A Few Night's at Fuckington's : Second Night

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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#2 of A Few Night's at Fuckington's

The first night may have been weird, but first days on the job generally are. Not about to let such get the better of her, Michelle returns to work for her second night, and whatever it may hold....

A Few Nights at Fuckington's : Second Night Written by Klesk Vadrigaar

"So Michelle, how did everything go last night?"

From where she sat, staring like a hawk at the tablet perched upon her breasts, the German shepherd could only give a strangled exhale.


"Hm? Oh, oh sorry!" She promptly snapped out of her battle like trance. Letting the tablet flop onto its improvised 'shelf' Michelle turned herself around to face her office phone. "Everything went fine. Got myself familiarized with the building's floor plans, put my exercise in walking patrols, really the only thing of interest was, well, you can guess."

"Mmm." The voice on the line mused. "Were the dolls very active?"

"Moderately." The canine said while glancing at her tablet screen again. The aforementioned figures were all neatly lined up and standing lifeless as ever in their charging capsules, however, she knew that would soon cease to be the case once the night started rolling. "Uh, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Her manager replied.

"The dolls, they're not....dangerous in any way are they?"

Rustling papers echoed around the security office. As Michelle continued to steal quick glances at the CCTV feed her wait for an answer stretched on and on, getting to an almost agonizing length before finally her manager spoke again.

"I suppose it depends on what you define as 'dangerous'. According to the lab boys, they can be a frisky bunch, but then again, that's kind of how they're supposed to be. So far though, no one's reported any injuries or unnatural behaviour while testing them so there's that."

Michelle tried to feel reassured by this.

"At the same time, the notes from today say they're showing increasing signs of activity, following the staff around and observing their day to day routines. The designers have stated this is an expected development of their A.I. programming and that it should be treated simply as them wanting to learn."

Michelle's paws clenched at the thought of a bunch of sex bots working to educate themselves in the world, though at the same time she had to acknowledge the idea did carry a rather humorous tone.

"So it's intentional for them to grow smarter?" She asked.

"Well yeah. They're meant to cater to any morphs' personal preferences. Observation, interaction and memorization are all vital to accomplishing that."

Michelle exhaled uneasily.

"Are you going to be able to handle this, Michelle?"

She looked to the dolls' files on the security computer. Having read them all very thoroughly over the course of the previous night she could confirm that what her manager was saying was indeed fact. So far the dolls were doing nothing that was outside the parameters of what they'd been programmed to do, so what did she actually have to be afraid of? More so, was she or was she not the professional young pup who listed as one of the core strengths on her CV that she could rise to any challenge?

"Yes, I'll be fine. Just need to get rid of the first time jitters." She said while taking a deep breath.

"That's the spirit. Alright, same routine as yesterday. Just don't be surprised if the dolls move around more than they did previously."

"Right, goodbye." The shepherd said before hanging up. Slumping back in her chair she let the whirr of the desk fan fill the air while she contemplated the hours that lay ahead of her. Being alone in a place where sentient machines had free roaming privileges was unsettling, but at the same time, what exactly was wrong with it? She'd gotten through the previous night without incident, save for occasionally seeing one of the dolls suddenly pop into view whenever she checked the cameras, then the morning had come, the cleaning staff had entered and life went on uninterrupted. True she'd had the shutters down the whole night so nothing could actually get to her, but had anything actually TRIED to do so?

Checking the tablet again, and seeing Sabrina, Lizzie, Lotus and Marie were all still where they should be, Michelle told herself to calm down. This was odd, but still manageable. She could do this. She could adapt. She was going to show her bosses they had made the right decision in employing her.

Placing the tablet aside, the shepherd stood and straightened out her uniform, not that it needed to be given what a tight fit it was but little habits like that helped reinforce the mindset. Grabbing a flashlight she stepped out onto her patrol of systematically going over every inch of the building to see that it was safe and secure. Every room was cleared, twice, every light switch checked, and every door handled jiggled as the canine committed herself to the thoroughness expected of a well-trained guard. As the building gradually revealed itself to be as quiet and empty as it looked she felt her spirits settle. Everything was fine, nothing to worry about. Satisfied with her efforts, Michelle turned into the hallway leading back to the security office...

...and promptly found herself face to face with the kangaroo that had taken up residence there.

What followed was an impressive display of vocal power, combined with Olympic level jumping. Indeed had shi been a real roo, the one watching this spectacle would've been mighty impressed at how high the shepherd manage to reach both in volume and altitude.

Michelle finally plummeted back to earth after a good second or so of hang time, landing with a strained cry on her plump derriere. Momentarily she had cause to thank having such a big, plush butt to cushion her landing, then she was promptly scurrying back against the far wall like a cockroach. From where it had rolled to a stop after being dropped, her flashlight caught the doll's blank gaze, staring at her in polite silence and without judgment.

"Ahhhh...no...shit.....the......fuck...." Michelle raggedly gasped. Her observer made no reply. "You....where....."

As her heart slowly came down from the jackhammer rhythm it was beating at, the canine braced for the worst. Second after second ticked by as the two stared each other down.


No response.


Still no response.

Her breathing finally back under control, Michelle grabbed for something to help her get back to her feet.

"Uh...Are....are you going to hurt me?"

Initially there was no response, but then after a moment, the roo slowly tilted hir head to the side, as if to ask why Michelle would even think of hir doing something like that.

"C-Can you understand me?"

The head was righted, then slowly dipped in the meekest possible attempt at a nod. Feeling her paw encounter what felt like a box of something, Michelle leaned all her weight onto it and hoisted herself erect.

"Uh....okay. Ummm, my...my name is Michelle. I'm the new night security guard around here."

More blank stares as the roo opened hir mouth.

"Mee-shell?" Shi said, delicately moving her jaws around the word like it was a new gourmet treat she was sampling.

"Yeah, Michelle. Uh, 'scuse me." Cautiously, Michelle and grabbed her flashlight, keeping her eye on the doll at all times. Though hir head turned to follow the canine's movements, the roo remained stationary.

"So uh, yeah, you'll probably be seeing me around a bit...you know during the night and...um..."

She raised her light so she could see the doll's face, and suddenly the roo stepped back, much to Michelle's alarm. Hir head dipped and her eyes closed, giving the impression shi was ashamed...or something like that.

"Whoah....I...I...uh...." The canine stammered, fearful she'd done something to offend the doll, assuming it could be offended that is....well, assuming she was even close in her assuming....

Michelle's paws dug into the handle of her flashlight as she tentatively waited for...something to happen; a something that never came because...really what had she been expecting?

"Shi's just standing there! What am I getting so upset about?" She whispered to herself. Taking a deep breath, the canine forced herself to step closer, but that just made the doll retreat again.

"Uh sorry, is the light bothering you?"

Michelle lowered her flashlight, and felt the briefest relief when the marsupial herm looked at her again. Behavior aside, shi still looked as pretty as before. Heck in all honesty Michelle found hir quite sexy, just the little tidbit that shi wasn't an actual living morph put a dampener on things.

"Look um, sorry I screamed and made an idiot of myself there. You caught me by surprise." She said. "I just, I've never seen anything like you, or the others like you so...uh...first time jitters?"

The shepherd's face was starting to feel hot, her fur prickling with the onset of embarrassment. The longer this went on, the more she suspected that she had overreacted over nothing. Nervously she reached up to scratch her ear, and felt a distinct lack of cover over her hair.

"Oh no...have you seen my hat anywhere?" She asked while turning around. Without thinking, the canine began to track her light across the floor, searching the spots where she'd been cowering, wrongly perhaps since the marsupial had done nothing to justify her actions.

Well, maybe shi justified them a little, as demonstrated when Michelle felt a paw light grab her shoulder and whirled around again in shock. The roo backed away again, hiding her face from the light as she held up the very thing the dog had been looking for.

"Oh...okay now I'm really sorry." Michelle said. Shame descended upon her again like a bad smell as he grabbed her hat and turned off her flashlight. "Look, um, why don't I get out of your way here? If you want me, or something, I'll just be in the security office okay?"

She tentatively stepped around the doll, who in turn swiveled her head like a camera to view her departure. Sensing the impromptu meeting was over, the kangaroo closed her eyes and walked out into the warehouse.

"Right, see you later...I guess." Michelle said, feeling herself tremble at the way the roo's tail bounced along with the big, pert bottom underneath. Returning her hat to her head, the canine made haste to her destination and flopped with a massive sigh back down into her office chair. "Seriously, what the fuck?"

She replayed the entire scene in her head, counting the number of times the doll had NOT shown any signs shi was dangerous. Some part of the shepherd's psyche still told her she'd been right to maintain caution, but now there was another part speaking up just as loudly that she could've been a bit more polite.

"I never even said thank you." She realized then wondered why she would care about such a trivial thing. This was all so new, so different from what she was used to, but at the same time was that really bad?

Reaching for the tablet, Michelle started checking the camera feeds and told herself to calm down. Nothing had happened yet, nothing bad anyway. She just had to learn to role with this unusual turn of fortune...well, either that or start hitting up the job sites again.

Flipping to the warehouse cameras, she watched Lizzie gracefully walk down the aisles of shipping containers, looking at her surroundings with the same kind of wonder as a young kit would when in a new surroundings. Made sense really seeing as she'd only been activated for a day or so, but it also made Michelle question how she'd behaved even more.

"Shi's just wants to explore. Is that so wrong?" The shepherd pondered as she watched the doll stop by the loading bay and turn to stand like a statue facing the way shi'd come in. Michelle zoomed in and stared for a while at the marsupial's face for a while. It was unsettling how shi didn't blink or give any sign shi was even breathing, but slowly that began to pale as the shepherd found herself drawn to how innocent and pretty the roo was. It was like looking at a portrait of a lost soul, immortalized on the canvas to never be forgotten, but also to never be relieved of hir loneliness.

Feeling her heart sink, Michelle switched to the testing area camera and blinked at seeing Marie the rabbit was also missing. Quickly she checked the other feeds but everywhere else in the building was empty. Scratching her head, the canine lowered the tablet from her face, and promptly kicked herself back from the desk upon seeing her objective was staring at her through the office window. In a panic she smashed her paws against both of the panic buttons and fought for breath as the door shutters slid down to cut off any chance of the doll getting in. This seemed to shock the lapin as much as it did the canine as she looked at the now shut doors and promptly stepped away. From where she had wedged herself into the corner, Michelle watched with a pounding heart as the rabbit turned back to her, placing a paw on the window as if to express that she hadn't meant to scare her.

Unfortunately Michelle was still too caught up in the fresh trauma mixed with the after shocks of her encounter with Lizzie to do anything other than gasp and gape wide eyed at the face peering through the window. Feeling her apology had thus been deemed insufficient, the black bunny let her paw fall from the glass and walked away, her head slacking forward as if in shame.

Almost instantly Michelle was regretting her choice of action again. That was twice she'd come face to face with the dolls and scared them off with her totally unwarranted behaviour. At this point they had more cause to fear her than she did them.

Pulling herself free from the corner, the canine went to the window but saw no trace of the lapin anywhere. Fraught with dread, she opened the shutters again and peeked out into the hallway. It was empty, with not even a passage of the air to mark that someone had just been standing in it.

Whimpering in sadness, Michelle pushed herself back to the desk and grabbed the tablet. This had to be amended. She couldn't jump out of her fur every time one of the bots appeared in her line of sight. She needed to get over it, find the resolve guards were supposed to have to face danger head on (even though, again, there was no sign this was dangerous).

Locating the rabbit as she walked into the office area and stood outside one of the doors, Michelle sighed and made a new resolution. She would not scream and she would not retreat from now on. It'd take practice, but she would learn to make herself at home here while she was working. If those dolls showed up around her, well she'd just have to show them that neither they nor she had anything to fear.

It'd take a while, but she had plenty of nights ahead of her to practice.