Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 5)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

Shaun's P.O.V

Callum stroked my tail, "You have such lovely fur, it's so smooth and clean." He said teasing me, his scales felt weird as they combed through my fur occasionally getting stuck. "Could you just hurry up and fuck me? I have a few other people to get through tonight." I snapped. Callum grunted and forced my ass up higher in the air, he didn't work his way in gradually. Callum slammed at me with his cock penetrating me quickly, I cried out. Logan's cum had dried in my ass and Callum's wet cock felt slimy inside of me. I tried to hide my pleasure, he carried on ramming me going knot deep each time. "Just say stop If you want me to stop." Callum said quietly. Truth be told, I wanted it to carry on forever, he really was a sex master even though he was kind of a dick to people. The bondage on my body was getting uncomfortable and Callum had a tendency to grab at one of the reigns and pull me every now and again. We were about half way into the ride when he grabbed my leash and pulled me back straining my back, but ultimately forcing his cock in deeper. "Agh!" I cried out in pain and enjoyment whenever Callum pulled on me. "Are you alright?" Callum sounded concerned for once. "Do you need me to stop?" He slacked his grip on the leash and slowed down. "Don't stop!" I complained. Callum smiled and picked up the pace again with more violent yanks, I felt as if I was close to cumming when he suddenly stopped. "Did you cum already?" I asked curiously. "No, you just look like you're enjoying this too much." Callum smirked, he untied the bondage on my arms and spun me around. He then retied my arms to the pole. but above my head, spreading my body out. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "Nothing yet, one moment please." Callum requested, he walked away and brought back a trolley with various items on it. A whip, clips and a voltage pack, shit was about to get kinky. "You'll enjoy this whore." Callum grinned, he attached the clips to both of my nipples which were hard. He licked the sides of them and nibbled them before attaching the clips. He turned on the voltage for a split second jolting me, the voltage was weak, but it was enough to make me cry out. I smiled, but tried to hide it. Callum set it to a pulse, electrocuting me every minute or so. He then picked up the whip and traced it's end along my body, he whipped my chest. "Are you harder?" Callum asked. "So hard! Please just fuck me already, I've been a bad kitty." I complained waggling myself. If I could of heard myself, I would have given myself a slap for being such a whore. "Dirty whore." Callum growled playfully, whipping me again. He started whipping my cock which sent quivers up and down my body.

When I was into the kink, Callum stopped it and walked over to me. My whole cock was soaked in pre, "I'm ready for you Callum. Please, I'm so close!" I cried out. "I'm going to make you cum so hard. But first we wouldn't want you to burst too soon right?" Callum asked. He got out a basic thing, string and tied it around my cock. It was tight that it hurt, but I guessed that it was supposed to stop my cum escaping. Callum re-tied my bondage the way I was before and slipped right into me again, my asshole was already wide from the minutes of anal before. Callum put his hand around my cock and started rubbing at the pace he was ramming me, fast. He was so fast, that I was leaning against the pole for support to make sure that I didn't fall over. Tiny drops of cum leaked out of my cock and onto the carpet, It felt so good. Callum didn't stop fapping me until I was unable to breathe, he then un tied the string and noticed that my orgasm had stopped. He started stroking my length as he fucked me and I burst almost instantly, it was just a hard orgasm that I bent over. It came out in so much squirts that the wall and carpet in front of me had white streaks up and down it. Callum pulled out and came all over my back and ass, the white goo-ey strands sticking into my white fur. "Good kitty. Who's next?" Callum called out. Darren stepped forwards and from then on the night was a blur. Darren wasn't good at all and was put off by the cum all over me, he resorted to having me rub him off until he came; which for the record was about a minute. Oliver was so bad that he got distracted and called me Darren, he was then so embarrassed that he lost all the desire to have sex with me. Garret bailed on us and then Levi came over to me. Everyone was now back in the room, Leo was buried deep under Callum's arm still sniffling with a red ass from where Callum had punished him. Callum's bondage was off of me and I was still so sore that I felt like I would break if Levi even touched me, "You look tired." He stated wiping some of Callum's cum off of me. "I am, believe it or not, but taking on most of the dorm is kind of hard." I chucked at my own pun. "Funny guy." Levi laughed, "Luckily for you, Oliver is the last of tonight. It's nine and you didn't give up, so we won't say anything and you don't have to clean up." Levi smiled at me. I felt relieved, Levi helped me to my feet and looked around. "Did everyone get a go?" Levi asked. He was un heard over the roar of everyone's voices. "DID EVERYONE GET A GO?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, the whole room fell silent.

At that moment a door opened down the corridor, "What's all this noise?" A small voice asked. The voice's owner walked into the common room and looked around at the cum bath that was now the common room, it was Corbin. Corbin was a small Fennec fox who hardly ever spoke and was as far as we knew: Asexual, a virgin, timid and un-willing to have any kind of relationship above a friendship with anyone. Corbin's eyes were always big, blue and sad. His fur was white like mine and his hair used to be black, until the dye washed out and went back to its usual white color. He had since then shaped it to try to cover his big floppy ears that he was ashamed of. Corbin was wearing a green jumper that was too big for him and dangled down to above his knees, he appeared to have nothing on underneath, but was in fact wearing boxers. He chewed on one of the sleeves. "What's going on in here?" He asked backing away. "Logan, I thought you had to go away for a while..." Corbin tried to say. Logan walked over to him, who was naked and probably very intimidating. Logan had cum on his hands from masturbating and from when he had ravaged my ass. "Corbs..." (That was Logan's nickname for Corbin) "I can explain, well I can't now, but it's just a little bit of... fun?" Logan sounded uncertain about what he had just said and looked around for someone to back him up. "You could have told me!" Corbin shouted, it was the first time he had ever truly shouted. "I thought you said that you trusted me and would tell me anything." Corbin complained. "Corbin, this is important and I promised the guys I wouldn't tell you anything..." Logan said shuffling his feet in worry. "The guys? Am I not one of 'the guys.' And why just me? Is it because I have a different stance on love?" He asked. "No, you'd be my friend if you were from a different planet." Logan panicked slightly.

"What about them? Am I a friend to them?" Corbin asked pointing to everyone in the common room. All of us nodded, but didn't speak. "Then tell me!" Corbin shouted. "Corbs, we can't. I can't, it's over now." Logan said, Corbin went to walk away. Logan's eyes lit up. "But maybe we could include you..." Logan continued, he went to put a hand on Corbin's shoulder, but stopped when he realized that maybe Corbin wouldn't appreciate having cum on his nice jumper. Corbin looked at us, "I'm going to regret this, but what the hell." Corbin turned to us and walked closer.