The Stream (Cancelled for now)

Story by Nibby on SoFurry

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Hey guys, I've decided to cancel this writing for now. Perhaps after some feedback/seeing what people think about it, I'll continue it, but I wasn't sure where to go with it without it feeling forced. Enjoy what I have, I'd love to know what you think!

A soft rustling of leaves chimed with the gentle flow of a stream as one white-haired wolf by the name of Lios stepped onto the soft, damp ground of the forest. He stepped between two bushes to come on a bank beside a gentle flowing stream, its cool and clear waters lapping the sides of rocks and the edge of the bank. His gray eyes slowly scanned the banks for others whom would go to enjoy the stream. Finding none, he slid off his gear, consisting of a quiver of arrows, a few knives, and his bow. As he placed these down, his paws slipped to his waist, slowly sliding off his leather tunic and placing it, folded, on his gear. Stepping into the cool waters to clean himself off, he realized that he had not showered in days, and smelled heavily of musk. He flared his nostrils at the smell and gave his lips a small lick.

Kneeling down, he cupped cool pockets of the clear water in his paw and lapped it over his mud-matted fur and worn skin. Lios gently sat down in the stream, crossing his legs, allowing his body to relax. Finding the stream quite enjoyable, he allowed his eyes to slide closed, enjoying the rushing stream. There wasn't a soul around, and he wasn't afraid of anyone finding his naked form. He realized that this was the first time in weeks he'd had time to relax properly, and not worry over gathering and scavenging for food. As his eyelids slowly lifted, he had quite an idea rush over himself. 'Oh, I'm alone... Noone will see...' He thought to himself, glancing down at his now prickling waist.

Lios stretches his legs before him under the cool waters, sliding back to prop his back up against a jagged rock. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, allowing his body to do as it wanted. The tingling at his waist only grew more as his paw found the sheathe, cupping it and pushing at it, coaxing the red flesh beneath it. Slowly but surely, the wolf's canine member slid out and into view of the world. It was large enough to poke out of the water, but small enough so that the majority of it was covered by the rolling liquids, a sensation that felt quite nice. His paw slowly traced up the warm rod, finding the tip, he slowly began to work his cupped paw down the base. He allowed his body a small moan, as his shoulders relaxed and his body sunk into the water more. It had been weeks since his last release, and he was pent up beyond belief.

Directly across the clearly sat a small berry bush, of which the deer noted. The powerful stag sat back on his haunches as he watched the wolf slowly, curious as to what he was doing. The deer noted his gray, worn fur and his cautious but eager actions. Waiting for a moment, he slowly stepped out from behind the bush.

As he watched the wolf delicately caress his warm member, tending to it like a prized possession. Slowly, the stag slid off his own clothes; a small cloth rag that went around his waist to cover his ever-growing shaft. Setting the small piece down on a rock, he gently slipped into the stream across from the wolf, sitting down slowly and carefully. He would find that his sounds were masked by rolling waves as he sat.

"Well, well, well..." the deer started, shooting the wolf a massive grin. "Enjoying yourself, mutt?" He asked, hoping to anger him a bit.

Lios gasped loudly, lurking his body forward at the voice. His grip on his shaft greatly increased as he stopped rubbing. His eyes shot open wide and his cheeks burned a bright red as he realize what was happening. The stag chuckled to himself, resting his arms behind his back to prop himself up on them, giving a mischievious smile. "No, no. Don't let me interrupt. It was quite nice watching." He exclaimed, nodding towards the wolf's steamy member. "Go on."

The wolf glanced to his left towards his knives. They were out of his reach and the stag would have him down in no time... Not that Lios would mind the deer on top of him. He bit his lip and decided, instead, to do as the deer says. He didn't know what kind of weaponry he might have under the surface of the water. He wrapped his gentle, soft fingers around the base of the shaft, near the now-swelling knot. Slowly he dragged his paw up, past every bumpy vein and shiny trickle of pre until he reached the tip, where he swirled his paw a bit. He then, at the same speed, slid his paw back downt he shaft the bottom, beginning to repeat this process.

Leaning forward, the brown-furred deer watched. For the first time, he realize how close they had been, standing only about two feet away from each other. The only reason them being able to sit together was the wolf's outstretched and closed legs, whereas the deer's were spread. Hestbur, of which the deer was named, glanced down at his own prickling waist as his cock began to raise out of the water. He was quite the masculine deer, and in turn, his shaft was rather large. It easily poked out of the water and rose, gleaming in the warm sun. He sat back and watched the deer slowly work himself, enjoying the view quite a lot.