Chapter 25 Word of Mouth

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#26 of Fox Hunt

Word of Mouth

Chapter 25

When Evelyn reached her room, she bid the slave assigned to her to help her undress, then immersed herself in cold water and sat there shivering for a long time. Outside on the bright lawn, all the court was no doubt gossiping about her, and the queen would gleefully fuel the fire. Evelyn gritted her teeth and hated herself. She had lost the game, and she had lost so easily! If word spread that she liked females, it would destroy her reputation. Canines took their lineage seriously, and homosexuality was seen as a genetic flaw in a dog that was otherwise supposed to be purebred. Especially among females, who were expected to submit to marriage and produce more purebred offspring. The rumors would be spreading like wildfire, and she would become a pariah overnight. Unless the king spoke for her, she was destroyed.

Sitting in the bath, Evelyn stared dismally at her knees. The king. Bastian had always been the only one who could protect her. A king had the last say. A king could do as he pleased - have a male lover and two females lovers on the side - and no one was allowed to whisper a word so long as he did his duty and properly married. If he spoke for Evelyn, if he took her on as his princess, then no one could touch her. Not even Queen Donica.

Evelyn closed her eyes and dropped her forehead on her trembling knees. But Bastian was angry with her now. She asked herself why it mattered. She was running away! She must find where they kept Lily at night. She must free her! And then they could go anywhere they wished. The world would be theirs! And she would never again have to think about this dismal day at court.

Evelyn glanced up when a towel flashed in the corner of her eye. Her slave was silently shaking a towel at her, bidding her to stand. The collar on his throat said his name was Decius. He was six feet tall, somewhat muscular, and somewhat shy. His brown eyes were always hesitant and worried. He wore no nipple clamps and appeared to be very young. Evelyn might have placed him at seventeen. She looked in his eyes and realized he was silently begging her to get out of the bath . . . probably for fear that she would catch cold.

"Alright," Evelyn murmured and stood. In truth, taking a cold bath wasn't doing much for her anyway: the lips of her sex were still swollen from having watched as Lily gasped, as her exquisite breasts flapped, as her shapely body twisted on the table from every thrust of the big thing pulling her sex taunt. Evelyn couldn't get Lily's naked body out of her mind. She shivered and hugged herself as the ice cold water dripped off her nipples, over her high backside, off the tip of her tail. Her curls clung wet to her dimpled back and she wrung them out.

Decius stepped close with the towel, and she saw his hungry eyes pass over her body, silently admiring. He started to dry her off, and she held out her arms, allowing his careful paws to shape her waist and backside through the towel. When she seemed dry enough, he wrapped her in the towel and gathered her carefully in his arms.

"Thank you, Decius," Evelyn said when he had set her on the bed. She sat on the edge and watched as he knelt before her and dried her feet. She looked down at him and pitied him. He was so beautiful and slender, like a young deer, his black mane spilling down his back, his calm eyes absorbed in his task. He seemed to like her feet. His gentle fingers carefully massaged one, and his eyes slowly turned to her, as if for permission.

Evelyn nodded. "Go on."

Decius smiled a little. He bowed his head over his work, and his strong fingers pressed her little foot, bending and caressing it. She was surprised when he kissed it and moved on to the other, but she didn't protest.

"Oh . . . oh, Decius . . . that's good," Evelyn whispered wearily. She saw the hint of a smile curl his lips under the praise. "Whose feet have you been massaging? The queen's?" Evelyn wondered darkly. Her brows went up in surprise when Decius shook his head. ". . . the king's then?"

Decius sheepishly nodded.

Evelyn laughed lightly, trying to imagine big Bastian sitting in a chair as Decius gave him a foot massage.

Decius kissed her foot and stopped. When she looked at him, he was gesturing, a silent appeal to massage her shoulders. She nodded consent, and he climbed behind her on the bed. She was surprised when he closed his legs around her, but the warmth of his hard body was comforting, and as his strong paws soothed her tense shoulders, she dropped her head against him and thought of Lily touching her.

"Oh . . . yes, Decius. That's good . . . harder . . . Mm, yes. Like that."

Decius obeyed. Perfectly. Evelyn could only conclude that he acted the personal masseur all the time. Her eyes opened when his paws smoothed around and pushed the towel down around her breasts. She could feel him looking at her breasts over her shoulder, then her heart leapt to feel the soft slap of his sudden erection against her back. He grunted from the sudden unwanted pleasure and apologetically started to back away. She caught his paw.

"Keep going," she whispered.

Decius hesitated. She glanced over her shoulder to find his eyes uncertain.

"Keep going," she repeated. "Cold water didn't work. Maybe you will."

The slave's brown eyes hesitated again, but he slowly nodded. He was shy and uncertain now, Evelyn could feel it as he returned to massaging her shoulders. But she could also feel his gaze on her big breasts. They rode with the deep strokes of his paws. He smoothed his paws around and cupped them, touching her nipples. Her head fell back again, thrusting them forward in his paws. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his boyish fascination. Perhaps he had never touched breasts before. She looked at him and suddenly wondered if he wasn't a virgin.

"Decius," she sighed. "Keep going. Touch me."

Decius swallowed hard but obeyed. One of his big paws massaged her breast, squeezing it in careful fingers. His fingers slid to her nipple and he stroked it, almost as if milking her. She sighed as the pleasure tingled in her nipple, sighed as her moisture came afresh. With fascinated brown eyes, he slid his other paw to the swollen lips of her sex. He pinched and touched them but seemed to want her swollen clitoris the most. It was fat and pink above the lips of her moist sex, pulsing with desire . . . and her longing for Lily.

Brown eyes intense, Decius slowly caressed Evelyn's clitoris. A tremor went through her, and he caressed faster, gently rotating, carefully stroking. Her nipple became harder in his milking fingers. He grunted, and she knew he was close to erupting against her back. She twisted against him as arousal flushed red over her breasts.

"Oh . . . oh, _god,_Decius . . ." Evelyn closed her eyes. "Lily . . ."

Decius hesitated and kissed her neck. She smiled as his uncertain kisses became fervent. His breaths were heavy, eager. His paws were trembling. He wanted her. He wanted her terribly. He kissed her neck to her eye, and as his fingers continued their careful massage, she squirted with a cry.

Decius watched the moisture plaster his fingers, his eyes round. He brought his wet fingers to his nose, and after sniffling them happily, he sucked them clean.

Trembling in the wake of her orgasm, Evelyn pried herself up and went immediately for her robe. As she was tying it on, she glanced back at Decius. He was hard as a rock still and seemed very ashamed of what they had just done. He covered his erection and lowered his eyes to the carpet - then in sudden outburst, he dropped to his knees and crawled to her. Evelyn was saddened by how miserably, how apologetically he kissed her feet again and again.

"Decius . . ." she whispered sadly and touched his head. "It's alright - you did nothing wrong!"

He knelt before her and bowed his head, and looking down at him, she suddenly realized that he had probably been given orders never to touch her. Perhaps he feared that she would tell. And knowing Queen Donica, that would lead to a whipping.

"It's alright," Evelyn repeated soothingly and stroked his mane. "Here, get up," she said, taking his arm. "Sit down here."

Decius sat uncertainly in the chair she maneuvered him to. He pressed his knees together and covered his erection again. She smiled at him: he was such a boy. She could tell he wanted to ask what she was going to do. She stood before him and slowly slid the belt from her robe. She swallowed hard as her robe fell open, revealing the ample curves of her naked body to him once again. Smiling at him, she looped the soft silk belt around his erection . . . then pulled it back and forth.

Decius cried out as the vigorous rubbing made his penis swell harder. Pre-cum oozed as he clutched the armrests of the chair and grimaced. Evelyn's big breasts jiggled as she yanked the belt back and forth, and he watched them with suffering eyes. His erection was wobbling and spurting from the friction. Chest heaving, he gave a weak cry, and his hard organ flinched and released. Evelyn watched as his soft penis slapped his thigh and silently pitied him that he couldn't hide his arousal the way a female might: if anyone had seen him hard after bathing her, perhaps he would have been punished.

"Come on," Evelyn said. "Let's get you cleaned up." She closed her robe again, and taking him by the paw, led him to the bath she had only just vacated.

He seemed genuinely surprised that she was willing to care for him. He sat in the water and watched with glowing admiration as she bathed him clean. When she had finished toweling him dry, he caught her paw and kissed it in silent gratitude.

"You are welcome," Evelyn said and cupped his face with one sympathetic paw. "Now come. Help me get dressed. They'll expect me for lunch. If I don't show my face, then the queen will have won. And we can't have that, can we?"

Decius remained as obedient as before - only now, he looked at Evelyn with warm brown eyes and seldom looked away from her, as if locked in her thrall. He helped her dress in a blue gown appropriate for afternoon, and as he was sliding on her slippers, she was shocked when he spoke.

"Why did you come here?"

Evelyn blinked as if she thought she was hearing things. She was sitting in a chair, fastening on her chignon when he spoke. He was kneeling before her. Pushing her ballooning skirts back, he carefully cradled her other foot as he slid the second slipper on.

"I ran away from my husband," Evelyn replied. "Surely, you've heard."

"I have heard that, yes," he whispered. "But why did you really come?" He slowly lifted his eyes to hers and waited.

Evelyn regarded him, her mouth slightly open. She couldn't understand it. Beaucerons were such keenly intelligent creatures, and yet they allowed other dogs to enslave them? What's more, they were big and tall and incredible in number. If not for their gentle and loving nature, they could have easily conquered all the world by now. But they chose to be conquered and never ran from it. It was baffling.

Evelyn looked down at Decius and decided she could confide in him. "The truth? I came for the fox. She's my lover."

Decius lowered his eyes and laced her slipper with careful fingers. "I thought so."

"You did?"

"She . . . cries for you at night," he whispered sadly.

Evelyn swallowed hard. "Would you take me to her?"

"Perhaps tonight. We should stop talking. If someone finds out I spoke, the queen will have me spanked."

Evelyn scowled. "Why do you put up with this? Why not run away?" She touched his head. "You could come with me." She was startled when he lifted his face and looked at her in amusement.

"No," he said simply and stood. He offered his paw, and she allowed him to help her up.

"But why?" Evelyn begged.

"I like it," he answered, still amused. "We like it."

Evelyn stared at him. "So you mean to tell me your breed enjoys being spanked, publically humiliated, and smacked around by our trollop of a queen?"

His smile widened slightly. "Yes. I wouldn't mind it if I was punished for speaking. I'm only worried what it would mean for you if someone found out I spoke to you. In fact, I wish I would be spanked. Publically. With a paddle while bent over with my ass in the air. And then perhaps fucked," he said, and Evelyn blushed crimson. "But they haven't allowed anyone to sleep with me yet. I'm too young, they say."

"How old are you?"

"Nineteen. They wait until we're twenty before breeding us. It's our peak. When sex is most . . ." He looked at her hungrily. "Intense."

Evelyn looked away, feeling flustered by his matter-o-fact tone.

"You'd better go," he said and gathered her discarded robe. "I've got to clean your room. And while being fashionably late to lunch is one thing, being dreadfully late is just dreadful."

Evelyn smiled. "And you'll take me to Lily tonight?"

"Lily?" He blinked at her.

"I mean the fox," Evelyn corrected herself.

"Ah." He went to the bed and started smoothing the coverlet. "Yes, perhaps. It depends on my lord and lady."

Evelyn bit her lip. ". . . what do you mean?"

"Sometimes they make the fox watch them having sex."

Evelyn's face twisted up.

"Well, the _queen_makes her watch. To make sure she stays moist for the court to gawk at. Then the king . . . he just might try to sleep with you."

Evelyn's lips parted in surprise. "What!"

"I see the way he looks at you," Decius said and straightened up from his work. His brown eyes were serious. "He's got a bone and wants you to bite it. Badly."

Evelyn looked away. "Bastian is a gentleman. He wouldn't propose . . ." The words died on her lips as she thought of his anger only the hour before. And she could not fault him for his anger. For years, he sent letters begging her to return to his court, and for years, she sent evasive replies saying that she could not come but perhaps one day. She never flat-out rejected him. She was frightened to. For she knew she would one day have to call upon him for aid. He was the last card in her deck, her lifeline should she fail to survive the deadly politics which surrounded someone of her station. But now he knew the truth - that she had never loved him and certainly could not want him - and perhaps he would never play the gentleman with her again. She had played with a monarch's heart, and now she was going to pay the price.

The very thought chilled her blood.