Apocalypse, Ch. 6

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl....

I awoke the next morning to Greg kissing me awake. "Time to get up, Sam", he told me. I smiled at him, remembering last night. I watched as he got out of bed, a thrill going through me at the sight of his naked muscular male wolfish body. I shook my head: I am such a slut!, I thought to myself,I've been getting laid every night since I woke up in that lab!_But having sex felt so _good, I just couldn't get enough of it! I had to admit, being turned into a wolf-girl was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to me....

Yeah, I reflected, _having tits and a pussy is a good thing!_I could have sex whenever I wanted, just by asking, and it was far more enjoyable than sex as a man had been. And my new female body was just so sensitive, it drove me crazy....

And as an uplifted wolf, I could have have all the sex I wanted and I wouldn't get pregnant! Until, I reminded myself, _I go into heat._Then I remembered what the sym-cycle had done to me, and I shuddered. Still, according the book I had read, my estrus cycle was more than a month away - and I planned to be far away from Greg when that happened.

So I sat up in bed, yawning and stretching, and scratching under my tits. Then I got out of bed and went to my pack to get the last of the clean clothes. Today would have to be laundry day, I thought, and wondered if Solarville had a laundromat. I asked Greg to hand me his trousers so I could wash them, and he did, putting on some shorts instead. I stuffed all our dirty clothes into my backpack, including my one fitting bra; today I would have to go bra-less.

We ate bread and strawberry jam, then went out to the pier to fish. By mid-morning, the fish had stopped biting, and we loaded up the van to take to Solarville. I also brought along the two books to return to the library.

We made the short journey in little more than half an hour, and set up in the free market to sell our fish.

I asked Greg if he knew where there was a laundromat mat, but he said no. So I asked among the shopkeepers, until I got directions. After the fish sold, we drove to the laundromat, the interior of which hadn't changed in 300 years. I spent a copper coin on soap, and another copper to wash and dry my dirty clothes. While we where waiting for my clothes to dry, I went to the library and returned the books. I returned, picked up Greg and my clothes, and we set off down the road to Riverside and Highway 199.

Turning right on the highway, I headed for the lab, and in an hour I had reached it.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked. "I have something I want to show you, in the lab", I told Greg. He asked me what, but I could only reply "you'll have to see it."

I walked up to the door of the lab, pulled my red key-card from my purse, and keyed the electronic lock. The door unlocked, and I opened it, air-conditioning spilling out. We walked into the main hallway.

I walked up to the door labeled "Port", and opened it. I took Greg inside, and showed him the twenty foot wide floating gold sphere. "What do you think this is?", I asked him.

"I think it's a bubble car...", he replied.

"What's that?", I asked.

"Well, it's an anti-gravity car. It flies", he said. "They used to make them back before the war."

Then he looked at me. "These are incredibly valuable", he said. "If we could find a place to sell it, we would be rich!"

I nodded. "How do we open it?", I asked.

"There should be a key-hole somewhere", he said, and began to examine it's surface, sniffing. I joined him, and together we examined the sphere. The only interruption in it's perfect surface turned out to be a small slot at chest height in the middle of the sphere.

"I think I found it", I said, taking out my red key-card. I inserted the key-card into the slot, and the side of the sphere opened to reveal four seats, a control panel, and a cargo area to the rear.

"Bingo!", I said as I climbed in. I sat down in one of the seats, and the control panel came to life in 3D. It had aircraft instruments and a map on it. Great, I thought, I'm going to need a pilots license to use this thing.

"Be careful in there", Greg cautioned.

I searched the bubble car, and found the glove compartment. Inside was an owners manual! I took the manual, and flipped through it. Sure enough, it contained instructions on how to fly a bubble car, which seemed to be as simple as setting your destination on the map and pressing buttons.

I climbed out of the car with the book, and the door slid closed behind me.

I grinned at Greg, holding up the manual. "I think we just got ourselves a bubble car...", I said.

He smiled back at me.

Then I remembered the strange machine in the room labeled "Control". I wondered if Greg knew what it was.

"Come on Greg", I told him, "I want to show you something else."

So I lead him down the hall to the control room, and we walked in.

Inside was the control panel I had seen before, with two chairs in front of it, and the weird Giger-ish looking machine made of tubes and metal boxes. All the lights on the control panel where green, except that the one that was flashing red last time was now yellow.

"What do you think this is?", I asked him.

He looked over the control panel, and said "If I don't miss my guess, this is a compact thorium nuclear reactor."

A nuclear reactor? Well, I guess in the future, you could find one of these on every block....

"If we could turn this thing off and move it to Riverside, it would be worth a fortune", said Greg.

I stared at the device, thinking: two, maybe three tons. How are we going to move that?

"Of course, we would have to take out a wall and bring in heavy machinery", he finished. "But the Junkmaster in Riverside has a tractor with a crane."

I looked at him. Maybe we actually_could_ sell it. Then I looked back to the control panel, to the blinking yellow light that said "16 rad/hrs". I asked Greg what he thought it meant.

"Hmm. Six-teen rads per hour of ambient radiation, that's survivable for uplifted animals like us, but not for humans without drugs...."

"Maybe it's leaking radiation?", I suggested.

"Yeah, maybe it is. Best not to mess with it."

I nodded. That sounded reasonable. I sure wasn't going to try to mess with a nuclear reactor.

Next, I wanted a second look at the computers in the admin room.

So I asked Greg to follow me, and we went into the hall, then through the receptionists room into the plush office behind it. There, I sat down and turned on the computer.

I touched the document icon, and typed "Test subjects" into the search bar: a list of a dozen names came up, including mine! So there where other test subjects. Next I typed "log entries", and found a log file....

"What are you doing?", asked Greg.

"I'm trying to find out what this place was used for", I replied.

The log file turned out to be encrypted. I searched the desk for a piece of paper with passwords on it, but came up empty.

"Greg", I asked, "do you know anybody that can break encryption?"

"No", he replied, "but the Junkmaster might. He has computers...."

I though about taking the computer with us, but decided against it for now. Still, I would have to talk to this "Junkmaster".

On a hunch, I typed "Mission Statement", into the computer's search box, but it came up empty. Dammit, either they where being clandestine, or all the terms of business had changed in the last three hundred years....

So I tried typing "Index", and got a broad index of what seemed to be every file on the computer! I looked over it, but all the documents seemed to be technical papers on di-genetics. And some where encrypted.

"It's getting pretty late", said Greg. "We need to get back."

"Yeah", I agreed, getting up. The computer would have to wait.

"Let's go pick up another car and take it home", I suggested.

So we made our way back to the parking lot, and we went through the cars checking if any of my six remaining sets of keys fit any of them. In short order, we found a hybrid truck, and it's battery was full as well.

So I got in the truck, and Greg took the van, and we headed back to his cabin in Riverside as the sun was setting.

We parked in his front yard, and I took the owners manual for the bubble car with me, and we walked into the cabin.

"I guess I should make dinner", said Greg, and he went to the bag of food he had brought back from Solarville. It was too dark to really read comfortably, even with wolf night-vision, so I just sat the book down on the table while Greg made us sandwiches and poured two cups of moonshine.

As we ate and drank, Greg said "You know, with a bubble car, we could leave the Forbidden Zone and go live in a real city."

Forbidden Zone? I decided not to ask. I'd ask the librarian tomorrow.

So I nodded. "Sounds good. What city?"

"Well, Washington DC is nice, and it's not far. And there's New York City...."

He re-filled my cup of moonshine.

I thought for a moment. "First, let's sell all the cars we can so we have some gold". Then, I thought, I want to decrypt that computer.

Then I added: "Tomorrow, let's skip fishing and go see the Junkmaster. We'll sell him the truck, then head back for another car."

"Sounds good", Greg replied.

So we finished our sandwiches, and Greg got his pipe. We passed it around until we where pleasantly buzzed, sipping our moonshine. Then Greg said "Let's take our clothes off, Sam", and I smiled and thought: here we go again!

"Greg, you horny bastard", I told him, and leaned across the table to kiss him.

"Yep", he replied, kissing me back. Then he cupped my breasts in his hands, knowing that I wasn't wearing a bra, lifting them and rubbing the bottom of them while he put his tongue in my mouth. Warmth flooded into my tits as my nipples grew erect, and warm butterfly-tingles settled in my underbelly....

He broke off from our kiss and began to take off his shorts, so I took off my clothes, too. We stood there for a moment, naked, looking at each others bodies lustfully. Then he embraced me again, kissing me passionately, and slid his hand down to my groin, cupping my pussy.

I "Mmph'ed" as I felt his hand on my pussy, my vagina filling with warmth. So I put my hand to his sheath, and started rubbing it. I broke off from our kiss and looked down, watching in fascination as his penis grew erect out his sheath, a big red rocket, becoming the center of my attention. I felt a sexual thrill go through me looking at it. Then I noticed how his scent had changed - to one of arousal, a deep male locker-room smell combined with the scent of sex. I watched as a drop of pre-cum formed on his tip, and I shivered in expectation.

I felt a sudden urge to touch it, to taste it, to have it in my mouth....

I couldn't believe how turned on I was by the sight and scent of an erect penis, now that I was a wolf-girl. Hormones, I guess....

I wondered what oral sex would be like, and filled with curiosity, I got on my knees in front of him, and took his cock in my mouth.

I wrapped my long wolfish tongue around his shaft, tasting his warm, salty flesh, and sucked and licked. "Sam!", he exclaimed in surprise, and then he moaned in pleasure. I kept at it, grabbing him by the ass, working his penis with my mouth and tongue, sucking and licking.

"Oh God yes!", Greg said as I sucked him off. He grabbed me by the ears and moaned and moaned. Then suddenly he shuddered and came, shooting his warm salty sperm down my throat. I swallowed, licking his tip off and then swallowing again. Then I stood up and looked him in the eyes, smiling.

"That was wonderful, Sam!", he said to me, kissing me on the nose.

"Now it's your turn to lick me", I told him, and led him to the bed. I got in, and lay on my back, legs spread and knees in the air. He got between my legs and licked my furry little pussy lips with his big wolfish tongue, sending pleasant tingles through my entire body. Then he licked open my pussy lips and began rubbing his cold nose into my clitoris, and I yelped as bright bolts of sensation shot straight to my brain.

He kept licking the insides of my pussy, tonguing my vaginal opening and briefly entering me with his flicking tongue, rubbing my clitoris with his nose, and soon I was panting in pleasure and moaning, playing with my tits as he ate me out. My whole body became hot and tingly, and I only wished I had something to stick deep up my aching vagina - God, I wanted him in me again! Then suddenly, the sensation in my pussy became extremely intense, and I cried out and bucked my hips as a sharp burst of pleasure washed over me, and I creamed.

Then I was just laying there, trying to catch my breath, when Greg stopped licking me and crawled over atop me. He smiled down at me, kissed me, and I felt the tip of his erect penis against my pussy. I smiled back up at him, and he slid his cock into my pussy, making me moan.

Then he was fucking me, and I was crying out "unh... unh... uhn...." to his thrusts as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through me, growing in intensity as he fucked me until I came, howling.

Greg made me cum twice before cumming himself. And then we cuddled up together and slept.

I awoke the next morning curled up with Greg as pre-dawn light flooded in through the windows. I could feel something poking me in the belly, and looked down: Greg had morning wood, his penis protruding a few inches from his sheath. I smiled to myself and kind of whined with desire: I wanted it in me again. So I rolled his sleeping form onto his back, then climbed atop him, straddling him with my hips. He stirred, and started to come awake. Looking down between my dangling breasts, I took my hand and guided his member to my pussy, then sat down on it, moaning "Ooh..." as it slid into me.

Greg opened his eyes as I took him in me, looking up at me. I put my hands beneath my tits and hefted them, playing with my nipples with my thumbs as they came erect.

"Good morning, Greg", I told him.

"Good morning Samantha", he replied, smiling up at me.

I began to grind my hips into his, and bounce up and down on his cock, closing my eyes to the sensation. God his cock felt good inside me....

We made love until the sun came up, then we went out to the river to bathe.

Back in his cabin, we got dressed and made breakfast, talking about our plans. We where going to the Junkmasters, and then back to the lab to pick up another car.

So I got into the truck, and Greg got into the van, and we pulled out. He led me across the bridge to a large fenced in junkyard, full of rusted out vehicles and appliances. In front of it was a wooden house with solar panels on it's roof and a 3D sign saying "Junkmaster" in in thirty foot letters floating above his driveway.

We drove up and parked, and then got out and walked up to his door and knocked. In a few seconds a large, eight foot tall muscular man in a welders apron answered. "Adam", he said, putting out his hand. "They call me the Junkmaster."

We introduced ourselves, and I got right down to business. I took him to see the truck, and asked him if he wanted to buy it for only one hundred gold pieces. "It's in perfect shape, and the battery is full, the fuel tank half full."

He nodded, and said "Let me consider it."

Then he asked us if we wanted to buy anything - solar panels, an ethanol generator, graphene batteries, LED's....

I asked him if he had a way to decrypt computer files, but he said no. "Decryption technology is highly illegal", he said, "the only place to find it is in the big cities, on the black market. Why do you want it?"

I told him I had found a computer with encrypted files on it, and wanted to know what they where.

He asked where I found it, and I told him it was in a building not far from here that had escaped the war.

"The same building has a thorium reactor in it", said Greg. "Can you help us move it to Riverside?"

He smiled at that, revealing his malformed teeth. "Sure, I can try. It might take some time and study, though."

Then I got a bright idea. "Can you make keys for modern cars? There's one I want to get but it's locked", I told him a half-truth, thinking of all the cars in the parking lot that I didn't have keys to, but wanted to sell.

"I'm a master key-smith", he told me, still smiling. "Take me to the car and in five minutes I'll have it opened for you, and in another five started."

"I'll take you up on that in about a week", I said. First, I wanted to move all the cars I did have keys for, and sell them. Then I would show Adam the lab.

After that, we went out to his driveway and I showed him the truck. He sat in it, I gave him the keys, and we went for a ride as he tested it out.

We ended up selling him the truck, and then we got in the van and headed back to the lab to pick up another car to sell in Solarville. At the lab, the next set of keys opened an SUV, again a hybrid with solar panels on it's roof. Again, the battery was full, but I guessed it had been sitting in the sun for some time. The fuel tank was about two-thirds full.

When we got to the auction house in Solarville, I asked Greg to handle selling the car while I went to the library. We agreed to meet up after the auction. Then I took the van to the library.

I parked amid the horses and occasional car in the library parking lot, and entered the ivy festooned plastic building, into the climate control. The same fox-woman I had seen last time was at the reception desk, only with her shirt half open, and an infant fox-kit in a baby-sling on her chest, it's head and little furry hand-paws at her breast, suckling....

I felt a sudden urge to take the baby in my arms, and barely restrained myself. It looked so cute, the scene so motherly....

I want a baby for myself, some part of me thought, and then I shook my head, wondering where the thought had come from. Female hormones, I guess....

But it was a weird realization to understand that my body actually _wanted_a baby....

I walked up to her, thinking: I guess in the future, nobody cares if you breast feed in public! I stopped in front of her, and she looked up at me. "Can I help you?", she asked.

So I asked her for anything she had on the Forbidden Zone. She asked me what I was looking for specifically, and I told her "maps and a history".

She found me a book called Peoples of the Forbidden Zone, and I sat down to read.

It turned out the Forbidden Zone was so named because it was a hell-hole of radiation, inhabited only by Inheritors, uplifted animals, and those mutants resistant to radiation. Humans couldn't survive there without a daily regimen of anti-radiation drugs.

The 3D maps in the book had it covering most of America.

In addition, after WW4 most of it still wasn't under federal authority, which probably explained why there where no taxes and all the infrastructure was aging.

Roving gangs of bandits and outlaw armies controlled some of the worst sectors, so I was surprised that the town we where in seemed so peaceful.

I finished the book, and put it up, walking out to the van and getting in, and I drove back to the auction house. There, I met up with Greg, and we bought snacks and pop-corn and watched the auction until our SUV came op for sale. It sold for 156 pieces of gold.

At this rate, we are going to make more than enough money to buy a house in Solarville, I thought.

We went to finalization, signed the bank papers, got back in our van and headed back to Greg's cabin to eat dinner, drink and smoke, and make love.