Session No. 6

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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#6 of Sessions


If you are not 18 or like M/M sex (man, this sounds familiar), I advise you either keep your mouth shut about it, or hit the back button.

Max belongs to pittbull paw, who commissioned this work, and Gage belongs to me, who wrote this work.

IF you're interested in a Session with Gage, read this: I think you'll find the price quite attractive for your wallet.

As always, I appreciate feedback of the positive sort, and I really do hope you enjoy reading this!

There's nothing like a good night's sleep. There is also nothing like having your alarm clock go off, forcibly ceasing that luxurious slumber, and causing you to jump out of your fur and skin as you dash over and turn it off. I slammed my paw on the infernal device. Why do I even bother to set this thing on my days off? It's not like I actually need to be awake.

But, I'm up after the adrenaline rush of jumping out of bed and dashing across the room as if I was competing for a 100 meter sprint. Rubbing my back, I stumbled into the shower. Even though it was 10:00, I have a strong dislike for the first four or five hours of the day, regardless of when I wake up. I'm just not ready to go that instant my feet touch the carpet, and it takes me a while for my energy levels to kick in to gear.

But, as I stated before, today was my off day, so I had the freedom to lounge around for a bit.

The shower was relaxing, even after last night's workout. My back was sore, and I definitely felt my muscles cry for mercy as I moved my shoulder blades forwards and backwards, twisted my body, and bent over as I dropped the soap. Simple motions never felt so bad as I tried to scrub my back, and I really hoped age wasn't getting to me. By noon, I had finished my shower, dressed myself, and ate breakfast. This is usually the most routine part of my day since I don't normally schedule things on my day off. That doesn't mean things don't happen; I just don't plan on them happening, such as helping my new neighbor move in to his apartment.

I heard a loud thud to my left as I opened my door to go get the mail.

"Shit!" A voice said behind a tall bookcase. Apparently, judging by his hissing an swearing, it landed on his foot.

"Are you okay?" I asked, as I walked around the bookshelf to look at the guy.

The victim of gravity was a reddish-gold pitt bull terrier, looking to be in his mid to late thirties. He stood upright after tenderly placing his boot covered foot on the concrete. He was about three inches shorter than me, but his build contained more bulk. It was evident that the pitt worked out judging by his muscular arms and chest, but his slight gut showed his slight apathy in regards to his diet. Even then, his sweat covered grey shirt showed his torso off in all the right places, gut included. I couldn't get much detail about his legs through his blue jeans, but he did have a nice sizable bulge.

"Yeah, I'm fine...these boots can only protect my foot against so much weight though," he laughed. "You live here?"

"Yeah, I'm your next door neighbor. I'm Gage," I offered my paw.

"Max, just moved in, as you can see. Good to meet you!" He said cheerfully as he shook my paw. His deep voice had a slight drawl to it, not annoyingly southern, but still present to tell me where he had grown up.

"You need any help?" I asked, taking a glance at the trailer below that had a lot more furniture inside.

"I wouldn't say no," he chuckled. "I'm usually a do-it-yourself type of guy, but I'd appreciate it."

"Alright, I'll grab this side, and we'll tilt it towards me to get it in," I suggested, heading to the other side. Since I was taller, I figured it'd be best for me to be on the tilting side; I'd hate to see Max injure himself for being stubborn.

"You ready?" I asked as I tiled the oak bookcase down.

"Yup, just give the word," Max grunted, preparing himself for the lift.

"Alright, go!" I said, picking up the now underside of the bookcase. I walked backwards into the relatively empty apartment which had the same layout as my own.

"It'll go in that corner," Max instructed, nodding his head to my left. I angled my path to his direction, and gently laid the edge down in the corner. The shelves were built in, so it didn't matter what side was up; it'd still hold the various things Max had planned to put on it.

"Did you really expect to do all of this by yourself?" I asked, noting the absence of the fridge, couch, and television, assuming he had one.

"I've done it before. I'm stronger than I look," he grinned, flexing his arm. His bicep rose to a nice peak, showing off his brute strength.

"But seriously, Max. You can't move a couch up two flights of stairs by yourself."

"Watch me!" he laughed again, chest stretching the shirt with each breath.

"You'll get a hernia..." I shook my head.

"Yeah, I probably would. You still going to help? I'll treat you afterwards."

"Of course, I'd hate to see you struggle with the fridge; imagine that landing on your foot."

I almost forgot that my back was sore until we started lifting the heavier furniture. I had to a rest a bit more than my ego would have liked, and Max jeered me along the way.

"I almost twice as old as you, you can't give out on me yet!" he laughed as we trudged the couch up the stairs.

"I did back yesterday, so I do feel about your age..." I muttered, before lifting the couch up once more. We did get the black leather sofa into the room without breaking anything, so that was a plus. After moving a bit of the smaller furniture such as the kitchen table and some chairs, we took a small water break.

"So what do you do, Gage?" he asked as he took a sip, easing into nice conversation.

"I'm the librarian for the local Symphony."

"Nice! I'm a bit of a music man myself. I like a little bit of everything from metal to classical. You play anything?"

"I played piano through college, but not so much anymore," I said as I placed my empty cup in the sink.

"You play Jazz or Blues?"

"Not enough to say I like playing it. Neither really worked for me. I guess I just don't have enough soul," I chuckled at my small joke.

"Well, that's fine. I can't play much of anything beyond guitar, so you got me there." Max placed his cup next to mine. From here, I could smell the musk that had gathered as a result of his exertion. It certainly was manly, if not a little pungent, but not offensive in smell. It certainly added a bit of character to his work ethic.

We decided that the fridge would be next as it was the last heavy piece of furniture. Max's bed frame was on the way, as the last one fell apart on him while trying to fit it into the trailer.

"Do you have a dolly?" I asked, thinking of how on earth we could move this without hurting ourselves.

"Yeah, I got one. What did you have in mind?" He asked, pulling the metal dolly out from the side of the trailer.

"Well, we load it, and then bring it up, one stair at a time. It'd take a bit longer, but I think it'd prevent injury," I reasoned. Max shrugged and agreed. We loaded the heavy fridge onto the dolly, and Max pulled it towards the stairs.

"I'm on top," Max said as he walked to the other side, grabbing the black handle bars.

Step by agonizing step, we moved the fridge up the stairs. It's not that long of a staircase, but it certainly felt twice as long. My shirt was soaked with sweat by the time we reached the top. The cool A/C was an oasis, refreshing me from the arduous labor as we wheeled it inside.

"Whew! Man, I soaked this shirt. You mind?" He asked, pulling up the hem of his shirt, revealing the white creamy fur that covered his belly.

"Nope," I said perhaps a little too quickly. I watched as Max pulled the rest of his shirt off. His body had seen years of hard work as I mentioned earlier, but the gut certainly added a level of comfort about it. He enjoyed what he ate while still being able to pull his weight around, a nice combination of attitude about the body.

"You can take yours off too, if you want," Max gave a slight wink, chuckling to himself.

"Nah, I'm good. We're almost done anyways," I said, taking another drink of water.

The rest of the furniture, by comparison, was very light. Even the mattress, which was almost too big for either of us to carry, seemed to float up the stairs with ease. After three hours of manual labor, everything was out of the trailer and into the apartment. As I adjusted the coffee table in between the sofa and television, Max came in with a cooler.

"I said I'd treat you, so help yourself," he smiled warmly. "I can't thank you enough for your help."

"No problem. What do you have?" I asked, headed towards the cooler.

"Some of the best beer ever made!" Max pulled out a bottle of Shiner and a Negro Modelo, throwing the Shiner to me. "You like dark beer?"

"I'm not crazy for it, but I don't care right now," I said as I twisted the cap, hearing the pressure of the bottle escape. I took a sip. It was slightly heavy and thicker than I'd like, but at this point, I didn't care. It settled well into my stomach.

"Relax man, you've earned it," Max flopped down on the sofa, taking off his boots and socks.

We drank our beer and talked a little bit more. Max apparently traveled a lot, finding work in various cities, not really settling down. He disliked being in one spot for too long; he was always on the move.

The beer settled some more, making me a feel a bit warm inside. I don't care for beer too much, but again, I was exhausted and it was oddly refreshing.

"So, you got any women in your life?" Max asked out of the blue.

"I'm happily single," I said, finishing my beer.

"Good. Women always lead to trouble. That's why you should go with men," Max laughed. I was a bit surprised by his blunt admission.

"What, you've never had a guy tell you he was gay?" he laughed again after noting my almost lack of expression, placing his empty beer bottle down next to mine.

"Does telling myself that count?" I grinned at him, leaning back some and opening my body to him.

"Oh, it more than counts." His lustful grin never left his face as he leaned over, his body looming over mine almost possessively. Our mouths met, delighting each other in a kiss. It wasn't messy or out of control; it was a gentle kiss that led into another gentle kiss. Max braced his body on the armrest behind my head, lightly grinding his crotch against mine. His body heat was palpable from this distance, easily adding to the warmth that had spread through my body from the beer.

Gently, his left paw worked its way under my shirt as our kissing grew more sustained in nature. His paw was exploring my torso, lightly caressing my abs and chest while his tongue imitated it, lightly caressing my own tongue sensually. He pulled back and smiled warmly, still lightly grinding his crotch against my own. A certain hardness was felt there, and I was certain that he felt my own hardness against his.

Tenderly, he pulled off my shirt, revealing my toned body. He let both paw wander along my body, groping the hardened muscles where he saw fit. Following suit, I rubbed my paw along his muscular arms, feeling the cords of muscle move under his skin as he worked. I thrust my hips up to meet his, our bodies colliding making sweet contact.

"Now for the fun part," he winked, slowly standing up besides the couch, teasingly unbuckling his belt. The buckle clanged on the hardwood floor, but Max didn't seem too concerned about scratching it as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans, letting the thick fabric along with his underwear fall to the floor unceremoniously. A thick pink cock was poking out of his cream colored sheath, still soft. Large pendulous balls rested at the bottom of the loose sac, swinging with every move of his hips.

"Well?" He asked, folding his arms and shifting his weight to his back leg almost impatiently, "When are you going to lose the rest of your clothes?"

I stood up silently, hooking the elastic waistband under my thumbs and pulling down the remaining clothes so that I was fully naked as well. Max let out a whistle of approval.

"Damn, you're going to be a big cat...not as big as me, but I'm not complaining," Max commented as he lewdly grabbed his balls, letting them slosh around in his sac.

"Me neither," I grinned as he walked towards me, meaty arms wrapping around my body once more. He pushed me back onto the couch, his paw grabbing both of our sheaths and softened cocks, slowly rubbing both of them against each other. His balls rested against mine, the heat almost creating a sort of pocket of humidity around our groins. He gently thrust his hips as he had done before, more and more of our cocks spilling out of our sheaths.

Max's cock was leaking a decent amount of pre, even before coming fully erect. The slick liquid made the frottage more fluid and erotic, sending shivers of bliss through my cock as it reached its peak at eleven inches. Max's cock was still growing though, eager to catch up. His thrusts increased in vigor, slippery pre slowly trailing up my cock, and soon, his shaft surpassed my own in length, and the pre dribbled down onto my lower chest.

At least a foot long, if not half an inch so or more, and seven inches in circumference, Max's cock was indeed, larger than my own. This was a turn on for me; though I am satisfied by most men's genitals, I am a bit of a size queen at heart. There's no thrill like holding a bigger cock in your paws, especially one from such a virile specimen. I could feel the blood circulate through his cock as it rubbed against mine, the pulses through the arteries and veins creating a soft rhythmic backdrop for our intimate dance.

Showing off my flexibility, I leaned over and lapped at the tip of his shaft. Realizing my intentions, he pushed his hips forward, and I was granted better access to the slippery meat. Closing my mouth around the organ was difficult, but Max didn't try to force it. Rather, he was still content with frotting against my own dick; the oral sensations were just an added bonus.

"Oh, fuck yeah..."Max groaned above me, a spurt of pre landing in my waiting mouth. I swallowed, relishing its slightly musky taste. My own cock was drooling on my stomach as the frotting continued, bouncing along for the ride. Max pushed his hips hard against my crotch, making my cock poke my chin, leaving a strand of pre stuck to my face. He laughed as he ceased his motions, wiping my chin before kissing me on the lips once more.

"I think the bedroom needs to be broken in, don't you?" he seductively asked me in a husky voice, still hovering possessively over my body.

"I wouldn't want to ruin a good leather sofa," I laughed, "lead the way."

We walked up the stairs and to the left, entering a mostly barren white bedroom. Two windows allowed the evening sun to pour in, giving it a nice yellow tinge. The mattress was up here from earlier, but there were also several large unmarked boxes as well. As soon as I crossed through the doorway, Max went from box to box, opening each one before pushing it aside.

"What are you looking for?" I asked. He ignored me as he opened a box full of books and grunting as he shoved it aside along with the others.

"A-ha!" he cheered, opening the final box and digging into it. Haphazardly, he threw a long black object towards me. I hopped out of the way, realizing that it was a foot long horse dildo.

"What the hell...?" I asked as it smacked against the door behind me. Max didn't stop to apologize.

"What, you've never seen a grown man's toy box before?" Max laughed brazenly, still throwing various items out of the box as he continued to search for whatever he was looking for. Various toys, including more dildos of various shapes and sizes, leather getups, balls gags, leather whips, and cock rings ranging from simple elastic to complex vibrators were thrown out and strewn on the floor.

"So, do you want anything?" Max asked, holding up a black harness with a hopeful smile on his face.

"...Can I say no?" I asked, not really sure how to express my dislike for bondage and toys without breaking the mood or offending Max's tastes.

"Of course! I always accommodate to my guests kinks, or lack thereof," Max said with a wink, holding up a bottle of lube.

I laid myself down on the mattress. It was worn, but it still held a great deal of comfort even as Max joined me, the springs creaking slightly under our combined weight.

"Comfy?" He asked as he set the bottle of lube aside. I nodded, and he went straight to work, going for my shaft first from his perpendicular position. Taking hold of it in a firm grip, he slowly stroked it, making sure my juices covered the entire shaft. His head ducked down, lapping at my balls with his tongue.

"Fuck..."I purred as the warm muscle coated my balls in saliva. Taking a long slurp, he went straight from my balls to my shaft, following his paw as it stroked up to the tip, before engulfing my cock. I closed my eyes as he gently sucked on my shaft, more and more pre leaking into his waiting mouth. Max established a steady rhythm early, leaving my pleasure to rise and fall like the tide.

I felt a gentle shift of the mattress. Opening my eyes, I found Max's pendulous balls in front of my face. Taking the hint, I slowly guided his long cock into my mouth once more. Even in this position, I still wasn't able to take much of him; a mouth can only open so far before the jaw has to be broken, which is quite dramatic in this situation. But, he still enjoyed my attempts, judging by his wagging whip of a tail and the burst of pre that splashed in my mouth. I stroked the remaining portion of his cock, making sure to stimulate the whole thing.

"Oh yeah, buddy...Just like that," Max cooed, letting go of my shaft with his mouth. My paws ran over a small bit of flesh that was beginning to swell. Taking note of his forming knot, I gripped it, almost trying to delay the inflation as much as I could. MaX let out a long whine. It might have sounded painful to some, but his cock was throbbing as I gripped the most sensitive area on his shaft, leaking pre heavily onto my chest. I released my grip, and it quickly swelled, reaching its full size that almost resembled a veiny baseball.

Oh, that was going to be fun later on.

It visibly pulsed as I continued to suckle on the tip. I grazed my fingers along the length of the knot, making sure not to place too much pressure on the hypersensitive tissue. Max's hip bucked, and he quickly started sucking on my cock once more. It was now a race to get each other to orgasm, and he knew I had a head start.

Wet sucking sounds filled the room as we quickened our feverish pace. Max's paw pulled and rubbed my balls, causing me to moan around his cock. Imitating him, I rubbed his large orbs with my thumbs and index fingers, resulting in a wonderful wave of vibrations around my cock. His pre was thickening at an increasing rate telling me he was close, though I was not far behind. My balls were slowly rising up, and I'm sure he felt this as they tumbled around in his paws

But, I had to end this; it was getting too close for my liking. Pushing myself up onto my elbows, I wrapped my paw around the thick shaft and lightly pulsed as my tongue roughly slurped along the length of his knot. He howled, and it pulsed once, twice, and then the dam broke free.

His cock thrashed against his gut as large ropes of cum splattered on my belly and cock, triggering my own orgasm as he almost painfully squeezed my balls. Max collapsed on top of me as his orgasm raged on, matting his chest and my belly. Multiple shots of my own cum audibly rained down on the hardwood floor at the foot of the mattress, quickly forming a contained mess. Max was still toying with my balls as our orgasms slowed, prolonging the wonderful endorphins flowing through my body.

"Well, shit man," Max laughed. "I think we will break the room in just fine."

"Either that, or you'll need a new mattress by tomorrow if we keep this up."

"I'm not worried about that. Speaking of which, how long can you go? Just curious," He asked, rolling off of me, revealing the impressive amount of cum on my stomach. Some of it had pooled in the grooves of my abs, the white liquid a stark contrast against my black fur.

"This is nothing," I gave him a cocky grin. "I'm good for at least another two rounds. Why, are you worried, old man?"

"Old man? I'm not that old!" Max gave a hearty laugh. "I'm good to go till sunrise," he grinned as he threw me the bottle of lube. "Show me what you got, kitten."

I opened the tube, and squirted the cool liquid into my palm.

"You don't seem like the type to bottom," I mentioned as I greased my shaft, making it hard once more.

"I only do it for special guys. Plus, this means I get to top you later," Max shrugged, turning around and presenting his backside to me. His tail wagged with zeal as I sat up, and knelled behind him, pressing my tip against the warm orifice.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, man! Go for it!" Max grinned eagerly, pushing his butt back as I thrust in, making me hilt inside of him in about half the time it normally would take me for someone else. I was slightly concerned about Max adjusting to me, but judging by his enthusiasm and remembering the size of the horse dildo that almost hit me in the face, I'd say he was doing just fine.

I decided to immediately get into it. Normally, I'd start slow and build up from there, but Max's warm hole around my cock and the fact that he was already trying to basically fuck himself from this position made me change my game plan. I thruss my hips powerfully, making sure he knew I was in control, at least for now.

"Oh yeah!" He moaned, tail still wagging across my cum stained belly as I practically speared his innards. My barbs grazed along his tract, surely teasing all the nerves that ran through there. Our bodies slapped together from the force of my hips plowing his ass, echoing off of the blank walls and hardwood floor. My balls hit his, almost resembling a Newton's cradle, spikes of pleasure running through my body. He was certainly a good fuck, I'll give him that. Rarely can I immediately let go, and I'm glad Max was showing the same zeal and fervency in this rough fuck.

I slowed the pace down a bit, making large circular thrusts. This usually helps in holding people off while still making sure they stay hard. All eleven inches sunk into his ass, making his body twitch and quiver as my shaft penetrated him, and then all eleven exited at a slightly different angle, making sure as many nerves were stimulated as possible. Long, lurid thrusts reached far into him, practically running over his prostate. Max was very vocal when it came to pleasuring him, as he never really stopped grunting or moaning, occasionally letting out a whine when it was really good.

I suddenly resumed my piston-like thrusts. I could smell the secretion of fluid from his cock as I basically fucked him silly, a result of the-for lack of a better term-pounding I gave him. I felt the familiar twist and pulse of my balls, letting me know that release wasn't too far away. Fortunately for me, Max wasn't too far off either, I found out as I wrapped my paw around his shaft, feeling that the large baseball knot had formed again. Slippery strokes and messy thrusts were the main feature right now. Max let out a howl of pleasure, his cock throbbing in the process. His tongue hung out of mouth as he panted, edging closer and closer to orgasm. I leaned down for better leverage and let him have it as I jackhammered his hole, arms hooked around his body. This position didn't allow for full thrusts, but it enabled me to go slightly deeper inside of him, and thrust inside of him with a little more gusto.

"Fuck!" Max barked as his hole clenched tightly around my thick shaft, cum flying out from beneath us. I continued to rapidly hump him, though the added resistance of his spazzing sphincter was making it difficult. His shots sprayed along the edge of the mattress and on to the hardwood floor, meeting the small shallow puddle I had made there earlier.

It was too much. I submitted myself to the inevitable orgasm, cock throbbing deeply within his ass as it spewed my cum in his bowels. Blissful pleasure and ecstasy flowed through my body, making it tremble as my seed continued to eject from my body in ropes. Max was still ejaculating, though his velocity and volume were quickly decreasing. The wet stain on the edge of the mattress proved that like his previous one, it was still an impressively sizeable load.

"Fuck yeah, Gage...that was good. Nothing like a good old rough fuck to get you going," Maxed grinned at me as I pulled out of him. "But now, it's my turn. I hope you're ready for this." He grabbed his floppy half hard shaft for emphasis as he turned around, pushing me gently back onto the mattress without missing a beat. Surprisingly, he guided me onto my side before lying down behind me. He slipped an arm under my body, allowing me to rest on it. He teased my hole by flopping his dick along my crack, slowly thrusting it along the crease until it was hard once more. I purred lightly into his arm as it wrapped around me, bringing me in closer to his warm body. He lined up his to my hole, and slowly sunk in.

Unlike my feverishly fast paced round, Max was content with being slow and lazy as his mightily thick and long cock penetrated my ass, using his own slippery pre and cum as a lubricant. It was definitely a nice change of pace, allowing us to breathe and slowly adjust and react to each other's movements. Max started to pull out once he got about a third of the way through, only to slowly ease it back in, this time getting a bit more inside before having to repeat the procedure.

I was content with lying there, letting him work around me. As great as my sexual stamina is, fucking someone roughly is still exhausting, and can be quite taxing. But the lucid pace allowed me to rest, relishing every single centimeter that entered my hole. There was no powerful force at work; every time Max hit a bit of resistance, he'd pull out and push in again, smoothing out the rough spots until penetration was achieved with ease. It took a bit longer than his own penetration, but it still sent tingles up my spine. His arm caressed my chest, creating a warm environment for me to relax in to as he continued to work.

"There we go," he breathed into my ear, just barely above a whisper, sending shiver down my spine. I leaned back into him, feeling all twelve plus thick inches throb inside of me. I turned my head to speak, but he caught me with a long kiss while rubbing my body. My own cock plodded against my belly, pre already leaking from the tip.

The kiss lasted a while, but every single movement he made was felt, and it opened me up to him. Despite his almost comically lewd nature, given his toys box and his enjoyment of the rough fuck I gave him, this was a very different side him. Passionate kisses and light pumps into my body lit every nerve ending I had. I moaned and purred as his mouth trailed off, leaving me to take a breath. Even though he was only working with maybe an inch or so of his cock, it sent a blaze of pleasure through my insides as it trudged along my prostate, making my cock jump each time. There were only small variations in his speed, and each one was a blissful crescendo, the apex of his tempo subtly accented, making me yearn for more from his tender touches.

"Weren't expecting this, were you?" he chuckled lightly into my ear, making my cock throb again.

"It certainly does bring light to a different side of you," I smiled, pushing back lightly, making me groan as he hit a certain sweet spot past the bump of my prostate, deep within my own innards.

"Oh, you like that?" Max thrust a little harder. It certainly wasn't at full power, if not just a hair more, but it was still a powerful enough to make me cry out as my cock tingled, still caught in the afterglow of my previous orgasm and the buildup of this one.

Max fucked me nice and easy, making sure not to put too much effort. I cried out several times, mostly from the slight overdrive of sensations, but mostly because it was never enough to make me go anywhere. Every time I was about to blow, he'd slow down, kissing the back of my neck, still embracing me with that arm. He kept himself at bay as well; his knot hadn't formed yet, but the pre he was leaking was becoming thick again, signaling his approaching climax.

"More, Max..." I breathed, no longer able to take the teasing sensations.

"As you wish." He picked up the pace, eliciting more sounds from me, most of them moans and grunts, some of them were uncharacteristic of me-all still sounds of pleasure. Long fluid thrust fired the nerves in my ass, making my insides tingle. His own breath was becoming labored as I felt his knot form at my entrance, creating a ball of resistance that neither of us could easily work past. He still humped away, pouring more and more pleasure through my body. I couldn't see straight as his muscled body rubbed up against mine erotically. His paw reached around and firmly gave my shaft a squeeze-and that was the end of that.

I let out a lengthy moan as ropes of semen launched from my cock, splattering onto the mattress. Max let out a large sigh as well as my inner walls quivered around his cock, making him climax as well. Hot fluid splashed in my intestines, the heat radiating through my body. My climax spurred on, another few ropes of sticky white cum landing on the mattress, certainly making a large mess of things. Max continued to fill me up as my own orgasm finished, his knot acting as a plug for my hole. He lightly kissed my ear as I basked in the afterglow, savoring the light splashes of pleasure still going through my body.

"Geez Max...fuck, that was hot," I moaned as he pulled my head in for another kiss.

"Hell yeah, it was...fuck, Gage, you'd have to be pretty damn good to keep up with me," Max smiled warmly as his knot started to deflate.

A few minutes later, I felt his wet cock slip out. He rolled over onto his back, and I did the same. I was tired, but still not beat. I still had a few more rounds in me, but a small break would be nice. I rubbed his gut as I rested, still feeling the bits of pleasure that raced around my nervous system.

I slowly worked my way down to his cock, making him hiss.

"It's still sensitive as fuck, you know..." he moaned as I lightly stroked the meat.

"Aww, are you saying you're done?" I teased as the shaft slowly hardened again.

"Boy, I will teach you a thing or two about endurance!" Fire lit in his eyes, all evidence of being tired suddenly gone.

"You ready for round four?"

"Hell yeah!"

Bright light spilled into my face. I brought up an arm to block the incoming rays, though it was still far too bright to fully open my eyes.

I was a mess. Round four turned into round five, which turned into round six, all of it becoming a blur after that. My fur was all matted and sticky from the generous amount of cum that we both produced. The mattress was almost uncomfortably soaked; there was very little of the surface that didn't have a cum stain on it. Max stirred next to me.

"Fuck..what time is it?" he groaned, eyes still not open. Judging by the sun and the direction of windows...

"Two PM. Fuck, my head..." my head was throbbing from a light headache, probably from dehydration.

"I already did that..." Max mumbled next to me, still half asleep. I laughed lightly to myself. He certainly did fuck my head...

But as much as I'd love to stay, I did have to shower and prepare for tonight's concert. It was going to be miserable, but I've had worse days. I found my clothes, and wrote a short note to Max thanking him for his time and left him my card. Even though he was now living next door to me, it'd feel wrong if I didn't give it to him. I showered thoroughly; actually following the directions on the bottle in regards to rinse and repeat before I was satisfied and sure that no one would suspect that I had just had a marathon of orgasms last night. As I walked through my door to leave for work, I saw Max entering his apartment with the old mattress in tow.

"I didn't feel like sleeping in a mattress that reeked of cum after that," he grinned, "Next time, it's your mattress," he slapped me on the back as I left for work.

Good thing I plan on buying a new one in the next couple of weeks.