moved over to Garth, cut his bottom paws free, and then began to drag his body toward the exit. Zach followed suit and once the two were outside, they covered the den in its camouflage then began to drag the bodies over to Fang Rapids where the current and under toe were so strong that they would be drug under and swept downriver so quickly that they would not resurface for another fifty miles or so, far beyond the borders of Jasper Park.