The Feral Assassins - Chapter 2

Story by MeowCat on SoFurry

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#2 of Story - The Feral Assassins

Chapter 2

Dark outlines of people moved around him. Their eyes were red as they stared at him. Sneers of jest could be seen. The world was dark and barren, as if he was in a surreal dimension that was warping constantly with no definitive shape. A repulsive sense of hatred and disgust swept through him. He was in the middle of the unwanted crowd; comments of discrimination and detestation were lashing out from utter strangers that seemed to have too much time on their hands. Kasdel brought his knees closer to his chest as he sat on the floor. The moving pedestrians had seemed to be slowing down. Their bodies with utter blackness had displayed no details and no colors. It was a sea of frightening deformity.

He winced in pain when someone had stopped on his tail. Looking up, the man with no facial features glared down at him. Mouth moving but no sound came out; Kasdel knew what the guy was probably talking about without hearing the words. Why wouldn't he? He had heard it all in his life ever since he was a little kid. Life in school was tough, as he was young at the time and couldn't control his transmorph ability well enough. A boy at school had seen his true nature by pure coincidence and sheer bad luck. The best friend that he had thought he could trust and rely on had ended up betraying him. The word got out and everyone was shunning away from him as if he was some kind of a monster. Before he knew it, government officials had appeared on the doorsteps of his house. His parents were taken away while he hid in a small cavity within the basement floor where men in biohazard suits invaded his house and searched every room.

That was the last time he had seen his parents whom had yelled their innocence and attempted in vain to prove to the unyielding brutes that they were clean; that they were humans; that they were not some kind of freaks or monsters the society had somehow grown to be afraid of. Kasdel continued to ignore the figures stopping in front of him from time to time as they kept up their silent protests about who he was or what he was. He was tired of running, tired of concealing the gift that was bestowed upon him the moment he was born into this unforgiving and ruthless world of utter selfishness and absolute corruption.

A person stood in front of him. Kasdel didn't want to pay attention as he only hoped for that annoying individual to walk away. But for the longest time, the figure continued to stand in front of him. It was the first time that he had felt no threat or hatred coming from the person. At last, he looked up slowly. His yellow eyes stared at the uninvited guest. His cat ears flickered in mild anticipation while he curled his tail behind him. Again, there was no face; only a blob of blackness taking the form of a human body. Only a slight smile could be seen; the very first smile that was devoid of ridicules. The person said something but he couldn't hear anything.

Before Kasdel could open his mouth the ground suddenly opened up beneath him. Screaming out a silent cry, he felt his body falling deeper and deeper into an abyss. The world closed in on him and his vision dimmed into a sea of darkness.


Waking up with a jolt, he felt dazed and confused. The area was spinning around him and it wasn't making his headache feeling any better. As his vision had gradually cleared, he realized he was in his apartment. The familiar furniture, the smell, the was his home all right. He was on his bed. Moving slightly to get up, Kasdel winced as he choked out a cry of pain. His back had felt like it was smashed with the full brunt of a refrigerator in the store. His left arm was dressed up with medical dressings. Light red taint could be seen through the bandages while he pushed up his pillow and leaned his back on it with a moan.

Looking around, he didn't see anything particularly out of place. He pondered how he had gotten into his apartment. It was clear someone had somehow carried him into his home, as he noticed he was naked from the waist up. Not only that, his rain-soaked shorts had been changed into a pair of new pants. Blushing, he pulled up the cover to the bridge of his nose as he looked through the strands of his black long hair to scan for signs of intruders. Sounds of raindrops continued while the storm kept up its ferocity through the night. Traffic noises were drowned out by thunders at random intervals. It had become a miserable night. Luckily, Kasdel felt warm and relaxed. The night would be even better if he was not injured. Grimacing, he tried to recall what had happened. He had remembered he was only a few steps away from the main lobby of the apartment when some moron had hit him with their car.

Suddenly, the front door opened and in came Lanson with bags of grocery. Kasdel's face turned redder as his heart pounded and went into overdrive. Muttering and opening the fridge, the big man started placing items to cool them down before they were spoiled. Drops of rainwater were flung around the kitchen floor as Lanson's thick overcoat whipped around whenever he turned to organize the pile of canned food and fresh vegetables.

"W-what do you think you are doing?!" Kasdel yelled out.

Surprised, Lanson turned around. Smiling, he replied: "Oh! You are awake! What? Oh, me? I was just getting some stuff for you. It's amazing how you have survived with an empty fridge."

"That wasn't what I asked! Why are you in my house?!"

"Uh....well, you were hurt so I asked the landlord for the key to your apartment. It's better than staying out in this cold rain."

Kasdel lowered his head as the bedcover went higher to the bottom of his eyes. "You were the idiot that hit me with a car?"

"Hey, kiddo. I wasn't the one that suddenly jumped into the middle of the street from someone's rooftop. Besides, it was pouring out there and I could barely make out the shape of a mindless person in front of my car's bumper. You're lucky that I had stopped in time."

"Maybe if you have a better driving skill I wouldn't have gotten hurt!"

Laughing, Lanson continued to organize the stockpile into the cupboards. After a few minutes, he nodded in satisfaction and walked around the counter. Pulling up a chair from the small dining table next to the bed, the tall man took off his wet overcoat and meticulously hung it over the chair. Kasdel shuffled slightly further when he saw Lanson sitting down beside him. He leaned his head back to avoid being touched when he saw the man's hand reaching toward his face.

"Relax! You are so jumpy! I just want to see if you have a fever or not. One thing about an injury as bad as yours is to check to see if there's any infection so that it could be properly treated before it gets any worse."

Angling at an awkward forty-five degrees with his back completely slanted to the other side of the pillow, Kasdel narrowed his eyes. If he was in his transmorphed state, his fur would have stood up in a defensive gesture. Though the pain in his back and arm continued to throb, Kasdel was having an even bigger issue in front of him - a complete stranger that he had only met for two days was in his home; unannounced; uninvited. How could a person have such audacity to let himself into other people's home without prior consent?

"Are you going to keep on ogling at me or are you going to let me check your temperature?"

Reluctantly, Kasdel winced as he shifted his weight back to the center of the pillow. Lanson's hand was cool and soothing, as the man's soft fingers touched his forehead. Brushing the long strands of hair away from Kasdel's eyes, the man smiled as he was relieved there wasn't any infection.

"Good. Despite you looking like you're about to fall over from being so skinny and all, you seem to be in a very good health."

"Now you are a family doctor or something?" Kasdel rolled his eyes.

Shaking his head and heaving out a deep breath, Lanson replied: "No. Just simple knowledge needed in my area of...expertise. You'll never know what will happen tomorrow or the next minute even. There's too much unknown; too much surprises that you can't possibly foresee."

Looking into Lanson's eyes, Kasdel was silent. The man's gaze had never left the cat's yellow eyes. That was when Kasdel noticed Lanson looking at his bare chest. Pulling the sheet up to his shoulders again, the lonely feline blushed as he frowned.

"Quit staring at me."

Lanson blinked once before he laughed. "Sorry. I just zoned out for a second there. I guess I am just too tired."

"Uh huh. And you even changed my pants for me when you are 'too tired'."

"Wha-oh! That!" Lanson slapped his hands on his knees while he guffawed. "You were soaking wet and completely out cold. I wouldn't have let you sleep with you shivering through the night, now would I? And it's not something that I haven't seen before anyway."

Kasdel's eyes widened. "What do you mean by that?"

An awkward silence had intruded the conversation as Lanson searched for words to explain. Yet, he knew he would only paint the picture blacker if he said anything more in greater detail. He only watched the younger individual before him without providing further elaboration.


"Your face is redder than a tomato."

Displaying a look of confusion, Kasdel blurted out: "What the hell was that all about? My face isn't red!"

The expression on Lanson's face had said it all - his face was redder than the warning strobe lights inside a government institute. Kasdel knew he was feeling shy and nervous; frustrated and perplexed; all at the same time. Lanson only gave that same heartwarming smile. It was strange. To Kasdel, though the man was a mystery to him, he felt as if he could trust the guy with his life. Then again, somewhere in the back of his mind, there was still that hint of distrust; that sense of precaution which he had learnt to trust since the day that his parents were taken away.

"Perhaps you should go." Kasdel suggested as he playfully picked at the medical dressings on his arm.

"Why? Is it because I'm not welcomed?"

Turning his head around and stared deeply into Lanson's eyes, Kasdel said: "Would anyone welcome an uninvited guest that just lets himself into the house without even asking for permission first?"

Shrugging, the man's face portrayed an expression of innocence. "Well, like I said before. You were hurt and it was pouring rain outside. I couldn't just drive you back to my house lest other people nearby assumed that I had kidnapped your or something. Besides...." He leaned in closer with his lips almost touching Kasdel's ear. "You wouldn't want others to see your tail, right?"

If Kasdel was still in perfect shape with no wounds, he would have leaped out of his bed in shock. Eyes wide and hands trembling, he gaped at Lanson with disbelief. His breaths became shallow and rapid, as he felt his head became numb and unresponsive. He felt a sense of fear that he had not experienced since the time when the government hurled away his parents and destroyed his family. The sheer loneliness that he had endured in Nadiko City after moving away from the previous town was nothing compared to this unparalleled threat.

"You don't need to be worried," Lanson's voice was reassuring while he leaned forward on the chair. Eyes shining with vigor, he said gently: "The bloodline of Feral Assassins still exists. You are not alone in this world. You don't need to feel abandoned anymore. The days of Eradication of Viral Descendants are over. The United Government can't find us. There's no reason to feel trapped. "

Kasdel frowned as he cautiously scooted closer to Lanson. "What do you mean 'us'? You are just a human. I am a monster in the eyes of your people."

Chuckling with slight amusement, the man didn't respond. Before Kasdel could say another word, his eyes were filled with awe and disbelief. Lanson had long feline fangs protruding from the corner of his mouth as short midnight colored fur coated the back of his exposed skin. Resembling that of a powerful panther, the person that Kasdel had only met two days ago was transmorphing into an anthro cat. Long panther claws protruded from the once round and soft human fingers. Lanson curled his long black tail around his waist as he grinned proudly.

"You...I....It's...." Kasdel stammered and couldn't get words out of his mouth as he felt his tongue being tied up with the weight of surprise.

The majestic aura emanating from Lanson was profound. A sense of nobility and pride had saturated the mood that lingered in the room. The physique of the panther was underrated when he was in human form. With complete transformation, Kasdel could see the rippled muscles along the black feline's arms and chest. The curvature of Lanson's well-toned waist and large thighs was powerfully defined. The dress shirt and pants that Lanson wore were being stretched to their limit, as some of the buttons had come undone. Reaching out a hand, Lanson waited for Kasdel's reaction. He was unsure of what to do. Hesitating for a moment before curiosity and desire to be with someone that was like him had overtaken his rationality, Kasdel grasped Lanson's palm. He looked down and noticed how small his hand was in comparison with the panther's palm. The warmth of Lanson's hand had travelled upward into his arm and then into his heart, as he realized the cat was looking at him intensely.

"I thought I was...the only one left." Kasdel held back the tears that were long overdue. "After leaving the town that I grew up in due to the unjustified social image that people had placed on me, these years I had no goal and no future. Day after day, it was agonizing to live through. There was no sense of accomplishment. There were no words of encouragement. I was all by myself, unable to mingle with the groups of people that I had met over the last few years."

Lanson held onto Kasdel's small human hand while staying silent. His face was showing great concern and empathy. Before he knew it, Kasdel lunged toward him. Stunned, the man sat frozen like a statue while unable to comprehend what was happening. Kasdel closed his eyes as tears rolled down his face. Wrapping his arms tightly around Lanson's fluffy neck, Kasdel wept as he let go all the wariness and uncertainty and embraced the essence of the large panther. Taking in the smaller feline's scent, Lanson closed his eyes as he lightly petted Kasdel's head, allowing the younger cat to release the years of solitude and dread. He gently rubbed Kasdel's bare shoulders in support, letting the poor cat know that he wouldn't be alone again.


The next morning, Kasdel was woken up by a tasty aroma that had wafted through the apartment. The sun was out after a night's heavy rain and deafening thunders. Birds chirped and flew around the area in search for a meal. As water dripped tenderly from the leaking gutter outside the window in a series of shimmering spectral radiance, the welcoming illumination from the brightening morning flickered between the shadows of the leaves. Treetops rustled with the light cold breeze with thin high clouds dreamily drifted over the distant landscape. Kasdel got up slowly and noticed his bandages had been changed and there was a set of clean clothes that had been washed.

Pushing the blanket away from him, Kasdel softly stood up. The floor was cold to his bare feet as he held onto the edge of the bed to stay balanced. His back was still sore and his left arm was still thumping lightly with the fractured bone. Looking over the dining table, he saw Lanson whistling a tune while making breakfast. The man was still in his natural feline form. The black soft fur had elegantly protruded over the hems of his shirt collar and sleeves; his muscular arms displayed power of a feral beast as he flipped and fried the food over a stovetop. Ham and eggs with toasts; two glasses of milk; some bacons and sausages; it was a hearty meal to start the day. It was surprisingly funny to see a big cat wearing a pink apron preparing food. No one would have suspected Lanson to be so talented at cooking.

"Hey! Glad to see you up and about!" Lanson greeted as he moved the eggs onto the plates on the table. His whiskers moved when he grimaced as the crackling hot oil bounced onto one of his fingers. Looking up with a dumb grin, he said: "Sorry. It's been a while since I've cooked for someone."

"You really don't have to do this, you know?" Kasdel pulled out a chair and sat on it cross-legged.

"Do what?"

"This. Breakfast. Washing my clothes. Taking care of me basically. You are making me feel extremely awkward here."

"How's so?" Lanson stole a glance over his shoulder as he started washing the pan and the pots. His long black tail curled subconsciously above the same dress pants that he had worn the night before.

"Uh, well. I still don't really know much about you. And it's really odd to have another male cat making meals for you, if you know what I mean."

"And hugging me while crying on my shoulder last night wasn't out of the ordinary?" The panther joked lightly as his smile was hidden with his back toward the blushing Kasdel.

"T-that's different!"

Putting away the pot and turning off the water, the large black feline wiped his hands while looking at his newfound friend with a warm smile. He walked to the table and sat down across from Kasdel. Tapping the glass of milk with his claws, Lanson didn't offer any sort of topic to alleviate the uncomfortable moment of stillness. Finally, Kasdel heaved a breath.

"Why are you still in your natural form?"

Shrugging, Lanson replied: "I thought it'd make you feel more at ease. You were pretty distraught being with humans all day at work. If you'd like, I can switch back to my human identity-"

"No," Kasdel interrupted. Clearing his throat after seeing the crafty expression on his uninvited guest, he continued: "I...I mean you don't have to if you feel more relaxed this way."

"I don't mind either way. Anyway, hurry up and dig in. I'm starving. You'll have to leave soon for work and so do I."

Pointing at his left arm, Kasdel frowned. "Did you forget something? I can't even get to work in such a state - no thanks to you of course. I'll just call in sick today or something."

Lanson nodded as he stuffed his mouth full with eggs and toast. "Mufph woo fur? Oh fing woor fooph moot no lok en."

Pressing his palm again his face, Kasdel closed his eyes and asked politely albeit in a frustrated way: "Would you mind swallowing first before you talk? I can't understand a single word you are saying."

Gulping down half a glass of refreshingly cold milk and pounding his chest with a fist to make sure the food didn't get stuck in his throat, the panther laughed and repeated: "I said: are you sure? I think your boss might not like it."

Rolling the sausage around with a fork, Kasdel stared at the plate and mindlessly answered: "I don't really care. It's not like getting fired is that big of a deal. I'll just find some way to survive. I've done it before and I can do it again. Besides, there's many ways to get money and food."

Chewing slowly while digesting the small cat's words, Lanson's blue eyes gleamed as thoughts were churning in his head. He picked up a piece of toast with his two claws and bit into it. Sharp fangs of his pierced the outer shell of the fluffy bread with a crisp crunch, as crumbs flaked off from the toast and fell onto the plate beneath. The sweet taste of the toast coated his tongue and he savored every bit of it. Taking in the long black hair with purplish tips that draped delicately over the slender shoulders with the sparkling earrings complimenting a rather boyish face, Lanson's eyes had never left Kasdel's jitterish movements.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed as he stole a quick glance at the black cat through his long strands of hair, Kasdel hastily shoved a few bites of the breakfast that Lanson had prepared before excusing himself and walked away from the table. He didn't realize it but after seeing Lanson in the transmorphed state, the light orange fluffy cat ears had begun to reveal themselves. The thin, long feline tail had crawled out of the waistband of his shorts. It was only when Kasdel's tail brushed against a bookshelf across from his bed that he gasped in shock. He had no idea why he had transmorphed. Clumsily, he tried to change back to human form but a warm, furry hand seized his slender wrist. Lanson had gotten past the table with agility and quietness of a feline after seeing the small orange house cat had almost tear open the dressing on his arm.

"Careful! Your bone is just starting to heal. You don't want to worsen the injury."

Kasdel tried pulling his arm away but the larger beast's grip was firm and strong. Looking up, Kasdel's yellow eyes were fixated by Lanson's face. The majestic outline of a panther; the glossy-looking fur; the powerful scent of a male cat; it was somehow driving Kasdel crazy. But he took control and began to think of other things other than the individual that stood at least a head taller than he was.

"Why are you constantly trying to run away from me?"

Upon hearing the question from such deep smooth voice, Kasdel looked up again. He opened his mouth but no words came out. The sharp small fangs lightly pressed against his lips as his face got redder. His pointy cat ears twitched in slight agitation. Lanson gently rubbed a finger over Kasdel's face as he got closer and lovingly wrapped his beefy arms around the slender body. The orange cat's eyes were wide when he felt the softness of the panther's fur and the comforting warmness of the black feline's presence. Somehow, he felt safe. It was as if the missing part of his life had been found. The unforgiving seclusion in the last several years was what had made him despise his life. The unyielding oppression from the people around him, casting false accusations through unfair and biased presumptions that held no regards to the individual's right, as a person, as a living being with feelings, was what had made him distancing himself from others.

When Kasdel had regained his senses, he found himself snuggling against Lanson's broad chest as his tail was curling around the large panther's leg. Shoving away and leaving Lanson surprised and confused, Kasdel looked at the floor timidly.

"I...I think you should leave. You said you have to get to work," he said quietly.

Lanson breathed out deeply. Changing back to human form, the white chiseled face with dark brown hair had reappeared. Before Lanson went to pick up his coat, he took a step forward and petted Kasdel caringly on the head. This time, Kasdel didn't flinch nor avoid the contact. Lanson smiled before he turned around and left.

Sitting down hard on the dining chair with a deep sigh, Kasdel slumped over the table while staring absentmindedly at the plates of food that were left over. Burying his face into his arms while taking care not to hurt himself further with the bandages, the baffled cat in his human form didn't want to think anymore.

End Chapter 2