The Wolf's Heated Hell

Story by WhiteWolfMoonHowl on SoFurry

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The sounds of the house echo in her grey and white ears. Her fluffy white wolf tail beats against the armrest of the sofa as her sharp teeth dig furiously into the cushioned back. Her black claws dig tiny holes in the pillow as she tries desperately to keep from crying out. Each time the door leading into the hall opens, her eyes open, the violet orbs pleading for somebody to see her, for somebody to save her. Of course nobody comes.

His claws are digging into her shoulder, pulling her back in time with his thrusts as he viciously pounds into her aching depths. The large male behind her, not her kind, not even close. His twin tails wag behind him, his breath unbearably hot on her exposed back as he roughly claims her depths. All he sees through his lust clouded eyes is a female in heat just begging to be taken, but what he sees and what she feels are so very different.

Her muffled panting turns to sharp yelps as the Hellhound behind her lets his knot swell outside her body, each thrust sending shameful pleasure through her wolfen body as it rubs her in all the right ways. She knows that she's in heat, that this male is a threat, not her mate, but that her own brother left her alone with him. She wonders if she's being punished, if her scent was driving him so mad that he couldn't ask, and instead just let his instinct take over. A million questions flow through her mind as she tries to make sense of this moment.

Her thoughts are interrupted as the door slams shut once again, another possible rescue gone. The larger male's thrusts speed up, each time she's roughly wrenched back against his body the swollen knot is forced into her heated depths, now responding on their own. Her entire being is consumed by her heat, and all she can think of is getting the Hellhound's long, thin, knotted shaft as deep into her as she can so his balls can empty their load directly into her womb and give her cubs to care for.

His hindpaws dig into the floor, finding their grip on the green carpet, he bucks his hips forward, digging his massive jaws into his young wolfen conquest's ruff, drawing blood. His knot slips into her depths and she forces her head into the back of the sofa and howls, his cock coated with her fluids. He takes this as a sign of her submission and begins his release, his balls drawing tight against his body as they empty their load into his previously unwilling bitch. As he feels his release fade away, he roughly pulls out, causing the silver-white wolf beneath him to let out a pained shriek. Gripping a tuft of her fur, the white fluff nearly pulled out by the force, he lifts her head and forces her to look him in the eyes. His throbbing length is still dripping their combined fluids and some of her blood, but he doesn't care. He growls at her and the order is clear. Obediently she opens her mouth, tears running down her face as the strong-smelling cock is shoved clear into her throat, the knot bashing against her lips as the Hellhound male snarls in pleasure. Once the wolf bitch has finished cleaning his meat of all traces of their actions he walks away, leaving her to clean herself up.

As evening falls, her brother returns, his black and red fur reeking of alcohol, his friend is gone, his sister stinks of perfume, soap, and sex. With a grin he comments how glad he is that she finally got laid. What he doesn't realize is that she was unwilling, that prior to him coming home she spent hours under the freezing water of her shower, repeatedly washing her fur, but still aware of the Hellhound's musky scent, thick with sulfur overwhelming her. What neither of them know until much later is that her heat has been satisfied, and she's now carrying the Hellhound's cubs....
