Don and Jake - Chapter 6

Story by Raal Steelfang on SoFurry

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#6 of Don and Jake

My my my, things certainly are heating up for our two heroes, aren't they?

Bright morning sunlight streaked through the window across Don's face, waking him from a blissful sleep on his back. He reached a paw over to rub Jake's back only to feel nothing but sheets. He lifted his head and found he was alone. He sat up in the bed, sheets sticky with semen clinging to him, and called his name, thinking he might just be in the bathroom. When he didn't hear a reply, he stood up, stretched his back a little, and walked downstairs.

"Maybe he's in the kitchen getting a drink or something," he thought to himself. He started feeling a bit worried though when he didn't find him in the kitchen or living room, and his clothes were missing. Sitting down on the couch with a sigh, he mentally went through everything that happened last night trying to remember what he could've done or said to make him leave, when he noticed a sheet of notebook paper on the coffee table. He picked it up and read it.

"Hey Don, sorry I had to leave. I got a call early this morning from work. Apparently the guy that was suppose to open the store is sick so they asked me if I woud open and then stick around until about 2. I thought about waking you up to let you know but you looked so peaceful I didn't feel right about it. Last night was fucking incredible, by the way. You have no idea how much it meant to me. Although I must admit I'm waddling around like a penguin after that last bit. I know you said you didn't work today, so if you want I could come back by later and we can 'hang out' some more. Text me when you read this, see ya later Papa Bear. XOXO Jake

Don smiled as he read the note, blushing when he came to the 'waddling like a penguin' part. He was about to put it down and text Jake when he noticed another, smaller piece of paper that was originally under the note. Don picked it up and felt his cock twitch as he saw a quick sketch of a feather brushing against a pair of paws, the toes curled and the soles scrunched up, with the words "I think I'm finally ready" written underneath. Don almost tripped over his own huge bear feet as he scrambled to find his phone. ********************************************************************* ***************EARLIER**************** Andrew the horse was drinking his morning coffee when he heard keys jingling outside the front door. It opened with a creak and Jake walked in.

"Morning, slut," the horse said teasingly, "I guess you got the message from the boss then?"

"Yeah, just had to come back by for clothes and a quick shower." Andrew couldn't help but notice the ginger way the wolf was walking.

"I can tell by your gait you had a good time."

"No joke, probably the best I've ever had."

"Good for you bro, but are you sure you ain't moving a little fast here?"

Jake stopped walking, "Man, I'm really trying not to overthink this. Right now I'm just doing what feels right to me."

"Fair enough. Now hop in that shower, you smell like a well-used groupie."

"At least I'm getting some," he said, looking down at his phone upon hearing the DING, heralding a new message. He smiled at the message from Don, then responded.

"Great, now I'm gonna have a hard-on the whole time at work. See you after 2. "

*************************************************************** It was 2:30 and Don was waiting anxiously on the couch. He had set everything up in the bedroom hours ago, but he kept going in there in anticipation to make sure everything was in it's place. He practically jumped up when he heard the doorbell ring and moved quickly to the door. He opened it to reveal the white wolf. He was wearing some black pinstripe pants, red Convos, a plain white V-neck shirt, and he was carrying a messenger bag. Don moved his bulk aside to let him in and, after closing and locking the door, grabbed him and pushed him against the wall, kissing him deeply.

"Well, I'm happy to see you again, too," Jake said after the kiss.

"Good. What's in the bag?"

"Oh, I didn't know if you had any ropes or tools or anything, so I brought some stuff just in case."

"No need, I have everything. Thank you though. So are you ready?"

"More than ready," the wolf said, and they started up the stairs to the bedroom.

"So, I hope you don't mind," Don said as they entered the bedroom, "but since this is the first time I'd like to take things kind of slow and easy on you, like use this to just sort of explore you and figure you out a bit more."

"I'm ok with that. What you want me to do?"

"You want to get naked and lay in sort of a Y formation for me?"

"Heh, you know I do," he said, kicking off his shoes. Don stood back and admired the wolf's body as he removed his clothes teasingly slow, aware of the bear's eyes on him. Don touched himself as Jake peeled his sweaty black socks off, exposing his soles to the the bear, and wiggled erotically out of his green boxer-briefs. Once in the buff he laid in the middle of the plush bed on his back and spread his arms out to the upper two corners of the frame while keeping his legs together.

"This good?"

Don was breathing a little heavy in anticipation, "Perfect."

Don took two leather cuffs from the bedside table and buckled them around his wrists, then secured each to their corresponding bedframe corner with white nylon rope, giving them a tug to make sure they were secure. He then slid a pillow under his feet before binding his ankles together, then secured them to the frame as well, again applying the tug test. He then wrapped a few lengths of the nylon rope right under knees for extra security, chuckling when he noticed Jake was already rock hard. He slid a blunt claw along the underside of the wolf's erection, drawing a surprised gasp from him, before standing back to admire his handiwork.

"Everything feel OK, comfortable?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Good, try and struggle a bit, see if I left to much slack anywhere."

Don felt a bit of pre-cum dribble down his shaft at the sight of the bound wolf pulling at his bonds. "Everything feels pretty secure, good job," he said.


It was the bear's turn to tease Jake as he slowly pulled of his jeans and white button shirt until he was just in his own black boxer-briefs. "You OK with being blindfolded?"


Don took a black padded blindfold from the table drawer and gently lifted the wolf's head, sliding the strap over and behind his ears, trapping the wide piece of cloth directly on his eyes.

He leaned down and whispered, "Still OK," into his ears. The wolf nodded his head Yes, so Don stood up and and placed two stiff white feathers on the side of the bed next to Jake.

"Hey, you said you brought some tools along too, right?"

"Yeah, you can take a look if you want."

From his spot of the bed he heard Don pick up his bag and rifle through it. "Ooh," he heard the bear say happily, "this could be useful."

"I don't suppose you'll tell me what you picked out, huh?"

"Nope," he replied cheerfully.

He placed his new toy at the foot of the bed and climbed up, straddling the bound wolf's waist.

"You ready?"

"Hell yeah."

"Good, then let's begin."

Don was the type of tickler that really liked to explore some of the lesser-loved tickle spots on the body. He loved tickling pits and feet of course, but one of his other favorite spots were the ears, and that's where he chose to start with Jake. He picked up a stiff white feather in each huge mitt and began tracing the pointed tips around the edges of the wolf's triangular ears, causing him to dissolve into helpless giggles. He circled the outsides severl times before slipping the tips inside to tease the pink flesh within. He tickled Jake's ears like that for several minutes before he dropped the feathers and wiggled his blunt claws against the sides of the wolf's neck, with a special focus just above his collarbone, and grinned with satisfaction as he heard his giggling increase notably.

"Well aren't you a little trooper," the bear said, "look at you trying your best not to protect your neck."


"Who's my cute little tickle pup?"


"That's right," Don said, his claws descending to tease around the perimeter of his exposed armpits. For the first time since they started he could feel Jake trying to squirm underneath him and he was no longer simply giggling but truly laughing in earnest. He thick fingers wiggled and flicked over the sensitive triceps, the surprisingly tickly muscle on the back of the upper arm.

"Hahahahahah I di...hehehe...didn't eeeheheheheven know I waaahahahahasss ticklish theerererhahahahaheeeeee."

"I know, great isn't it? Gitchy gitchy gooo!"

Don finally slipped his claws into Jake's armpits proper, drawing spirals from the outside in, then followed the pattern back out in reverse. From there he let his claws drag lightly all the way down to the bottom of his ribcage, then back up multiple time. His wasn't aware of it, but his cock was leaking pre-cum heavily as his blunt nails stroked the soft areas between each individual rib, then gently squeezed with his thick fingers, making the wolf thrash his sweat-soaked head.

"Need me to ease up?"


"Good," he said, sliding further down on Jake's legs before scritching his tummy and flanks. He poked and prodded all around the edge of the wolf's ribcage multiple times and wiggled a claw in his bellybutton before placing his hands fully on his sides to start kneading and squeezing. Jake's laughing had become so loud it was basically shouting, and his entire upper body was thrashing, shaking sweat all over the bed. Don eased up a bit, not wanting the wolf to hurt himself, and started squeezing his hips too.

Don considered spending some time on his balls but decided to skip that whole area for the time being and instead got up from his sitting position, giving the wolf a little bit of a break as he looked for something. The wolf was finally starting to get his breath back when he felt the bear slip something around his waist.

"What's that," he asked.

"Well, I've noticed you thrash around a lot, and I'm not going to be sitting on you to hold you down from here on, so I'm strapping you waist down so you won't hurt yourself," he explained as he buckled what looked like a broad belt with two heavy-duty D-rings on the sides. He secured ropes to from the rings down to the bedframe then, grabbing his feathers and a ball of string, sat on the floor in front of Jake's bound paws. He measured out a length of the fluffy string, cutting it with his teeth, and playfully ran it between each of his toes in turn, forcing the poor sweat-soaked wolf to squeal and laugh helplessly. He tied his big toes together firmly, then cut another piece to tie his newly-bound toes tightly back to his ankle restraints, stretching his soles nice and taut. For a little bit of extra security he cut two smaller pieces of string and tied his pinky toes back too, completely immobilizing his sensitive paws.

He picked up one feather and ran the fluffy plume up the length of his right foot from the heel to the base of the toes, then back down again. He explored ever inch of the helpless sole in front of him, from the heel to the arch to the balls of his feet, the wolf's laughing spurning him on. He took things up a notch by brushing the tender flesh of the undersides of his toes multiple times, first by teasing each individual toe with the tip, then by placing it lengthwise and spinning so it tickled all five at once. He then ran the soft feather between his toes several times before switching hands and moving to his left foot to repeat the same pattern. He quickly discovered Jake's left foot was significantly more ticklish than the right, even the lightest stroke forcing peals of desperate laughter from the wolf.

By the time he had finished with the toes of his left foot the wolf was a wreck, to tired to even tug at his bonds anymore and his laughter turned to a sort of hysterical wheezing. Don figured now was about time to pull out the big guns. He picked up the new toy he had taken from Jake's bag and turned it on. The wolf was so out of it he didn't even hear the click and the "whir" noise, he was only aware of the sudden shock of electricity that ran up his spine bringing fresh rounds of high-pitched laughter out of him. The bear was so startled by the new laugh he almost dropped the electric toothbrush, but he managed to keep it pressed to the arch of his left foot. He would move it in small tight circles up the instep, then then hold it on the particularly sensitive spot right under the ball of his foot, then circle it back down. After several minutes of arch torture he began working on the toes in earnest. He started with his big toe; first he held it to the black toepad, then moved it up to the tip right under the claw (that in particular seems to drive him up the wall), then down along the base, finally ending by holding it against the tender flesh between his big and second toe. He repeated his pattern for each toe, ending up on the pinky. Jake silently thanked the gods as he felt the brush lift off his skin and heard it click off.

Jake, feeling the bear untying his legs and toe bondage and thought he was being released, so it was quite a surprise when instead Don spread his legs and tied off his ankle cuffs to the the two lower corners. He felt the bear climb up and sit next to him, then he groaned in horror as he heard the click and "whir" again. An ear-shattering howl erupted from his lips as the bear slid the toothbrush under him so the bristles worked their devilish magic right at the spot where his nutsack met his taint. Don taped the handle of the brush to the bed so it wouldn't shift or fall over then, adding insult to injury for the wolf, pick up his feathers and stroked the wolf's dripping red cock. Jake struggled with renewed vigor, pulling with all his strength on his bonds but to no avail. The bear just happened to look over at the clock on his nightstand and made a small grunt of surprise. Apparently he'd spent damn-near 3 hours tickling the adorable wolf to hysterics. Don shrugged to himself, thinking a few more minutes couldn't hurt, and used the feather tips to trace the veins of his cock, tease around the edge of his head, and even pull his piss slit open a bit to drag the edge of the plume through it until Jake's erection was a light purple and standing on the cliff of an orgasm.

Don put his feathers down and removed the toothbrush, then reached over to grab a bottle of oil from his nightstand. He dribbled some onto the wolf's cock then, laying on his side next to him, gently stroked the underside of his member with just his fingertips.

"Does Papa Bear's pup like this," he asked.

"Mmmrrrph yes Sir," Jake said inbetween heavy panting and lustful moaning.

"Yeah you do. Beg Papa for it."

"Oh please Papa Bear, let your pup cum. I'll do anything, just please let me cum."

Don stopped the teasing and wrapped his whole massive hand around the throbbing wolf cock. Once he got going, it took less than a minute of pumping before his slender body went rigid and wave after wave of cum splattered up his chest and belly. The bear squeezed every last drop and then continued to hold it as it shrunk back down. An evil smile crossed his lips and he wiggled his blunt claws on the wolf's belly.

"NONONONONONONO PLEASE NO TICKLES!!!," he screamed, way to sensitive after his orgasm to handle even the lightest touch. Don stopped immediately, chuckling, "Ok Ok, I'll be nice this time. But Papa Bear's still needs to get his."

Don unbuckled the cuffs from the wolf's ankles and, scooting up until his knees were touching Jake's butt, positioned the white-furred paws on either side of his thick bear cock and started thrusting between them. The white wolf was still so sensitive from his ordeal the short fur of the bear's crotch tickled his insteps, causing him to giggle and wiggle his toes against the top of the stout cock, which apparently Don liked.

"Mmmyeah wiggle those cute little toes, pup."

It didn't take long at all before a deep growl emanated from Don's chest and his cum mixed with the wolf jizz on Jake's belly. He let the lupine's legs down and began unbuckling the belt and cuffs. Removing the thoroughly sweat-drenched blindfold from his tired eyes, he propped the wolf's head up and let him sip from a glass of water. The bear layed down on his back and rolled the wolf on his side so he was facing him, settling Jake's head in the crook of his arm.

"So how was that," Don asked.

"You're fucking incredible," Jake replied sleepily, "that mighta been the best orgasm of my life."

"Me too, pup. Oh, that reminds me, are you ok with me calling you 'pup'?"

"Yeah, I love it."

"Good, I love when you call me 'Papa Bear'."

They laid there together snuggling until it started getting dark outside. "I'm pretty hungry," Don said as his tummy grumbled, "how do you feel about some Chinese takeout?"

"I feel great about that. I think while you're ordering I'm gonna hop in the shower if you don't mind, I just did alot of sweating."

"Oh yeah?" Don lifted the wolf's arm and buried his nose in his moist armpit, breathing deep of the scent. His broad tongue poked out to taste his sweat, closing his eyes as he savored the salty flavor. "If you must, you know where the shower is. Towels in the cabinet above the toilet." ******************************************************************* Jake let out a content sigh as the steamy hot water poured over his body. Now that some time had past and the adrenaline had worn off, the muscles of his neck, back, and shoulders hurt a bit from all his struggling. Don's shower was huge, almost cave-like (of course the wolf figured it would have to be to accommodate the bear's size) and it had three shower heads; one in the front, one in the back, and a rain-style head above him. Jake had always found the whole "multiple shower head" thing completely pointless and self-indulgent, of course now he was wondering how he would ever go back to just a single head. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even notice the massive bear had entered behind him until he felt two massive paws come down on his shoulders, making him jump and spin around.

"Oops," Don chuckled, "sorry, didn't me to sneak up on you. I ordered our food and thought I'd come take a quick shower too."

"No worries, but are you sure you'll be done by the time they show up?"

"I've got a least 45 minutes. I order a LOT of food," he replied, smiling.

"Is that so," Jake asked, reaching his arms as far as he could around the bear's waist.

"Yeah, now what can we do in that amount of time?"

"Well, we could always....," the wolf trailed off as he stood on his tip-toes to plant a kiss on the bear's lips.

"I love the way you think," Don said, wrapping his arms around the smaller wolf and continuing their make-out session, moving his huge hands to cup and squeeze his asscheeks. Jake moaned and panted as the bear slipped a chubby digit inside the wolf's asshole. Don sat down on the wide shower bench and motioned for him to come closer. Jake straddled his wide lap and leaned against him, rubbing their cocks together, and nibbled the bear's thick neck. The bear placed his hands under the wolf's arms and lifted him up like he weighted nothing and positioned him so his stout cockhead was pressed against his puckered hole.

"You ready for it?"

"Oh yeah Papa," he moaned.

Jake had to bite down on his forearm as the thick bear cock popped past the ring of muscle, but the pain passed quickly -he was still pretty stretched out from yesterday and all the hot water helped- and he was soon grunting with pleasure. They were face to face, Don's arms wrapped under his so he had better control of the thrusting, and they kissed furiously. The wolf could feel himself getting close to another orgasm, his cock rubbing against the bear's big round musclegut. Don could sense it too, increasing the speed of his thrusting and whispering in his ear. "Yeah that's it, pup, cum for your Papa. Cover my belly in your jizz."

It didn't take long for Jake to do just that, his entire body stiffening, him stifling his howl by biting the bear's shoulder. The sudden tightening in the pup's ass coupled with the slight pain of the bite forcing Don to shove the wolf down hard on his cock one last time as he shot his load deep inside his intestines. They relaxed and melted into each other in blissful afterglow for a few minutes before the bear lifted him up off his softening cock and stood him up with Don following suit. They rinsed the cum off one another and stepped out onto the fuzzy bathmat right outside. Don picked up the fluffiest towel -actually it was so big it was practically a tent- Jake had ever seen and began drying both of them off, even getting on his knees so he could dry the wolf's legs. When they were nice and dry they both slide their shorts back on and headed downstairs to wait on the food. It didn't take long before the doorbell rang and Don went to answer it, coming back with his arms loaded down with four large bags.

"Did you buy the whole restaurant, or were you hoping to start your own," Jake asked.

"What can I say, I like to eat?"

"So I see."

Don laid out the whole mini-buffet on the coffee-table as Jake went a got a couple plates from the kitchen. They loaded them up and cuddled on the couch to eat.

"So what do you have planned for tomorrow," Don asked, stuffing a spring roll in his mouth.

"Well I was originally suppose to work but the boss told me I could take off since I had to come in this morning, so I guess sleeping as late as possible."

"What if, and tell me if I'm being forward, you stayed here tonight?"

"You sure I won't be wearin' out my welcome?"

"Not at all!"

"Well, if you insist Papa Bear." They spent the rest of the night soaking in the hot tub on the back patio, lounging in the bed watching TV, and talking about anything and everything. Jake had never been the center of so much much affection. Don almost never took his hands off him, he was either rubbing his paws, scratching his back, and massaging his shoulders.