My Element: Chapter 2

Story by Willis Read on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. _________Why am I doing this? Because you are an idiot! Yeah, I know that but still, why am I doing this. And so raged the argument in William's head as he followed the source of his curiousity down the sidewalk, a young red haired man. William tried to think of what could have intrigued him so much about the stranger. He just couldn't place him. But something about the red head screamed familiar about him. But how could that be? He hadn't seen this guy before, ever. "Gah focus!" He shouted in his head. Watching ahead of him, he continued to follow redhead down the road, and as he did he realized that they were heading for the park around the Space Needle. 'Been a while since I've been down here," thought William. Suddenly redhead stopped, and William fearing being discovered, leapt into a nearby alleyway. Poking his head around the corner he watched as redhead pulled out a cellphone and proceeded to read whatever was on the screen. Seeing him quickly turning his head around, William ducked back into the alley. Praying that he wouldn't be found, William stepped behind a nearby dumpster trying to shrink into the shadows of the alley. Minutes passed but no one entered the alley. Breathing a sigh of relief, William  stepped out of his hiding spot and crept towards the street. Looking for his target he saw that redhead had continued down the road and was now quite a distance away. William walked quickly to catch up and continued to follow the stranger. Redhead proceeded to cross the road and enter the Space Needle park and then went into a nearby building. William rushed across the road and and went up to the door of the building redhead had entered. The thought crossed his mind that this could be some sort of elaborate trap, but he dismissed the thought as foolishness and went to open the door. That's when he heard a rustling sound behind him, like fabric against fabric. Turning around he came face to face with a heavy object that collided wih his face. Falling down as unconsciousness sweep over him, William got a glimpse of his attacker. A young woman with turquoise eyes and green hair looking very upset. Then everything went dark._____Aragon brushed the red hair out of his eyes as he walked down the street, still thinking about what had happened in the diner. He couldn't stop smiling such was his excitement. That's when his phone went of. Stopping on the sidewalk to check the message he was shocked by what it read. "You have a tail" was the message.Aragon paled as he read. How? He had always been careful and

discreet. He cursed himself, for he realized that he had let his emotions cloud his normally alert and sharp senses. Looking around he saw nothing and no one. The street were mostly deserted save for a few cars passing by. Feeling very exposed Aragon walked quickly down the sidewalk and crossed the road into a nearby park. Seeing a nearby building, he entered knowing he could lose his pursuer and go around the building and catch him instead. Running down the hallway before him, he rushed out the front doors of the building startling some nearby tourists. Smiling a reassuring smile to them Aragon walked around the side of the building to where the door that he entered was. What he discovered suprised him. A young pretty woman was hunched over something on the ground, and as Aragon neared he could see that it was a person laying on the ground. As he drew closer he called to the woman, "Topaz what are you doing here?"She whirled around, a small club raised her hand, but soon went down he side as she saw Aragon. She told him, "Oh nothing, Just taking care of the guy who was trailing you that's all."Aragon suprised at the woman's effectiveness and said,"Ok then, well done. Can I see the fool trying to track me." "Sure," was the reply, Topaz rose and backed away from the unconscious person then continued, "Looks a little young to be one of them, but knowing how desperate those guys are, wouldn't put it past them using someone like this." Aragon started to say something but lost his voice when his eyes fell on the form on the ground. His face paled as he saw that it was the silver headed kid from the diner.  Topaz eyed him curiously for a moment seeing his expression. Waving a hand through her hair she said, "what, you know this kid?" Nodding in reply Aragon knelt down to the boys side and sat him up against his knee. Topaz confused about what was going on asked,"What? He your boyfriend or something?" Giving Topaz a dry look, Aragon took the sports magazine from his jacket pocket and handed it to her and proceeded to tell her of his suspicions. By the time he was done explaining Topaz was a little pale herself. "Well Shit that" was she all she could say. "Look I'll deal with this," Aragon told her, "You go back to the safe house and tell Scales about this and then contact home base ok?" Topaz nodded and quickly left the park and hurried down the street" Aragon watched her until she turned a corner and the sighed. Turning his attention back to the boy laying against him he began to wonder how he could explain this to him when he woke up. Seeing a nearby park bench, Aragon lifted the boy like he was nothing and carried him over to the bench where he set him down. Thankfully the bench was in the shadow of one of the many trees in the park, and Aragon sat down and rested in the shade. Then he felt something leaning on his shoulder and turning his head he say the unconscious boys

head laying on him. Aragon blushed slightly at this and reached into his shirt and pulled out a necklace. A silver chained necklace with a locket with a picture of a dragon etched on it. He stared at it for a few minutes, memories flooding into his head. Memories of a happier time, with friends and games and training exercises and days full of fun.Shaking his head to rid it of those memories, he put his necklace back underneath his shirt and turned his attention back to the form laying on his shoulder. As he stared at the boys face, the breeze gently blowing his bangs across his forehead, Aragon thought out loud, "Would you remember me, given the chance?" _______William slowly swam through the blackness of the sea deep under the surface, moving but getting nowhere. He looked around confused hopelessly lost , unable to tell which way was up. His lungs began to burn with the need of air, but William couldn't see the surface. But then, there! A small point of white light right ahead of him. Feeling a surge of hope run through him, William swam towards the light. Slowly it grew until it filled his entire vision, and then the light enveloped him.William found himself standing in a snow-white void. He turned round and round but saw nothing. There was nothing in this empty place. "Except me, all alone, again," William thought grimly and suddenly he felt so very alone. But then he heard his own voice say, "Why is it you say you are alone when you are not? It is a silly thing to be sure." William, suprised by this, quickly glanced around but saw nothing in the void. He called out, "Who is there? What do you mean I'm not alone? I'm the only one here!" The other voice do a light hearted laugh as though he was amused by his reaction. William found this creepy as it was his laugh and voice that was talking back to him. Had he gone mad?"No, you are not crazy I can assure you," the voice said, "and to answer your first question, you never have to worry about being alone. You have me to talk to." "Not alone... What are you talking about? Who... what are you?" William asked, his temper beginning to rise.The voice gave a light chuckle that turned into a happy laugh. The white material of the void in front of William distorted and began to take on human form. He gasped and stared wide eyed as the shape turned into an exact replica of himself. The copy spoke, " Peace, I'm only someone who is closer than you think. And don't worry, all other questions will be answered in due time. Until then enjoy your reunion with old friends."With that the void as well as the copy of Willaim faded away and the original William was suddenly thrown back into the outside world. He awoke in a cold sweat on a park bench, the sun setting behind some nearby buildings setting the sky in a fiery glow. He tried to stand but winced as a sharp pain ran through his head and he fell back onto the bench. He gently

raised a hand to the spot where Topaz had struck him. As he soothed the sore area he heard a voice above him ask, "Are you alright? You were out for quite a while." William raised his face to face the owner of the voice, but froze when he realized that the speaker was the red haired guy that he as following earlier. 'Oh shit,' he thought, 'Of all people, this guy!'. He then realized that he was staring at the redhead and blushed, stammering, "Y-yeah... I'm f-fine. Just a bad headache." Aragon breathed a sigh of relief. For a while he had thought Topaz had hit William too hard. He looked at the young man sitting on the bench and said, "That's good to hear. You were down for close to five hours." He stretched out his hand and said, "Aragon Terrance,"Reaching out his hand to met Aragon's hand and gave his name, "William Kresali. But please call me Will"Aragon gave Will a grin and said, "I thought you looked familiar. You're that soccer star aren't you." Will felt a little disappointed. It looked like this guy was just a fan of his, not that he hated fans but he just kinda liked to be known as a nonfamous person.  Smiling back to Aragon he said, "I wouldn't say soccer star. I mean I play on a college team but it's not all that big." Aragon nodded, a reached behind himself to grab a bottle of water. He tossed it to Will, who caught it, and then sat on the other end of the bench. Giving Aragon a thank you Will popped the cap and downed the water. As he finished he decided to get a better look at this Aragon fellow. He appeared to be around 5' 11", white with a slight tan, and straight red hair with a short length. He had gentle eyes that were the color of deep emerald green, and had a nice smile. He was wearing a grey hoodie with a sky blue shirt underneath, and had a pair of black jeans with brown runners. Aragon watched with a look of amusement as Will examined him. Soon, though, he began to feel a little uncomfortable under Will's gaze and coughed to get his attention. Will realized what he had  been doing and turned away with a slight blush. Aragon noticed this and gave a little smile and asked Will "So, are you hungry?" Will was going to say no but at that moment his stomach growled, quite loudly. 'Traitor.' he thought. Seein no reason to lie about it he said, "Yeah, I guess I am." Aragon grinned at hearing that. "Good," he said, "Cause I know this really good place for a meal few blocks over. I think it's called Turkish food."A thousand reason to say no popped into Will's head, foremost that he should call Benji and let him know he was ok, especially after being out for five hours with no contact, but instead he said, "Sure, why not." Aragon's smile grew bigger and the both of them got off the bench. "Lead the way," Will said, and the two of them began to walk out of the park and down the street, towards the Turkish restaurant. Will just couldn't get

the previous events out of his head. The weird messenger in his dream. Cryptic messages given to him. "Then there's this guy," he thought, looking at Aragon walking next to him. He was friendly, Will would give him that. Maybe slightly too friendly, not too many people would watch over someone who was unconscious for near 5 hours and not do anything to the one who was out. Will was snapped out of his thoughts by Aragon's announcement that they had arrived. He looked up and saw the smiling face of Aragon as he opened the door. Will noticed the name of the restaurant, The Ottoman's Court. Sound like a name for a Turkish place, Will thought. Nodding a thanks to Aragon, he passed through the door. Immediately his nose was assaulted by the rich smells of various spice and meats. The scent made his mouth begin to instantly water. Quickly wiping a small dribble of drool that had leaked out of his mouth, Will looked up at Aragon hoping he hadn't saw that. The broad grin on Aragon's face dashed that hope, and Will's face flushed red from embarrassment.  Aragon left his place at the door and walked up to Will's side and said, "If you like that, you'll love what comes later." Will paused at that. It almost sounded as though he was hitting on him! He shrugged it off though as a simple mistake in words. As they walked to the receptionists desk Will was able to see that the interior was done in done in an elegant Mediterranean style, with chairs being made of dark wood and the tables out of some white stone. Nice decor, Will thought. He glanced around noticing that there was quite a lot of people here. Good sign that Aragon's claims about the food being good here were true.Turning his head to Aragon he asked, "There is a lot of people here. Will we be able to get a table?" Aragon looked at Will and was about to say something when a young teenage girl with curly gold hair came through the kitchen door and launched herself into Aragon's arms, "Ary" she cried, drawing a few glances from nearby patrons who gave the three of them a look that was somewhere between annoyance and a kind of knowing look. "Krystyn please, not here?" Aragon rasped out. Will laughed at the exchange but became worried as a feeling went through him... disappointment... That he was apparently? Why should he feel disappointed about this event? He suddenly realized that what he was feeling was jealousy. That worried him even more. He just met this guy, how could feel anything for him.He was drawn out his thoughts by the girl, Krystyn, who Aragon had finally been able to pry off, and said, "ok, ok, you jerk! You know momma wishes that you would come by more you know. So now, how bout I get you your table for you and your friend here." Giving The two of them a wink, she grabbed a couple menus and led them away to a quiter part of the restaurant. Settling the two down in a booth, which Will noticed was far away from prying eyes and hearing ears, Krystyn went

the kitchen door and came back out with a pitcher of water. Pouring some water into cups she placed in front of Aragon and Will, and left them to decide on what they wanted to order. Will thought it best not to bring up his thoughts about Aragon and Krystyn and instead pondered over the various items on his menu. There were so many choices. After a bit of time passed Will still couldn't decide. Thankfully Aragon came to his rescue by asking him, "Tough choice isn't it?" Will nodded. "There are so many dishes, I just can't choose which one I to try," he admitted."Would you like it if I ordered for you then," Aragon inquired.Will considered it for a moment and said, "Yes, I believe that would be best."As though she had heard those words, Krystyn popped out of no where and asked, "So does that mean you guys are ready?" Will jumped slightly at her sudden appearance, causing Aragon to stifle a small laugh. He didn't want Will to feel anymore uncomfortable than he was already was. Motioning for Krystyn to come over, Aragon whispered to her what he wanted to order for both of them. Her eyes widened slightly and shot a glance towards Will, and then focused back on on Aragon and said in a low voice, "Are you sure you want to give him that? But he's a..." Aragon cut her off and said in a reassuring tone, "I know, but you just have to trust me on this, ok?" Krystyn shrugged her shoulders and shaking her head said, " Alright, then. His funeral." And she turned and left for the kitchen. Will watched the entire exchange and although he couldn't hear anything he could see that Krystyn was not in agreement with Aragon's food choice. He shifted nervously in his seat, wondering what could be so bad about it that she would try and convince Aragon otherwise. Right away though she left for the kitchen albeit with a nervous expression on her face. He dismissed the thought for now and turned his head to face his dinner companion and to enjoy whatever the night yet had in store. ______ Authors Note - Augh!!! This is murder, typing on an iPad. I really need to upgrade to a computer soon. This chapter is the longest I have typed so far and my poor fingers are so sore. Anyway enough complaining. I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter! Please comment and use constructive criticism.