SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 18

Story by ulyferal on SoFurry

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#18 of SWAT Kat: Joining a Pride

Chapter 18: On Being a Proper Mate

Knowing Feral and Felina were safe in Enforcer Headquarters despite the time Feral had been snatched from there once, Kunto took the chance and went to see Tendaji. It was vital he get this new information to the prides at once.

He pulled out his cell and hurriedly called Ten as he made his way to his vehicle.

It was Dubaku who answered. "Yes, whose calling?" The Imamu asked.

"It's Kunto. I really need to speak with Ten in person. Where is he now?" He asked urgently.

"Sounds bad. Sure you don't want to tell me?" Dubaku asked in concern.

"Actually everyone has to hear this. It's bad and could have some serious repercussions. The Feral's are at Enforcer Headquarters and looked to be staying there for a while. Where are you?" He asked again.

Dubaku gave him the address of the possible new residence for the Kymer Security Firm. He told Dubaku he was on his way and to summon all pride members to Ten's location then he climbed into his vehicle and raced through town.

When he arrived, a few more of the pride were just arriving as well. He nodded at them as they all went into the very nice office building that looked like a good choice for their new offices.

He found Tendaji in the main lobby waiting for him. Many of the pride were there but he could see at a glance that a few still had not arrived.

"I hear you have something of serious import that takes you away from guarding Felina." Ten growled. He was still upset by his mate's behavior upon their arrival in Megakat City. His mate had the temerity to leave without appropriate guards or his mate.

"Yes but I'll wait till the last of our members get here so I only have to say this once." Kunto told him. He could feel his leader was irritated by something that had nothing to do with him but suspected, had everything to do with Tendaji's mate. While they waited he tried to distract Ten. "This looks like a great place. Have you decided yet?" He asked.

Tendaji sighed at being put off but answered readily enough. "Yes, it's an excellent location and really nice inside. I've already told the realtor to finalize the deal. The King had already given me his blessing on it."

"Sweet." Kunto said, pleased to have such nice quarters. The place wasn't just an office building but a home for single lions on it's third, fourth, and fifth floors, providing them with a safe haven and the comfort of their pride nearby. The top floor contained private offices and admin pool, the next three floors were living quarters for single lions where they could be safe and close to the pride. On the second floor, billing, files, research library and computers were located. The first floor lobby area was where the receptionist greeted clients; to the right would be interview rooms, and to the left would be meeting rooms and a large well equipped planning room. Located below the first floor were two more floors. The first was their armory, suit up rooms, medical area, disguise storage room, and showers for after missions. The last basement room had a tunnel leading from it to a block away secured exit. In this area, their speciality vehicles were kept as well as their personal vehicles. All and all a perfect place for a security firm.

Several more members of the pride finally arrived and Tendaji quickly collected them all and headed for the large conference room. Everyone found a seat and went silent. Ten nodded at Kunto before taking a seat himself.

Kunto stepped to the front of the room and told them what Feral had said. There was silence for a second and then an eruption of voices filled the air, raised in shocked anger and consternation. Many looked at Ten in indignation and accusation. After all, it was his mate that was causing all these difficulties.

Ten sat shocked and dismayed. This was bad. It wasn't that everyone wanted someone in the fields mentioned, it was the fact that one didn't know their target was in such a field when they first went into a hunt. It meant that they would have to research their target before they hunted, delaying things. It wasn't the end of the world but it took something out of the hunt...the glory of that first moment of bonding that occurred during a hunt. Now the whole thing would be reduced to a clinical dating service.

Ten shook his head. Goddess! His mate was causing all kinds of trouble. He rubbed his face and sighed. He had no clue what to do about this.

Dubaku got up and left the room. He needed quiet to try and think. Did he say Feral would be difficult? How about absolutely impossible!

Meanwhile, in another part of the city...

Feral was pleased at the sight of over eight members of the Tumbuka Pride being processed by his officers. Many a look of veiled anger was being thrown his way and if looks could be daggers, Tau's stare would have skewered him.

He didn't care. They would learn not to interfere with the important professional katizens of this city. They needed to date just like normal people. Satisfied, he left the processing area for his office.

The Tumbuka Pride left the city as soon as they were released from jail some twenty-four hours later. Other prides left as well. On one paw this was a boon to the Zubari Pride because it meant less competition for mates but they were still hamstrung by Feral's legal loophole which had driven the others away. Tendaji had still not come up with a way to solve the problem and his King and Queen were most vexed when they had been informed. He was told to bring his mate to heel and soon.

It didn't help that he had been separated from his mate for two days now. It tore at his soul to be close but not have his mate in his arms. Lions mated frequently, it tightened the bond and ensured a pair was healthy both in mind and body. Being kept away from his mate was making Tendaji sick and anguished.

Dubaku was gravely worried about his friend. Ten was their leader when they lived apart from the pride. Without him the pride members began to lose their spirit and willingness to follow him. Something had to be done.

He walked into Ten's office in their new headquarters. His friend was trying to take care of the reports from the members of his security force. Ten had a business to run but his heart just wasn't in it.

"My friend, you must take action to regain control over your mate. The more you and he are in contact the more the bond will begin to manifest itself to Ulysses. Separation just allows him to deny it exists." Dubaku said in concern.

"Don't you think I know that?" Ten said angrily. "He keeps himself away from me at that damn headquarters of his, quite effectively out of my reach since he left orders to prevent me entrance to his place of work."

"He has to go home sometime, Ten. I suggest you slip into his apartment as you did when you took him as your mate. I know its not really the right thing one does with a mate but your mate is a special case. You really have to work at getting him to feel the bond. I will still try to see him and I may have to resort to the same thing to do it." Dubaku said in grim humor. "But you can't wait until then. See him tonight!" He said urgently.

Rubbing his head with his paws, Tendaji sighed then looked up at his friend and Imamu. "Alright, I will do as you say. It hurts too much being apart from him." Ten said heavily.

"Good!" Dubaku said then turned and left the office.

Later that night, Tendaji scaled the side of Ulysses' building to his mate's balcony. He had already discovered his mate had left orders that he wasn't a welcome visitor when the security guard wouldn't allow him in. So he had to get in this way. Using a special tool, he opened the sliding glass doors and slipped in, closing the door behind him.

He sincerely hoped he wasn't wasting his time tonight. He didn't know if Ulysses was even coming home or choosing to sleep in his office. Sighing, he shoved those unproductive thoughts aside and undressed. He lay on the bed and waited.

He had nearly fallen asleep when he heard the door to the apartment. He jumped up, smoothed the bed then lay down on the other side of it away from the doorway. After about ten minutes, he heard his mate enter the room, sighing and stripping his clothes off tirededly. Soon the shower came on.

Ten could take him in the shower but decided against it. He intended to hold his mate through the night and wanted no interruptions like drying and moving to the bed from the bathroom would have been.

He sighed and tried to be patient as desire rose up and heated his body to a painful hardness. He needed his mate badly, more than he ever dreamed was possible.

The bathroom door opened and a burst of steam spilled out as his mate walked through the door, heading into the other room. Ten had watched him from his prone position on the floor. He swallowed hard as he saw his mate's naked form framed by the light of the other room before it vanished from sight.

Lights went out in the other room then his mate returned, flicking the light switch off and moving to the bed in the dark. Ten listened to the soft rustle of bedding then the sound of a heavy body laying down. He waited a moment longer and was pleased when Uly did not immediately cover himself with the blankets.

Rising up from the floor like a silent ghost, Tendaji had a brief glimpse of his mate's face and the eyes that were widening in surprise before he quickly jumped on his mate, rolling the powerful body over on its back before settling his own weight between the tom's legs and grabbing the wrists and shoving them up over Uly's head.

"What the devil are you doing?" Feral snarled in anger, trying to buck Ten off him.

"Doing what a mate is supposed to do." He growled hotly then swooped down and kissed his mate senseless.

Feral was shocked and angry that Ten would invade his apartment...again! But his pique vanished under that hot assault. He hadn't realized just how much he missed this from his mate. He had pretended to be happy that he was home and free once more but as the hours passed into days, a gradual feeling of uneasiness was seeping through his mind. His body made it plain it missed being held. No matter how much he worked and kept busy, he could not silence the growing discomfort and unhappiness that haunted him.

Now that was gone and a strong feeling of rightness rushed through him. He was hot and wet in an instant at the feel of Ten's hardness prodding him between his legs. He moaned and writhed heatedly, wanting to be filled. This was what he had been missing. No matter how much his mate made him angry, he couldn't deny how complete his spirit felt as it did this very moment.

Ten was overpowered by the scent of his mate's arousal and immediate capitulation. He had begun to doubt their bond was even there but this restored that confidence and urged him to take his mate. His mind and body demanded it. He released his mate's wrists then, after kissing, caressing every inch of his mate's body he could reach without removing himself and feeling Uly making urgent movements demanding he get on with it, Ten reared up a bit which allowed his mate to raise his legs so that he didn't have to do anything more than plunge into the welcoming heat.

They groaned in unison at their union. Uly panted and tightened his legs around Ten's waist. His arms pulled the lion down so that he could kiss and nip his mate's face in a surfeit of need and relief.

Ten growled with lust as he began a deep thrusting rhythm and returned his mate's insistent attention with nips and kisses of his own.

Feral felt like he did when he flew high in his jet, free of all his cares for just this moment in time. He moaned and met each of Ten's downward movements, taking him deeper within his sheath. It felt soo good!

Ten panted and picked up the pace. He knew he couldn't hold out to much longer, he was just too needy. Ulysses felt a wonderful shockwave begin at his toes and shoot up to his brain causing him to tighten and roar around Ten's hard cock as his orgasm washed through him.

Ten gave a sharp whine at the feel of his mate's sheath tightening around him. He was undone in that instant and filled Uly's hot channel, roaring his triumph.

He collapsed blissfully onto his powerful mate's chest. It felt wonderful to feel the drumming of Uly's heartbeat through his chest and smell the aroma of their joined union. He raised a paw and began to caress his mate's face with his fingers.

A sated pair of gold eyes opened and looked at him tenderly. Ten smiled, his heart tight. It was a look he'd hope he would see.

"Is this going to be a habit of yours...you know...breaking and entering?" Feral asked lazily.

"It wouldn't have to be breaking and entering if you'd just give me a key instead." Ten said darkly as he nuzzled his mate's neck and nipped the broad chin.

Feral sighed and shivered. Ten was still semi-hard and the feel of him made the tom hot again. "You tend to make me angry." He said, a groan slipping free.

"Sorry, we have much to learn about each other still." Ten said not really repentant. He began a slow motion with his hips enjoying teasing his mate.

"That's an understatement...oooohh that feels soo good..." Feral sighed, getting heated again. "Hmm...seems no matter how angry you make me...I can't get enough of this..." He moaned, moving his hips restlessly. Oh yes, he was really good at this!

"Well that's good to know...hmmm...you taste soo good my love..." Ten growled lustfully as he licked his mate's face and neck.

They moved insync once more, the fire building more slowly this time and more intense. Feral dug his claws into Ten's back and slowly drew them done to his rear, taking a moment to scritch the base of the tail. Ten gasped as a tingle of fire rushed up his spine from the touch. Wanting to return the favor, he leaned up until he could reach one of Ulysses' nipples. He took it in his mouth and sucked hard.

Feral gasped, eyes wide, hips bucking upward. 'Oh my God!' He gasped mentally, his brain melting under the assault.

Grinning in triumph, Ten switched to the other nipple and did it again. His mate jolted and moaned.

They were moving closer to climax but Ten was determined to hold out this time until Uly had exploded first. Guessing what his mate was up to and feeling his orgasm coming closer, Feral slid a finger under his mate's tail and inserted it until he touched the prostate and stroked it.

Ten was undone just as Ulysses' body tensed and he tightened around his mate. They roared at the same time.

Heaving for air they rested after the incredible release.

Tonight was going to be fantastic, Ten was certain as he rested up, intending to make his mate need him thoroughly and utterly preventing any separation from happening again.