Faction lore: Krazzak

Story by Mechonis on SoFurry

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A documentary on my custom species the Krazzak

This is my first story so be please keep that in mind, I will accept criticism due to being an author that wants to improve.

The Krazzak are a insectoid warlike race

that displays extreme aggression at others for many reasons, they originated on

the planet Formossa which was a normal earthlike planet but then they slowly

destroyed it by engaging in many wars against each other until the planet

turned into a dying world filled with pollution and toxins. The toxins on the planet Formossa mutated

the wildlife into much more aggressive monsters and all the plants are now

carnivorous, the Krazzak themselves weren't safe from this fate and got mutated

into a hardened species that took more of a cockroach form but without wings, they

now breath in carbon but can breath from oxygen to a certain extent. After a while of the planet becoming more

and more worse, the Krazzak decided to band together for a while as they saw

that the planet was dying and they will die as well so they researched interstellar

travel and then begun to find other planets that reminded them of their own,

greed took over again and most planets were already inhabited but they didn't

care and killed off or enslaved the population of the planets. The Krazzak kept on going with their brutal

colonization until the federation decided to do something and launched large

scale interplanetary war against them, the war was expensive and brutal but the

federates got their funds from launching propaganda of the Krazzak, saying how

they would desecrate bodies and would burn the survivors of the planet alive

but this is technically false. Krazzak soldiers rank can vary in armor and

what the actual creature looks like, for example, a low ranking soldier

typically called the grunt would only have a dull shine to his white armor and

would only have slightly bulky armor along with a plain insect body, the blade

master which is typically called the berserker by fed soldiers would have a

bulky helmet and torso while having lightly armored arms and medium armored

legs, he would have a horned head with a heavily spiked body. The Krazzak language is high pitched clicking

noises but wizened ones can speak telepathically, you would need a good

translator to understand and talk to them. Krazzak naming is extremely cryptic but the

second name comes from what they are good at, for example a Krazzak blade

masters name would be raì one thousand swords. The Krazzak slave system is a unique one as

they will kill off seventy percent of the planets population of sentient

creatures and will enslave the rest, the slaves can buy back their freedom

using tokens as tribute and prices can vary depending on the government.Krazzak's are masters of designing mechs and weaponry and their equipment will usually out last you, they aren't too bad with cyborg technology either but the process is long and painful, harbingers cyborg tech is better by a mile shot.