Hades' Revenge 1: Temple Sights

Story by Charboy on SoFurry

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#1 of Hades' Revenge

Hey, this is the first part of a three part story I've been thinking about for ages. I was a little worried it was too long, but I think it has turned out well.

Let me know what you think.


Greece was supposed to have been an escape. The triplets had finally finished with school, their final agonising exams were now in the past. Luke, Kyle, and Dylan had dreamed of a fantastic holiday on a Greek island surrounded by booze, parties, and women. Three 18 year old boys on a Greek adventure, it would have been amazing. Alas, this dream did not come to pass. They had ended up at some shitty, tiny resort on the mainland hundreds of miles from the closest party island. The only thing nearby was an ancient ruined temple. In a vain attempt to have some fun the triplets had headed out to see the decaying relic.

'Well, this is just as shit as I was expecting" Luke yelled in disappointment.

The temple may once have been great, but now the remnants mostly lay scattered across the hill top. The rest stolen away to build walls, houses, and barns, ruins now themselves. The temple would have been a marvellous place, visible for miles around. From the ruins it was possible to see what it would have looked like at the heights of its prominence. Now however, columns lay strewn across the dusty floor. Only the back wall remained. The other walls and roof had collapsed into rubble. The bottom half of a great painting, now terribly faded, was barely visible on the back wall. It was still possible to make out four huge black pawed legs which must have belong to a monstrous creature. Between the great monster's legs was a painted stone arch. A giant would pass well beneath its frame. It almost seemed to protrude from the wall through some clever optical illusion. The background showed lakes of fire, mountains of ash, and endless souls being eternally tortured.

'I think this is a temple to Hades' Kyle stated.

'Who the fuck is Hades?' Luke demanded, kicking up dust as he stormed to the end of the temple.

'How do you not know?' Kyle said condescendingly. 'In Ancient Greece he was the god of the underworld which is clearly what this mural depicts'.

Luke snorted 'You would know'.

'What? Are you trying to mock my ability to retain information? Seriously, it's like...'

Dylan rolled his eyes. Brains against brawn, their same old confrontation.

You wouldn't know they were triplets looking at them. They weren't identical triplets, they had similar features, but no more so than any other family relations. They shared their mother's hazel eyes and auburn hair, but other than that they were different in every way. Luke was the oldest, by 12 minutes, and the biggest. He was the brawn of the group, muscles rippled under his tight shirt. The time he spent at the gym had given him his bulky pecs and defined 6-pack. His was a little lacking in the head however. The brains Luke lacked had clearly been given to Kyle. His smarts seemed to show on him. He had a scrawny slim body, his muscles drained away given to Luke as trade for the brains. His eyes sparked with intelligence and he was renowned in their school for having his head buried in a book. Dylan, the youngest, was somewhere in between. His slim but toned body showed off his swimmers training. His smooth body would gleam by the pool with only his speedos to cover his modesty. Dylan loved displaying his body, seeing the excitement it brought to the girls watching from the stands, the glint in their eyes as they scoured his body.

They had been arguing for a good ten minutes now and Luke had finally given up. He stormed off towards the exit of the temple.

'Oh, fuck you Kyle and fuck Hades. In fact fuck all of Greece, old and new. This is not what I came here for'. Luke paused briefly crossing the threshold of the temple, a shiver ran down his spine, and then he took off again straight towards the car at the base of the hill.

'I do wish you two would get along or at least put up with each other's presence' Dylan whispered to himself. Although he did agree with Luke, this place was a dump. It was just a pile of broken stone not even very comfy to sit on. Again he wondered if this trip had been a good idea.

'That was all him, right D?' Kyle said, looking for support.

'Yeah, sure' Dylan said, but his heart didn't mean it. 'But you...' They heard a car start up at the bottom of the hill and drive off. Dylan groaned.

'Fucking. Fucky, arghhhh' Kyle screamed.

'Well looks like we're walking' Dylan let out an exasperated sigh. He didn't mind walking, quite enjoyed it actually, but it was nearly 40 degrees out. No matter how nice the countryside was it was going to be an arduous walk back, especially with Kyle so pissed off.

They begin their long walk home. Kyle began his point by point recap of the argument he had had with Luke, making sure to highlight precisely how he was right and Luke was wrong. Dylan drugged alongside, downcast, barely listening to what Kyle was saying.

They both paused in the same place as Luke an odd shiver running down their backs. Neither of them noticed.

Luke drove off still furious at Kyle. 'Urghh he can be such a smart ass', Luke yelled at the car. He needed to calm down. He had been told there was a strip club in the town nearby. That should help. He drove into the town finding the club on the main street.

It was a decrepit building. The paint was peeling off the exterior, the windows had been boarded up after being smashed too many times, and a crappy neon sign hung above the door glowing something written in Greek. Strip clubs look crappy everywhere, apparently.

Inside was just as much of a dive. The dimmed lights couldn't hide the dirty seats stained with fluids it paid not to think about. A scrawny middle aged woman was strutting across the stage showing off her saggy tits to the leering old men gathered around the stage. Tits were tits though. Luke sat down at the back of the room trying to enjoy the show.

Dylan striped off his shirt. The heat was exhausting, but they were nearly back now. He loved to let his skin breathe and take in the sun. It allowed his skin to steadily build up his attractive tanned hue.

Kyle was the exact opposite. Far too conscious to show off his scrawny frame sweat was now soaked through his t-shirt. It clung so close to his skin it showed off his skinny body anyway. It also left his covered skin a startling white colour contrasting abruptly at his tan lines.

They had been walking along country roads for several hours now. Although the conversation had dissolved into quiet panting, it at least meant Kyle had had time to cool off emotionally. They reached the crest of the next hill and there at the base of the hill was their rented house. Dylan let out a grateful cheer. He lifted Kyle into a giggling hug.

Kyle could feel Dylan's pecs pressing into his own chest and Dylan's biceps pushed into his sides. He found the feel of his brother's skin rubbing against his own oddly enjoyable.

'The sun must be getting to us. Heat stroke, a perfect explanation', Kyle thought.

It was a simple house, essentially just a lounge with a tiny kitchen in the corner of the room and a bedroom with one bed they all squeezed into. The walls were bleakly whitewashed in the usual Greek style. Speeding up, they rushed back to the house.

The doors burst open and relieved sighs were shared by the boys. They collapsed down onto the rickety wooden chairs, panting from exhaustion. Kyle's t-shirt was now drenched in sweat. Dylan's sweat was collecting on his skin.

Kyle glanced up seeing Dylan leaning back over his chair his torso stretched out in display. Kyle couldn't take his gaze away. His vision seemed to fill with Dylan's tight body. His smooth pecs glistened with sweat, a single drop running down the subtle dip of his breastbone to the top of his lightly defined abs. He only really had a 2 pack, but to Kyle that was perfect. Dylan's nipples were hard stubs on his chest quivering with every breath. Kyle licked his lips, his mouth suddenly dry, wondering what sucking on those teats would be like.

Dylan opened his eyes meeting his brother's. Kyle looked away a blush spreading across his face, the unexpected movement in his shorts receding. Dylan saw Kyle's blush and where his hungry eyes had been focused and could feel the desire dawning in his brother. It greatly interested him.

'Well, I'm gonna shower' Kyle perked up. He stood and wandered off to the bathroom. His thoughts lingered on his brother's tight body. Dylan watched Kyle walk away examining his skinny ass as he went. He was left alone, his own unexpected excitement in his shorts.

Luke had been at the club for hours now. He still couldn't get into the performance. Hotter women had started to appear on stage as the club had begun to fill, but still no attention was coming to his cock.

Being a muscular stud he had gone into strip clubs before and had had the attention of the room. The girls would fight over his affection. It was always a fantastically horny trip which would usually end in a special treat, at an extortionate cost.

He tried to concentrate his libido on the girl on stage, but his thoughts seemed confused. Her tits, just weren't working for him. They seemed far too large and ungainly bouncy. He wanted something smaller, firmer, muscular, preferably with a thin film of hair. Hair! Why would he want hair on a girl, usually he preferred them smooth in all areas. Her stomach, although nice and taut, seemed to lack definition, nothing to show off her strength. He even thought she would look hotter with a thin trail of hair leading from her belly button down to a dense forest of pubes, shadowing a long hard cock for him to wrap his dry lips around.

Luke suddenly stopped shocked at where his thought were drifting. He was straight. Why was he having these thoughts? The warm erection housed in his shorts seemed to deny his objection.

Luke cleared his mind and stared blankly at the girl on stage. It must have been her, he thought, I was staring at her when my thoughts drifted. It must be her. He steadily lost the raging excitement he was desperate for not long ago.

The door to the bathroom squeaked open. A gust of steam blew out into the hall. Kyle didn't notice, enjoying the warmth soaking into his aching body. Dylan slipped silently into the room, naked.

The shower, as with everything in the flat, was rubbish. It was just a single sheet of glass separating the water stream from the rest of the room. Dylan moved round this pane to stand directly behind his naked brother.

'Hey Ky...' Kyle jumped swinging his head round, he kept his groin pointing suspiciously away from Dylan. He eyes were suddenly shocked in terror, before relaxing. Kyle couldn't stop his eyes wandering down Dylan's body, settling on his semi erect cock, enjoying seeing his brother in full view.

After a moment Kyle's head shot back up meeting Dylan's gaze. Dylan had a knowing grin plastered smugly on his face. Kyle's cheeks reddened and he glanced away. Dylan continued '...I thought we'd share. To save water. You know.' They both knew it was a terrible pretence, the force bringing them together could almost be seen, but for now it was a good enough excuse.

'Fine' Kyle croaked. He shuffled forward, still not turning his hips. Dylan moved towards Kyle trying to get into the stream of water. He basked in the cleansing stream, washing away the sweat from the horrible walk. Turning to refresh his back Dylan brushed his shoulder against Kyle's back. A spark of excitement passed between them both. Kyle stiffened, shocked by the excitement. Dylan, however, embraced it, using it as fuel.

Dylan grew more confident, trying to get more contact between them. It started by brushing his arm against Kyle's stiff back, his fingers tentatively sculpting the tops of Kyle's ass checks. By the end Dylan stepped back bumping back to back into Kyle. 'Sorry' he whispered, but he was clearly insincere as he started rubbing their ass cheeks together a grin growing on his face. The grin was not the only thing growing.

Dylan stepped back out of the stream of water, the grin on his face, a hard throbbing cock pulsing before him. He turned to look at Kyle. Kyle was still stood there, stiff, hands clenched by his side, his ass cheeks pulled up almost uncomfortably. Dylan moved forward sliding his hands around Kyle's torso. One hand started caressing Kyle's stomach while the other searched for a nipple to play with. Dylan's throbbing cock rested against the cleft of Kyle's ass, pre starting to leak onto his back. Dylan rested his head on Kyle's shoulder. 'You alright' Dylan whispered seductively in Kyle's ear.

Kyle thrust back pushing Dylan off his back. He spun round anger written across his face. Screaming Kyle began, 'What are...' He stopped as their rock hard cocks parried each other. Embarrassed shock appeared on Kyle's face. Dylan, happy with the situation, started rocking his hips rubbing their cocks together. He shot a seductive grin at Kyle who was still in a state of shock.

Dylan took the opportunity. He pushed Kyle back up against the shower wall, slamming their lips together, spearing his tongue into Kyle's gawping mouth. Dylan thrust his cock at Kyle's groin grinding their cocks together. Dylan let out an erotic moan into Kyle. Kyle stood, tense, still too shocked to understand the situation. Occasionally, their perked nipples would catch, sending bolts of pleasure through their bodies. Dylan would unleash another moan into Kyle. Kyle would just gasp at the pleasure, still reluctant to get fully involved.

Kyle regained some of his strength and pushed Dylan off him. Dylan stumbled back opening an exit for Kyle. He took it, stammering out an apology as he left. Dylan shut off the shower and followed Kyle out of the bathroom not ready to give up on him yet.

Luke was finally getting hard again. He had tried to picture all the girls on stage nude, playing with themselves, with each other, even having a big lesbian orgy, but nothing could get his cock going. Now something had changed. He stared at the girl on stage. She was hot, he thought, but he could tell she was not the cause of his rising cock. He shut his eyes trying to find the source of his arousal. A scene started to appear in his head.

Steam bellowed around two figures in a shower. 'A shower scene! Great!' Luke thought to himself hungrily. The figures were pretending to shower separately, but they kept brushing against each other. An unspoken lust was building between them. The figure at the back finally gave up the pretence and embraced his partner. The stiff one spun to face his partner. They paused momentarily. Together the couple slammed into the wall, making out. They were grinding their slim boyish bodies together.

Luke started to rub his rock hard cock through his shorts. He hadn't even noticed how gay his desires had become.

He could see, close up, their throbbing cocks grinding hard against each other.

'This is the hardest I've ever been' Luke thought to himself. He relaxed back into the chair his hand slipped into his short grasping his cock. He had completely forgotten where he was. Enthralled by his fantasy he let out a low moan.

Back in his fantasy the submissive guy had shown some balls and pushed the dom off him. He ran out of the room. Luke was shocked that the boy looked so much like Kyle. There was no mistaking that Dylan followed. Luke recognised him instantly. He was shocked that Dylan was in his fantasy, especially given how hot his smooth athletic body looked to Luke, and how appetising Dylan's cock looked, pulsing out in front of him.

Luke eyes shot open. He glanced around the room. Some people were looking at him, they'd obviously heard him moaning. He snatched his hand out of his shorts and ran for the door, not caring about the gracious bulge in his shorts.

'I need to get out of here' Luke thought fumbling for the car keys. He started up the engine and headed for home.

Kyle ran out into the living room. Shock was still plastered across his face. His cock, bouncing solidly in the air, showed he felt excited by the situation, his heart fluttered in his chest.

'Ky, come on...' Dylan moaned desperately, 'I know you want this please let's just fuck. I'm so horny. I want you.'

Kyle's heart jumped at his brother's admission. Deep down he wanted it too, but for now he trampled it down. 'No D. I don't want this. I'm straight. I thought you were too'. Kyle backed away further into the room. He edged towards the chairs they had collapsed on earlier. Kyle's foot caught on an errant shoe. He fell to the floor hitting squarely on his back, his breath departing him.

Dylan saw the perfect opportunity. He leapt onto Kyle, straddling his stomach.

Kyle felt his brother land. Dylan bent forward, he used his arms to force Kyle to look into his eyes, he was chuckling lightly. Dylan lay flat on top of Kyle grinding their bodies together, their hard cocks interlaced between them. 'Come on Ky...' Dylan complained, 'once you give in we can have a lot more fun. So just give in. Have hot male gay sex with me'. To punctuate his point Dylan started making out with Kyle's unresponsive lips. Dylan jabbed Kyle's sealed lips with his tongue, but no entry could be found. Releasing Kyle's head Dylan started squeezing Kyle's erect nipples. Kyle let out a pleasurable gasp. Dylan plunged his tongue into Kyle's mouth. He tried to massage some life into Kyle's tongue, but it remained motionless.

Dylan broke the kiss. He let out an exasperated sigh. 'Fine, I'll just have to do this myself'. He reached over and grabbed the sun cream. He sat back on Kyle's stomach and reached back spreading the lotion across his ass. One more squirt was masturbated along Kyle's shaft. Dylan lifted his hole above Kyle's slick cock. 'This is your last chance to be a part of this Ky', hunger clear in Dylan's dark eyes.

Luke swerved round another moped. 'Where the fuck do you come from' he screamed. His attention drifted away from the road again. His cock was still throbbing at its hardest ever, desperate for him to stop and wank to what would undoubtedly be his best climax ever.

His thoughts wandered back to the image in his mind. Kyle and Dylan were making out on the floor of their flat. Kyle seemed a little stony, but Dylan was loving it. He was humping his cock into Kyle's stomach.

Luke looked out across the dark road. He wasn't far from home now. There he could wank away this fantasy in private. How many loads could he get from this scene alone?

Closing his eyes briefly, he saw Dylan positioning himself above Kyle's erection ready to take everything.

Kyle's cockhead lay against Dylan's hole. Dylan took deep breaths readying himself for the pain to come. He held Kyle's cock in position, relaxed his ass, and pushed back.

Kyle gasped as the warmth engulfed the head of his burning cock. Dylan shuddered as pain shot through his body. Relaxing as much as he could Dylan pushed on, desperation overshadowing the pain. The head of Kyle's cock popped inside Dylan's ass. He let out a shaky moan collapsing onto Kyle. Kyle grasped the carpet, his ragged breath holding back a roar of pleasure. He could feel Dylan's ass clenching around his shaft. The warmth and tightness were intoxicating. Dylan was right. He needed this, it was the best and only sex he'd ever had. It was taking all his self-control not to plunge the rest of his cock into Dylan. Both were glistening with sweat, their hearts racing, breath laboured.

Dylan raised his head from Kyle's shoulder, using it to take Kyle's nipple into his mouth. He swiped his tongue across the sensitive tip. Kyle tensed up, pleasurable bolts ran through his body. Kyle involuntarily thrust into Dylan. Another inch of cock sunk in.

Dylan left the nipple behind. He rose up, with a ravenous moan, above Kyle's cock again. The pain had completely subsided now. Pleasure bloomed in Dylan's ass as Kyle's cock pulsed against something deep inside him. He relaxed his muscles desperate for more. Releasing his weight Dylan sank down the rest of Kyle's cock his balls coming to rest on Kyle's stomach. 'Oh, God' Dylan screamed. It was seconded by the monstrous moan Kyle unleashed.

Dylan leaned over Kyle looking down into his unfocused eyes. Both were panting. Sweat was running down Dylan's face falling to collect on Kyle's chest.

Luke pulled over. He couldn't drive anymore. His mind was filled with the fantasy of Kyle and Dylan fucking. He stumbled out of the car, his breath laboured. Huddled over to prevent his erection pressing painfully into his short he wandered onto a beach. Falling onto his back, Luke tore open his shorts and underwear with surprising strength. His solid erection stood proudly in the air.

Dylan slowly drew himself up bracing his body, his hands balancing him on the floor. Kyle's cock began to feel the cold breath of air. He couldn't take it. Kyle thrust his cock back into Dylan. Dylan was shocked by the sudden overwhelming pleasure, the strength failed in his arms, and he fell onto Kyle.

Kyle had given in. He was now into the sex. He wanted it. He needed it. He wouldn't stop until he had flooded his hot brother with his seed. His resilience completely gone, when Dylan fell on top of him, he grasped Dylan's head and pulled him into a sloppy kiss.

Rutting together they rolled around on the floor. They built up a fast rhythm. Dylan laced his legs round Kyle's ass thrusting back against each of Kyle's short thrusts.

Dylan's cock hung between them. It leaked pre at a startling rate. It mixed with their sweat making their stomachs hot and sticky. Grinding their smooth bodies together they peaked on the verge of orgasm.

Kyle slowed his thrust pushing in to the base. Dylan ground his ass into Kyle's groin. Both were begging to cum. Moaning desperately they couldn't understand why they couldn't cum. They rutted their bodies together harder and harder. Their minds were lost in pleasure, but they knew there was more. Their euphoric erotic high just needed to climax, but it refused.

Luke grasped frantically at his painful erection. It stood sensitively throbbing in the air, pulsing in time with his rapid heart. Just touching his cock sent bolts of pleasure through his body. Pre had already drenched his cockhead during the drive. It now ran down his shaft lubing up his hand. Luke shut his eyes returning to the image his horny imagination conjured up.

Kyle and Dylan were now having full blown gay sex. Kyle was desperately ramming into Dylan's tight ass. Their tongues danced together in a sloppy kiss. Their bodies looked amazing grinding together in a sweaty haze. Solid nipples knocked together causing moans to be shouted into each other's mouths. Dylan's cock pulsed between them getting momentary attention from hands whenever their embrace broke.

Luke couldn't believe what he was seeing. He felt ashamed being able to imagine such things, but he no longer cared. He beat his cock as fast as he could desperate to finally shoot his load.

Dylan and Kyle were exhausted, but could still not cum. They were desperate, hungry to finally finish their first fuck. Suddenly a missing link seemed to fill in. They could feel their bodies readying themselves for the grand climax. They chuckled lightly between themselves, rubbing their noses together in a tight embrace, exhilarated that they would cum.

They closed their eyes momentarily picturing Luke lay spread eagle on a beach, cock throbbing into the cool air, his unfocused eyes blankly stared into the sky grinning placidly.

Together in a grand crescendo the triplet's excitement peaked, climaxing simultaneously. Dylan arched his back, Kyle grasped the carpet, and Luke buried his hands into the sand. They let out a howling moan as their cocks pulsed, pleasure obscured their minds, but none of the expected shots of cum came.

Instead, their foreskins began to retract unfurling the sensitive under-skin of their cocks. Kyle spasmed on the floor as Dylan's ass clenched around his sensitive flesh. Dylan and Luke cock's pulsed in the air. With each pulse their cocks grew. They stretched out to a monstrous 10 inches, thicken out becoming too big to fit a hand around the base. As their cocks grew they lost the mushroom shape. Their cockheads flattened out to a spear-like point. The colour became a deep red, veins becoming more prominent down their lengths. Their retracted foreskins and ball sacks began to grow short black soft hairs, quickly filling out to a dense fur. A small patch of furry skin grew between their new sheaths and pubes. The fur merged with the still human pubes. Their now furry balls also began to grow, filling out to the size of small oranges.

Still in their euphoric highs the boys didn't notice any of these changes. Dylan, however, was fully aware of the final change. The bases of the boy's cocks began to grow out, two bulges forming on the sides of their cocks. These bulges; sensitive and solid, prevented Kyle's cock from moving out of Dylan's ass. With every movement Dylan could feel Kyle's cock pulling his insides adding more pleasure to the sea already flowing through his mind

With their final change complete the boys were finally able to cum. All three let out another howling moan and came with an unbelievable force.

Kyle shot into Dylan's ass, no cum escaping around Kyle's knot. Dylan shot high into the air. A line of cum was left, in patches, from half way up the wall, down across the floor, Kyle's face, and ending at a pool forming on Kyle's stomach. Dylan collapsed on top of Kyle. He licked some of his cum off Kyle's face savouring the salty taste and shared it in a deep kiss. Embracing tightly, they tongue fucked each other weakly. Dylan kept pumping yellowing cum between them forming a sticky mess on their stomachs.

Luke shot his load far across the beach. Lesser shots painted lines of milky yellow cum in his hair and on his face. A pool formed on his drenched t-shirt. It beginning to run off his hard abs to the sand as his cock continued to pump.

With their cocks still shooting cum they began to drift off to sleep.

At some point, when they were deep asleep, their cocks had finally stopped shooting out their now yellow cum. Their cocks then began to shrink, returning to their sheaths. They rested for the next day's activities.