Toons From Space!, Molly

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of Toons from Space!

Toons from Space!

By Von Krieger

Molly peered up at the sky through her telescope, admiring the stars, the planets, and on occasion something closer. She'd seen several satellites, and had even seen a meteor once.

She gritted her teeth at the sounds coming from the next room, the walls of her family's vacation home weren't as thick as she would have liked, and so she could hear the noises her older brother and his girlfriend made in the next room.

The girl wasn't an idiot, far from it. Straight A's in school, captain of the junior high quiz bowl team, with a keen interest in science and mathematics. She knew very well what was happening between the two lovers, and she didn't like it. She was quite sure that Amanda was trying to get her hooks into her big brother solely because their family had money. That and Jeremy was a very accepting person, so not only could she reap the benefits of a wealthy boyfriend, but she could sleep around as well, just as long as she was open about it. The previous evening she'd even brought a friend over to add to the cacophony, a cacophony that didn't end when her brother left to get pizza. Molly had never thought about two girls performing acts in that manner before, and had wondered how it would work.

Thankfully the internet was there to provide numerous examples of the things two girls could do to one another for sexual entertainment. They were rather astonishing things, and judging from the sounds of pleasure that were made on the videos and in the next room, apparently such acts were just as pleasurable as intercourse the way it was 'supposed' to be.

The videos had made her feel rather funny and weird. It was an interesting feeling that she had never had before thinking about classmates and people in the real world. She had never given any thought to sex or dating before, though she was close to her mid-teens, she didn't feel that it was time for dating just yet. She would be starting high school in the fall, and she didn't get why her classmates would be dating and such when their educational future was at stake. Good grades, a good college, and getting well on the way to financial security seemed more important than satisfying easily confused biological processes.

As she had seen in the videos, there were quite a number of ways that one could experience sexual satisfaction even without a partner. And it was safer too. One could have the exact same sensations without the risk of disease or pregnancy.

Molly was actually thinking about acquiring some of the objects she'd seen used in the videos, after all, the women in them looked like they were having quite the good time. There were a few items around the house that could be used for such a practice, but she would wait until everyone else in the house was asleep and experiment with self-gratification in the downstairs bathroom. After all, if she was going to make loud noises, she was going to be courteous and not bother everyone else with her pleasure-sounds. She was curious to see if this sex thing was all that it was cracked up to be.

Her thoughts on carnal matters ceased the moment a light streaked across the lens of her telescope. It had been big and bright, and moved in the wrong manner to be an airplane or helicopter.

She couldn't find it again with the telescope, so instead she peered out the window, trying to spot the meteor that had streaked across her vision. The glowing fireball of the meteor was quite obvious. Molly watched breathlessly as it descended from the heavens.

It grew brighter and brighter, the outer material becoming superheated and being blasted off by air-resistance, the friction making it hot. For a scant few seconds Molly watched the cosmic fireball. It flared brightly for a moment, spreading out as it exploded. Streaks of material streamed downwards, burning up in the atmosphere.

One bit, however, seemed to have had all its material burned off around a core that was resistant to the effects, it glowed, not as brightly as the burning debris, but it was still able to be followed by the naked eye. Molly watched the glowing object come closer and closer, lower and lower; it looked like it was going to crash into the nearby lake. She lost sight of it in the trees surrounding the house, but a few moments later a light flared in the woods, shortly followed by the sound of the impact.

She gasped softly and ran to the garage to get the big flashlight. Contrary to popular belief, by the time they reached the ground most meteors were cool enough to touch. The bits that heated up in the atmosphere typically burned away and parted from the incredibly cold core. It was pretty cold in space, and the brief heat from Earth's atmosphere wouldn't warm the inner core up all that much.

Meteorites were quite valuable, but the reason Molly wanted it was for its scientific value and outright coolness factor. How many other people had a large chunk of space-rock to call their very own? Most of all Molly wanted to take a look at bits of it under her microscope; meteors always had neat looking colors and such. She wondered how big the meteorite was, it was impossible to judge distances and size of objects in the sky.

After all, the most common UFO sighting was the planet Venus. A point in the sky whose light would change color at times and to the uninformed would seem to follow you wherever you went.

Molly hoped to find the meteor within an hour or so, but even if she didn't, she'd be able to come out and look through the woods in the daytime.

It turned out she didn't need the flashlight, the place where the meteor landed was obvious. Everything seemed just a little bit off around it; colors were more vibrant, the night air more clear, and the grass, leaves and trees looked a little funny. Smooth, with too few color variations.

Molly circled around the odd area, about 20 feet in diameter, centered around the stove-top sized impact crater. She wasn't quite sure what was causing the alteration, but a meteor was a meteor, so she overcame her trepidation and stepped from the normal grass onto the odd looking grass just beyond.

The ground felt the same below her shoes, as solid as ever. She knelt and ran her fingers over the grass. It felt different, but not wrong. In fact it felt... oddly right. To her sight and sense of touch the grass seemed to be more real, more like grass was actually supposed to be than the grass just outside the circle. The green blades left a cool, wet sensation upon her hand, dew, perhaps? Molly wiped it on her pant leg and moved closer to the crater. Looking down into it she saw a still, tranquil, black pool. It reflected the night sky above her, as well as Molly's own reflection.

Her reflection was wrong, but it looked... better. Her reflection seemed to convey the traits that made Molly Molly without going overboard to the point where there would be flaws. Her long hair was a mousy brown, but a pleasant lively, vibrant shade, not the bland, blonde-brown dishwater blonde type coloration that defied her ability to pin it down as an actual color. Her face was freckled, but only with a small dusting, rather than the large collection of speckles that she sported. Her glasses were smaller and didn't magnify her eyes like her real lenses did.

Molly peered at her reflection, lowering a hand down to the liquid. She stopped just before breaking the surface, turning it so the back of her hand reflected in the water. Spotted with the same condition of freckles, the mirror image instead showed perfect skin. She felt neither heat nor chill from the puddle. Perhaps it was nothing; perhaps it was just water with a cloud of oil on it for some reason. She reached down into the pool, seeking out the meteor, only to find a rather strange sensation upon her skin.

It was a smooth, slick, fluid feeling. It reminded her of the time she'd taken her mother's dusting powder, some perfumed scent in a round hot-pink container, dumped it in some water, and dipped her finger in. The powder had clung to her hand, and she hadn't felt the wetness of the water, merely the pressure of the fluid. The sensation she felt now was much like that, but without the powder part.

Molly pulled her hand from the black pool, expecting to come away with blackness covering her skin. But instead of blackness there was... nothing. Or almost nothing. As she held up her hand she could see something running down her arm, but it wasn't liquid. It seemed more to be raw color.

Her eyes widened as she realized that the substance that covered her skin had made it the perfect, smooth tone she'd seen in the water. As it seemed to drip down her arm, it made her freckles vanish. She ran her fingertips over the freckle-less flesh, finding it to be perfectly smooth. She didn't feel any fluid or anything, merely her own skin. But the coloration had leapt from her forearm to her fingertips, and like her right arm, it too began creeping up her left.

Seeing that the stuff didn't seem harmful, in fact it made her feel rather nice, Molly leaned down and shoved both hands into the pool, searching for the meteorite. The crater was deeper than it seemed, and Molly was up to her shoulders without feeling the bottom. She looked down at the pool for a moment and then pulled her arms out, looking over them as well. Her skin wasn't wet, and nothing seemed to have stuck to it from the pool, so with a shrug she took a deep breath and stuck her head in.

She still could not feel the bottom, so she pushed herself further in with her feet, and further, and further, until her entire body was submerged in the stuff.

Molly opened her eyes and found that while black on the surface, the odd fluid was transparent, and it didn't sting her eyes. It felt essentially like heavier air upon her eyes. Down at the bottom was a lumpy orb, its surface a smooth black with glowing green lines between the lumps. It looked rather like a volleyball-sized raspberry.

The meteor was cool to the touch, as she expected, but it seemed to warm in her hands as she turned herself around in the pool, pushing herself off the bottom.

Molly misjudged the timing, she couldn't see a difference between the fluid and the air, unlike water there was no shifting, shimmering surface to aid her. She took a breath and pulled some of the stuff into her lungs. Oddly enough, it didn't feel uncomfortable; she didn't feel like she was choking. She no longer felt tightness building in her chest. A moment later she reached the surface and climbed out onto dry land.

She exhaled, feeling the strange substance within her lungs move from her lungs down her throat, and into her belly. Molly was covered from head to toe in the stuff, her skin altered to the perfect pigmentation she'd seen in her reflection. She giggled and hugged the meteorite against her.

Its warmth spread over her skin, making Molly gasp softly. Everything felt.... Better. Her vision was keener, her hearing sharper, intricate scents of the wilderness filled her nose. It felt like a great weight had been lifted from her chest, her breaths came easily, effortlessly, as if she was drawing air in and pushing it out without all the mechanics involved.

Like the altered things in the area, her respiratory functions had been simplified, down to the basics effects and sensations. Her thoughts came quicker, easier, and with such clarity. She mentally calculated the meteor's trajectory, the depth of the hole, the composition of the soil, and determined that the space rock she held was something unnatural. It had buried itself far deeper than its speed and weight would indicate. It was easy to carry, no more than a pound or two. It was also somewhat malleable, not like the rock and metal mix that a meteorite was supposed to be.

It very well could be some sort of alien artifact! How exciting!

Molly thoughts from earlier returned, bestowing upon her excitement of another sort; she was in the middle of the woods, no one would be wandering around out here, and she had an interestingly textured object in hand. It began to throb and vibrate slightly in her hands, as if sensing her desires. Out in the woods, somewhat far from the house, no one would hear her cries of pleasure if she had them, she wouldn't have to thoroughly inspect a household object after she'd used it to make sure none of her juices clung to it, and being naked outside, out in the woods, late at night would be kind of thrilling.

She grinned and unbuttoned her shirt, slipping out of it, tugging her jeans and panties down to her ankles. Molly dropped to her knees, placing the object between her legs, positioning one round swelling against her netherlips.

The meteor, or perhaps it should be called a device, buzzed quietly, vibrating pleasingly against Molly's sex. The pleasure made her gasp softly, and she went to all fours to better allow herself to press and grind against the device.

Though some aspects of puberty had caught up with her, some of them were lagging unpleasantly far behind. While she had grown to just a little bit over five and a half feet, Molly had no curves to speak of. She wished she had more than her tiny mosquito bite breasts, so that she could rub and caress them like the girls in the videos.

The object's buss seemed to become a pleasured purr, and Molly was seized by a strange, silly urge. She held up her hand and looked at it, scowling. The urge only grew stronger as seconds passed. It was weird, why was she thinking such a strange thing?

She brought her thumb to her mouth, tightened her lips around it, and exhaled. She cried out in surprise as she felt herself inflate. She looked down and saw that her breasts had grown a bit, about as much as a balloon would inflate from one breath. Puzzled, Molly repeated the action again, this time pushing out all her breath. She felt her bust swell correspondingly, giving herself several more puffs. Though once that was done, she continued to blow, this time giving her something more general, all over curves to her body that would be the envy of any woman.

She giggled happily, enjoying her strange ability. She took her thumb from her mouth, using that hand to grope her new additions. Her breasts felt strange, they weren't as heavy as they should be. They were kind of... floaty, defiant of gravity, the flesh within them seeming half solid and half air.

But they felt very, very nice. Molly felt better for having them. She rolled onto her back so she could fondle her new additions. She could see why the ladies in the porn movies did this all the time. Each caress sent a bolt of electricity surging through her, right to the point in her loins where the pressure of climax was building.

She opened her eyes and looked down at her now plentiful chest, Molly giggled as she took a breast in one hand, bringing it to her mouth. She'd seen this done in more than a few of the movies as well, running her tongue over her pert, black nipple. Were her nipples supposed to be that color? Molly couldn't quite remember.

Oh the soft smoothness of her tongue over the rubbery texture of her sweet, sensitive nipple. As she licked she found her pleasure increasing with each slow run over her tongue over her puffy flesh. Her tongue seemed to be gaining texture with each lick, each slow stroke sending more and more lightning into her loins, making her hips buck, her thighs clench against the object.

She gripped the device tighter and tighter, pulling it more and more against her sex. She had one of the lumps inside her entirely, the six surrounding it vibrating deliciously against her netherlips and clit. Molly began to let out a soft growl with each thrust of her hips, her growls becoming louder as she neared climax, growls becoming snarls, becoming half-yowls of almost feline quality as she pushed herself closer and closer to the point of no return.

She opened her eyes, going wide as that thought entered her mind. Point of no return? What did that mean? But by the time she thought to question the term, it was already too late, her body's muscles tensing, tightening, the electric surge bursting, sweet physical bliss overpowering Molly's senses. Her thighs seemed to crush the object, as she no longer felts its presence between them. But she could still feel the throbbing, the buzzing, the wonderful vibrations that made her feel oh so good, she could still feel them pleasuring her sex, making her climax rocket higher and higher. Molly arched her back, pushing violently up off the ground, a torrent of translucent, sticky goo spraying from her sex, spattering on the ground, her jeans, and just about everything else in that direction. A tree-shaking roar erupting from her throat as her very being felt rocked by a climax stacked upon a climax.

She panted; tongue lolling out of her mouth, worn out from the intense pleasure the device had brought her. No wonder her brother and his girlfriend were always trying to find new and interesting ways to fuck, it felt absolutely incredible!

Molly grinned and looked down at her belly, running a hand over it. Though she wouldn't be able to show off her meteor to anybody, there was no way that anyone could snatch it and take it away without her noticing.

She purred softly, hugging her rounded tummy. The touch felt strange, oddly soft. Her skin was the same color it had been since the object's fluid had cleared it up, made it look gorgeous and perfect, but the texture was different now, soft, fluffy, like fur.

Her hands looked weird, her nails were gone and one of her fingers seemed to be missing. The remaining three digits and thumb had grown, and they looked a little bit oversized even then. Her palms lacked lines as did the joints in her fingers, her hands being one singular, solid color.

They felt weird, cold, oddly... naked. There was something wrong with them. Molly pulled up her pants, only to find that they didn't fit like they should. They were a little too short now and were quite tight in the hips. Plus they didn't want to pull up any higher than her tailbone, as if they were caught on something.

On instinct she reached into a pocket, finding the thick, black rubber gloves that she had packed just in case the meteor had been too cold to carry. The slick surface felt comforting and familiar against Molly's fingertips.

She pulled them out of her pocket and watched, the dull sheen of the well-used gloves brightening, the faded black deepening to the color of pure darkness. Though no longer visible, the fluid that had covered her seemed to still be around, altering the dull, plain, bland five fingered gloves into something real, fitting, and proper for her now.

Molly grinned as she tugged the gloves on, the odd feelings about her hands vanishing. She sighed happily, feeling more complete, feeling more real, feeling more like she ought to be.

Her shirt looked wrong as well, like someone had crept in while Molly was having fun and replaced it with something drab, lifeless, and uncomfortable. It looked so plain in comparison to her surroundings. But Molly knew how to deal with it.

She scooped up the garment, feeling its itchy roughness against her fingers. The fact that she was feeling sensation through what were supposed to be thick rubber gloves never came to her mind. It was perfectly natural. She knelt beside the pool once again, dipping her shirt in. She wasn't sure how her clothing had avoided being made truly real along with the rest of her. She soaked the long sleeved button up shirt in the pool for a few moments before removing it. She stood and held it out in front of her.

It still didn't look quite right, so she gave it a few shakes, dislodging the bunched fabric. Molly smiled and she slipped on her labcoat, which fit perfectly. It covered her breasts just enough past the nipples to preserve modesty, but it still advertised that she was rambunctious, female, and not afraid to show off her gorgeous body.

She looked down at her reflection in the water, stunning, gorgeous, and beautiful. Rather than the gawky, geeky, awkward teenage girl, she instead saw a ravishing beauty. Her pale fur speckled upon her cheeks and muzzle with cute freckles, a thick mane of red-brown hair trailing halfway down her back, the leonine mane continuing from where her hair would end, covering her neck, creating a cute tuft centered above her breasts.

Molly smiled, showing her fangs, her triangular ears twitching as they strained to hear the sounds of the forest around her. The image in the water was unfamiliar, but Molly knew it to be the true reflection of herself. All that she was deep down inside let out and made real, all that she wanted to be.

Her jeans and shoes looked awkward on her slightly tawny body. Drab, plain, less real that her new reality. With a giggle the lioness brought her thumb to her mouth once more, taking in a breath that made her chest swell with the effort.

Molly inflated herself once more, growing larger, her height going from an average 5'6" to an Amazonian 6'3". Her jeans ripped and split, falling off in drab, blue-grey scraps. Her shoes and socks virtually exploded, torn apart by her large, clawed feet.

Molly walked upon the balls of her feet now, adding an additional amount to her height, making her very nearly seven feet tall. She tore off her panties and tossed them aside and kicked away the scraps of her former footwear. She dug her padded toes into the soft soil of the forest floor, sighing happily at the sensation. She took a few steps, heading for home, enjoying the way her hips swayed from side to side as she walked; her instinctual motions sexy and graceful. Her tail swayed along as well, poking out of the slit in the lower half of the coat.

She looked at her tufted tail and smile, reaching back and running her gloved hand over it. It felt so right being there, so natural, a part of her that she had been missing all her life. Molly smiled and adjusted her glasses, stepping from the area around the meteor crater, back into the dull, drab world that awaited her. With each step she took, the intense, radiant, vibrant, beautiful coloring of the 'real' world followed her, appearing as pawprints and spreading out from there.

It made Molly happy to know that soon she would awaken others into their real selves, to banish to plain, boring, lifelessness of the mundane drudgery that she had existed in before, not knowing how terribly artificial they were. She felt a pleasant purr rise in her throat, matching the soft hum of the device hidden within her belly. The feline felt herself growing horny, but she had more than self-satisfaction in mind.

A quick look up at the sky told her that she had spent more time out in the wilderness than she had expected. The moon had moved quite far, and odds were that the girlfriend's girlfriend had gone home, and that Amanda and Jeremy were in bed, separate beds just in case their parents came to pay a surprise visit.

The lioness licked her lips, she'd show Amanda what a REAL woman would be like.