Chapter 5: You will submit

Story by hunkyhusky on SoFurry

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#5 of Mating season AU 1

Characters and Universe belong to Tesslyn

Kel and Kilyan continued their watch through the night. Both of them had started some small talk but most of the time it was nothing but silence. None of them really knew what to talk about. Kilyan then thought about all the things his father said about Zaldon and what Bane said to him.

It made him ask a question, even though he knew the answer. "So you really like males?" the question asked, the young wolf hoping that his father would finally open up to him.

Kel let out a sigh after hearing this. This was a conversation he thought he would never have, but he thought that his son should know the truth now. "Well son, would you hate me if I said yes," He asked Kilyan looking his son in the eyes searching for what his son was thinking.

"No," he responded, which earned a sigh of relief from his father. Silence then followed before Kilyan asked, "Does mom know?".

"Yes, she does...hell she even encouraged me to go to the winter village all those years go," Kel admitted.

The young wolf was shocked at hearing this, he was curious to know what other secrets his family knew. "But...if you love males...then how why are mom and-"

"Because I love your mother...really," Kel sighed, knowing where his son's question was going. "I loved your mother ever since I was a teenager. But deep down I knew I loved Zaldon as well but I was suppressing those emotions. It wasn't until after your mother and I married that I started to realize my feelings for him. That I loved him as well."

"But if he loves you then why did he marry Julyan?" Kyilan asked

Kel sighed once more as he rubbed a hand over his face. "Because I broke things off," he held a hand up, stopping his son from speaking.

"I didn't want to hurt him anymore so I told him it was over between us. He would be happier with Juylan...but something tells me it was the wrong choice." Kel said almost letting out a small sob.

Kilyan thought he could almost see a tear in his father's eye, apparently this was upsetting him, so he changed the subject. "So...when were you going to tell me you were tail chaser?"

The older wolf shook his head and then looked at his son. "Would you be mad if I was hoping never?" Kel laughed a bit

Kilyan smiled warmly, and moved closer. "No I would not, because you're my father, and I like Zaldon. I wouldn't mind seeing him more often," Kyilan said wrapping his arm around Kel's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter who you love, heck I wouldn't have mind calling Zaldon dad if I had to...only if things went differently if you know what I mean?"

Kel got a little teary eyed as he held his son close, "I'm lucky to have a son like you," Kel said with pride swelling in his chest. Glad to know that his son wasn't upset in anyway and didn't care of his preference.

"And I'm lucky to have you as my father," Kyilan said reaching up whipping the tears from his father's eyes.

"Even though I love Zaldon I still love your mother, and my family. So don't forget that." Kilyan nodded with a smile. Chuckling Kel then told his son how he first met Zaldon all those years ago.

Kilyan laughed at it "So it was love on first crash," he joked receiving a playful poke in the side by his father.

"Hey I was focus on my circuit," Kel said crossing his arms, yet couldn't help the grin on his face. Just then both of his ears flickered as a noise made Kel jerk his head up, scanning the area.

Kilyan seeing this grabbed his spear looking around, "What is it Dad," he asked, getting anxious.

"I don't know," Kel said creeping from where he was sitting, "Stay here, I'll take a look," Kel said looking back at Kyilan.

Kilyan nods, "Call out if you need help dad," He said still holding up his spear, as he watched his father moved into the distance.

Kel continued on into the distance, nothing but the trees around him as the darkness made it hard for him to see. He then jerked when he heard the noise again. Once he got over a raise he saw a wolf standing there with his arms crossed.

"Stop don't move," Kel said raising his spear at the unknown wolf coming closer.

Kel almost dropped his spear when the wolf came into view, "Gurwin," Kel said in shock.

"Kel," Gurwin said with a scowl on his face.

Gurwin was Kel's father, he stood as tall as Kel, with the same black fur, and green eyes. Kel stepped closer confused, since Gurwin past away only, but only a year ago.

"We need to talk," Gurwin said with a growl looking at Kel with angry eyes.

"How are you're dead."

"Not as dead as you think," the much older wolf chuckled, holding his ground. "That's no way to greet your father.".

Kel didn't answer or lowered his spear glaring at Gurwin, "Go home Kel, and forget about Zaldon," Gurwin shouted pointing at finger at Kel.

"What?!" Kel responded in surprise, his body flinching some.

"There is no place in my family for tail chasers boy like him," Kel growled angrily at Gurwin words pointing his spear at Gurwin.

"Who I love is none of your business old man!" Kel's hands tighten on his spear. His chest heaving with anger for what his father said. It was known that Kel's father hated Zaldon for being a tail chaser, and would always berate his son for going near him.

"For once in your life Kel listen to me! Turn around, and forget about Zaldon," Gurwin said pointing in the direction of the summer village. "Save yourself the pain and just forget about him, he isn't worth it."

"No," Kel shouted back as he jerked his spear at Gurwin. The older wolf managed to dodge the incoming blow, showing that he's still agile some.

"Listen to me good and well pup," Gurwin growled at his son, eyes dangerously locked on his son. "We can do this the easy way or the-" Just then another thrust of the spear came his way, which he dodged again.

"It doesn't matter old man!" Kel growled, eyes locking onto his father.

"Fine the hard way them," Gurwin growled, cracking a knuckle as he readied himself for a fight. "I'm gonna beat the tail chaser out of you," Gurwin lunged at Kel who dodged just into time.

Kel was gonna bring his spear down on his father, but Gurwin was quick to kick Kel in the leg sending the wolf tumbling onto the ground, grunting from the impact. Gurwin then leapt onto Kel straddling his chest. He then punches Kel repeatedly in the face.

Kel let out a whimper with each punch, he felt blood coming out his nose. He tried to knock Gurwin off of him, but couldn't. He then reached around with his free hand to try to grab his spear, but finds a rock instead. Gripping it he then brings the rock up and bashes it into Gurwin's head stunning his father, which allowed him to be kicked off.

Kel got to his feet, blood streaming from his nose but he managed to ignore the pain for now. He watched as Gurwin growled holding a hand to his head as he rose back to his feet. "You ungrateful brat!" Gurwin said with clenched teeth. But then ducked as Kel threw the rock.

Kel then found his spear, picking it up and hit Gurwin with the butt of his spear making the older wolf fall over onto his side. Rushing over Kel then pointed the spear tip at Gurwin's throat, making the older wolf freeze.

"It's over...old man!" The black wolf pressed the tip in a bit.

"You would kill your father over some tail chaser," Gurwin said glaring up at Kel. Glaring at the same black eyes that he gave his son.

" father!!!," Kel screamed as he thrust the spear into Gurwin's throat with a crunch.

Gurwin choked for breath as blood spilt from his neck, body withering before going still. Kel was breathing hard as his spear remained in his father's corpse's. Soon the realization of what he did sank in and he then collapsed onto the ground and starts to sob. He had just killed his father.

"You bastard leave him alone!" Zaldon roared as Eloein had forced to him to watch everything through the crystal ball. Tears streamed down as his face as he watched Kel fighting a fake vision of Gurwin. An magical clone made by his uncle.

Eloien chuckled as he released his grip on Zaldon's head, "You know what I want boy," Eloein said smirking as Zaldon glares at him.

"Never!" Zaldon spitted out, fuming with anger.

"hummm maybe I should make Kel see his son as Gurwin," Eloein said with a sadistic grin on his face, and Zaldon just looked at him in horror.

"No....Uncle please don't hurt them," Zaldon pleaded looking at the ground a tear falling from his cheek. The thought having Kel being tricked into killing his son made his insides churn uncomfortably.

Forcing Zaldon to look at him, Eloein grins, rubbing his chin "You will submit?" Eloein knew had his nephew now, it was only a matter of time.

Both of the burly wolf's eyes closed as he trembled. He couldn't resist anymore, not when his friends were in danger, not matter how much he didn't want to he had to give in. "," Zaldon whimpered out, feeling utterly defeated.

Letting Zaldon go gently, he then caressed the wolf's cheek. "See it's not so bad," Eloein said his hand stroking his cock, which caused a whimper from Zaldon. The ring continued to do it's work in keeping Zaldon hard and on edge. "Let me help you out with that," Eloein said as his hand started to glow blue. Reaching down he then grasps Zaldon's cock, making the wolf groan out as he felt like an icy hand was gripping his cock.

The cool touch instantly "cooled" him down, but he was still hard. The feeling was so unbelievable!"

"Blow for me willingly and I'll end the Illusion," Eloein said grinning as he slowly stroked Zaldon's cock with his cool hand.

Zaldon shivers and moans as his cock felt like it was on Ice. This combined with the ring on him brought much more frustration to him. He wanted to spill himself so much because of all this. Looking up at Eloein, eyes filled with lust. The part of him that wanted release took over as his began to thrust his hips into Eloein's hand, slowly jacking himself off.

"That's it give in and blow for me," Eloein laughed, letting Zaldon thrust into his paw for a while. He loved seeing him like this, finally giving in. He then he bent down taking Zaldon's cool cock into his warm mouth, letting his nephew hump into his mouth.

Zaldon grunted as he felt Eloein's mouth wrap around his cock, sending jolts of pleasure up his spine. The burly wolf looked down as his cock disappears into Eloein's warm mouth mouth. Giving into the pleasure he thrust his hips faster, humping his uncle's mouth.

Zaldon hated himself for liking this, but the over mounting pleasure drove him insane to the point he wanted to spill into his Uncle's mouth.

"I'm gonna......aaaaaaaa," Zaldon screamed out as his came hard into Eloein mouth, cumming more than ever before. He roared out as he spilled himself for a whole two minutes before it finally ended. Zaldon eyes rolled back as his legs gave out, he slunk down. His chained hands were the only thing keeping him up. He felt much weaker than the other times his uncle drained him.

Eloein got up wiping his lips grinning, watching as Zaldon barely had even enough strength to lift his head.

"Release him," Zaldon said weakly, quivering.

"Anything my nephew wants," Eloein chuckled, waving his hand over the crystal ball, dispelling the Illusion.

Kel sobbed as he looked at his father corpse, still not believe what he just did. The hot tears still streaming down his face. Both eyes widen when the body suddenly disappeared. This startled Kel as he got up and looked around, everything that has to do with his struggle disappeared. It was then the realization hit him that...he felt no pain! Reaching up he touched his face to find there was no blood and his spear was just sticking in the ground with no hint of blood on it.

"What the hell," Kel thought, then turning as he heard footsteps, sighing in relief to see Lynny, Kyilan, and Julyan come running up to him.

"Dad we heard you yelling, what's going?" Kilyan panted, his spear clenched in his paw.

"Kel...what's wrong?" Lynny asked putting his hand on Kel's shoulder.

"I don't know Lynny," Kel said. He then looked over at Juylan and Kilyan. "I'm fine you two, go back to the camp."

"But what are you-" Kilyan started to say but then Julyan wrapped his arm around the boys and started to walk him back. He got the message that Kel wanted to talk with Lynny in private.

When Kel knew they were out of ears reach he turned to Lynny, "I fought with my father, and...killed him," fresh tears fell down his cheeks as he said what he did.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down and tell me everything that happened," Lynny said looking concerned and confused.

Kel then explained that he ran into his father, who told him to forget about Zaldon, and go home. Lynny nods listening to Kel's recount on what happened. Both of his eyes raising when hearing that everything disappeared and looked as if nothing happened.

"I know what happened," Lynny said looking grim and eyes had some seriousness in them.

Kel looked at Lynny in surprise, "What!?" He asked.

"It was an conjured Illusion Kel, Zaldon told me about them," Lynny said looking from side to side scanning the barren landscape, checking to see if they were clear before resuming. "It means the sorcerer who kidnapped my brother knows we're coming," Lynny said growling angrily.