Extra Chapter: Heartstrings

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#39 of The Mating Season 7: The Last Shemale Queen

After I wrote the Last Shemale Queen, I realized that it was sloppily and hastily written, and as a result, some things were left out that should have been explained.

The fact bothered me for a long while after I posted this story. So I sat down and wrote some extra chapters. Going back and inserting them in the right places would cause me to lose what few favorites and views the chapters have, so I will not do that. I will simply tag these chapters at the end. It becomes kinda obvious when each chapter takes place anyway.

And for the record -- yes. The Last Shemale Queen is the last story in the Mating Season Series. If I continued with the next generation (as I am apt to do) the stories would become more redundant than they are. And what's more, the main cast from the first story would have to die. In this story, they (Aliona, Kel, Zaldon, Loryn, Kira, Yzlo, and Hye) are all about seventy years old.

For these reasons, any more stories about the Mating Season will be "flashbacks" and little stories that answer questions I have been receiving for years now.

Finally, thank you so much for reading. It means a lot. -wave-

Extra Chapter


Weak and panting, Yatokya swept Sa into his arms and stumbled from the alcove. Sa's strong arm clung to his neck, and Yatokya was startled by the fervor with which the smaller male kissed and licked his ear. Yatokya shivered as Sa's skilled tongue worked him, then his lips traveled down to his neck.

"Find a room, my prince," Sa whispered. "Any room . . . hurry . . ."

Yatokya glanced down: Sa was rock hard. And the more the archer made out with his ear, the harder he felt himself getting again. Clutching Sa tight, he found his way back to the correct corridor and kicked open one of the rooms. Fortunately, the room was empty. Yatokya stepped in, kicked the door shut behind him, and hurried to the bed.

The room was lit by a single stone basin cradling blue fire: they were practically plunged in darkness. Yatokya set Sa on the bed, and they didn't stop kissing and touching. Sa backed away and Yatokya followed, kissing him hungrily. He fumbled behind Sa's back and pulled his braid loose. It tumbled around him, and Yatokya pushed it back over his shoulder and kissed him deeply.

"My prince . . ." Sa whispered weakly. "What have you done - no, don't stop!"

"Why couldn't you just tell me . . ." Yatokya panted. ". . . tell me you loved me?"

"Shh," Sa whispered against his lips. "Not now . . . right now . . . this." He closed his paw on Yatokya's cock and stroked carefully.

Yatokya moaned. "Oh, Sa . . ." He buried kisses in his neck, pressing him down on the bed.

They touched and kissed, their lips smacking, their moans filling the silence. Yatokya couldn't touch enough of Sa. He reached under and fondled the smaller male between his strong thighs. His other paw curled in Sa's mane as he kissed him.

"My prince . . . I will put it in you . . . tonight . . ."

Yatokya frowned. "Sa . . . we've never . . ."

"I know," he said, smiling. He kissed Yatokya's lips. "That's why I want it."

Yatokya was still frowning. "No," he said. He backed off and sat up.

Sa sat up as well, peering at Yatokya in the darkness.

"Give that to me . . . Yatokya."

"No! Why do you suddenly want this?"

Sa laughed. "Suddenly? I have always wanted it. The very first night I wanted . . ." He touched Yatokya's face in the darkness. "But you were afraid. And now I know why. Tala . . . she's a shemale, isn't she?"

Yatokya looked down and swallowed hard. Sa was still touching his face, caressing his cheek. "You can't tell anyone . . ."

"I would never, your highness."

"My name . . ."

"I would never, Yatokya," Sa repeated, amused. He frowned. "She hurt you."

"Yes," Yatokya admitted hoarsely. "But . . ." He looked away, shrugging off Sa's gentle touch. "It's in the past. And she . . . made love me to there. It was better that time."

"And that place is only for her."

"Only for her," Yatokya confirmed, looking Sa in the eye.

Sa nodded. "I understand." He laughed flatly in the darkness. "When I planned to make my move on you . . . I thought I had control of everything. I thought you were a boy, that I would dominate you. I thought you would be mine." He laughed again. "I was wrong. I . . . have become yours."

Yatokya frowned. "No . . . don't say that."

"But it's true. I would do anything for you." He swallowed hard. "And I hate that you've my heartstrings around your finger . . . around your finger and you don't even know it!"

Yatokya smiled at him sadly. "I think a part of me knows it."

"You bastard," Sa whispered, drawing closer.

Yatokya laughed.

Their faces were very close. Sa peered into Yatokya's eyes. Yatokya looked at them and thought the hazel one was the prettier of the two. The blue one reflected the fire like glass and blazed brilliant with emotion. Yatokya touched his lips, thinking of kissing him. Before he could, Sa nuzzled himself against Yatokya's chest, and Yatokya sat holding him.

"Sa . . ." he whispered into his mane. "I want to understand . . . I want to understand you."

"You will never understand me," Sa whispered. He huddled in Yatokya's arms, curling his fingers in the auburn fur of his chest. "My handsome boy . . ." he whispered, kissing Yatokya on his hard pectoral.

Yatokya frowned. "Don't tell me I can't understand! I wish to know why you insisted on hiding these feelings. . . ."

"I have told you, Yatokya."

"I also wish to understand why you choose to live a life alone. We honor the value of a mate in the sun village. We honor love. The whole point of our mating season is to find someone to grow old with . . ."

"I could never grow old with you, Yatokya. Do you understand now?"

"You had to love others before me."

"I came to your village when you were nine. I was seventeen. I watched over you, I protected you, I watched you grow as I guarded your father on his throne. I watched you grow into the beautiful thing you are now. I looked at you from afar, and I pretended you were mine," Sa whispered, almost sadly. "And somehow, before I knew it, I loved you."

Yatokya didn't know what to say, so he held Sa tight.

"I loved you," Sa whispered again. "And I vowed to myself that I would always keep you safe. I vowed that. I'll protect you with my dying breath. But never force your way into my heart again."

"Sa . . ."

"Do not do that to me . . . Yatokya."

"I really love hearing you say my name."

Sa laughed quietly.

"You're going to leave after this, aren't you," Yatokya whispered after a pause.

"I have to."


"Because I can not come between you and her highness --"

"Tala," Yatokya corrected in amusement. "Please, say her name."

Sa smiled his smirking smile. "I am not so familiar with her highness as I am with you."

"You wouldn't come between us . . ."

"I would." Sa touched Yatokya's lips. "Because I would want you all to myself."

Yatokya hugged Sa tighter to his chest, sadly nuzzling his face in the smaller male's neck. "Where will you go? What will you do?"

"I will return to the sun lands with your father. I will return to serve him there."

"Will you come back to me? I'll miss you, Sa. If you come back, we won't have to do anything. I . . . just like having you there. I trust you with my life."

Sa looked up at Yatokya and slipped his arms around him. "My sweet prince," he whispered, kissing his neck. "My sweet, sweet prince . . ."

"Oh, S-Sa . . ." Yatokya trembled as the kisses grew wetter, hungrier. He was dripping.

Sa stopped and smiled into his eyes. "I couldn't stay away."

Sa's kisses traveled further down, down Yatokya's chest and rippling belly. Yatokya watched as the smaller male closed his mouth on his cock. He sighed, watching weakly as Sa's head slowly went up and down in his lap. His brows were pressed together as he sucked, slow, wet, and long. When he was close to releasing, Yatokya stopped him. They looked at each other in the dark, and Yatokya pushed his mane back over his shoulder. Yatokya guided Sa to rise, and as they suddenly kissed, Yatokya pressed him down on the bed.

Lying on his back, Sa choked as Yatokya carefully pushed inside. Yatokya made love to him, kissing his neck and his lips, his eyes. Sa caught his lips to his and kissed him passionately.

Later when they were lying spent, Yatokya scooted close and held Sa tight. Sa pulled the sheet over them, and they lay together, their soft panting the only sound in the room for a long time.

"How long . . . will you stay away?" Yatokya whispered.

Sa smiled and turned on his back. "As long as I please," he answered.

Yatokya scooted close and rested his cheek on Sa's chest. "Answer me," he whispered, almost sullen. He closed his eyes when Sa stroked his mane.

"Are you back to commanding me? Are we prince and servant right now? Or lover and lover?"

"I want to know. Is that so much to ask?"

"A few years, perhaps."


"Yatokya . . ."

"But . . . I want . . ." Yatokya sighed and fell silent as he realized what he wanted didn't matter.

"You want me there."

"Yes. I feel . . . safe. With you there."

Sa smiled. "I am glad I make you feel safe. I wish I made you feel more."

Yatokya squeezed his eyes shut tight.

"Do not agonize, Yatokya. You can not force yourself to love me. My returning to the sun lands is for the best. Time apart will be good for us. When we see each other again, we can return to the way things were."

"You're fooling yourself," Yatokya said, shaking his head against Sa's chest. "We can never go back! Before we made love that first night, you were in love with me and wanted me. The only difference now is that I am aware of it."

"No, there's another difference . . . I love you more deeply. Making love to you that first night . . ." Sa sighed, sounding a little tired.

Yatokya rubbed his side. "As long as I know you'll come back to my services . . . back to me."

"Why do you want me to return, Yatokya?" Sa asked softly.

"Because you're perfect, Sa. You are someone I can trust. You are skilled enough to protect myself and Tala. And I'd never get tired of having to look at you."

Sa laughed. He stroked Yatokya mane. "Give me three years, my beautiful boy." He waited, watching in amusement as Yatokya fought down the princely reflex to protest and command. He was proud of him when he sighed and relented.

"Three years. I . . . will respect your wishes."

"Thank, Yatokya."

Yatokya closed his eyes and went to sleep, his cheek on Sa's hard chest. Sa smiled at the younger male and stroked his mane, whispering, "My beautiful boy . . . I will always come back to you."