Saturday Morning -- Sleeping In

Story by RiotousRuse on SoFurry

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#1 of Saturday

Hey guys!

I gotta keep myself on track! This is how it starts!

This is mostly just sex, and within that, it's a gift for a friend. I have more things, more elaborate and story-filled things down the pipeline. Just wanted to keep up on posting. Sorry it took so long! Enjoy!

"You seem awful lonely for a Friday night."

I glance up from my laptop, hearing the folf over my music. That said, it'd honestly be a challenge for me to miss anything for as long as I have these ears... I shrug, playing nonchalant. "I don't want to have anything to do with all the partying going on."

He comes closer, clearly not staved off by my attempt at being cold. "Oh, I understand that, trust me." Just from his move away from leaning in the doorway to now standing in the middle of the room, already I can tell playing hard-to-get isn't going to last forever. "I just came over to spend time with you..." he trails off.

I turn back to him with a look of surrender in my eyes and ears. I can't help it. This week has been crazy between exams and homework, and I'm about ready for him to spirit me away someplace nicer.

At my insistence, we've kept ourselves as quiet a secret as the steam tunnels under the school (which unfortunately become less secret everyday). At this point, I'm pretty tired of being limited to the weekends.

We've talked about it several times. Who cares if we're a couple when we're surrounded by literally our best chance of being accepted? I've heard it all, even gone and talked other people at the LGBT club on campus.

Then I always remember. He isn't the one hiding. He leans down and kisses my head, right between my ears. "How about we head back to my dorm, hm? That way you don't have to worry as much. I don't want to repeat last time, if that's okay with you."

I almost groan with the memory of how awkward last time was. Before you start making assumptions, no, we didn't do anything. People and their minds. Geez.

No, last time, we were hanging out in here, but I was panicking the entire night, literally waiting for my dorm roommate to come walking through the door and... I don't know. Laugh? Tell other people? Maybe tell Jax about some horrible habit I have that he can't help but point out since we live together?

I'd like to think I don't do anything too extreme...

Anyways, I was constantly looking at the door, and I don't think there was a single time where at least one of my ears wasn't crooked to hear people out in the hallway. Poor Jax. He ended up leaving before we even finished one movie, and I can't tell which one of us felt worse about that.

That's me. Ruining dates since--

"C'mon, Blue. I can't be all that horrible to spend time with," he nudges with a smile.

I get myself up from my bed, grumbling and complaining as usual, but as soon as I turn towards him and he hugs me, the act is gone. The tension in my shoulders resolves itself for a little while. I feel like I could float away. I melt into a mess of sergal-purrs and I don't even bother to stop. "You are pretty horrible, actually..."

He just chuckles and hugs me tighter. Then...I remember the unlocked door again. I look over his shoulder and see he even left it open. All the good feelings evaporate and I pull away from him suddenly. I hear him almost growl in annoyance but catch it, instead offering me a paw. "Shall we go then?"

I don't take his paw, but I do start following him after he can tell he'll only be able to lead me out while acting as a friend and nothing more. "I'm sorry, Jax."

He doesn't respond until we've left the whole dorm hall and are walking outside to get to his much more elaborate, much more private suite-style dorm. Even though I've met a lot of people because I essentially have to live with 20 other guys, I do envy people who can afford the security of a single room.

"Don't worry about it, Blue. I shouldn't push you like I do sometimes. My fault for not being able to resist." He walks closer to my side and bumps into me once, a huge grin on his face. "Or maybe your fault for being so irresistible." He winks for effect, too. Bastard.

I don't say anything more until we get to his room up three flights of stairs. At least by the end of those I could claim that the flush in my face was from that instead of his comment. He does stuff like that all the time.

When we go get to his room, I finally dare to look down and see if he wore anything on his feet. He knows it drives me crazy to look at his big paws like that, and sometimes I think he just likes taking advantage of that. He certainly can't have minded last Friday...

"Blue? Hello? Eyes up here!" Definitely can't call that blush anything but what it is.

My ears flop bashfully. "Y-yes, Jax?"

He grins wide, and this time I can see a little of his own shyness at being so bold. It seems like such a subtle thing, but what it means between us certainly makes things different. "Why don't we try to make it inside first?" he near-whispers, his low voice sending an involuntary thrill up my spine.

I practically throw myself at him, hoping he can at least try to close the door behind me. I don't have to ask him how he knows we won't be interrupted. It is Friday night, and I'm sure everyone else in this suite is either doing homework or is out getting wasted. There's plenty of perks to this being a single room, after all.

He catches me in his arms, drawing me significantly closer than last time's hug. "I love you, Blue. I hope no one can ever scare that out of you." The ear he talks into practically vibrates between his deep voice and the excitement of being so close to him, but somehow it stays attached to my head.

He holds me for a while, and it very quickly becomes apparent that I don't even want to let go. It's been way too long of a week. Sure, we see each other all the time, but it almost makes it worse. I can't tell him how I feel any other time of the week, hold his paw like I want to, hug him until he squeezes me closer... "Can we try a movie again? I'm still sorry about last time."

I can almost hear his smile as he responds, "Sure, sure. If you can keep from getting grabby."

I pull back so I can see his silver eyes. "And if I do?"

He rolls his eyes. "You mean when you do? We might as well skip the movie if that's where this is headed."

I giggle, letting him go so he can start our premiere distraction for the night. "You know me so well." That said, it wouldn't be the same if we didn't at least start the night acting like we weren't going to be dirty later. It isn't as much fun.

Eventually, something I've probably already seen is playing, but I care less about that than I do to curl myself backwards into him after he lies down. His muzzle rests easily atop my head. His arms wrap around me like I could float away without careful watch, and steady breathing from over my ears reminds me that nothing could be more simple or perfect on a night like this. The rhythmic breathing around me is like taking shelter on the beach, surrounded by the waves.

Ebb and flow. A gentle sunset. I can imagine it almost as easily being the setting for us instead of this dorm room.

As I settle and think about how stressful the week was and how glad I am that it's over, I think less and less about starting something with the folf, rumbling quietly as he nuzzles against my ears from time to time.

No. Tonight is just a good night for cuddles and reruns.

I probably fell asleep first, honestly.

It's always at least a little uncomfortable to wake up in your clothes, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. It's not so bad that I want to leap to my feet when I wake up, but the feeling of the folf behind me reminds me that starting my morning quickly would be a missed opportunity more than anything else.

Probably many opportunities. It is, after all, Saturday.

I wouldn't say he's holding me tight, but there's definitely a feeling of protection that envelops me and almost puts me back to sleep. Almost.

But then ideas start flowing. Good ideas. Good because they're just so bad.

Similar to how we fell asleep, he's still right up close against my back, my tail even slung someplace elsewhere so he could occupy the space. Slowly, with some concentration and even points where I had to hold a weird position and not fall, I turn around in his arms, an evil grin marking up my muzzle the whole time.

Since we only see each other weekly (or sometimes sooner if I get lonely), sometimes we make it a challenge to see who ends up succumbing to their lust first. That isn't to say we keep one another from pawing or doing anything crazy like that, but I always like to try to guess the last time he blew off steam by how easily I get him stirred up the first time.

When we first met, we both wore tight jeans a lot of the time. I've always liked the way they felt, but I think the folf only had them on to advertise. After we slept together for the first time, I never saw anything form-fitting on his waist again. It's not much of a challenge to get through the button and zipper of his pants without looking, even as I keep my eyes and ears on him to see when he'll wake up.

He's not a light sleeper, but he's not a heavy sleeper either. I pull my paws back just in time to watch his eyes creep open. I'm still grinning and I'm not about to hide it, and he has about the most disapproving look possible before I actually start believing he wasn't happy to wake up this way. "What a surprise. Saturday morning and my pants are already open."

My grin doesn't falter for a moment. "You really should get that looked at. Seems to happen all the time when I'm here."

His own muzzle breaks into a predatory grin, canines glinting in the morning sun. "Why don't you take a look, Blue?"

My ears lilt back submissively before I can control them, but I was hardly about to say no. He rolls onto his back, leaving me atop him, a now expectant look crooked on his muzzle. I start crawling my way backward off him, stopping perched on his knees and with my nose in dangerous proximity to his open jeans. What I can see of his underwear looks much more bulged than my paws told me earlier. "What's it look like?"

Maintaining eye contact even as both of our looks descend more into glee than the silly roleplay, I comment, "Well, I'm no professional, but it looks almost as if someone has been here. Maybe while you were asleep?"

He starts settling into his laid-back posture, clearly happy with me setting the pace. His deep, expectant eyes remain neutral as he urges, "Maybe it's a deeper problem? Why not get closer?" I'm already moving before he chuckles and adds, "It won't bite, after all."

I roll my eyes before they focus on the scene before me. I pull his pants down more than just open, some cooperative shimmying on his part largely helping. Even before I do anything with his boxers, his natural blur of a scent of a fox and a wolf becomes significantly muskier, ramping my mischievous intentions to a whole new place. I hope my deep breath of his scent hides under his content rumble, but a soft chuckle tells me I'm too hopeful.

Screw all this waiting! My paws dart out in front of me and yank his boxers down to where his pants rest, and where I able to keep scope of my actions, I might've heard the quiet meep from the folf. I wouldn't apologize anyways. He can deal with me being so into him, so there.

Already half-unleashed, his hybrid cock already looks more than happy happy to see me this morning. My ears pinken, but it's not for a lack of bravery.

Every time I start something intimate with the folf, I course through every way I could please him, never sure what alternative would be best. In any case, I'm sure he'll never complain.

One timid lick over the pointed tip leads into another, and another, and even more. If I listen carefully enough, I can hear him huff just a little bit with every touch to that sensitive head. His arms are folded behind his head, but I challenge myself to break that "composure" he thinks he's entitled to.

I slide my paws up his hips slowly, combing my claws through his thick fur as his canine member finally emerges enough to rest itself at the tip of my muzzle without any help. It gets one last lick (tasting already of pre) before I hold it away in a paw, instead leaning in deeper to take another deep breath situated just under the main event. Just as I had earlier, I take curious licks at his balls, making sure to get him to squirm the longer I tease him.

Shakily, but still with a surprising amount of composure, he comments, "Seems to be quite a big problem. Still checking it out?"

Sensing what that's supposed to mean, I lick broadly a few more times before settling at his cock again, already slippery with pre as it is. I make eye contact with him again, his cheeks already flush with a little bit more than just the passion of the moment. He was shy about me doing this right from the get go. Always has been. Poor little folf. Well...not little.

"Actually, I think I found it. You might want to hold on to something." I wink before descending on the straining pink member practically bobbing before me. Jax actually does grab onto the sheets, but it's after I've already got half of the thing in my muzzle.

He gasps and sighs immediately afterward, sounding like he might lose his composure already. "God, Blue..." He lays back after that though, letting me play as I will.

On another day, he might sneak a paw behind my ears and do as much as shove to as little as scratch and encourage, but it's all the same. The folf knows how to indulge me. I'm sure he enjoys it too.

I work my way down slowly, still drawing the morning out piece by piece until I end up bumping into his knot. He breathes out a huge sigh again, the tension in his body shaking the bed a bit in anticipation. I imagine that it's all that energy that usually ends up taken out on slutty muzzles like mine, but the folf is playing nice today.

My tongue never stops curiously gathering up all the taste it can, the sensory overload of the moment finally making me close my eyes. At his next content sigh, I start rumbling, both because I'm enjoying myself and because I know he'll like that too.

I start to get the feeling that things could wrap up as soon as I want them to, and as I shift from knee to knee feeling a little stuck in my pants, I decide he could reciprocate things the sooner he's done here. I start squeezing at his growing knot with a free paw, diving deep enough to get his length stuck in my throat a few times. He was pretty patient the first few times I caught myself off guard.

He starts huffing and panting and squeezing the hell out of the sheets in his paws, his eyes only open enough to meet mine once before he tosses his head back again.

His knot finally quits at a width I bet I could hardly fit two paws around, but my second paw takes up rubbing the rest of his length when my muzzle retreats to only his tip. With a final groan, he bucks into my paws a last time, and all of his stressful week is soon a new taste on my tongue.

Things are always just simpler if I just swallow. It's not a huge deal to me, but at first I was always afraid of the fact that the flavor literally could change on a weekly basis.

He's left panting for a while, his tongue lolling out in possibly the best sign that I did well. I'll have a strange scent carried around on my breath (and just on me for anyone with super smell. Damn canines), but hell, I'm just hanging out with him anyways.

"Oh, Blue... Things like that are worth the week-long wait." He takes one last deep breath and sighs it out, looking extremely relaxed. "You want help now?" I blush a little bit, but it's mostly because all I want are his gigantic paws, but it still feels weird to ask. He notices regardless, and as gently as possible, suggests, "Why don't you do what you want with me? You don't have to say anything if you don't want."

I guess I idle too long though, because soon enough he sits up and starts undoing my pants. I feel mixed between being a little kid and being irrevocably loved, to the point where me ducking out of humbleness just won't go over like that. I look up into his eyes, where they meet mine, and he kisses my nose once. "Some day you'll learn to ask for yourself."

I shake my head, then end up shimmying out of my pants. He ditches what remains of his too. "I'll leave that part to you."

He pushes me closer to the foot of the bed, then goes back into his lean. Ultimately it leaves both of his monster-sized feet right in my lap. If I'd forgotten how hard I was while I was sucking off the folf, then the memories (and feelings) came rushing back in half a second flat.

I don't bother with licking them as much as I would normally, already a little tired in the muzzle for obvious reasons. Instead, he tortures me for a little while, playing with me with one paw and slowly stroking me with the other. Sure, it's a little clumsier than his hands, but we both know how much more it means to me.

The morning air is light and peaceful, graceful even as I interrupt it with heavy sighs and groans and rumbles, deeply satisfied with absolutely everything at the moment.

It won't take much, that I can already tell. Just knowing I already got him off once does that for me. The first time I told him I live to please, he told me not to put it that way ever again. Regardless, the reality of that statement bubbles in my blood, pumping my heart stronger and stronger, making my nerves feel like they've all exploded in sensation.

And as I eventually feel myself drawing closer, both of his paws push against my chest, and I hug them close to me as my eyes close and I lose it without a second thought.

My orgasm happens more than I force it, and the rush of happy feelings clouds my mind and even my vision for a little while, leaving me with little more than an even sillier tongue hanging out of my muzzle and a completely spent member.

I don't have enough sense left in my head to crawl back over and join him, but thankfully he does. My eyes officially close when I feel his arms around me again, and I resolve that a little snooze before our day starts wouldn't be the worst thing.

In fact, it could be perfect.