Shattered Glass: Chapter 11/ Crushing and Hopes

Story by Yoshifan1 on SoFurry

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It took me forever! Hope you enjoy!

Shattere Glass: Chapter 11   11/01/15      Wally's Perspective   I sit in the front of my bed, extremely bored because I wasn't going to school. I replay the fight in my mind. He looked so disgusted, but, when he was done, he smiled. I passed out. Why didn't I fight back?   I rub gingerly over my casualties, grimacing when I rub over one that is espescially raw. My mother had already left, her text on my phone had awakened me. I rubbed my eyes and went into the bathroom to observe my bruises closer. I have a bright blue  bruise going across my chin. I treat it and wash my face, scrubbing away whatever dead skin I could. I slowly put in my contacts, and instantly I saw more of the scars than I thought was originally on my face. I sigh and I jump into the shower and relax as the hot water in the areas that need it. I slowly make circular movements surrounding my chest. I let out grunts of satisfaction as I try to make myself new. Once I feel like nothing in at least my appearance is reminiscent of yesterday, I step out, drying my hair and putting on the stack of clothes that I left in here in the first place.  I walk downstairs into the living room to see Kyle and John sitting with their 3ds out.       "What!- Mega Rayquazza!"       "You about to be ko'ed!"       They look up from the games and immediately set them down. John walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "Bro! I'm fine! -but I do like the hug." I laugh. And I walk into the living room to get hugged by Kyle. "Wait... You're shirtless!" I immediately blush and realize that they had on swimming trunks.    "Yeah, and you'll be too if you're coming with us to the Water Park!"   "What?! That's awesome! Thank you!"    "Don't thank us, thank your mother!" I quickly put on swim trunks over my underwear, replacing the blue jeans that had previously been there. I put the clothes I just had on to my bed and joined them. I walk into there with my arms covering my rather flat chest and stomach. I wasn't fat at all, but I didn't have the six pack that everyone had.     "You know you look fine, Wally"    "I know, it's just that I look pale in comparison to you guys." I reluctantly uncross my arms and hear,"Hey, these aren't anything to be proud about!" Kyle smacks his chest and he laughs, "We could care less if you have abs or not! You think you need abs to be powerful, but a guy with nothing ko'ed a guy twice his height!"  "Guys stop! You're making me blush!"   We proceeded into John's car. I sat in the back whilst the two sat in the front. Kyle turned on the radio and we   were listening to 'Airplanes' by (I dunno and I'm too lazy to look it up). I slowly started singing along with the song, trying to match my voice with the vocalist on the radio.   Kyle looks back and smiles.  "Damn, you can really sing!"   "Yeah..." I

blush slightley, "I'm actually the main lead in the school play."    "Wally, that's awesome!" John says while not looking up from the road. "What play is it?"   "Well, have you seen the New Annie?"     "Yeah, I saw it on Christmas."    "Well, it's based on that. The drama teacher couldn't go back to the old songs after hearing the new ones, so then it was decided that we, as a class, would go see both movies and have a vote on which would be the best to perform."    "So, you're Mr. Wilstacks? Can you sing 'The City's Yours'?"    I then recalled the first few lyrics and started singing.    "Well, it's no problem seeing how they chose you!"    We soon arrive at blue umbrellas, we must be here. I get out into the sun. It was beaming onto my bare back. Heating it up. I couldn't help but feel... exposed without my shirt. John and Kyle just made it look easy. I puff out my chest trying to impress the guys that were also in the park.     "If you want to attract a guy, you're definately doing it wrong!" Kyle teases at me.    He continues on laughing for a moment and starts giving me advice.    "Now, It's been like fate for us to meet, but I did have a few boyfriends before him. I woo them all with my sexy body-"   John punches him while laughing, "You haven't wooed any of us with your abs! Just be yourself, a guy doesn't deserve someone as great as you if he doesn't even like you!"   I nod, and they say, "Now, we know your 13, and you probably hate your parents bein' on your back. So, run free, but, come meet with us every hour our so at the gift shop, alright?"   I nodd and smile as I look at my waterproof watch. 1:30. I wave and decide to head for the giant green slide that was looming ahead. I start the climb up the winding, creaking staircase up to where I heard water ripping. I get a light blue raft and sit on the edge of the pipe. There were conveyer belts on the edge of the pipes that stayed till I gave the cheeky lifeguard the command. "Shi-"They lifeguard look over to me and asked, "Are ya ready?"   "No!"   "Perfect!"  He, always with a smile, pushed the green button making me move closer to the actual slide. I clutch on to the raft for dear life. And I plunge downward like a waterfall. ******   (Still Wally's pov)  I soon splash into the ending pool. I hear a yelp and I see I hit a pedestrian.  "Oh. My God, I'm so sorry." I help him up from where he fell and I got my first good look at him. He had black hair that covered his bright green eyes. It was wet, and so he put it towards the side. He had pretty much the same chest as I. He had on red shorts and I could see the trim of black underwear peaking out. He, interestingly, was wearing a necklace. It was a ring, sliver, but I could see gold at the edges, and towards the center, the steel began to

turn a sky blue.   He smiled, "Umm... You studying something, Sherlock?"   "Oh" I imediatley blush, looking away from him. I look back to see him blushing, but he was holding his hand out, "What's your name?"    "Wallison, but everyone calls me Wally"   "I'm Gordan Ramsey, and I've come to yell at you to get your shit together!"   We both laugh at this.  "What is your real name?"    "Cameron"   "That's cool"    "Look, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going, so to make up for it, do you want a shake?"   "Only if you become Gordan and yell at these people that this isn't MasterChef quality!" I shake his hand and say yes. We started walking over to a snack bar and orderd two shakes.   "So, you from here?" I ask.    "Yeah, I got here last month. I think I have classes opposite of you."   "Oh, so you're a seventh grader. Good luck with the teachers over there. I've heard some teacher gives packets for homework!"    "I don't think any. But, I'll be extra careful!"   "Where did you live?"    "Actually in Vermont. It's very cold up there, much different than it is down here."    "Florida's the bomb I tell ya! Why'd you move?"    "My father's work made him leave, so we moved here."     "Oh, I have lived here my all life. Do you have any friends? The first few weeks of school can be very rough."     "I guess you, now. School can't honestly be that bad. What's your best class?"      "Art. I love drawing. The people don't seem to care, but the teacher is nice."       "Mine's everything. Really! I love every class and give school my all!"       "Are you smart?"       "Yeah, I'm in the advanced class on that side."        "That's cool. I'm also in the advance class. Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what's that ring for?"      He eyes light up with fear. I obviously stirred a bad memory.      "It's actually a reminder."      "Of what?"       "Well, I'm bound to be picked on, so this ring is a reminder to myself that I am strong."       "I see. Well, you have nothing to fear from me. I couldn't bully to you even if I tried. I've already seen what bullying does to people. In fact, I know excactly what it does because I'm the person to bully."   I see his green eyes soften as he drinks up the rest of his milkshake.    "Here's my number. Call me when you want to hang out." I scribble the last 4 digits of the number on a napkin and hand it to him.   "Bye!" He smiles while studying the digits.   I walk out of the shade under the bar and go out into the main area of lawnchairs and umberellas, I was tackled to the side. Soon I was held by Kyle who was scratching my hair with his knuckle.     "I knew you'd find someone cute!" 

 "Wha-how long have you been spying on me!?"   "Well, you hadn't come back at 2:30, so we wondered if something happened annd.."    "Did you see everything?"      "Yep. From you crashing into him to him hitting on you."    "Wha! He was not hitting on me."  Kyle stood and crossed his arms and looked at me like I was stupid.   "You hit him, but he bought drinks to say sorry, he was looking at you very... nicely. He anwsered your question about the ring, I mean! Look at whst he's doing to your number!"   I saw Cam from Kyle's spying spot behind a palm tree. Cam was writing with a pen my name on the napkin, so he would't think it was junk once he got home. And he smiled, then put it in the red pockets of his swim truncks. He then clutched his ring, and then muttered something to himself and smiled. He walked away.   Cam. He liked me? I couldn't be sure, I mean, hell, we just met. But, I would keep an eye on him.  Kyle then smiles. "Hey!"  Kyle picks me up and approaches the pool. He had an evil grin on his face. "No!"  Too late. I feel the splash of water as I'm thrown in. I'm not stupid though. I grabbed Kyle's hands at the last seconds and pulled him in with me. We both surface and laugh our asses off.     I finally feel like my life is complete! I have the perfect brothers, a potentialy really nice boyfriend, and my mother is taking the bullying issue to the school board. I am finally loving my life.    But, damnit, I still have to prepare myself to be a victim for the board meeting. My mother called awhile ago and said it was scheduled for tomorrow. And awesomely, I don't have to go to school tomorrow because I have to be present at the meeting. Kyle, John, and I soon pack up and leave after a few more fun-filled hours. Kyle tells the story of my meeting with Cam, though I tell the inside conversation and about his ring. We then get home and they leave, and I tell my mother about most of my day(excluding Cam).    I then go to sleep preparing myself for the following day. Wallison and Cameron, I kept thinking about him in my bed. I can't wait to see him again!________ (And that concludes one of the LONGEST Wally chapters I've ever made. I'm going to have all three perspectives in the case of bullying next chapter. Thank you for your continued support. I actually do read the comments, and this chapter actually anwsered to a comment about wanting Wally to get a (soon to be) boyfriend. I won't try to please everyone's comments, but I'll try to add story ideas that might make the story better.)