Sea'an and the Wanderers

Story by Blue Jynxous on SoFurry

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Finally finished after procrastinating forever. This is a non-canon chapter of the story of Sea'an Ahm'shigar. This focuses on a "what if" event immediately after the first chapter. He finds himself lost in the hills southeast of the ruins of Oakhurst. _ Warning! : Story contains sexual coercion, anal and oral sex of the gay variety as well as a male giving oral sex to and getting butt sexed by a hermaphrodite. There's lots of spooge by the end and contains soft vore. If you're not into this stuff, you might wanna go find a different story to read._ WARNING END! Enjoy the story. Please feel free to rate/comment. =3 * * *

A chill wind blew down across the grassy valley, making a wandering drow shiver softly, pulling his dark, woolen cloak tightly about his body. He was short, as most male Drow, his body slim and cut. Shoulder length white hair waved about in the wind, framing his gaunt, angular face. Deep red eyes carefully watched the area ahead, piercing the night air, though only to a limited distance. Blinking a bit, he squinted his eyes, trying to focus on a spot down lower in the valley where a small copse of trees sprung up from the almost bare, grassy landscape. There he could see the flickering light of a campfire, vaguely hidden by a set of tents set up around it. As he subconsciously started to edge closer, he could feel his stomach rumble. It had been a few days since he'd been in a town and all of his food had been eaten up the day before. "Maybe," he muttered to himself, "Maybe I can see if they'd be willing to share some of their food." As he started to stumble closer to the fire, he dropped a hand to rest on the pommel of the short sword on his belt, mostly hidden by the cloak. "Of course, if there's trouble to be had from just asking, I don't mind a bit of work for my food." Creeping down toward the campsite, Sea'an carefully looked past the tent he ducked down by to see what kind of people he might be dealing with. Kneeling down by the fire, prodding at it with a stick was a small Therian creature. A fox by the look of it, though the conflicting light of the fire and fading shadows caused patches of fading color through the drow's dark vision, making its coloring hard to distinguish. The vulpine was thin, but tall for his type, standing nearly six feet tall and nearly as thin as the Drow that surveyed him. His golden yellow eyes gleamed in the fire light, casting the barest flickers of reflection as the flames popped and burst with the fox pushing the logs around in the fire with the stick he held. Setting on a rock beside the fox, a tall, muscular bodied lizard man with dark scales and a pattern of swirling stripes was busily setting up small pieces of wood and then hacking them in half with a hand axe. Grumbling under his breath, his broad, bump-spined tail would lash back and forth in aggravation. Even in the cool autumn air, he wore no shirt, apparently kept warm enough by the fire. Taut muscles stretched at the smooth scales of his under belly when he moved. Starting from his chin, a wave of smooth, pale yellow scales washed down over his chest and belly, disappearing behind the thick leather belt that held up his trousers. Next to the fire, a broad shouldered Orc was sprawled across a bed roll laid out on the grass near the fire. His thick tangles of black hair were tied back in a pony tail that reached nearly half way down his back. Pale, yellow eyes gazed back and forth over the pages of a book he held in one hand, the other hand clasping an apple that he occasionally lifted to his mouth peel some of the fruit's fleshy body away from the core, the juices of it spilling lightly out of the corner of his mouth that was tugged outward a bit by a single thick fang that jutted upwards. A bit further away from the fire there was another being of scales, though her body was not entirely covered in them. For the most part, she had a human figure with pale, pinkish flesh over most of her face and the exposed parts of her arms. A dark blue dress cascaded down over ample breasts and wide, curvy hips. Iron grey hair in short cut waves bobbed lightly atop her head as she paced around, keeping her distance from the flames of the camp fire. Edging her face and the outer edges of her breasts, where her cleavage showed through her dress were thick, white scales that also washed down her arms, covering her elbows and the backs of her hands. Pale blue eyes glanced furtively about her three companions and she seemed to be fidgeting quite a bit with a piece of jewelry hanging from her neck. Near as he could tell, this one must be one of the half-dragons he'd heard about from the occasional traveling traders that went into Oakhurst. They didn't really look particularly dangerous, even if the lizard man did look rather surly. He did, however, note the stack of weapons near one of their tents and figured that they likely knew how to use them if they were out here in the wilds like this. His better judgment told him it was likely a good idea to just keep going and try to find a town. However, he'd left Oakhurst three days ago and was utterly lost. In his rush to flee the town's destruction, he'd lost track of the road and had now been wandering aimlessly, keeping fed only off of the little bit of fruit he'd had in his pack. That was all gone now though. If he didn't try to get food now, he might just starve in the wilds before he found a town. Steeling himself as best he could, he stood up from the tall grass and started to walk toward the camp with a straight back, trying not to look as he weak as he felt. At his approach, the lizard man lifted his head, lips peeling back into a fierce sneer. Pulling his axe up from chopping wood to rest across his shoulder and hopped off the rock to walk closer toward Sea'an. He stood up to his full height of almost seven feet, leering at the approaching Drow. "You need something?" the reptile hissed softly as Sea'an stopped some thirty paces away. With the words of the lizard, the other three looked up from whatever they were doing, eyeing the new comer curiously. The Orc, book abandoned to fall on the ground, was on his feet immediately, hunching over a little bit with his hands balled into fists. "What do you want?" he snapped quietly, eyes fixating on Sea'an. Holding his hands up defensively, Sea'an waved them back and forth a little, a sudden swoop of panic rising through his spine for the briefest moment. "Hey, hey, I'm not here to hurt you or anything," he said, almost taking a step back. "I... I'm just a bit lost. I haven't been able to find a town for three days and, uh... And I'm out of food." The Orc gave a sharp 'hmph!' and thumbed one hand toward the hill off to the east of them. "The road to Landrey is over that hill. Just follow it for about two days south and you'll find it." "But, ah," Sea'an murmured, slowly taking a few steps forward. The pain in his stomach was growing and making it hard to push on any more. "I... I won't last another two days if I don't get something to eat." Sneering sharply, the lizard man that had spoken before pulled his axe down off of his shoulder and started to turn toward the rock to go back to chopping wood. "Like that's our problem... We aren't a charity and we aren't about to start feeding every damn stray that comes along." Sea'an tensed momentarily, starting to move one of his hands hidden beneath his cloak to grab for the hilt of his short sword. As this point he was desperate for food. He was wary of the fact that, in his hungered state, he wasn't very strong, definitely not strong enough to fight off what appeared to be four seasoned adventurers. But, he was going to die anyway if he didn't try. "Shiruk, don't be so harsh," said the woman with the white scales, slowly taking a few steps toward the edge of the camp, her icy blue eyes locking on Sea'an. "I hardly think someone like this would just ask for a hand out," she grinned lightly, showing off my canine teeth than molars in her smile. The lizard man, Shiruk, slowly turned his head a bit and glowered in Sea'an's direction. "Hmph... Hardly looks like he has a coin to his name anyway," he muttered, dropping his axe beside the rock before turning about to fold his arms over his chest. Sea'an cursed himself inwardly. The reptile was right, even if he didn't think he looked that much a mess himself. Somewhere along the way, in his flight from Oakhurst, he'd managed to snag his coin bag on something and it had torn open as he ran. When he discovered the tear the next day, there'd been only a single piece of silver left. The fox, who cast a devious smile in the half-dragon woman's direction started to walk toward Sea'an as well, folding both arms behind his back. "Ah, yes, yes, but that's not necessarily too much to worry about. Food in the towns is mostly cheap after all. Why don't we set down to a meal first and we can barter over price afterward, hm?" The Orc raised a hand to stop the lizard man who started to push toward fox, his chest puffing out as he started to open his mouth. "That's fine," he said, lowering his eyes toward the lizard man for the barest moment before looking to Sea'an. "It's been a long day for us, so I apologize for my companion's attitude as well as my own. Perhaps we'd all be a bit more amenable after eating." With the faintest smile lingering over his lips, Sea'an moved a little closer. "Thank you," he murmured softly as he approached the half-dragon that had started the others on thinking to give him something. "Kellahna is NOT going to like this," Shiruk gave a hushed hiss toward the Orc as he drew down close to him to speak where the others couldn't hear them. "You know how distrustful she if of strangers, Grahl. If she finds out..." The Orc simply smiled to him in such a manner that the lizard could no longer find his words. "This could also be exactly the right thing for us to do by her," he said, glancing over to the Drow momentarily as the fox and the half-dragon got out some cooking pots and introduced themselves to him. Rubbing a hand across his chin, Grahl chuckled lightly, "I think Anna-Belle figured that out before any of us. We can feed him and get what we want and then Kellahna can have what she needs from him." At the Orc's last words, the crest spines along the lizard man's head and neck fell flat against his scales, eyes narrowing. "You don't mean..." Giving him another cutting smile, Grahl simply took a step back and winked before moving over to join the others in preparing to cook. Sighing quietly, Shiruk went about putting his axe into his pack and a shiver ran down his spine. "Arlaska forgive us this... treachery." As he started to move toward the others, the fox spoke up, starting to fill a cooking pot with water from a wineskin. "Sea'an Ahm'shigar," he said as if thinking briefly, "Uh, that sounds familiar..." he murmured a moment before looking over to the Orc, "Do you know it, Grahl?" Giving a quick nod, the Orc dug through his backpack as he spoke without looking toward them. "I'm surprised you don't remember, Stanton." Pulling a bag out of his pack, he pulled the strings of it open and started to dig small eggs out of wads of cotton inside. "Down in the winding maze of caverns and tunnels in the Under Dark beneath Liantu, there was that huge stretch of water in a flooded cave. We had to turn back when we found out it was too vast for us to cross. That vast under ground sea was called Sea'an Ahm'shigar. It means 'the nameless ocean.'" Stanton gave a curious look to Sea'an for a moment, who stared up at the Orc as if not sure what to say. "Heh, I guess you didn't know that then. Suppose you've never been there?" Eyes staring into the fire, Sea'an shook his head a moment. "I've lived my entire life above ground. I don't know about those places below ground." With a light smirk, Anna-Belle, the half-dragon, glanced over to her traveling companions for a moment. "Well then, looks like this water's about to boil. One of you hand me some of those potatoes and, Grahl, crack those eggs into the water while I get out the dry meat we got in Bradshire. This stew shouldn't take long to make." * * * About an hour or so later, the five of them sat idly about the fire. Sea'an felt good to have warm food in his belly and he lay with his resting against his backpack, his cloaked bundled up on top of it to serve like a pillow. With a hand resting on his stomach, he felt a slight sinking sensation when the Orc, Grahl, finally spoke up. "Now then, about the subject of how you're going to pay us back," he said nonchalantly, picking a bit of teeth from between his teeth with a splinter of wood before flicking it off into the grass beyond their camp. "I think the others agree with me when I say that we'd likely be willing to take it out in... trade." Sitting up quickly, Sea'an pulled his bag out from under his cloak. "Oh, right, I, uh..." he stammered lightly, starting to open his bag with the hopes that maybe he'd have enough things inside to exchange to them for the food. Giving a light smirk as she saw him start to rummage through his bag, Anna-Belle scooted to the end of the bedding roll she had on the ground and grinned at Sea'an. "I think I also speak for everyone when I say that we don't necessarily mean material objects are what we'd want to trade." Pausing in his digging through his bag, Sea'an quirked a brow and looked over to her. "Err, what?" Sea'an blinked, his crimson eyes locking onto her ice blues as she stared into him. "I, uh... What do you mean then?" Stanton, the fox, hopped up from his own bed roll and moved over toward Sea'an with a smirk as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Heh, Anna says you don't really have anything in your bag that we'd want to trade for anyway, so..." he started, causing Sea'an to look up to Anna-Belle curiously with a slight glare, to which she just shrugged her shoulders and stuck his tongue out at him for a moment. "Well, we were thinking, since you don't have anything in your bag we'd want and no money to speak of, but you've already taken something from us..." "We'll just let you pay with your body," Grahl spoke up, grinning sharply, that one sharp fang on the corner of his mouth punctuating the look in a lopsided way. "If you follow me." Sea'an had hardly heard of such a thing in Oakhurst, but after a moment, it slowly dawned on him what they meant and a flush came over his cheeks. "Ah, ah... I... Are you joking?" he stammered, staring at the ground. His throat tensing up a bit, he looked around the assembled group, feeling even more awkward that there were mostly males there. "I-I've never... Uh, that is to say..." "Doesn't even matter," Stanton said with a smirk, bending over and poking the rubbery paw pad at the tip of his finger against Sea'an's nose. "You've already taken your side of the deal from us and essentially agreed to a carte blanche before hand." The phrase he used really made no sense to Sea'an, but he got the gist of it. "So, then... Since you said we'd agree on payment after the meal, this is our demand." "I... and if I refuse and want to use something else to pay?" Sea'an said, narrowing his eyes on the fox. Offering up a sharp toothed grin, the lizard man finally spoke up and leaned over to him. "We take everything you have... Clothing, pack, cloak and all, and send you off into the wilderness alone. With this deal, at least you'll have our shared protection until morning and Grahl already shared with you directions to the next town." It was true. Thanks to the Orc's earlier statement, Sea'an did know that there was a road leading to Landrey just over the hill. He contemplated running, but someone doubted that he'd get very far. Gulping a bit, Sea'an closed his eyes slowly, thinking it over, rolling the thoughts through his head slowly. "I-I'm not sure if..." Before he knew what was happening, he felt a soft squeeze at the front of his pants. Eyes shooting open, he'd feel the soft press of Anna-Belle's breasts against his back and, looking down, would see one of her hands had come around to his front and was gently groping at his crotch. "Mm-hmm... Well, we ARE sure, so, unless you want to risk the wrath of being indebted to people you really don't know, I'd suggest you try your best to relax and do as we say." Eyes going a bit wider, Sea'an whimpered softly. In spite of his nerves, it was hard to ignore the growing sensation of arousal in his loins at the soft touch of the half-dragon's hand. Once again, thoughts of running raced through his mind as his eyes darted about, looking for some sort of escape route. However, as his eyes briefly settled on a small array of weapons beside one of the tents; axes, swords, knives, bows, he decided that such an idea may very well be spelling his own demise. With a soft wiggle of his hips, Sea'an tried to back up a little, but only succeeded in pressing his back further against Anna-Belle's breasts. Before Sea'an knew it, the other three were standing around him, Anna-Belle using her other hand to start tugging up the front of his shirt. The soft, unscaled flesh of her palm gently rubbed over his belly as the other hand lifted from his groin and moved up to start unbuckling his belt. With another soft whimper, Sea'an started to blush further, eyes lowering toward the ground. "Hey, hey now," Stanton's voice made Sea'an's ears perk up a bit. "Eyes where it matters," he grinned, bringing Sea'an to slowly look up toward him. Looking a little dismayed, Sea'an was startled to see that the fox had already pulled open the front of his trousers. Standing straight up from a furry sheath stood the tod's prominent erection, tapered at the tip and widening slightly as further down to a slightly fat bulge in the middle before the pink length narrowed just a bit before disappearing into the white fur surrounding the underbelly around the sheath. Taking a step to the side, Stanton slowly shifted to set down on his bed roll, right beside Anna-Belle's. The half-dragon pulled her hand from Sea'an's belly to hold his chin and guide his facing toward the fox. Leaning up to whisper in his ear, she let her slightly fork-tipped tongue brush over the back of his ear as she spoke, "Get on all fours." Hesitantly, Sea'an shifted his position, fighting back the urge to run away from this embarrassment. As he got onto all fours, Anna-Belle's hands took hold of the waist band of his pants and tugged them down about his knees, making a chill shoot up the Drow's spine as his rump and thighs were exposed to the cool night air. However, before he really had much of a chance to protest, Grahl's hand clapped to the back of head and pushed him down toward Stanton's groin. "Open wide, Sea'an," he grinned, the shock in Sea'an's mind making him gasp out in surprise. With his mouth already open from the gasp, all it took was a slight adjustment on Stanton's part to maneuver his hips so that the Drow's mouth would be pushed around the tip of his cock. Sea'an's eyes went wide as he felt it pressing past his lips and was about to turn his head away when the fox put both of his paws on the back of Sea'an's head, pushing him down a bit further. "Ah, ah, ah! There's no backing out now," he grinned, "Only way you're gonna get out of this now is to finish what you've started." Closing his eyes tightly, Sea'an started to suckle tentatively at the cock being forced into his mouth. Murring softly above him, Grahl removed his hand and Stanton left only one hand on the back of Sea'an's head, gradually easing him further down and then releasing the pressure so the Drow could raise his head again before he'd push him back down over his length. Murmuring softly over the hardness in his mouth, Sea'an figured it really wasn't so bad as it seemed. At least they weren't hurting him. In the midst of his slowly building into a rhythm and not having to be guided by the fox's hand, he felt a cool wetness spreading over his rump. Gasping sharply at the intense cold, he'd wriggle his hips as Anna-Belle's almost ice cold tongue started to lap and slurp between the cheeks of the Drow's rump. Spreading a thick, slippery saliva over him, she murred lightly as she rimmed his backside, grinning as she'd pull her head back to gently prod his hole with one of her delicate fingers. As Sea'an tried to pull his head up to say something, Stanton pushed him back down, grunting softly as his shaft was almost put to the back of Sea'an's throat. "Heh, what'd I say?" the fox grinned, "Keep sucking. Until we say you're done, you're our own personal whore." At the utterance of the last word, Sea'an's ears folded back a bit. Is that what he was now? He had traded food for this, so he supposed that in a way that's what he was being to them. But, he didn't really have a choice. Further shamed by what Stanton said, a shiver ran up his back when Anna-Belle's tongue briefly pushed inside of him, sending a chill through his body for a moment. Grinning still as she pulled her head up, the half-dragon licked her lips and murred softly. "I think that's about got it," she chuckled, "So, who's going to take the first go?" Glancing over to Shiruk, who had settled down by the fire and watched intently what Stanton and Anna-Belle were doing to Sea'an, Grahl smirked and stepped around toward Sea'an's backside. "I suppose I will... Though if we wanted to go easy, I suppose it'd be best for Stanton to..." "Nuh-uh," the fox grinned, giving a little groan and a buck of his hips as he continued to gently guide Sea'an to suck up and down the length of his maleness. "Mmm... I'm more than enjoying where I'm at right now," he would moan out softly, licking his lips. "I'll get to his backside when I'm good and ready." Smirking a bit, Grahl knelt behind Sea'an, grabbing the head of his shaft, which he had slicked with an oily salve from his back already and pressed the rounded tip against the Drow's rump. Pushing in firmly, Sea'an's tight rump stretched taut around the Orc's thick shaft. Eyes shooting wide open, Sea'an started to almost scream into the fox's groin when Stanton pushed his head down until Sea'an's lips were tickled by the fur of his sheath. With the thickness of the fox's shaft pushing against the back of his throat Sea'an had to concentrate just to breathe. Even then, breathing through his nose brought the thick, musky smell of arousal rising from the Therian's loins, making Sea'an's head spin. By the time Stanton let Sea'an up for air, he was barely hanging onto consciousness. Pulling himself up, he gasped and panted for breath, closing his eyes and shivering all over. Looking up to Stanton, he choked a bit. "A-are you trying to kill me?" Smirking a little, Stanton moved a paw to caress the Drow's cheek. "Hey now, calm down... If I hadn't done that, you woulda been too focused on losing your own cherry to really enjoy what's gonna come next." Blinking a bit, Sea'an became more acutely aware of the fullness in his rump and how stretched his backside felt. However, unlike the initial push in, it didn't really hurt anymore. Just how long had the fox been holding him down? Smirking a bit, Grahl leaned up over Sea'an, letting his shaft throb inside the no longer virgin rump and eliciting a moan from him. "You're going to have to deal with all of us one way or another, so you might as well enjoy it, Ahm'shigar," he chuckled a bit. Still panting softly, Sea'an lowered his head. Giving a few squeezes of his rump against the shaft buried inside of him, he had to admit it felt good, even if he didn't say it out loud. Looking nervously to the fox's shaft once more, he gave a glance up to Stanton with his red eyes half lidded. Sighing softly, he closed his eyes and lowered his head once more, lips softly enveloping the Therian's shaft and starting to suckle against him as he gradually took more of the length into his mouth. "Mmm, good bitch," Stanton murmured quietly, tilting his head back as he enjoyed the warm feeling of Sea'an's tongue working the underside of his shaft. Sea'an, from the implications of being given food in exchange for this and the words of the fox over him, felt humiliated. However, he also couldn't deny himself the pleasure he felt from that thick Orc shaft filling his rump and the mildly pleasurable taste of the small bits of precum occasionally spilling from the fox's cock tip. "Think he's about ready to get going now," Grahl grinned a bit, one of his hands rubbing up across Sea'an's smooth, rounded rump to slide his fingers over the boy's hips and hold against him firmly. Loosing his other hand down to squeeze on Sea'an's rump as he pulled his hips back, the Orc gave a short, testing thrust of only a few inches. Eyes shooting open once more, Sea'an moaned into Stanton's groin, almost pushing his head down to the base of the fox's shaft once again as his behind instinctively squeezed at the presence filling it. Grunting out quietly as he felt Sea'an squeezing at him, Grahl slid back a bit further, starting into shallow, slow thrusts to help work the boy open a bit more. Still, in spite of the distraction, Sea'an kept suckling against the vulpine cock in his mouth, starting to bob his head up and down again as he got more used to the feeling, though each push against his rump brought another moan rolling up his throat. Stanton grunted and shifted his hips slightly as Sea'an bobbed his mouth over his rod, making the fox pant out quietly in excitement. "Y-yeah... Just a little bit more," he murred out warmly as he tilted his head up a bit to look over Sea'an's back to where Grahl's hips were loudly slapping his behind. He licked his lips as he watched the dingy green shaft of the Orc plunge over and over into the Drow's ass, arousal shocking down his spine and through his fluffy tail. The white scaled half-dragon chuckled hoarsely as she moved up behind Stanton and started rubbing his shoulders lightly. "Nnnn... Sounds like you're about to burst, boy," she sneered, placing her head on his shoulder to watch Sea'an more closely. "You gonna make him gulp it down or you wanna see that cute, dark face all covered in your seed?" Grahl smirked lightly to Stanton as the fox drew his hips back, sliding his cock from Sea'an's lips with a disappointed gasp from the Drow. Looking down to him, Stanton grabbed his shaft and started stroking his shaft excitedly as Sea'an looked up at him hazily. The lack of oxygen from working to suck against him so hard, combined with the deep, musky scent of the fox's groin had left the Drow light headed, hardly aware of fox's intention. Grunting deeply, Grahl lifted a hand to slap his palm loudly across Sea'an's rump, eliciting a sharp cry of surprise and making his mouth open wide as he did so. Biting at his lip when he saw Sea'an's mouth open up, Stanton's hips pushed forward and he cried out quietly, his seed loosing from the tip of his vulpine maleness. Streaks of off white, pearly fluid sprayed into the Drow's mouth, splattering over his tongue and streaking over his cheeks as a few shots went wide. Sea'an had started to blink his eyes open, registering the unfamiliar taste in his mouth as more smeared over his lips and dribbled down his chin and over his neck. Sticking his tongue out at the bizarre sensation, he'd feel Stanton's hand poke his nose and the Therian smirked down to him. "Ah-ah-ah! Gulp it down, bitch," he chuckled, "We're not through yet and swallowing it is gonna make you agree with the taste a lot more than trying to spit out all we're gonna give ya." Whimpering a little, Sea'an closed his mouth and let his eyes slide shut. Gulping loudly, he cleared the bitter-sweet taste of the fox's cum from his mouth and shivered softly. A certain side of him reveled in it. Wanted more. But outwardly, he seemed to shrink into himself, feeling shameful at what he was doing. However, his thoughts came only in sporadic bursts of fragmentary flickers as pleasure pulsed through his body, spreading up from his bottom and his loins each time the muscular Orc behind him rutted his thick shaft into the Drow's ass hole. Sea'an bit at his lip, his fingers dug into the bed roll beneath him and he fought hard not to scream at the incredible pressure filling his backside and mounting in his groin. Kneeling down before him, the woman whose body was highlighted in pale, white scales smiled sweetly, faltering a bit of Sea'an's concentration and making him gasp aloud. Lowering a finely clawed hand to caress his cheek gently, she cooed sweetly, passing a wink to the grinning Orc behind Sea'an, who happily pounded away at the Drow's behind. "Mmm, I think you're ready for another drink," she whispered quietly, starting to slowly hike up the skirt she wore, drawing Sea'an's eyes to watch as he chewed at his lip and whimpered, feigning discomfort to try to hold on to some of his last remaining dignity. At least with a woman I mightn't suffocate myself, Sea'an thought to himself, wincing slightly when the Orc behind pushed so hard it almost forced his head up the dragon girl's dress. However, as she hefted her pert and rounded rump from the ground under her and pulled her skirt round her waist, her undergarments already well past her knees, Sea'an's eyes would dance over a maleness more thickly endowed than the Orc behind. With eyes going wide, he started to gape. Somehow, this figure of buxom beauty held both sexes between her legs; a thick, pulsing shaft and round, juicy looking orbs setting just above the curving, gentle folds of a soft, feminine sex. As Sea'an's gaze alighted on this discovery, he'd gasp aloud, arching up his back when he felt the Orc ram his own maleness deep into the Drow's backside, letting out a feral growl. Simultaneously, a torrent of warm fluids was pumped so deeply into the dark elf's bowels he would swear it filled his belly. With the height of pleasure building in him, Sea'an whimpered himself and sputtered loudly as a powerful trembling rocked his loins. Beneath him, his testicles pulled themselves up tightly and his shaft pulsed as the tip of it sprayed ropes of pearly white seed across the bed roll he knelt on. Somehow, the combined sights and smells and tastes and the erogenous feeling of the Orc's shaft in his rump had brought him to orgasm, dumb founding the poor boy with the power with which it swept through him. Chuckling a bit as she watched Sea'an's flushed face, Anna-Belle let her claw tips traipse gently over his cheeks again and again. "Feel good, pet?" she whispered affectionately. Sea'an nodded lightly, letting out a pleasured shudder as he felt Grahl's cock slowly sliding out of his back side with a sloppy sounding slurp. A thin, white strand of the Orc's semen clung to the tip of his penis as he pulled back, the Drow's hole staying open a finger's breadth even once Grahl's shaft had been pulled free of it. Able to do naught but set on his hands and knees, trembling, Sea'an panted quietly, the afterglow of the orgasm clouding his thoughts. He was vaguely aware of Anna-Belle's clawed hand cupping his chin and urging him gently forward as she whispered to him again. "Do you want to taste my cock, too?" Closing his eyes, Sea'an nodded a moment and closed his eyes, letting his jaw go slack as he opened his mouth to her. Smiling appreciatively, he'd soon feel the smooth flesh of her member gently pressing over his tongue. The half-dragon's slick member was cool, like the dew covered grass that surrounded the camp site and tasted almost like freshly fallen powder snow. Meanwhile, Shiruk, the lizard folk stepped up behind Sea'an to take Grahl's place. Kneeling up behind the Drow, he grabbed the boy's hips and pressed his hips forward. His long, narrow shaft rubbed slickly up and down the crack of Sea'an's ass while he murred quietly. Without thinking, Sea'an unconsciously bumped his rump back against the reptile's shaft, making him chuckle softly at the Drow's reluctant submittal. Anna-Belle grunted quietly as she started to sit up into more of a kneel, her hips shifting as she did. Letting her gown fall down over Sea'an's head, she gently bucked her hips against him, letting him feel her endowment slide slickly over his tongue as she started to hump against his mouth. Placing her hands on the bulge of Sea'an's head under her dress, she grinned to herself and closed her eyes, using her hands on his head as a sort of brace to start eagerly thrusting her shaft in and out of the boy's willing mouth. Tilting his hips slightly, the tapered end of Shiruk's shaft started to press into Sea'an's already stretched rump. Grunting softly at the warm, slick squish of the Orc's seed already filling the hole he pushed into, Shiruk shivered softly, sliding his hands up over Sea'an's back and rubbing at his shoulders. "Nnn... even opened up by Grahl, I can still feel him squeezing me," he murmured softly, feeling the soft, twitching pulses of Sea'an's body squeezing warmly at his shaft. With his mount already stretched and willing for more, Shiruk didn't waste time giving Sea'an a moment to get used to it, but simply grabbed the boy's hips, pulling his ass flush with his own, smooth, scaly hips. Sea'an shuddered softly at the feeling of that warm, slick thing filling his body and he wiggled his hips lightly. However, most of his focus was on the hard length probing his mouth, threatening to simply push itself down his throat with each firm push from its owner. Even still, he eagerly lapped his tongue along the underside of the swollen, ridge-marked shaft as its pointed tip touched to the back of his throat again and again. Groaning softly, he swallowed down every drop of the slightly sweet precum that spilt over his tongue. Though thoroughly embarrassed by everything transpiring, Sea'an's head was still alight with the pleasure of the orgasm that had rocked his body a short time before. In spite of the humiliation, or perhaps because of it, he felt good. He reveled in the lust he felt inside himself. He wanted more of it all. Tentatively raising his hands, he placed his hands up under Anna-Belle's skirt, taking a moment to steady himself on the rocking from Shiruk's pounding. Grunting quietly, he moved his left hand inward to gently grasp the half-dragon's balls, giving them soft caresses whilst his right hand grabbed the base of her shaft, just barely stroking the portion of her maleness that wasn't being forced into his mouth. The taste of Anna-Belle's pre carried a hint of sweetness that the fox, Stanton, did not. This only spurred Sea'an on further to stroking those juicy orbs held in that smoothly scaled sack, making the hermaphrodite kneeling over him squeal with delight. Over all, the whole feeling of half-dragon's shaft in his mouth made the rutting he was receiving all the more pleasurable, though Sea'an thought it likely had something to do with Shiruk being a deal slimmer in girth than the Orc. Grunting quietly over the length he suckled against, Sea'an bumped his hips back, delightedly squeezing his buttocks as much as he could against the rod ramming deep into his behind and stroking over his prostate with its smooth curve each time the lizard humped against him. All too soon for Sea'an, he was aware of Shiruk ramming him even harder, pitching his body forward. The Drow's eyes widened as he was moved without his say so, the thick girth in his lips pushing to the back of his throat. He barely managed to tilt his head a bit more aligned with his neck as Anna-Belle's "manhood" pushed down his throat, making him start to feel a gagging sensation. He tried to pull back, but the clawed hands on the back of his head held him in place as Anna-Belle started squealing softly, wriggling her hips. Sea'an soon felt her cock pulsing and throbbing, a sensation like cool water pouring down his throat and right into his belly as she unleashed her seed. Gasping out loud, she pulled herself back, panting softly and spurting streamer of sticky spooge over the boy's tongue, filling his mouth with a cold, sweet taste like milk mixed with honey. Removing her hands from the back of his head, Anna-Belle was quick to lift her dress as she scooted back on her knees, cock still spurting. Another few strands of her gooey, sweet seed dribbled down Sea'an's chin, dripping over his neck and down his chest. Whining out a little as she pulled away, he inched his head forward to lap up a bit of the fluid that slid down the side of her cock. "Nnyeah," Shiruk grinned, "Little slut's loving this, ain't he?" he chuckled wickedly as he slammed his hips hard up against Sea'an's rump and groaned. "Mmm... You want another load inside that tight ass of yours, Drow?" he sneered. Panting quietly, Sea'an looked back over his shoulder, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. Without a word, Sea'an lowered his head to rest against the bed roll and reached his hands back. Grasping his buttocks in his palms, he tugged at them, keeping himself spread for Shiruk and he whimpered softly, his hole flexing tightly against the ram buried in his depths. With a sharp grin, Shiruk nodded his approval and leaned up over Sea'an, looping his arms around the boy's chest, under his arms. Parting his lips, he took Sea'an's neck into his jaws and growled softly as he grazed bare flesh with his teeth and started to thrust madly into Sea'an's rump. Grunting ferally and whipping his broad tail back and forth, Shiruk's claws raked at the ground to keep his body steady, digging large ruts into the soft grass and earth. Though it was what he expected, Sea'an hadn't expected the ferocity with which Shiruk lay into him and he cried out in surprise and pleasure both. Taken aback by the teeth on his neck, but somehow aroused further by their light touch, Sea'an squeezed his hands against the soft roundness of his own backside and panted aloud, grunting and groaning, crying for more. Finally, he gasped out softly when the jaws around his neck clamped a bit tighter, just barely piercing the skin and he knew what it meant. "D-do it!" he cried out, unable to contain himself, "F-f-fuck me! Give m-me more!" he whined softly, hands dropping away from his bottom to clutch at the bed roll. Squeezing his ass against Shiruk, he closed his eyes tight, tears starting to build in the corners of them only to have his eyes shoot wide open when the lizard finally slammed home fully, his hot shaft throbbing outward thickly as steaming ropes of semen joined the Orc's deep inside of Sea'an's body. With a hard grunt and a release of his jaw, Shiruk finished his mating of the Drow beneath him and stood up abruptly, his still hard shaft pulling free of the abused boy's behind with a spattering of mixed sperm dropping to the cushioning below him. Shuddering quietly, Sea'an trembled in the afterglow of the rough sex, his toes starting to grow numb. As he sat there panting, a bit of a stupid looking grin started to spread over his face. His eyes fluttered and he started to think about what he'd done, but before he had much time to think, hands grabbed his ankles and shoulders, quickly flipping him onto his back. With a surprised gasp, he'd look up to see Stanton was scooting up between his legs and Grahl was holding his shoulders down. "We ain't quite done yet," Grahl smirked, kneeling just over Sea'an's head with a smirk, his thick, Orcish maleness bobbing hard and ready once more a few inches from Sea'an's nose. Meanwhile, Stanton was hooking his arms around Sea'an's legs to hoist the dark elf's thighs around his waist. "Hope you're ready for another go, cuz I'm wantin' to have a try at this rump myself." Sea'an was about to open his mouth in protest to say he'd already paid his due, but instead let out a light gasp when he felt Stanton's taper-tipped, canine shaft pushing into his tender backside, making him breathe deep the smell of Grahl's arousal. He grunted out quietly, wriggling his hips a bit as the fox's length sank rather easily into him, his rear end having been well stretched by Grahl's girth and Shiruk's roughness. Still, even smaller than the others, Stanton's differently shaped penis was causing all kinds of heat in Sea'an's already sensitive rump and the uneven slide with which he instantly rutted the dark elf was cause for a teeth gritting grunt from him. Setting into a kneel over Sea'an, Grahl put his hand under his chin and tilted his head back. "Open wide, boy..." he smirked. Sea'an was hesitant, but obedient, his mouth slowly gaping open and his tongue lulling upward over his chin to make room for the Orc's rod to slip past his lips. Grahl almost put himself on all fours over Sea'an and, with one hand, slowly guided his prick to slide over the boy's already cum smeared mouth and gradually sank into the warm depths he was offering. "Nnn... Atta boy..." he murmured softly, a softly salty taste to trailing on Sea'an's tongue where little drips of preseed leaked out of Grahl's member. Sea'an expected he'd do like Anna-Belle and push as far as he could comfortably manage and then just start sliding his cock over his mouth and expect Sea'an to take care of it. However, with a soft groan as the blunt head of his shaft pressed against the back of Sea'an's throat, Grahl didn't stop. Sea'an's eyes went wide when his gag reflex started to kick in and he tried to struggle, but with a heavy Orc pinning your shoulders down while a horny Therian vice grips your legs, anyone would be hard pressed to escape. The Drow had nowhere to go as he was forced to let that thick rod wiggle its way into his throat. Amazed as he was, the position of his head tilted back lessened the extent of his gag reflex, Grahl's hung length sliding tightly and uncomfortably (for Sea'an at least) into the Drow's throat, but not completely stopping him from breathing. Sea'an wheezed through his nose and struggled for air, his throat bulging a bit with the thickness of the Orc's road pushing down his throat in long, slow thrusts. The whole situation made him feel panicked, but the lack of control and 'reward' sure to follow somehow made it better. Sea'an wanted it now. The urgency of the situation didn't have him wanting to Orc to stop. He wanted him to finish, yes, but only when Grahl decided he was ready. The choice wasn't in the Drow's hands. And somehow that powerlessness made him want it that much more. Stanton murred quietly as he moved to hook Sea'an's legs up over his shoulders, leaning up over him and starting to bounce his hips up and down. Groaning lightly, he noisily squished his cock into the slick, warm depths of Sea'an's hole, tiny bits of Shiruk and Grahl's earlier emissions leaking out of the Drow boy's rump with each thrust of the fox's body. As the fox made quick, deep thrusts, his furry hips bristling up against Sea'an buttocks with each thrust, Grahl was making firm, short thrusts, keeping a few inches of his shaft sliding in Sea'an's throat. Grunting deeply, Grahl grinned down to Sea'an, gasping out softly as his balls started to pull up, growing tight. "Nnn, gods, I'm about ready to go," Grahl panted out, licking his lips. Stanton chuckled a bit, grinding his hips down against Sea'an's backside with a grunt. "You gonna just cum right into his belly or what?" he snickered, turning his muzzle to nuzzle against the side of Sea'an's leg, growling playfully as he opened his jaws to gently graze the boy's smooth flesh with his canines. With a loud grunt, Grahl pulled his cock free of Sea'an's mouth and grabbed the shaft, stroking his length quickly. Sea'an coughed and sputtered a bit as the tightness in his throat left, leaving his esophagus sore and tender, his eyes bleary as he saw the Orc's massive cock being stroked right in front of his face. Slowly licking his lips as his mouth watered, Sea'an parted his lips, expecting the Orc to blow his load across his face like the others. Pushing his hips forward a bit, Grahl placed only the tip of his shaft into Sea'an's mouth, to which the Drow's lips sealed around almost instantly. Grunting quietly as he continued to stroke himself off, Grahl finally gave a deep, teeth-gritting groan as his maleness swelled and shot several lengths of sticky, salty, bitter Orc seed into the Drow's mouth. Sea'an's eyes closed tight as he tried his best to start gulping down the fluids, but his cheeks puffed out from the volume of it, pearly fluids spilling from the corners of his mouth as he desperately gulped down Grahl's semen. As Grahl withdrew from Sea'an's mouth, the Drow gulped once more before he let his mouth hang open, panting loudly. A single long strand of mixed saliva and sperm clung the tip of the Orc's cock, stretching to Sea'an's tongue before it broke in the middle, part of it landing across Sea'an's face, between his eyes, and the other becoming a drop that fell from the end of Grahl's shaft and spattered on the ground behind Sea'an's head. "Ooh, yeah," Stanton groaned softly, his hips smacking Sea'an's butt cheeks loudly as he suddenly ground his cock all the way into the boy's rump. "Gulp it all down," he said through gritted teeth, his shaft start to spasm and jump inside of the dark elf's body as the fox's seed joined the mixing essence of Grahl and Shiruk inside of him. He started to simply let himself set there, slowly coming down from the high of the pleasure when Anna-Belle came over and roughly shoved the Therian to the side with an eager grin. Sea'an gave a half aware grunt of discomfort when the fox's shaft pulled free of his bottom, spattering mixed fluids over the bed roll beneath him when the fox fell away. Anna-Belle smiled broadly as she grabbed up Sea'an's legs and started to hook them up over her shoulders, one hand grabbing the head of her shaft as she got into position. "Heh, he looks damn near passed out, doesn't he?" she smirked as she pushed firmly into his backside. Sea'an's eyes fluttered briefly, but he was too exhausted from the lack of air moments ago and all of the vigorous things done to his body that he'd never experienced before, to actually voice a real response. He gave a soft hissing noise as the dragon's semi-cold shaft slid snugly into his sore rump, which squeezed her tightly. She was easily the thickest of the four for now. Sea'an had thought the Orc was before, but maybe this half-dragon's arousal had made her surpass his girth, because Sea'an could definitely feel the girl stretching his ass even more, in spite of the roughness of Grahl and Shiruk. As she settled up over him and put her hands on his shoulders, she started to thrust that cool, slick shaft in and out of his backside, grunting quietly as she smiled down at him. Sea'an found himself moaning out again and again, the white dragon girl's cock feeling so different from the others' with all of its ridges and bumps and the complete lack of warmth it held. Anna-Belle was completely nude now, her slender body arched up over Sea'an and her sinuous neck outstretched as she tilted her head back in ecstasy. The scales on her body wrapped around across her back, stopping close to the center of her body to make an underbelly of soft flesh stretching from under her chin down to her navel. Breasts, scaled only on the outer edges, bounced as soft mounds of flesh before Sea'an's face, drawing his weary eyes to watch them jiggle each time the half-dragon's shaft pushed into his rump. In spite of his exhaustion, Sea'an found his hands gripping his backside, pulling the cheeks of his rump to keep himself spread for the half-dragon humping roughly into him, sending cold shivers through his entire body. Grunting quietly, he tilted his head up and nuzzled into the softness of her breasts, finding her skin also to be cool and slightly damp, like the grass after a misty night in the valleys. His tongue slurped out gently, finding the firm, semi-rough nub of one of her nipples and his lips latched onto it, lost in his pleasure. Gasping softly as Sea'an started to suckle at her breast, Anna-Belle groaned out loud and rammed her rod into his rump all the harder, desperately trying to stifle her voice. Panting deeply, she looked up to see that the three males were kneeling around the two, stroking their shafts as they watched Anna-Belle work Sea'an's backside and see him lost in the haze of lost. "Heh, you guys all gonna get off one more time?" she grinned, pausing a moment to grind her thick shaft hard against Sea'an's plump behind. "Nnn, yeah," Grahl grunted out loud, watching as Sea'an nuzzled into the breast he was sucking on, smearing the cum from the others against Anna-Belle's flesh. "I think I got one left in me," Stanton gasped out in agreement, pumping his shaft furiously. Grunting again, Anna-Belle pushed let Sea'an's legs off of her shoulders and pulled up right, pushing him up a bit as she got more onto her knees, pushing even more deeply into him and making him cry out in pleasure. "What do you think, stranger?" she grinned down at the Drow as her cock throbbed coldly inside of him, "You want all these guys to make a mess on you? You want all that cum all over you?" Sea'an whimpered a bit and looked around at the three males sitting around him, all of them looking at him with lust in their eyes as their hands stroked the hard flesh in their palms. Biting his lip, he looked back up to Anna-Belle, his own erection bobbing up and down several inches from his face and a bit of her chest obscured by his tightly pulled up testicles, even as she repeatedly thrust her hips against his rear. Shivering softly, he gave a shy nod, enticing a grin from the half-dragoness. Giving another hard push, Anna-Belle pushed up again and bent Sea'an further, his knees pressing up to is shoulders as he let out a surprised yelp. She was all but sitting on his rump, her thick cock pushing down into him as she bounced up and down on him, having nearly bent the lad in half. As she kept pushing in and out, she reached a hand down to grip the tip of Sea'an's shaft. With him caught between gasping and moaning in pleasure, she pushed him just a little further and the tip of his cock was in his mouth. Opening his eyes wide, Sea'an was briefly puzzled as to whose penis was in his mouth and he looked completely astounded to see the length of his own shaft feeding just under the sight of where his nose blocked his vision. Closing his eyes once more, he gingerly suckled against himself, groaning as Anna-Belle worked into him. "Ooh, gods!" she cried out, arching up her back sharply. Pushing down into him once last time, she squatted against his rump and growled quietly, biting her lip to quiet herself. Her shaft throbbed heavily inside of Sea'an and he let out a muffled cry as he felt her spooge filling his rump. The cool, thick jizz flowed into his body like cold river water and gushed deep into his body, making him feel like his stomach was expanding. Groaning aloud as she finally pulled up, Anna-Belle stood, her shaft starting to soften, but not before shooting a long, cold rope of semen down the splashed down the length of Sea'an's cock and onto his chin. With the pressure of the girl sitting on him gone, Sea'an uncurled, his cock popping out of his mouth and leaving a long trail of his spooge down his neck as he fell onto his back. As they all sat back, panting heavily, Sea'an felt a cold breeze blow over him, carrying only a little of the fire's warmth. Shivering some from the now cooling seed all over his front, he rolled onto his stomach, giving a soft groan from the sloshing of fluids inside his body. From behind him, Anna-Belle eyed Sea'an's backside. With all the roughness he'd just received, his backside was still slightly agape. His rump, from the look of it, could easily fit one or two fingers and hardly feel it. The sloshed, mixed fluids of the four travelers leaked slowly from the exhausted Drow's backside and Anna-Belle idly thought about mounting him again. That is until the sound of a canvas tent flap opening sounded through the camp, making Sea'an quirk up his ear curiously. As he looked about, the four travelers seemed stricken. They all gazed toward the biggest tent. Following their eyes, Sea'an was awed to see a very large body padding through the darkness on four legs. With the differential fire light and darkness, Sea'an's vision was being interfered with. As the large creature came forth, Sea'an could slowly make out the form of a huge, feline body held on four powerful legs. At first he thought it was some great mountain cat, but where its head should be, there was instead the waist of a tall, muscular woman. Light brown fur trailed over her whole body, from the human-like shoulders to the end of a leonine tail with a puff of black fur on the end of it. Humanoid hands ended in sharp, black claws and long, wild hair hung down about her bare back. Tied into it were bones from dozens of creatures, not all of them animals, as well as colorful glass beads and a few coins. Cold, yellow eyes with vertical slits for pupils stared down at Sea'an from a face mostly human, but with a cleft upper lip that made a feline appearance. "Three weeks we trek across those damn mountains," she spat, the claws of her feline paws clenching at the ground and raking gouges into the grass. "With hardly a moment to catch any decent food... And now that I finally have a chance to sleep on ground that isn't harder than the shield in my tent and I get woken up to this... this..." she paused and twisted up her nose in disgust as she sniffed at the air. "Ugh... To the stink of you all, mucking about with some whore of a dark elf that just, by the smell of his clothes over there, wander in out of the wilds." "Ah-ah, Kellahna," Anna-Belle smiled sweetly, slowly lifting a hand. "I-it isn't exactly like th-..." she cut short as a glare was shot from the Wemic toward the half-dragon and she recoiled away from Sea'an to scoop up her discarded gown. Kellahna started to advance and Stanton rose to his feet, lifting his hands as he stepped out of her path. "Kell, darling friend, please don't be upset. This was just a, ah, a business arrangement of sorts," he started to speak and slowly lost his train of thought when she didn't turn to look at him, her eyes trained on the Drow. Sea'an was scared and paralyzed with fear as he had raised up into a kneel now, his eyes locked with the Wemic's. He didn't know what to say or do. He didn't know why the others feared this beast as they did, though he was certainly intimidated by her size and her feral demeanor. Giving a cursory glance about her traveling companions, Kellahna quirked a brow. "I take it all of your... hungers have been satisfied by this... Drow??" she asked, getting a round of quick, nervous nods from her fellows. Turning her eyes back to Sea'an, she licked her lips and stepped forward, bending at her humanoid waist to get closer to him. "Then I suppose none of you mind if I sate my own hunger, correct?" None of them disagreed with her, though Sea'an slowly started to try to struggle to his feet, though they were still numb from the intense orgasm that had rocked him only minutes ago. Before he could move away, the Wemic clasped her hands onto the boy's shoulders and held him fast, lifting him to his feet as her feline legs folded under her and she took up a laying position with her humanoid torso still erect. Sniffing at him, she murred out lightly and looked him in the eye, "Heh... Even if I find the smell... unpleasant... At least the rest of it, I can savor," she said, smacking her lips as she looked over Sea'an. He was confused more so than he had been when the others had suggested using his body to pay them back. He thought for sure she was suggesting sex with her as well, but the hunger in her eyes wasn't the same as the lust the others had held. Before he could contemplate further, her hands slid down his arms and clamped his wrists to his sides. Sea'an started to panic, he struggled a bit, but uselessly so against her powerful arms. Sea'an's heart sank a bit, his eyes going wide and his ears drooping the smallest degree, when the Wemic let out a guttural growl and twisted her head from side to side. Popping noises came from her jaw as it loosened and grew slack, her mouth starting to open impossibly wide with her jaw unhinged. With a cry of surprise that was soon muffled, Sea'an found his face stuffed into the wet, warm orifice of the Wemic's mouth and she hefted him up from the ground, tilting her head back and pushing Sea'an firmly down against the back of her throat. He kicked his legs and tried to pull his arms free, but he soon felt hands grabbing his legs, holding him fast and steadying him as the ring of meat he'd been pressed against expanded and opened outward. Kellahna's throat bulged as she swallowed against Sea'an, the cum from the others that was wetted by her saliva making him slide down just a bit easier. The others had come to the Wemic's side now, keeping Sea'an from fighting and helping to push him down. His shoulders passed down into her mouth, spreading her cheeks wide as her tongue lapped against his chest, savoring the varied flavors of her traveling companions' mixed jizz. Sea'an was still struggling as much as he could, making the bulge in Kellahna's throat wiggle about, even as it spread further with the boy's shoulders and she had to release his hands. Gulping down heavily, layers of slimy cum covering Sea'an were pushed back a bit and spilled into the Wemic's mouth, making her drool all the more and help lubricate the rest of Sea'an's body that was slowly making its way down her gullet. The others released Sea'an's legs as Kellahna started waving one of her paws around, idly baring her claws at them. She took another big swallow and Sea'an's form stretched her humanoid belly as he pushed outward against it, muffled words coming through the layers of flesh in gibberish. The Drow's belly was licked clean of fluids and Kellahna fed him down a bit more, stopping when his flaccid cock touched her tongue. Giving a muffled chuckled, she reached up a hand to rub and stroke over his balls, making his softened cock twitch slightly at the touch and he brought his struggling up again. Loudly, she gulped again and his waist pulled in, his cock tightly nestled against her tongue and just his rump and legs sticking out of her mouth. Lowering her head a bit, she eyed her companions, who'd all stared at the presentation of Sea'an's backside, still leaking small rivulets of cum when his body spasmed and he meekly kicked his legs. As she saw that bit of hunger to do more to the helpless boy in her throat, Kellahna tilted her head back and gulped strongly, making Sea'an yelp quietly. His form slid deeper as his legs were pulled down her stretched open throat. As her humanoid belly bulged and stretched, Sea'an's form slid lower, making her leonine stomach stretch out a bit and settle against the ground. With a soft gurgle coming up her throat, Kellahna lifted a hand to adjust her jaw, gently popping it back in with a grunt before she opened and closed her mouth repeatedly to relax it. "Nnn... much better," she grinned, reaching both hands back to pat either side of the still slightly squirming bulge in her mid-section. Licking her lips to clear the bodily fluids that had gathered there in her swallowing, she settled into the grass and yawned a bit. "Now then, I'm going to finish my nap. Try not to wake me again." The others around the camp quietly moved to their tents, slipping into them with as little noise as they could manage and trying to whisk themselves to sleep quickly. They'd likely start moving again before dawn so they could use the roads as oft as possible before moving off of them to avoid patrols. Traveling with a tribal Wemic had seemed like such a good idea before. Now it seemed, at times, to be more trouble and fear than it was worth. ~Fin~