
Story by GingerM on SoFurry

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Story (c) 2011 GingerM

Art (c) 2012 Celestina Ketzia

This story takes place AFTER "Sometimes You Gotta Run Away", though it was written first.

Arc belongs to Celestina Ketzia

Penny belongs to Jubei Ketzia

Lights strobing, shifting, blinding. A surging sea of people under the flickering, flashing colours. Knots of colour, glowing, swirling in chaos, and under it all, the pounding, driving bass line rhythm, like the heartbeat of some feral creature...

"Having fun?!" Penny leaned close, but still had to raise her voice to be heard over the sound of the band. The music was wild; wailing guitars and harshly dissonant keyboards cranked up and fed through heavily over-driven amplifiers, then pumped out to the crowd through massive speakers, sub-woofers shuddering as pressure waves rolled out from the massive cones.

Her cousin Rhiannon nodded excitedly, and shouted back, "It's loud!", hir normally warm, sultry soprano slightly harder with the need to be heard over the hammering beat. The two horse-girls leaned together, toying with their drinks. Penny was a veteran raver, her beautifully-dappled horsehair coat showing above and below the tight, neon-pink band of her tube top, down her arms until the markings disappeared under her arm-warmers. She wore loose, baggy Tripps marked out in screaming purple and pink trim, to which she had apparently added some glow sticks for this evening, and more glowing bangles adorned her wrists, arms and neck. She had unfastened a few and threaded them into her green-streaked hair as well. Matching green streaks were dyed into her tail, which was bound with a Day-Glo shade of pink tail wrap and further enhanced with yet more glow-rings.

Penny grinned back. "It's supposed to be loud! You have to let it go!" she shouted back. Rhiannon - Rhia, as shi usually called hirself - was Appaloosa, not Arabian, and hir coat was predominantly chestnut, changing to light cream about mid-way down hir upper arms and thighs, all four of which were quite visible. Somehow shi'd managed to hang on to hir dark-blue cowboy hat with its silver horseshoe lucky charm, but was in serious danger of popping out of the blue gingham shirt tied up under hir breasts, the sweat-translucent material pushed out tautly around hir dark nipples. And where Penny chose baggy Tripps, Rhia was sporting low-riding, hip-hugging, extremely short daisy dukes, the well-worn denim seemingly painted over the smooth curves of hir rump and hips.

They were both watching Arc, and Rhiannon leaned in again. "God, she's hot!" shi shouted in Penny's ear, and Penny nodded. Both horse-girls were watching Penny's girlfriend, Arc. Arc was shorter than Penny, a lithe, wiry lioness with short, plush-like grey fur, dark head fur streaked with electric mauve dye, and square-framed glasses that somehow looked sexy instead of nerdy. She favoured short skirts that barely reached mid-thigh, stockings in rainbow-coloured stripes, and like Penny, was liberally adorned with glowy bracelets and necklaces. At the moment she was dancing with a wolf and a Siberian husky, grinding lewdly against them, blatantly feeling the generous bulges in their pants, and in turn squirming as they felt between her legs, then sniffed and grinned appreciatively at the scent of her musk. Arc was watching her friends, too, licking her muzzle and winking as she flirted outrageously. Now she was massaging both canines through their jeans while her grinning face tossed a 'come-hither' look over her shoulders at the two equines.

Taunting, teasing, her long tail swinging with every provocative sway of her hips, Arc slipped her arms through the arms of her two canine dance partners, strolling away in the direction of a booth on the far side of the floor.

"Okay, that's it," Penny said, pushing the table away. "She needs a lesson. You want her, Rhia?" and her Appaloosa country cousin licked chocolate lips, nodding as shi stood also. "Good. We're going to take her away from those two dogs, and show her - and them - how it is." Penny cast a glance down Rhia; where the baggy Tripps she favoured hid her true nature, Rhia's almost-spray-painted-on cutoff jeans were sporting a bulge that appeared to put a considerable strain on the zipper and well-worn denim.

The pair threaded their way through the surging throng of furs, and once or twice lost sight of their quarry in the crowd. By the time they caught up with her, one of her partners had left, leaving the lioness on the arm of the husky. "Hey, girls," he greeted them, a wide grin splitting his muzzle. "Care to join me and the little pussycat here?" He leered at both of them, sitting back in the booth with his legs apart. A noticeable erection bulged in his trousers as he casually ran a possessive hand over Arc, who was standing, her bottom out-thrust, flirting and thoroughly enjoying the attention.

Penny's eyes blazed. The pounding beat of the music, the lioness's blatant flirting and now her playing keep-away-closer aroused her, and she wanted Arc, very badly, right now. Somehow it just didn't matter that there was a crowd of people around them, and the dappled mare seized her leonine girlfriend, spinning her and bending her backward over the table. Roughly she thrust a hand between plush, soft thighs, and Arc's eyes widened in surprise and delight. Penny was never shy about making her wants known, but this was new and exciting.

"Whoohoo!" the husky cheered. "Yeah, get some carpet action goin'!", and the dog's handpaw cupped himself, rubbing his erection lewdly through his jeans. "How 'bout it, babe?" he leered at Rhia. "Want some real man in ya?" he asked, unzipping himself and hitching down his briefs to reveal an erect canine penis. It wasn't a bad size - eight, possibly nine inches - and he stroked it, giggling a bit, thrusting his hips up suggestively. "C'mon and ride it," he laughed, his tongue lolling out of his muzzle. "Guarantee it's better than your girlfriend's tongue!"

Penny was ignoring the husky, feeling Arc up. The lioness had gone commando, and Penny cupped her short-furred sex, working fingers inside while her free hand fumbled urgently at the waist of her Tripps. She met Rhiannon's eyes; words weren't necessary.

The Appaloosa moved around the table to place hir hand on Arc's forehead, unceremoniously pushing her down flat on the table. As shi unzipped - or rather, hir zipper exploded open - freeing hirself, a heavy paw landed on hir shoulder.

"What's goin' on, bitch?!" a growly voice asked. It was the wolf who'd also been dancing with Arc.

Rhiannon's pulse pounded in hir chest; like Penny, hir libido was cranked up from the beat, the heat, the strobing lights, the undercurrent of license, that shi and Penny could do anything at all and only gain an admiring crowd. Shi was also no stranger to bar fights, having had to sort out more than one ornery stallion. So when the wolf spun hir around - he was heavy-handed, slow and obvious - shi was ready, and a small-but-solid fist slammed into his groin. "Where Ah come from, we call that a 'donkey punch'," shi informed him as he screamed, clutched his injured privates and collapsed on the floor. The wolf rolled on his side, his eyes fixed on the shorter mare, and shrank back a bit, shocked again.

The Appaloosa's well-worn denim cutoffs flopped open and through the flies a burgeoning black scrotum swelled out, swinging freely beneath a black equine penis that had emerged from a charcoal-dark sheath, arching out in a proud bow. The wolf goggled; he was well-equipped but the horse-girl's adornment dwarfed his; the bobbing length was easily a foot and a half long and thick in proportion. His eyes flicked to the dappled Arabian and saw that she, too, was like the chestnut-furred horse-girl that had taken him down; her baggy pants yawned open and a thick, pink-mottled black stallion penis unfurled, still soft but straightening rapidly. The Appaloosa's husky soprano lashed him with hir scorn. "Git lost, 'bitch'," shi ordered him, and something in the wolf quailed and gave way. Slowly he crawled away from the booth.

Penny, meanwhile, was concentrating on her leonine lover. Arc was lying across the booth table and now she raised her legs, spreading them wider. "Shit, this is hot!" she panted, her brown eyes sparkling. "Do me! Right here!" she said, panting in excitement as she watched Penny's erection growing. The dappled horse-girl - stallion-girl, really - pulled her fingers out of the lioness's folds, her blue eyes flaring with lust. She brought the wet-slicked digits to her face, sniffing them, then licking, while her other hand hefted her erection. "Shut up," she ordered the lioness.

A yelp from beside Penny distracted her. "Wha - what the fuck?!" the husky stammered. His evening had taken a very sudden and unexpected twist. From the pleasing prospect of sharing the lioness with the wolf, he was now confronted with the sight of that lioness on the table before him like an offering on an altar, and two mares - or what he'd thought were mares - who were evidently stallions as well. "Hey, I don't want no fuckin' girlyboys messin' with my girl!" he blustered, and both she-stallions turned to fix him with their eyes. "You shut up as well," the dappled one said as she lined the fat snout of her cock up between the feline's furry thighs.

"You stay put," the Appaloosa added, moving around the table. Dumbfounded, the husky responded to the notes of command in their voices; horses they might be, but in that moment they took the wolf's place as his alpha.

Rhiannon grabbed Arc's head, steadying her as Penny's hips rocked and she drove into the lioness with a swift, ruthless thrust. Blue eyes blazed in her dappled face, and she grunted as she felt Arc's hot, sweet warmth gaping around her proud staff as she entered. "Call me 'Mistress'," she ordered, hitching her hands up under Arc's bottom, lifting her off the table so the lithe lioness bounced on the long black horse meat thrusting inside her.

Arc smiled, and her hands went to her breasts, massaging them through the thin material of her dress. "Yes, Mistress!" she complied eagerly. She never tired of this; she'd had other lovers, other fuck-buddies, but Penny was special, and easily the best. If nothing else, there were few who could match her for sheer, overwhelming size. Penny's thick member slid slickly within her; every bit of her inner walls seemed stretched, hyper-sensitive to the soft, slick skin that encased the thickly muscled and veined equine shaft hardening with her horse-girl lover's every stroke.

That heavy pink-and-black pole was bare inside her, too, and the thought excited the lioness as she bounced with the rough, slamming rhythm. This was how she liked it - sex in the raw, primitive and wild. She knew Penny wasn't going to stop short of orgasm, either; the look in her eyes told her that plainly. No, Penny was fucking her right here, at the edge of the dance floor, while Rhiannon and the nameless husky she'd been teasing watched, and she wouldn't stop until she'd released a flood of horse-girl spunk inside her!

She gasped in surprise as the slim, strong hands holding her head pushed down, until she felt her shoulders hard against the stable and her field of vision no longer filled with the sight of Penny mounting her, but instead a pair of cream-and-chestnut thighs, and between them, another black equine penis above - only from this vantage it appeared below - a velvety black scrotum, the skin of it snugly filled over the swell of two generous testicles, framed by well-worn denim cutoffs. "Open up, hon," a sultry soprano voice said and the wide cap of an equine glans pushed insistently against her muzzle. Eagerly Arc's muzzle parted and the legs shifted, spreading apart slightly, while the black, semi-hard penis slithered between her lips. She felt the cap hit the back of her mouth, then the intruder withdrew a bit.

Rhiannon's eyes half-closed in pleasure as the wet warmth of Arc's mouth surrounded perhaps a quarter of hir length. Slowly at first, but with increasing speed, shi began to mouth-fuck Arc, letting the seductive heat of her mouth work, hir girl-cock hardening. A soft moan came from her, reverberating around Rhia's blackness, and the horse-girl panted, feeling hirself churning. The note of pleasure in Arc's voice was unmistakable; the lioness was really getting off on being spit-roasted on the table, and that thought sent a strong surge of arousal and lust through the Appaloosa as well. Shi shifted hir grip on the short fur of Arc's face and pushed harder. "Ooo yeah... c'mon, honey, relax..." shi half-chanted. Shi could tell when Arc had, and with a snort of lust, shi took a series of long, slow thrusts, feeling the exquisite tightness of Arc's throat as hir glans and shaft slid in further each time, until at last the wet coolness of the lioness's nose brushed against the charcoal velvet of hir ballsack!

Completely focused on their pleasure, their need to take Arc, they were oblivious to the crowd around them. Most of the crowd was equally oblivious, but a space had cleared around the booth and some twenty furs had stopped dancing in order to watch Penny and Rhiannon as both horsegirls bucked strongly in a display of feral lust as they took Arc in her mouth and pussy. Penny's fingers dug into Arc's furry ass, lifting her off the table, and her blue eyes blazed as she drove into her feline lover, her bucking hips setting a pounding pace. The skirt of Arc's dress flapped withe every stroke, and under the strobbing lasers and floodlights, Penny's thick black cock glistened with the lioness's juices, stretching her furry pussy around her girth. "Hnfff.. take it, you nasty slut!" she ground out, her face a mask of lust and need. "Fuck, you're tight...! but not after we're done with you, kittycunt. Me 'n' Rhia, we're gonna do you all night, in every hole you got...!"

Unable to speak, Arc responded to this with lustful thrashing; clearly the idea of being plundered over and over by two horses was driving her wild. She was purring in pleasure, the vibrations rippling through Rhia's equine girl-meat stroking down her throat, and she squeezed her breasts frantically, her rock-hard nipples tenting the thin material of her dress.

Rhiannon's thrusting horse-shaft speared repeatedly into Arc's mouth as the Appaloosa throat-fucked her urgently. The cutoffs remained up only because they were so tight they couldn't slip down her spread-wide legs, but it was clear they were finished; the zipper was half-ripped from the worn denim, the cool metal tab bouncing against her heavy girl-ball. Hir shirt was losing the battle of restraining hir breasts; one had popped out, bouncing and swaying with hir thrusts, and shi fondled that one, fingers pinching and rolling the nipple. "Nngh! God yeah, sugar... oh fuck, hun, I'm gonna cum right in your belly...!" Shi let go Arc's head - with hir she-stallion deep in the lioness's throat and Penny's equally deep in her puss, she wasn't going anywhere - and leaned forward.

Penny caught the movement out of the corner of her eye; the husky, all but forgotten by both horses but trapped in the booth between them, was stroking himself, tongue lolling out as he watched them taking the lioness. "Sit still!" she commanded with a rough, commanding snort. "We'll deal with you when we're finished with her!", and the husky slumped, his handpaw dropping to his side. Still, he wasn't able to completely control himself, and his hips bucked, unconsciously mirroring the horsegirls' rhythm and pace, while pre-cum began leaking from his tip.

She was getting close, she could tell; Arc always excited her and taking her like this, sprawled across a table, was doubly, trebly exciting. She leaned over her lover, her toy, to meet Rhia; their lips met in a sizzling, urgent open-mouthed kiss. Rhia's mouth tasted sweet, slightly pepperminty; her agile tongue explored the Appaloosa's mouth eagerly. She felt a hand on the back of her head; Rhia's, pulling her close while hir tongue probed Penny's mouth, tasting the slight cinnamon-spicy flavour. Both horsegirls found their rhythm synchronising perfectly; one thrusting in while the other withdrew, only to trade and drive back in.

Arc moaned again; the only drawback to being spit-roasted was that she couldn't yowl and scream the pleasure that surged through her. Penny's lovely black horse-cock did amazing things in her pussy, throat and ass; to have two of them filling her simultaneously was bliss beyond compare, and she wanted this moment to go on forever. Strangely, she was the most aware of the threesome of the crowd that had paused, turning to watch the display. Murmurs from the spectators fell on her softly-furred ears. "... lookit them go...!" "... she's gonna be stiff for sure..." "... the size of them..." "... wish that was you..." "... wish that was me..."

Rhiannon broke the kiss as shi felt the tell-tale twinge in hir balls; throwing hir head back, shi gave a whinnying scream as sudden pleasure crashed over hir, and shi convulsed in the throes of orgasm. Arc felt Rhia's cock flex, hir knob flaring as much as it could, trapped in the lioness's throat, and then a gush of thick semen erupted from the mouth of hir cum-slit, spurting forcefully into Arc's tummy, followed by a second, and a third...

Penny felt Arc's sudden thrashing as her cousin's cock began pumping creamy stallion spunk, and that triggered her. A shrill neigh broke from hir throat, and then she too was bucking wildly while her she-stallion-cock shuddered. Hir equine knob flared, the flat face snouting up against Arc's cervix as the first jets of equine spooge erupted from her jerking member.

Both horsegirls' bodies quivered all over, muscles rolling under their short-furred skin while they pinned Arc between them on the table and one volcanic eruption followed another while they came and came and came. Murmurs from the crowd rose as they watched; while sex at the club was by no means uncommon, it wasn't often that someone was so caught up in the sweep of the music, the press of bodies as to blatantly fuck right out in public, and it was very rare indeed that a pair of herms shared someone like this. Arc's tummy showed a distinct bulge by the time Rhiannon heaved a deep sigh and began to soften, withdrawing a semi-hard, spit-and-cum-slicked black shaft like a young tree trunk from the lioness's throat. Penny wasn't quite finished, her ass and hips quivering spasmodically as shi pumped the last of hir seed.

Arc floated on a sea of bliss; licking her muzzle, tasting the sweet-salty tang of the Appaloosa's seed. She coughed a bit; it had been a while since she'd deep-throated Penny and Rhiannon was every bit as large as hir cousin. Slurping down the full length of a horse's cock was one of the special delights of being with Penny, but it was an undeniable fact that swallowing a penis four inches across left one's throat feeling a bit sore. Even better, though, was the feeling of taking jet after jet of Penny's thick, gooey spunk in her pussy; she could feel the long, gushing eruptions, some of it squishing around the mushroom-capped knob inside her to ooze from her, squirting from her nether lips stretching around Penny's muscular pole.

"Hnngh... nfff..." Penny panted as shi finished, and Arc raised herself up on her elbows, now that Rhia was no longer buried in her throat.

"Yeah... oh fuck, that was good, Mistress," she panted, watching as Penny pulled out, the fleshy cork of equine cock making a sucking sound as it slid from between her thighs, glistening with the mix of feline girl honey and equine she-spunk. A thick ooze followed as Penny popped free, the semen that simply hadn't been able to get into Arc's womb and so was trickling out, leaking from her onto the table's surface and glowing slightly from the blacklights. Similar spots glowed on Arc's muzzle, and both Rhia and Penny's cocks glowed along their length as their semen fluoresced.

Rhiannon leaned back in the booth, thighs spread wide, hir half-hard cock rearing up from the frame of hir wrecked daisy dukes. "Get over here," she told the husky, and he slid over. Shi didn't need to tell him; he dropped his muzzle to hir crotch and began lapping at hir semi-erection, cleaning the spittle and spunk from hir shaft and balls.

Arc grinned at Penny, her head cocked to one side, then began doing the same for her, using her rough tongue with skill as she laved the Arabian mare's proud shaft. Unlike Rhiannon, Penny's equine shaft merged smoothly into her mons; the uninformed would think she was sterile, either because they thought she had no testicles or because they were undescended. Either way, they'd be wrong; Penny was just as virile as Rhiannon, and she was sure that one of these days she'd knock Arc up if they kept on fucking bareback. Of course, with her cousin here, it might be that Rhia was the sire if Arc caught this weekend.

The crowd began to drift away; blowjobs were boringly ordinary, and it looked like the show was over for now. The two horsegirls relaxed for a few minutes, enjoying the oral attentions, and soon felt themselves stirring afresh. "Your turn, Rhia," Penny grinned at hir, then down at Arc, who was curled on the curved booth bench. She wasn't really sucking Penny anymore; rather she was slowly stroking the dappled Arabian's cock, feeling it respond to her velvet paws, rising to full hardness once again. Below the base of her black shaft, Penny's pussy lips gleamed with moisture as well as Arc every so often traced a finger along the trim seam.

"That's good enough," Rhiannon said to the husky, who had taken up a kneeling position under the table while he cleaned hir cock off. Shi'd enjoyed his ministrations, too, especially when he used his long canine tongue to lift one ball at a time into his muzzle, then probed behind hir sack to lap at hir maresex as well, teasing the hooded bud of hir clit where it nestled behind hir ballsack. Shi slid over next to Arc, who squirmed, grinding her pert ass against the Appaloosa's rising erection.

Penny made a long arm, hooking her fingers in the husky's shirt collar. "C'mere, you," she snorted, pulling him out from under the table and to his feet. He looked rumpled and a strange mixture of apprehension and lust was in his eyes. "Arc is mine - mine and hers," she nodded toward the Appaloosa herm. He looked away, unable to meet her eyes. "So you and your wolf buddy can just keep your paws to yourselves in future, 'least where the three of us are concerned, right?" she added, and he nodded submissively.

"Yes, Miss," he whispered. "She's yours." His tail drooped a bit.

"Good boy," she replied. "And so you don't forget..." She turned him around and pushed him roughly forward. He yelped in surprise, then again as she yanked his baggy jeans down. Her cock was still slick from Arc's rough raspy tongue, and with little ceremony shi grabbed his furry butt, spreading his cheeks wide, then drooled a gob of spit on the pucker of his anus.

"Nnnh..." he shivered, clearly apprehensive, but also clearly used to the position, for he flagged his tail up readily, and Penny's suspicion that he was beta to the wolf Rhia had cock-punched was strengthened. He had accepted their commands and now, while the idea of receiving an equine cock worried him, he was compliant, and indeed, aroused - he hadn't touched himself after Penny forbade him, but his canine cock was still hard, sticking out of his pants.

Penny stroked hir she-stallion-hood a couple of times, enjoying the caress of her palms along the silky skin, then grasped herself just behind the flare of her knob, pressing the wide head against his anus. "Give it up, bitch," she said softly, and grinned.

Rhiannon chuckled as she watched Penny mount the husky, her arms around the sweet, sexy lioness. "Mmmm... looks good, doesn't he?" shi murmured, nuzzling Arc's furry ears. One cream-painted hand cupped a grey-furred breast, feeling Arc's nipple hard against hir palm, while the other caressed the lioness's mound, hir fingers working easily into her nether lips so recently stretched by Penny. Arc was still juicily moist, rich with the mix of her juices and Penny's semen, and Rhiannon slowly sucked the heady mix from a couple of fingers, then offered the remaining dripping digits to her feline companion.

Arc purred, a low rumble in her throat that seemed to spread through her entire body. Rhiannon's equine endowment hadn't retreated back into hir sheath, and in fact was semi-hard from the husky's oral efforts, and with velveted paws Arc caressed the hot, warm length that protruded between her thighs. "He does," she agreed with the Appaloosa girlstallion, licking her lips in appreciation. Penny had completely dominated the husky now and both Rhia and Arc had watched the crease furrowing his brow as he concentrated on relaxing, then the surprise and shock as she felt it and pushed, forcing her black horsecock into the husky's ass, stretching it far wider than the wolf ever had. After that, a succession of thrusts had admitted her deeper into his butt, an inch or two at a time. Now his muzzle hung open, his tongue hanging out, his eyes wide and staring as the dappled futa horse began stroking hir length into him, withdrawing until only the fat knob remained, trapped by his anus gripping tightly around her girlmeat, then thrusting hard, sinking her shaft into him until her hips mashed against his upturned ass, hilted inside him.

Rhiannon nipped Arc's ear, prompting a louder purr. "You need a stuffing too, kittypuss," shi murmured. The lioness was a soft, warm, exciting armful, and the way she moved, squirming against the half-naked Appaloosa, only fired hir lust even further. Hir hand left Arc's folds, gripping hir girlcock as shi pressed hir knob against plush-like nether lips. Arc purred again, lifting one leg in mute invitation, and Rhiannon's black equine-ness slipped easily inside.

Having pumped their lust into Arc at first, Penny and Rhiannon took longer this time, setting a slower pace. Instead of rapid, hammering strokes, both took longer, deeper thrusts, enjoying the sensation of slick, hot wetness engulfing, enfolding their horse-shafts. Rhiannon and Arc spooned on the bench, the lioness pressed back against Rhiannon as the Appaloosa took slow, deep strokes, thrusting in until hir sheath pressed against Arc's folds, hir heavy black balls pressed against Arc's stocking-clad thighs. Penny's assault on the husky was equally slow, but rough; she clearly intended that he would not only remember this encounter, but that his wolf alpha would know he'd been taken by her as well. And he would know, that was clear; spectators were gathering once again to watch as the Aarabian marestallion mounted the husky ruthlessly. Someone at the rave would tell him.

Rhia and Arc's legs were a tangle as the pair entwined on the bench, both of them slipping into the moment. Arc's brown eyes half-closed behind the square lenses of her glasses and low moans of pleasure escaped her as the horsegirl stroked rhythmically, hir silk-soft cock glistening as shi drove hir black piston in strong, slow thrusts. Chocolate-dark lips nuzzled Arc's shoulder, slipping the strap of her dress down, until the lioness's small, firm breast sprang free of the dress. "Much better," Rhiannon chuckled as shi cupped it. Shortly Arc's other breast was bare as well and similarly the recipient of the female stallion's lustful attentions. Purring moans rose from her throat; Rhiannon was taking her more softly, more sensually, but there was no doubt in Arc's mind that the Appaloosa was the one in charge, determining the pace, nor that the end result would be another load of stallion semen deposited in her. Like Penny, Rhiannon didn't believe in condoms.

The husky panted hard under Penny's lustful assault on his rear. The pain had been considerable at first; he'd never taken anything that large in his rear before. Not even his wolf's knot had stretched him that much; and though horses didn't have knots, they did have a medial ring, and Penny had jammed herself fully in. Feeling that ring spread his ass open had been an experience he never wanted to feel again... and yet he did, too.

Penny's hips bucked hard; the she-stallion was caught up in the grip of her desire to take the husky and make him her bitch in truth. His anal passage was easily the tightest sleeve she'd ever buried her cock in, and the pleasure of such a tight fit spurred her on. She was enjoying watching her cousin's slow, thorough taking of Arc, but slow and deep wasn't what she wanted with the husky; she wanted to own him, and she sped up, jackhammering her equine girlmeat into him with hard, fast thrusts. Her Tripps had slipped down around her ankles, freeing her green-streaked, pink-wrapped tail to whip behind her as her ass and thighs flexed, muscles rolling smoothly under her skin with each plundering stroke. "How's that feel, bitch?" she snorted in his ear, leaning forward over him, spreading her legs a bit further to compensate. "Like that? Tell me you're a cock-hungry little slutpuppy,"

"Yes... fuck yes..." he panted, moaning urgently. He wanted to touch himself, stroke himself, but she had told him 'No'. He was achingly hard; the thick slab of cockmeat plundering his ass was stroking his prostate every time she hilted herself in him, and his cock and balls ached with the need to fire a load of canine cum. But she'd told him 'No' and because Rhia and she between them had driven off his wolf lover, they'd become his alphas... and so he groaned and tried not to think of grabbing his cock, stroking himself until he could shoot streamers of seed all over the table. "Please... please give me your big horsecock, Miss!" he begged. "Make me cum with your cock!" Shame and need burned in his eyes; the watching spectators had heard the damming words from his lips. A plea that before now had been the private province of his alpha and himself was now common knowledge.

Rhiannon's lips curved in a wicked smile as a thought came to hir, and shi wrapped hir arms around Arc. "Hang on, sugar," shi chuckled. Arc was petite, and while not tall, Rhiannon and Penny were both inches taller than the lioness. They were also quite strong; Penny from working out and Rhiannon from daily hard work on a farm. So it was no trouble for Rhiannon to lift Arc with hir, keeping the lioness seated on hir she-prick. "Kneel, hun," shi ordered Arc, and the lioness complied, getting her knees on the table's surface. Rhiannon's grip around Arc's waist tightened uncomfortably for a moment as shi followed so both of them were kneeling, legs wide-spread, Rhiannon still stuffed in Arc'spuss . They were also a mere inch from the husky, and as Rhiannon resumed thrusting, shi looked past the sexy armful of lioness to the husky impaled on Penny's plundering cock.

"Hey, sugar," shi said, catching his attention. "Have a good look... you though you were gonna get some of her, huh?" shi taunted him, and the husky nodded. "Well, take a lick," Rhiannon suggested.

The husky's tongue lolled from his muzzle, but Rhiannon had judged the distance to a nicety; though his nose was filled with the scent of a female, he couldnt - quite - reach her, taste her, and a growl of frustration escaped him. Penny laughed as she rode his ass hard, leaning over him again until her tube-top-encased breasts pressed against his back. "That's right," she added, "that's mine. My pussy, more ways than one, and Rhia's the only other one who gets to fuck her." She bucked hard, hilting herself in his ass harshly. "Not you, got it?!"

The husky nodded, whining with frustration, his tongue straining once again to reach the juicy treat. Being ass-fucked by a horse-herm was both arousing and humiliating, but this was torture; having to watch _another_horse-herm stuffing the lioness he'd dreamed of nailing flayed him with thwarted lust. All he could do was stare, smelling the enticing scent of her, seeing her nether lips stretching around the thick pole bucking up into her, rising from a pair of balls that dwarfed his wolf.

Penny could tell she was getting near, and redoubled her pace. She was really going to town in the husky now, and both Rhia and Arc felt their lust matching her. The crowd was whispering, muttering among themselves; this would be a night long-remembered and talked of at the club, and more than one couple or trio slipped out of the circle of spectators to find a private place, but more took their places; the sight of a foursome featuring two herm horses was far too good a spectacle to miss. Penny, Rhia and Arc could almost _feel_the crowd's lust; it was acting like an amplifier, kicking their own into overdrive, and all three moaned lustfully as pleasure surged through them, heterodyning their senses.

Penny came first this time, a whinnying cry escaping her as she jerked and cum spat from her fat knob lodged deep in the husky's ass. He gave a whining, pleading moan, bucking back against her, craving the hot liquid eruption. "Pleaaassee!!!" he howled, then his straining cock erupted as well, a rope of canine jizz erupting from the tip, followed by another and another, while Penny screamed "Yeaaaah!!! Take it, biiiiiitchhh!!!!", her fingers clutching a double handful of husky butt, her hips bucking, her cock flexing with every spurt of sticky marestallion nut-butter pumping into him.

She grabbed his hair hard, shuddering with the force of her orgasm, and her spunk squirted out around hir black flesh-piston, forced out as she pumped and more more inside him. He hung his head, panting; he had taken the alpha wolf's orgasm in his ass, but a stallion's load was another matter entirely. His rectum was already overflowing and Penny was still bucking, still cumming, forcing her cock and her seed in his ass.

The sight of Penny creaming the husky combined with the hot, sweet warmth of Arc's tightness around hir triggered Rhiannon, a gasping cry wrenched from hir as hir balls shuddered. "Fuuuccckk!!!!" shi shrieked, cum erupting from hir balls, surging up the thick stalk of hir girlcock, spewing from the fat knob lodged where Penny's had been not so long ago. Arc yowled as she came also, hugging Rhiannon's arms to her, vaginal muscles rippling strongly to milk the equine cock of its creamy load. "Yeeesss!!! Jizz meeee!!" she shrieked, and Rhiannon held her tightly while she came again and again until creamy white semen was oozing from the lioness around hir gleaming, thrusting shaft.

Here and there in the crowd, individuals began to clap, and as Penny finally finished in the husky, Rhiannon pulled out, hir equine cock slick and messy. The wide-flared knob, glistening with hir sticky girl-goo, spat again, the wide mouth of hir cum-slit yawning open as the thick rope of she-spunk erupted to splatter over the husky's face. The applause grew to a crescendo and when Penny slapped her thick messy black cock between the husky's upturned buns, smearing her seed into his fur, the crowd went wild, whistles and cheers joining the thunder of applause.

Quite a bit later, Arc, Penny and Rhia called it a night. Rhia's daisy dukes were - barely - held closed with a couple of safety pins through the denim; Penny's tailwrap had come undone and her arm-warmers had slipped down. Arc walked between them, her arms linked with theirs, and she winced from time to time.

It had been a great evening!