Consequences of Hacking

Story by QuincyBarcode on SoFurry

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#8 of Adventures of Rufus

Story by me.

Wonderful art by Aggrobadger:

Sequel to:

I entered the shop that day and was greeted by a curious sight. There was half-naked rat chatting with the shop keep. As I entered, the rat looked up at me through his tousled head fur and the biggest smile grew on his face. I'm kind of used it by now. Townsfolk always seem super keen to meet travelers. I'd never noticed this rat in town before, though, and he would be hard to forget, what with the bright red collar, cuffs, and rubbery undergarment that were his entire outfit.

It wasn't too long before he finished talking with the shop keep that he wandered over and greeted me while I was browsing an assortment of belts. He was apparently an aspiring adventurer himself, but had recently gotten lost on his first outing and stumbled into some trouble. He told me that the collar he was wearing wouldn't come off and was forcing him to wear the rest of that attire, but nothing else. I felt embarrassed for him. I'd never be caught wearing so little in public.

That's when I found out what he'd been chatting about with the shop keep. He'd just received information about a removal hack he was going to use to help him dispel the enchanted gear. I dropped the belt on the shelf immediately, turned to leave, and made my way to the door. Hacks aren't something to mess around with. They don't behave predictably and I didn't want any part of -


I entered the shop that day and was greeted with a curious sight. The shop keep was all alone and tidying up, having finished a transaction recently it seemed. He greeted me with a gentle smile before taking some garment into the back while I started browsing. The walls were adorned with maps and there was a case of upgrades off to one side. There were tents and rope and cloth, but I was here to buy a belt. I'd been getting a bit careless with the food I'd been consuming and my gear had begun to fit differently.

I hadn't been to this shop before, only having visited this town a handful of times in the past. They had a decent selection; nothing too spectacular. Given how relatively remote the town is, I can see the selection helping provide what the other shops lack. When the shop keep came back, we chatted for a bit about the various establishments in town. He seemed kind of sad at the lack of general lack of interest in his clothing and camping supplies from the townsfolk and passersby. He apparently had a contact outside of town that provided him with all sorts of useful information which helped him stay in business in the past.

I did eventually found a plain leather belt I liked that wouldn't snag on the base of my tail. It would keep my pants on and I could strap some of my gear to it. The shop keep was kind enough to give me some privacy while I tried it on and fit it into place. Once that was all settled, I bought it and was on my way with his thanks. The shop keep was quite the kind soul. It would be kind of sad if he had to close down due to lack of-


I found it kind of unnerving. I was used to having a bit of personal space while browsing, but the shop keep was just standing there, grinning at me. I can't remember why I decided to come here. It should have been obvious that this was not a general shop by the kinds of pictures that adorned the wall. There weren't that many items, but they did at least have a large assortment of belts and rope. It was almost intimidating how much space was devoted to them.

The constant grinning wasn't the worst of it though. I'm pretty sure I caught him groping himself a couple of times out of the corner of my eye. No wonder the locals didn't mention this place; the owner was a bit of a perv. I just needed to find a nice belt and I could get back on the road and get out of this town. It felt odd trying various ones on in someone else's presence, but I didn't want to end up buying any old belt just to find that it snagged the base of my tail.

He held up a shiny green belt, suggesting I try it on next. I gave a snort. There was no way one that small would fit on me and went back to browsing. Moments later, I felt the warmth of his stomach against my back and I froze. A cool sensation wrapped around my neck before an audible snap. I brought my paw up to my neck as he stepped back, grinning at me the whole time. Was this his idea of a joke? I searched around for a way to take it-


I was genuinely surprised. In all the years of living here, I'd never have guessed he'd choose me of all people to be his apprentice. My paw fell from my new collar back to my side. He smiled at me and asked if I was alright with this. Of course I was! Who wouldn't want to be apprenticed at the most popular shop in the area? Growing up, it was merely a fantasy I entertained.

With my acknowledgement, he instructed me to strip. I blushed beneath my fur but readily complied, starting with my shirt. My pants sort of fell down on their own, having not fit well in recent weeks. There I was: naked (other than my new collar) in the most popular store in town. The other customers pointed and smiled and made lewd comments to each other. I swished my tail, letting them know I wasn't defenseless, but I don't think they took it that way.

My master took me into the back where we stored my clothes next to a hooded garment before returning to the front. He explained how to handle daily transactions, which is what I would be doing until he had time to show me how to craft the collars and rope for which we were best known.


I must admit, I felt honored. To be sent out on such an important task on my first day was surely a sign of trust. My master needed me to retrieve a piece of his property that had gone missing. I guess it wasn't too surprising given that it had gone missing earlier that day. I wouldn't fail at this very important task my master had given me.

Still, it was embarrassing having to walk through town naked while the people I grew up with looked on and jeered at me. I'm sure they would never let me forget. I would have to make sure to get back at them once my apprenticeship was over. It got easier once I got out of town, though it still felt drafty. I was thankful that my master at least had an idea of where I should look first.

It wasn't too long before I found what I was looking for. There was a rubber rat sitting down on the ground with a dazed look on his face. His eyes seemed to be dimly focused on the rubbery shorts hanging on the end of his tail. More importantly, the collar and cuffs he was wearing matched the red leash my master had sent me off with. I waved the leash in front of his face before clipping it to his collar. I tugged on it and told him we needed to go back to-


After the initial embarrassment of having to strip in the store, my first day was rather mundane. Customers came and went, buying our items. I took the money and recorded what we sold. At one point, my master called me into the back to help with a special transaction. It seemed that there was a rubber rat that had needed some information and was willing to work to pay it off.

Unfortunately, his permanent erection meant we'd need to put some clothes on him and my master needed me to find something suitable in the back. I fished around and found my shirt and my pants where we put them earlier next to that hooded jacket. I didn't know where my master kept any other clothes though, so if pants were necessary, I guess I'd have to donate my own. It's not like I'd be allowed to wear them any time soon anyway.

I have to admit, I kind of drifted off in thought thinking about the rubber rat while I was back there. I'd heard plenty of stories about rubber creatures growing up and thinking back on them was starting to arouse me thinking about-


I returned to my master with a sign I'd drawn up advertising that we had a rubber rat for rent. He mussed my hair and said I'd make a good apprentice before returning to the front to finish setting up the contract with our new rubber rat. I took a moment to get my hair back into place and pat my fur down all around. One has to be presentable. It also gave me time to let my erection subside. You can't just walk around with -


I joined my master in the front as he posted the sign in the window. I think I saw him write something extra on it, but I couldn't tell what it was from where I was standing. I humped the edge of the table to tease my erection further. My actions caught the eye of a few customers who stroked themselves openly at the sight. I was a bit transfixed, watching their cocks bob, that I was caught off guard when my master pat me hard on the ass. He said I'd done a good job for my first day that he was going to let me go a bit early and break in our new attraction. While I was a good cocksucker, I wasn't sure if I'd really be able to -


I rested for a while and took a nap, happy with how the day had gone. I woke up some time later after hours and was super horny, remembering what my master had told me. I found our rubber rat in a room in the back, still with his permanent erection. He was picking at his cuffs when I entered, creating a slight squeaking noise each time his sleek claw nubs failed to separate them from his skin.

I pumped my erection end sauntered in when he saw me. He looked up shocked and told me there was some kind of mistake. He said that he wasn't supposed to be made of rubber and that it had only happened after using some hack. Hacks are dangerous, sure, but we'd definitely bought him because he was made of rubber. I decided I'd better fuck this nonsense out of him and told him as much.

He got on all fours, seemingly confused as to why his body was complying and presented his rear. I grinned, lifting his tail out of the way, squeezing it in my paw. I positioned my dick at his hole and pushed. His body squeaked and slid past my head, spreading easily and effortlessly as I fucked him. I was out of my mind in bliss and it took me a while to realize that he was still trying to tell me something about some hack or something. Whatever.

Anyway, I know you've been eyeing my ass this whole time, but could I tempt you to maybe use his mouth instead? I'm tired of hearing him babble on about not being a rubber toy. Such nonsense.