Desperations pt 2

Story by TroyBaines on SoFurry

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the next Day Troy woke up and bumped into a feathery creature "oh sorry.." Troy said

HybridTheory : (Boris?)

TroyBaines : yup)

HybridTheory : Boris grunted. "Careful will ya boychick! This floor be sparkling clean!" he said and brushed some of Troy's muddy paws off the deck.

TroyBaines : Sorry Boris.." Troy said "Balto was right" he chuckled

HybridTheory : Boris snickered and kept on mopping. "Why you here for?"

TroyBaines : "Balto gave me this place to live i guess he also wants me to take care of it or something, Im Troy, have you seen Kodi anywhere?"

HybridTheory : Boris rolled his eyes. "So more paws dirty my lovely deck." he sighed. "Kodi go sledding practice."