Pt. 2 - The right thing

Story by Brian on SoFurry

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#2 of Friends First

"BRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" cried the painful alarm clock, once again pulling me out of my peaceful sleep. *grunt * My long rabbit ear was keeping the sun out of my eyes but as it got brighter and brighter I knew I couldn't escape the light. I rolled over and biffed my pillow at the clock, knocking it onto the floor while I mumbled under my breath. I'm used to waking up prior to the alarm but lately I would just sleep in. It puts me in a bad mood now when it goes off. I was so excited a week ago for summer vacation. For the first day of it I was full of energy. But now there has been so many thoughts going through my head... A week ago... the lake... ...Dylan... I cringed on the bed. Every time I think of it I hate myself more. I haven't seen him since then. His mom called asking if we were fighting because he wouldn't tell her anything. She said 'boys will be boys.' or 'you're only 12. You can't have hard feelings at your age' It was a nice comment, but I just feel bad. I don't know why I did what I did. Honestly, I felt so good at the time that I ignored everything else. I'm just worried about my best friend now and what he's doing.

"sigh," kicking what was left of the blanket off of me I knelt on the bed. My fur was ruffled all over and I had something poking straight out from my underwear. Ever since that day last week, I have awoken to this little guy at full attention every morning. As much as I have been feeling down lately, I have been touching it and found that squeezing it feels good, as well as a few other things. I leaned back on my knees stretching with my head looking up causing my ribs to be very visible above my gray belly. -yaaaAAAAWWwwwnnn- Looking down, I could see that my penis was again a little over 3 inches and reaching as high in the air as it can go. I took it in my hand and rubbed the base of it a bit. A small sensation pressed back on my hand at the touch. I was so curious about how it felt so good to play with it and squeeze it that I wrapped my hand around it and clenched a fist. 'mmrrrrrrrrr' I let out a little whimper as the feeling made me relax...

"Dakota! Breakfast is almost ready!" Dad was yelling from downstairs.

"Sigh," I whimpered as I tucked the little guy back into my underwear. 'I'll have time later' I thought. Rather than changing, I just walked down in my undies to breakfast. Dad had lost his glasses a few days ago and I have been taking advantage of it. The funny part of it was that he was trying to act like he didn't even need them to save himself from embarrassment.

"Is that a new shirt?" Dad asked pointing at my bare gray-furred chest.

"Yeah, got it a few weeks ago" I lied.

"I thought so!" he replied content with himself and continued pouring the pancakes while I rolled my eyes. You would think that he would at least be able to see the tight black underwear against my light colored skin. "You can dig in. I'm almost done here"

After eating he tried striking up a few conversations. Normally I don't mind chatting but today I just wasn't in the mood.

"What's on your mind, son?"


"Well, you have been sitting around the house lately. I thought you and Dylan had a lot of plans."

My stomach flopped when hearing the name. "He's busy" I lied again. I didn't know what to say.

Dad just sat and pondered for a moment. "If you and Dylan are fighting, the best thing you can do is apologize. Are you?"

"No! ...well sort of..." One thing that dad was good at was he could see right through me, with or without his glasses.

"Well, son. Whether it was him or you, friends forgive and forget. As long as you mean it, I'm sure he'll forgive you."

I turned beet red. I didn't know what to say. "It's not that easy..."

"Apologizing is never easy." he answered while sitting down beside me with a 'dad' smile. "But it's the first step to making things better."

I felt like arguing, but there was nothing I wanted to say. I wasn't going to tell him what had happened. He would probably be really mad. "Ok. Thanks dad."

"Any time, son"

I finished my food and hopped off the stool. "I think I should go." I ran up to my room to get changed. I pulled off my underwear and tossed them in the heap of clothes in the corner. Then I rummaged through them to find my favorite blue ghoulbusters shirt and white shorts. It was tight to my fur but I didn't care, I had it for years and never got tired of it. After slipping on shorts I grabbed my bike helmet I ran downstairs and out the door.

I hopped on my bike and started pedalling down the road to Dylan's house. His home was about 10 minutes by bike and I didn't want to wait another second. As I turned out my driveway, I could help but think, what am I going to say? I'm sorry? It just felt good? I never thought of what was going to happen when I get there.

My speed broke to a casual pedal as I pondered what to say. He means a lot to me and I am sorry for hurting him like that. What if he gets angry and tells me to leave? Maybe I should go home...


I snapped out of my thought process only to realize that I had drifted from the side of the road to the middle! A truck was coming straight at me and honking it's horn wildly!

"AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" I turned the handle bars and avoided the truck only to fly off the opposite side of the road and into the woods. I was going downhill and picking up speed and the brakes weren't helping at all. My heart was racing and I was doing everything in my power to avoid the oncoming trees. I didn't see the branch that snagged my front wheel. I only remembered seeing the sky and ground over and over, then nothing...