The Outlander 3 37
#38 of The Outlander
Book 3 Chapter 37
Ritsuko refused to leave Sandokhans' side, over the course of the night she helped heal Sandokhans' injuries whilst Mattimeo and the others prepared the casualties for burial. Sandokhan was the most bereaved by the death of his friend, but there was still one more task to be done, the expulsion of the Stormvermin from Jima. Sandokhan, Mattimeo, Farlo and Fujokai were assembled on the west coast of Mochizuki domain as the last regiments boarded their row boats to get back to the only vessel to survive, the Gabools' Folly. "We have not slain you nor treated you unfairly," Fujokai called. "Let this be a lesson that every land is not fair game for any conqueror and these things are far more important than anything the Honoured Claw promised you. You are free to go, but never again return here in anger." "We have more pressing matters to attend to, mainly returning to Manchuria and continuing our struggle in our dead Generals' name," said Bloodclaw, the captain of the ship. They all watched as the boats were brought aboard the ship and the Gabools' Folley sailed into the distance.
That evening, in the throne room of Lons' palace, Sandokhan and his friends held a wake for Wataru and all the other brave warriors who did not live to see victory. Ritsuko had prepared some hot rice wine and dealt it amongst the Sandokhan and his council. The fox Samurai held out his cup and said, "To absent friends." They all raised their cups to the memory of the brave Samurai otter. A silence reigned over the scene. Tigerlilly was the first beast to break it, "You know, when I first met Wataru, he was in the dojos' gym trying to block. He managed to get the hang of the idea but he couldn't get the movements right. We weren't that close but I consider him a good friend of mine."
At Tin-Jins' monastery the following day, nearly everybeast in the domain had turned out to celebrate the great victory. The monks sounded the monastery bells with enthusiasm, there was music and dancing and a sense of great mirth hummed on the breeze. Sandokhan looked around him and saw Mattimeo and Elmtail chatting happily with Fujokai and Allyosha, Tigerlilly was teaching Cheek how to dance, George was surrounded by the lesser Samurai warriors telling them war stories and Tsuzukus' otters rubbed shoulders with the GUOSIM shrews. The scene made the fox swell up with emotional sentiment. When Ritsuko sat next to him, he whispered in her ear, "Will you marry me?" "Sandy?" "Will you? I've had... strong feelings for you for quite some time and... there's no beast I would rather be with than you," he explained. "I think your sling's on too tight," she replied. Sandokhan suddenly felt crestfallen, but Ritsuko rubbed noses with him and whispered, "I can't believe you fell for that! Of course I'll marry you, you big softie." A grand feast was prepared and as the sixth course was finished, Mattimeo spoke with Sandokhan. "When will the sea guard be able to prepare a ship for us?" "Some otters are at present making preparations for your journey back to Mossflower. You can leave the day after tomorrow," Sandokhan replied. "I shall miss this place, but it will feel so good to be home," said Mattimeo. "When you leave, we - I mean Fujokai and the others have prepared some gifts for you as tokens of our gratitude." "Thank you, Sandy. One thing though, who is going to be Shogun now?" "I had thought that Fujokai may seem a promising candidate," "I'm surprised you didn't want the position," "I am Guardian of Mochizuki and that is good enough for me. Besides if I were Shogun I wouldn't know where to start," said Sandokhan. "But if you were," said Farlo who sat next to Mattimeo. "You would be able to raise a huge war host and take the fight to the Eshin realm and take revenge for what they've done." "Farlo, it's over. Jima is free now," said Mattimeo. "But Lanka isn't," the dormouse replied. "We Samurai live by a code of self defence. Being powerful doesn't mean you go looking for a war," said Sandokhan. "But the Eshin-" "Is a doomed nation," the fox interrupted abruptly. "The Eshin Realm is a nation to be pitied. We have already set them on a course of self destruction with this Stormvermin uprising. I will not be Shogun, if the Triad council is restored then I will take my place among them. I did not overthrow one tyrant just to simply become one myself, Farlo!" Farlo did not say a word.
On the morning of the second day after the celebrations, the wind changed direction and it was time for Mattimeo and the other warriors from the west to leave Jima and journey home. Mattimeo, Elmtail, Cheek, George, Flug and his shrews were all dressed in Samurai armour, one of gifts given to them. "These suits of armour are fantastic, matey. You really mean it? We can keep them?" "Hehe, of course you can Cheek. But there are more presents for all of you. Firstly George," said Sandokhan as he presented Lons' massive dai-katana to the hare. "This was once my Shoguns' blade. Present it to your Lordship, a good will gesture from the people of Jima." "Thanks awfully, old bean," said George before he saluted the fox smartly. Fujokai turned to Elmtail, "You're very good for an archer," "Thank you, Lord Fujokai," Elmtail replied as he bowed to the new Shogun of Jima. With that the white wolf then presented the squirrel with his prize war-bow. "I think you'll be even better if you used this," "Your yumi!" Elmtail gaped in amazement, before hugging the white wolf tightly. "Thank you so much!" Mattimeo was bidding his goodbyes to Tigerlilly. "I'll never forget you Mattimeo Kun," she said as they embraced. "I envy your wife," she whispered. Mattimeo in return kissed her gently on her brow, "Farewell Tigerlilly. Tell the pandas I send my regards." The GUOSIM shrews had brought some boxes brimming with rockets and other pyrotechnics. "Remember to keep those dry on the boat and not to light a single one until that Redwall place has prepared a great welcome home feast," said Allyosha. "Before we go I want to say goodbye to Farlo and Glendal, where are they?" Asked Elmtail. "They disappeared shortly after the victory feast two nights ago," said Allyosha. Sandokhan turned to Mattimeo, "A gift for your abbey, warrior. When I was at Redwall, the orchard was my favourite place to be during the summer and I want you have these." The fox handed the mouse a bag of seeds. "Plant these in your orchard, they should become strong cherry blossoms in a couple of seasons or so." The pair then embraced, "I'm glad I met you Sandy. You taught me so much not only about myself but a great deal about what it means to be a true warrior." "One other thing," said Sandokhan as he handed Mattimeo a series of large scrolls and two leatherbound books. "I enjoyed the story of Luke. The other book is a translation text for the scrolls. Presents for Churchmouse San." "I have a feeling he'll enjoy every second of translating." "Goodbye Mattimeo. Tell the dibbuns they'll have new stories in Cavern Hole over the next long winter, give my regards to Francis Vole and tell Ivy I send her my love," said Sandokhan. They shook paws firmly one last time before Mattimeo boarded his ship. Before they retracted the plank Mattimeo had one last thing to say, "Hoi Sandy. I understand that story about Kenji and the dragon. The primary discipline to being a warrior; your resolve must be absolute in becoming a shield for the ones you love." "Now you understand," said Sandokhan. The plank had fully retracted and the ship cast off into the wind, carrying its' precious cargo westward; homeward bound. As the ship rounded the headland, Mattimeo could see Sandokhan and the others massed on the cliffs looking out to sea where they gave the western warriors a final and beautiful parting gift. They all sang in chorus to the departing ship. Mattimeo knew the song, Sandokhan had sang it before back at Redwall during the Abbots' jubilee feast.
"The journey begins, Starts from within, Things that I need to know, The song of the birds are echoing words, Singing for the need to soar,
Thoughts never tiring in flight, Day turning into night, Questions we ask ourselves, Which path do we take, For our lives' sake? The journey will begin again,
From above we can see from the heavens, Down below we can see a storm raging on, And we'll march on forever, Fighting for something to believe,
As the Earth turns, Things that we learn, Carry us back home, The more that we try, The more that we fly, The answers that we seek will be there..."
As the last notes echoed off onto the winds there was not one dry eye aboard the vessel. Mattimeo kept his sight on the coastline until it became too hard to make out anymore. The same could be said for Sandokhan and Ritsuko. The Samurai fox wiped away a tear from his mates' eye and held her paw. "I wish them luck and courage," she said. "We all do," Sandokhan replied. "I wish them all nothing but great joy and happiness in their lives," said the white wolf. "I never thought of you as the sentimental type, Fujokai." The white wolf just returned a smile as Sandokhan and Ritsuko discussed their wedding. "I hope you will like my fathers' old house. It's not much but it is a roof over our heads at least. In the future we can always look for a much bigger place." "Bigger place?" "The cubs. I presume we're going to have some," "Hang on, how many cubs are you planning for?" "I was nine. But if you want to draw the line at seven that's fine by me!" The group then split and divided as everybeast returned to their newly created lives or to start picking up the pieces of shattered ones. Fujokai was the last to leave. The white wolf stared out over the never-ending waters and focused on the horizon. He then spoke, "Rest Lon, My Master. You have your revenge."