Chapter 11 Slobbering on Bones

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#12 of Fox Hunt

Slobbering on Bones

Chapter 11

Once White Wanderer left, Red Mane sat in the chair for a long time and moaned as the meek girl with the long golden mane rubbed her breasts on his erection. Aina was left on the floor to watch as the girl pursed her lips and spit on the head of Red Mane's hard phallus. As the hot spit oozed over, Red Mane sagged in the chair and moaned, whispering his encouragement. The mousey girl smiled at him dreamily, her eyes large and admiring as she slowly began massaging him with her small breasts. Eventually, she bowed her head and sucked the smooth head of his phallus. His moans and her sucks sent a shiver of disgust through Aina, but she could not look away.

When it seemed Red Mane was going to climax, he stopped Mousey. She glanced sourly at Aina as he rose from the chair. He was looking at Aina as well. His burning gaze, his every gesture breathed aggression, passion, fire. His red mane in the morning light still blazed about him. It had tumbled loose of its tail long ago, and as he walked toward Aina with his waistcoat open and chest bare, the grudging thought passed through her mind that he was damn magnificent.

"Remember me?" he said, squatting slowly at her side. He smelled of leather and the powerful musk of his mount. He touched the back of his fingers to Aina's cheek and she tensed angrily. He smiled. "You left me in the tree to die. Remember that?"

"You were going to rape him, dog!" Aina spat.

Red Mane's mouth fell open. Behind him, Mousey was just as flabbergasted. Her large eyes blinked and she cupped her breasts and cringed, as if to shield herself from Aina's words.

Red Mane grinned incredulously. "Why, Sarah, I do believe the savage spoke!" He gripped Aina's face hard in his fingers. "Say something else, savage. Go on. Give us a little grunt. You want go home?"

Aina's eyes hardened.

"M'lord," squeaked Sarah, "don't taunt the creature. They say them foxes got magic! It could hurt you!"

Red Mane chuckled. He released Aina and gestured to Sarah. The meek girl hurried forward with a kerchief, and he wiped his paws - as if Aina's face was dirty! Only seconds before, he had his fingers in her sex! She looked again and realized with a jolt that he was wiping blood off his fingers. Dried blood.

Red Mane stood, still wiping his paws. "Don't be ridiculous, Sarah. The creature can't do magic. The tranquilizers neutralize their abilities. I don't know exactly how long. I've been told it can last up to three days at the most."

Mousey put a relieved paw on her chest. "That's good to know, m'lord. Then she can't hurt you."

Red Mane smiled at the girl. "Aw. Isn't that sweet?" he said to Aina. "Sarah is so concerned for my wellbeing." He went back to his cushioned chair and sat, regarding both females. "Sometimes I think she's the only one."

Mousey shook her head, and her shimmering golden mane bounced around her. "That's not true, m'lord. His lordship the duke loves you very much."

Red Mane scowled. "Then why won't he marry me? Or at least retire to Everett and lounge with me on the roof." He slowly looked away, his eyes turning tiredly around the room as he said with an idle wave, "Draw the bath, Sarah. The water's been on the fire long enough."

Mousey dutifully rose to her feet, and Aina watched, heart pounding, as the meek hound pulled a cauldron off the fire and poured it in a bathing basin standing nearby. Towels were folded on a stool beside the basin, and Aina could catch the scent of soap through the blood on her nose. She sniffed again, and as the ache stretched from her nose to her eye, she suddenly remembered that White Wanderer had punched her in the face the night before. She awoke, dazed and confused and tied at the wrists and ankles, only to find three hounds standing over her arguing: White Wander, Red Mane, and Gentle Eyes. She went into a frenzy and bit Gentle Eyes on his ankle. He screamed, and as Red Mane helped him pull free, White Wanderer knelt down and gave her the back of her knuckles.

Mousey dropped a small square block into the water, and as bubbles foamed over the brim, the sweet scent of the soap perfumed the air. Aina breathed it in, silently grateful to smell something besides her own blood. They had used such soaps back in the burrow, only the smell was more akin to flowers. The scent of the hound's soap was like fruit.

"I do so love a long bath," Red Mane said.

Aina could feel the burn of his hungry eyes and glared at him. He was unbuttoning the rest of his waistcoat, and his eyes were fixed on her. Mousey came up behind his chair and helped him out of the coat. Her eyes were the large round admiring eyes of a child, but Red Mane paid the doting servant no mind. His eyes were still fixed on Aina as he stood. His hard phallus pressed up from his open trousers, rigid with desire and throbbing gently with veins. Mousey scrambled to pull his trousers down for him, and he stepped out of them, revealing at last the young, hard body of a god.

"Oh, you're back," Red Mane said derisively and finally turned his eyes from Aina.

Aina followed the male's gaze and stiffened to find Long Face standing in the doorway. His unkempt mane was hanging in his sheepish face, and his cheek was still red where White Wander had smacked him. He looked at Mousey with silent longing but for the most part kept his eyes on the floor.

"I'm sorry, m'lord," Long Face said to the immense throw rug before the bed. He took a few steps into the room, wringing a soiled kerchief in his big paws. "It seemed as if you and her ladyship wanted to speak in private." He glanced at Aina and licked his lips.

Red Mane glanced at Aina too, and she felt a cold chill spread through her body. Before White Wanderer interfered, the two of them had been about to rape her. Now White Wanderer was gone. There was no one to stop their paws on her body. She started to tremble in her ropes, the silent rage coursing through her. Rape and then death. That's what awaited her in this strange world of dogs. Her father had tried to warn her.

Red Mane sat on the edge of the bath and jerked his head at Aina. "Bring her to me, will you? And remember it frightens easily . . . thank you, Sarah," he added when Mousey massaged his strong shoulders.

Aina thought Mousey was only too happy to do it. She stood near Red Mane, her eyes bright with girlish admiration as she rubbed his shoulders in deep strokes. Red Mane closed his eyes and he whispered, "Thank the gods for you, darling." Mousey's lashes fluttered prettily. She leaned closer, and Red Mane kissed her.

Aina stiffened when Long Face's shadow fell cold over her. She was still on the floor, and as he knelt beside her, he pulled a knife from his boot. It winked in the sunlight streaming through the window.

"I'm going to untie you, sweethawt," Long Face said slowly. "If you're smart, you'll let this happen without a fuss. Won't hurt to have some pleasure before you die, will it? Master Dick just wants to fuck you, eh? Suck his dick a little, get some lovin', and then it'll be over."

Aina sagged in her ropes. Long Face was speaking to her in a soft, kind voice that surprised her. She blinked at him and didn't know what to think. When she really thought about it, he had never been unkind to her. His paws on her before had been tender, caressing. As had his lips on her nipple.

"You won't give me no trouble, eh?" he whispered.

Defeated, Aina averted her eyes and nodded dully. She wished they would take off the gag, but she knew that wasn't likely to happen. Not after the vicious way in which she'd bitten Gentle Eyes.

"Good savage," Long Face said, relieved. "I don't wanna have ta hurt you, sweethawt. You's too pretty. Such a nice face," he said, grunting a little as he sawed the knife on her ropes.

The pressure snapped from Aina's ankles as the ropes slid free. She remained still as possible. The slightest move could be interpreted as aggression, and then he might hurt her. The last thing she wanted was another punch in the face. She thought of White Wandered punching her, and her heart burned. Her Nhlahla, killed by that vicious bitch! Tears started to her eyes.

"Bugger," moaned Long Face, "don't cry, sweethawt." He pushed the tattered ropes from her ankles and moved on to her wrists. They were behind her back, and he had to turn her over to get at them. She was surprised when he actually laid her across his knee, cursing under his breath as he struggled to cut her free. "The marquis, he's real gentle with bitches. I've watched him plenty with the bitches around the estate. And when it's over and they kill you, I reckon that'll be gentle too."

Lucky me, Aina thought furiously.

"What are you doing, Haskell? Fingering her on the sly?" Red Mane demanded angrily.

"No, m'lord, never!" Long Face swore. He slipped the knife in his boot again and carefully gathered Aina into his arms. She dangled lifelessly as he carried to the bath, where Red Mane sat on the edge of the basin, waiting. His hard phallus was standing thick from the red nest of curly fur around his scrotum. He looked at Aina with burning bright eyes as beside him, Mousey glared at her, face twisted with spite.

"What are you waiting for?" Red Mane said.

Long Face set Aina on her feet, and after pressing a gentle paw on her head, urged her to kneel. Aina stared at Red Mane's big penis and swallowed hard. Fear was coursing through her. She knew what they wanted her to do, but she had never done it before and was afraid of the choking sensation that might occur. She didn't move. Long Face gave her a soft pat on her backside, and as her buttocks jiggled under her tail, she knelt between the hard thighs of the marquis and glared up at him.

Red Mane smiled and pulled the gag down over Aina's chin. "Such pretty lips," he whispered. He pinched her cheeks hard, forcing her mouth open. "Help her out, will you, Sarah?"

A malicious look crossed Mousey's face. "Yes, m'lord," she said sweetly, and with hatred in her eyes, she maneuvered herself behind Aina. Aina didn't have time to think: Mousey grabbed her by the mane and smashed her mouth on Red Mane's penis. Red Mane grunted as the spit oozed over, as Aina's muffled cries sent vibrations of pleasure over his erection. Aina couldn't breathe. She choked and sobbed, her tongue and throat flexing for air. She was relieved when Red Mane scolded Mousey and bid her let go.

"You'll kill the poor thing!" Red Mane said crossly.

"Sorry, m'lord," Mousey answered somewhere behind Aina, though Aina thought she didn't sound sorry at all.

"That was deliberate," Red Mane scolded her, and Aina was surprised when he soothingly touched her mane. "You do that again, and Haskell will spank you. And I promise it won't be something you'll enjoy."

"Yes, m'lord . . ." Mousey said, this time miserably.

Kneeling between Red Mane's thighs, Aina licked her lips and gasped for breath. Her breasts were heaving, and she could still taste the male's penis on her tongue. It wasn't a bad taste. She was surprised. She looked up at him to find his fiery eyes soft. His red mane tumbled around his thick neck and broad shoulders, and she thought he looked quite beautiful in the candlelight. Damn him.

"Suck my cock," Red Mane whispered and dragged a gentle finger over Aina's lip. He peeled her lips open, as if to observe her tongue. "But lick it first. Hard. Slow."

Aina obeyed, dismally dragging her tongue along the stiff heat of Red Mane's shaft. She was surprised to find that she enjoyed it and the control it seemed to give her over him, watching him grunt, watching his chest heave, watching his eyes soften as pre-cum seeped translucent against her hot tongue. She dragged her tongue down to his heavy sack and was secretly pleased to see the sour look on Mousey's face. After what the golden stick-dog had done to her, she would have licked Red Mane's ass if it made Mousey angry.

"Oh shit," Red Mane whispered, watching helplessly as that pink tongue slapped him. His erection was wobbling from the strength of her licks. He put a paw on her head to stop her. "Suck it."

Aina swallowed hard and stared at that throbbing penis. She didn't want to. Red Mane touched her cheek, a caressing gesture that was meant to encourage her. She took a breath and obeyed, devouring him in long sucks that made him moan.

"Oh . . . just like that, darling. . . . now spit on it . . . no, a huge glob of spit . . . oh, yes . . . now suck again . . . Oh, god . . ."

Aina did as she was told and felt Red Mane's penis flinching against the wet walls of her mouth. She knew it meant he was about to climax and suddenly realized that forcing his seed might save her from having to sleep with him! She sucked harder, faster, but as if he knew her game, he stopped her and climbed into the bath.

Aina watched bitterly as Red Mane slipped down in the water, his erection rising from the bubbles that frosted the basin. She felt Long Face come up behind her and blushed to feel the heat of his erection when it slapped her tail.

"You make me so _hard_little thing," Long Face whispered in Aina's ear. His big paw closed on her tail and discreetly pulled in a gentle, teasing tug. "As soon as they lock you away for the night, I'll come knocking. And we'll have us a good time. Yes, we will."

Aina gulped. Long Face was a huge dog. No doubt his penis was just as.

"No, Sarah, bother the bubbles," Red Mane complained. He was soaking in the bath and hadn't heard Long Face's whispers. Mousey was fussing over him and had attempted to add more soap to the water when he grabbed her wrist. He looked at Long Face. "What are you waiting for? Put her in my lap."

Aina froze.

"Yes, m'lord," Long Face said dutifully.

Aina felt like a small ragdoll as Long Face flipped her around effortlessly in his strong paws. He was the tallest dog she had seen yet. He probably could have flipped around Red Mane to. He held Aina over the bath and muttered for her to spread her legs. She obeyed, her face burning with silent rage. She clung to Long Face's bulging arms with trembling paws as he slowly lowered her down. She felt the sudden intrusion of Red Mane's erection, and it was just as it was Ukudlala. Her sex did not moisten, and because of this, pain and discomfort spread through her. She looked down and saw the lips of her sex clenching tight on Red Mane's erection. He was too big to get in her, not when she wasn't aroused. She heard him grunting behind her.

"She's bone dry," Red Mane hissed.

"I could have licked her pussy first, m'lord," Long Face said eagerly. "I could still --!"

"Shut up," Red Mane whispered.

"Yes, m'lord," Long Face said at once and kept pressing Aina down.

Aina gritted her teeth. Red Mane was filling her, stretching her taunt. She could feel him throbbing inside. Suddenly impatient, he grabbed her hips and pulled her down on his lap. Hard. She whimpered and tensed.

"She's not wet, m'lord," Mousey whispered. "Whereas I am always dripping for you . . ."

"Do be quiet, Sarah," Red Mane said, annoyed. Aina could feel his hot breath on her ear. She grimaced as he took her by the hips and started moving her up and down. She was so tense and angry, it took her a moment to realize she was no longer holding on to Long Face but the sides of the basin. Red Mane pulled her back against his chest, and his paws carefully massaged her breasts as his hips jerked under the water, punching himself in, rhythmic and slow.

"Ah . . . fuck, she's tight."

Aina wanted to pry his fingers off when he pinched her nipples. He tweaked them and rubbed them experimentally between his index finger and thumb. She was surprised to realize how good it felt. His hot kisses on her neck made her shiver. She wanted to get away, deny the pleasure, but found herself sinking back against his chest . . . and moaning.

Red Mane kissed, touched, and massaged Aina, relishing in her every grudging moan and cry. It suddenly occurred to her that he was perfectly aware that she was enjoying it. She was enjoying it even as she wished swift death upon him. She felt his cheek bulge in a smile against her cheek. He nibbled her ear and stabbed himself in hard, and she cried out, weakly and helplessly.

"Isn't she exquisite?" Red Mane whispered, running his paw along Aina's slender midriff. He slipped it under the water, and she gasped when his careful fingers found her clitoris. It was bulging tight against the press of his thrusting erection. He massaged it between two fingers and kissed her neck, even as his other paw stroked her breast. Her clitoris responded readily, throbbing hot in his skilled fingers until she melted against him. Gods, she hated him.

"Come on, darling . . . get wet for me."

"Ah! Ah! Ahhaaa. . . ." Aina closed her eyes as she rocked with his thrusts, trying to drown out the sound of her own helpless shrills. He was touching her in ways that left her trembling and weak. She could see her own nipples growing hard and stiff the longer he fondled her.

"Mmm," Red Mane moaned in her ear. "Getting there, aren't we? This soft little clit . . . just _throbbing_in my fingers. These luscious tits . . . the nipples rock-hard." He licked her from neck to eye, and she trembled, crying out shrilly again.

"M'lord . . ." said Long Face in a strained voice and coughed. "M'lord . . . I was wondering . . ."

Aina's eyes slid to their corners as her breasts flapped from Red Mane's thrusts. Long Face had gotten even harder in his trousers. He watched what was happening as if he might burst, his dark eyes burning with arousal. Behind him, Mousey had retreated to a chair and was watching the proceedings with her arms folded. She met eyes with Aina and glared hatred.

Red Mane chuckled softly. "Of course. You must make sure she swallows, however. Don't get anything on her pelt, Haskell. Or it'll be your pelt."

Long Face brightened. "Yes, m'lord!" He stepped close to the tub, and Aina looked into his eyes as he cupped her face. "Now be a good savage and don't bite me dick off, eh?" he said, smoothing his thumb along her lip. "I just want your pretty mouth to kiss me." Still cupping her face, he unbuttoned his trousers, and Aina saw his brown erection press free. His eyes softened as he pried her lips open with his thumb, then he slid his erection against her lips, and it was so large, her long lashes smashed together and tears seeped from them. She sputtered on the salty taste, and he began to thrust in her mouth, carefully and slowly. Her sudden slobber made him moan. He pressed himself so deep, Aina almost felt the sick rise. Her fingers tightened on the sides of the basin and she tensed, feeling trapped. Trapped between two hard dogs who knew how to touch her. It wasn't long before her muffled moans were filling the room.

Both hounds eventually came, and Aina choked and sputtered as Long Face's hot seed gushed down her throat. She stiffened as Red Mane's seed rushed hot against the lips of her sex. Long Face carefully slid his phallus from her mouth, and what she didn't swallow dripped off her lips. She was ready to spit it away, but he caught her cheeks and made her swallow.

Sighing and content, Red Mane got out of the bath, and Aina saw Mousey preparing the bed for him with the usual wide-eyed adoration. She practically scurried around the room, grabbing up clothes from the floor and fluffing up pillows. Red Mane reclined on the bed, watching and idly sipping wine as Aina was bathed by Long Face, who had rolled up his sleeves and was bathing every inch of her - even her mane.

"So pretty," Long Face muttered. "It's a real shame they're gonna skin you. Some foxes is captured and made into slaves. Pity they ain't gonna do that."

Aina said nothing. She sat in the bath with her knees drawn up, hugging them as Long Face dumped water down her back. She suddenly missed her father. Desperately.

"Bend over, sweethawt," Long Face said. "Aws in the air."

Aina stared at him.

Long Face smiled. "Bend, I said. Gotta wash every bit." His smile widened. "Every bit."

Blushing furiously, Aina slowly bent and thrust her backside in the air. Long Face brushed her tail aside, and she bit her lip as his careful fingers cleaned the pink knot under her tail. He covered his finger with a washcloth and slid the wet thing in her anus. That it felt good surprised and humiliated her. She kept her eyes on the water, but could feel the stare of Red Mane as he lay on the bed.

"And her pussy," Red Mane called. "Wash her tight little pussy. Slowly. So I can see."

"Yes, m'lord."

Aina shivered when Long Face pealed the lips of her swollen sex apart and carefully cleaned there next. Her lips were throbbing and heaved with pleasure each time Long Face touched them. He carefully spread them, pinched them, massaged them. At one point, he pealed her lips wide apart and gave them a hard, slow lick that made her gasp. Her sex responded at once, oozing the juices of her arousal down her thigh. When no reproach came from Red Mane, Long Face continued to slowly devour her, one large paw slipping discreetly around to squeeze her dangling breast. She twisted, moaned, and gasped as Long Face pleasured her, and she wanted to die: Red Mane was lying on the bed, watching it all.

_Nhlahla, forgive me,_Aina thought as a tear gathered in her eye. Her lover was dead, her heart torn with grief, and yet she was bending here, enjoying this molestation!

"She's a dirty girl, m'lord," Long Face said happily. He sank the cloth deeper in her sex. It was moist, soft, and hot, and she moaned helplessly. "Why not keep her as a slave, eh? 'is majesty the king likes slaves. His wife especially. They'd like a slave better than a pelt. And she's so pretty --"

"No," Red Mane said at once and his voice rang with finality. "It's not up to me. She's Evie's game. I'm just borrowing her for the night. Tomorrow, she goes to the king, and Evie presents her however she wants. If Evie wants to present her as a pelt, then she'll go as a pelt."

"Yes, m'lord," Long Face said humbly.

"Why such reverence for her ladyship, m'lord?" Mousey demanded unhappily, and Aina thought she sounded jealous. Blatantly so. "She doesn't care for you. She hits you and treats you like dirt. And yet you fret over what she wants - Ah!"

There was a smack and Mousey squealed. Aina looked around quickly to see the servant rubbing her backside and blushing bright. Red Mane gestured at the door. She pulled her long mane down around her face and hurried toward it. As she passed the bath, she made sure to glare at Aina a last time.

"That's enough, Haskell, you'll scrub her fur off. Let's get some oil on her. Make that pelt shine."

"Yes, m'lord. Stand up, sweethawt."

Aina wearily obeyed. Long Face turned her around to face the bed, instructing under his breath that she lift her tail, lift her arms, move her leg as he patted her down with a towel. Red Mane was still staring at her, and thinking of his hard passion throbbing inside her only minutes before, she kept her eyes on the floor. It had been nothing like the night with Ukudlala. As the young male humped eagerly on top of her, she had stared dully at the ceiling, wishing she was dead. But with Red Mane . . . the sex had been slow and sensual, something she had never anticipated in an enemy out for revenge. But she looked at him as Long Face lifted her from the bath, and she knew he had gotten his revenge that night. He had forced from her the deepest pleasures, and even while she glared at him now, she had to admit . . . he was one hell of a lover.

Long Face carefully laid Aina on the bed beside Red Mane, who was wearing a long nightshirt and long underwear beneath it. His red mane was still down, clinging in wet curls to his neck and cheek. He smiled at Aina and reached for a small bottle on the bedside table. Aina saw him pour clear liquid onto his palm, and then he was smoothing his fingers over her naked body, his eyes intense as they peered into hers.

Long Face grunted. "M'lord . . ." Aina didn't have to look at him to know he was getting hard.

"Tie her, Haskell," Red Mane said without looking away. He smoothed the oil carefully over Aina's breast, massaging until the nipple rolled in his fingers. She watched helplessly as he suckled her. She hated herself when she reached up and touched his mane. It was like silk in her fingers. She slipped her paw through it and moaned softly as his sucking intensified.

"A part of me wants to keep you forever," Red Mane whispered as Long Face carefully bound Aina's wrists in rope. "But the other part of me knows that lurking behind your swooning softness is a deadly killer. You are terrible and beautiful, it seems, wild creature of the forest."

Aina looked away, swallowing hard as Long Face bound her ankles next. She was surprised when the servant, his work finished, climbed in the bed fully clothed. Pressed on both sides by the males, Aina sighed as Red Mane kissed her neck, twisted helplessly as Long Face slipped his fingers in her sex.

Red Mane drew close, and Aina's lashes fluttered when he looked with soft eyes at her lips. He suddenly kissed her, and as his tongue filled her mouth, she gave away to her passion and squirted hot over Long Face's insistent fingers.