
Story by Thunderdramon on SoFurry

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#20 of Story Commissions

Another old one! This time, a commission for FA: Danny-mac-quazy and yours truly. Involves some beefy dad-dragons.

"Ugh, my aching head..."

Quazy rubbed his head, the sound of his voice catching his attention. He groaned and twisted underneath the sheets of his bed, his groaning sounding rather different. Everyone recognized their own voice at some point, but the red scaled eastern couldn't exactly pinpoint what was up with his. If he didn't know any better, he sounded like someone dragging a bear and the sound of concrete turning since it was so deep. The green whiskered dragon writhed in his bed for a few moments more, the pounding of his head becoming too much to bare. He reached for the bottle of aspirin on the side along with a bottle of water and blinked in surprise. He didn't think the pill bottle and the water bottle was that small? Did he manage to grab something else?

The curiosity continued piling up before Quazy finally lifted the sheets off of and took a look at his arm. He expected to see his normally thin looking arm, but he was greeted to the sight of a beastly thick and red forearm reaching around for his things, the appendage leading up to a powerful, bulging bicep and immense shoulder. Most of the arm was covered in enough light brown hair to make him think it belong to nothing short of an animal. Quazy let out a yell that resembled something to an earthquake before he launched himself out of bed. The eastern had been relatively thin, so such a feat would have been possible for someone of his skinny size. It was much more of an effort to get up, thousands of pounds of weight accompanying his frame as he landed on the floor. A thud shook through his room before the eastern had finally come upon his glasses. The thin framed rims were durable, but under his apparent newfound strength, the frame bent.

"Aw man..."

He'd simply repair them later. After putting on the not too damaged pair of lenses, Quazy was finally greeted with a look at himself through the mirror on his drawer. He expected to see a rail thin dragon, but came upon the image of a beastly and incredibly muscled man that towered a bit over his drawer and the mirror. All he could see were a pair of light scaled, yet somehow hairy pectorals that had enough heft and bulk to make the dark brown nipples that capped the slabs to point downward, and even those were rather large in their own right! After his chest was a bulging, hairy row of abs that led to a broad waist that shamed even his own. At his side were two tree trunk thick sized arms packed to the brim with muscle to the point that veins were pumping alongside his arms and leading up to his bountiful chest.

"How in the hell?"

Quazy leaned down a bit to get a better look. He jolted back when he finally got a look at his own face. Looking at a new body was one thing, but looking at a new face was something else. A chiseled, manly face stared back at him, his normally green whiskers looking tattered and much bigger than usually. He rubbed his chin and noticed the difference in how prominent it was along with the sandpaper like feel. Did he have five o' clock shadow? Quazy stared at himself in the mirror, rubbing his new burly hands around his body. Despite it looking in the mirror and feeling real, he didn't really believe it. It was such a transformation from a wimp to looking like his own father if he bothered working out and lifting since he was born.

After some confirmation that this was in fact real, the eastern dragon hummed a bit and began to grope his chest. His face flushed pink as he squeezed and cupped the enormous mounds of muscle, another hand running down the solid row of cobblestone abs. As one hand descended south, he decided to give one of his nipples a squeeze. Just as he thought, those were real as well. The brown nubs were thick enough to squeeze with his entire hand and even then, he could barely make his finger meet. He let out a deep groan that shocked even him as Quazy flexed his pectorals to the point each hairy slab was close to swallowing his muzzle whole, and that was just from one gentle grip! Once he felt the heavy throbbing of what seemed to be his endowment, he looked down in shock once more.

He was huge everywhere! A cock rivaling the average man's leg greeted him as it pulsed and throbbed to life, growing larger and larger against his thigh. He already felt it snake well past his ankle, and the radiating warmth of the two large scaled orbs underneath was another indicator that he was incredibly virile too. Maybe that explained the change, too much testosterone?

"Well whatever it was...I kinda want more." Quazy muttered to himself as he continued flaring and bouncing his chest at the mirror. His attention was much more on his neglected nipples than the actual reasoning behind the transformation. Whatever it was, it felt rather great on his body and confidence. He was always on the slim side, so achieving a size like this was in the realm of impossibility.

"Someone seems content with their new self."

Quazy seemed to freeze in place, slowly turning his head around to see a mountain of green and black attempting to make way into his room. He went through from his side, green pectorals bulging up against the man's face as he tried to slide in as best as he could. After a good amount of wiggling and bending the doorframe, he finally got in.

"T-thunder, it was you?" The stuttering never left Quazy's voice even with turning into a hulking mountain of virility. Thunder couldn't help but let out a gruff laugh as the fellow whiskered dragon's face lit up like a match.

"Yeah, though not on purpose. Was just trying to figure something out with a potion a friend lent to me and well...this." He nodded, gesturing toward his own body. Just as the red scaled eastern, Thunder's body had grown to enormous proportions. He was covered from top to bottom in nothing but dull black hair. His own mane faded to the same color as well. He sported a much more aggressive looking face, his whiskers turned a dark green along with the rest of him. Along with the rest of the eastern, his horns had grown as well, resembling true tree branches what with how they spiked into different directions.

Quazy didn't get much of a chance to speak as Thunder walked forward, their chests meeting and grinding against another firmly.

Quazy stared on in confusion. As the two pushed and ground their bodies together, Quazy was unable to resist the thick black nubs that capped Thunder's chest. As his hands moved into give them a tweak and grope, Thunder did the same. The two shared a moan deep enough to shake the room to its core, the enormous dragons even pushing their own hyper endowed shafts together. The two massive lengths throbbed and pulsed, the friction arousing them further as they played with their own chests.

"Now, since this won't last for too long, let's make it worthwhile, eh?"

Quazy wasn't in any position to deny. He continued tweaking the fellow dragon's nubs more and more before Thunder leaned in for a deep kiss.