Storybook Savior

Story by flameheartx on SoFurry

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#2 of Princess vulpix

chapter 2 of princess vulpix

Chapter 2: Storybook Savior

Underneath the blazing afternoon sound of paws crashing against the fall blanket of the dense forest, snap,crunch,snap, in an erratic pattern.Echoing throughout this forest the frenzy of sound and waves of fear sent many pokemon scrambling and into hiding. Panting heavily with tears mixing in and becoming indistinguishable from sweat an eevee ran for its full worth.

with small shrill cries he called out frantically "Im... Sorry, please.... just leave ... me alone..." his pleas however were cut short by his pants and dry breaths.

Not far behind Eevee a pair of houndoom were in pursuit and slowly gaining ground on the young fear driven pokemon.

the larger of the pair who was leading the chase angrily barked out through his bared canines "Just give up you little runt theres no where to go!"

"Please I..." then it happened Eevee was cut off as his front paw slid into a small crevice in the ground tripping him up, slamming him face first into the forest floor.

Ignoring his pain Eevee scrambled to stand upright again hoping to still attempt escape.It was to little to late. Both houndoom had already caught up and were within striking range of the teary eyed Eevee by the time it had recomposed itself. Beneath Eevee's frail body the bones and muscle turned to jelly pulling him into the dirt and dead branches. This was the Eevee couldn't help but cry and wait for death to take him into whatever afterlife wait beyond. Rather than teeth in his neck and claws in his back though Eevee found a soft heat caressing his cheek. To his avail Eevees eyes fluttered open in time to see the Houndoom engulfed in flames.

"what the..." Eevee whisper in surprise to himself

With a torrent of anger flashing in their eyes the Houndoom turned toward where the assailing flames had come from. Furiously the Leader snapped "Who dare attack us!"

From the heavens came a streak of black,white, and amber which slammed into the subordinate houndoom's side sending it crashing into the larger. "Me assholes," rang an angry, yet subtally sweet female voice.

As the streak to rest it seemed to materialize into a legend right before the previously unlucky Eevee's eyes and for that matter his muzzle for they couldn't have been more than two inches apart. Before Eevee stood, on its hindlegs, a female vulpix draped in a white childs coat, wielding a braixen's stick, with her six tails tied together by a simple bow. seeing such an amazing, and he must admit beautiful creatures locked him in place. But this was impossible princess Vulpix is nothing more than a stupid story....right? Yet there was no denying the flesh and blood girl before him as real as he was. Eevee also couldn't deny how attractive this slender vulpine pokemon was or the ecstasy that flooded his veins.

Eevee's thoughts were cut short by Vulpix's paw being struck in his face and the sweet juvenile voice snapping at his ears, "Are you coming they won't be down for long..."

Still doubting his eyes and flooded by shock and awe his only gesture of reply was a small intake of breath.

"sigh we don't have time for this." Vulpix's quickly took grasp of Eevee and threw him on her back.

Dropping down to all four she dashed off, splashing - rather reluctantly through thin shallow rivers, and thick meadows attempting to throw off the houndoom. Back on the paws the houndoom gave chase, but the elusive trail was already running cold and by dusk Vulpix, still carrying Eevee, had escaped.

The leader growled annoyed "Damn it all to hell," slowly he turned tail followed by the second houndoom "whatever the little fuckers weren't worth the trouble."

In a field on the outer edges of a small wooded area Vulpix gently set Eevee down. Exhausted she collapsed onto the ground desperately catching her breath.

"Dont..." *pant* "worry... your" *pant* " safe now." just these words were an effort for Vulpix to mutter as her breathing returned to normal and her heart slowed again.

Eevee seeing her like this was endowed with guilt and began to apologize meekly " I'm sorr....."

vulpix abruptly cut him off with her adjoined tails brushing across his maw "please don't," she almost begged her voice recovering to its normal charm. "just be more careful" standing back up on all four she gave Eevee a quick kiss on the forehead, that sent shivers down his spine and blood to his face, before trotting off.

For what seemed like an eternity, but was really more a quick flicker of time Eevee watched her pad away. Could he really just let this girl, no this angel go? Think of all the adventures he could be missing out on, and the mate he may be losing.. scratch that she was one of the most legendary vulpix's out there and he was just a simple Eevee...sigh maybe he oughta... No...! Before his brain could stop him Eevee dove into the thickets. Carefully monitoring his breaths and paws as to not alert her Eevee followed Vulpix through thick brush, dark forestry, and to a lush grass field where finally she started a small blaze.

"So you staying hidin all night or you gonna come warm up with me." Vulpix's calm gentle tone called out to him and drew Eevee out of hiding.

Hesitantly he began " how did you..."

"know you were there?," her bright jovial laughter made Eevee's heart skip a beat "honestly i didn't."

"Wait you're saying..."

"that you could've stayed hidden? ... yep and id have been none the wiser." cheerfully she unstrapped her staff and holster

"O..oh I uh see" for once Eevee was glad his thick fur hide the blush that grew on his cheeks

"Anyway if you wanted to come along should've just asked." Vulpix sated as she undid her tail bow.

"R..really?" was all the timid eevee could muster while inspecting this perfect female pokemon as she stood on two legs and pulled of her white coat.

"Yep," Vulpix stated as she finished disrobing revealing every aspect of her form. It was all Eevee could do to hold back his male member in its sheath. " been alone for so long i could use the company," she slowly dropped to all fours easing things for Eevee "anyway im vulpix but you can call me 'Pix"

With a timid jerk "Well i'm Eevee but most people call me 'Bre"

"Well 'Bre welcome to Team 'Pix any questions before we eat up?"

looking down at his paw he choked out quietly "Are you really a princess?"

Taken back by this 'Pix took a second to reply to his unorthodox question, "Yes i suppose if you want to think about it i am..." From her holster 'Pix suddenly pulls out a bag of pokemon food coated in a thick syrup " well here we are eat up" She quickly tossed a few of the sticky treats to 'Bre.

Unsure of what to think 'Bre bite down into the food suprised at the overly sweet flavor. Was this really what she ate? looking up 'Bre could see that 'Pix had finished hers and was almost erotically licking the syrup off her fingers causing 'Bre to 'spike' up a little. Not wanting to seem rude 'Bre finished off his food and cleaned himself up to see that 'Pix was already curling up to sleep beside the dying fire.

"Vul... i mean 'Pix may i lay down with you"

For a second she simply stared at him then smiled and motioned to him with her tail. SIghing relieved he curled up against this beautiful creautre thinking i will make you mine i pormise that princess....

To be continued...