The Feral Assassins - Chapter 5

Story by MeowCat on SoFurry

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#5 of Story - The Feral Assassins

Chapter 5

After navigating through the maze-like complex, passing various corridors that had seemed to be the same regardless of where he turned, and nervously avoiding eye contact with random people that were far too busy for their limited schedule, Kasdel was led into a small private room where carpeted floor had supplemented the glossy tiles that his shoes had squeaked over. The walls were light brown, as soft yellow light elegantly lit up the area with lamps angling upward toward the ceiling. A small plant was placed in the far corner. Two chairs with a glass table were positioned in the middle of the room. It was more of a conference room for interviews rather than interrogation cells, which Kasdel originally suspected he was being herded into.

Sitting on one of the chairs and sighing, Kasdel placed his arms on the table and buried his face in them. Hair dangling over his ears, he took in the stillness of the quiet room in order to calm his mind. Thoughts were racing through his head and rebroadcasting every frame of the terrifying incident that he had experienced earlier that day. He had no idea why the man had tried to kill him. Was it because somehow the government had found out what he was? Was it a crime to be a different sentient species other than Homo sapiens?

"Kasdel!" A welcoming voice had appeared behind him.

Turning around, he saw Lanson standing at the doorway. The panther in his human form was wearing a black suit with silver tie. Jumping up, Kasdel ran into the panther's arms. Tears flowing out and body trembling from the sudden release of horrifying tensions that had built up during the ordeal that afternoon, the house cat held onto his companion tightly. Lanson reassuringly patted his partner's head, as he wrapped his large arms around the slender frame.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you, Kasdel," Lanson said regretfully. "I sent my team to scout the area for Crypt but the devious bastard had been eluding us for quite some time now."

Kasdel didn't care. Not heeding a single word that Lanson had just said, he only wanted to feel the comfort and safety that his partner's presence had provided. A protected haven was what Kasdel was wishing for and feeling the warmth from the big panther was definitely something that he appreciated right at the moment. After a long embrace, Lanson gently pulled Kasdel back and tenderly touched the kitty's face. He took in the lost expression and the lovely features of Kasdel's appearance; the back long hair tied back with purplish dye at the tips, the earrings, and the paleness of the skin; to him, the vulnerable house cat was a creature he had cherished greatly.

"Are you hurt?"

Shaking his head, Kasdel wiped away his tears and chokingly replied: "No. But I honestly have no idea what is going on."

"Come on. Let's sit down. I'll explain everything to you."

Facing Lanson from across the table, Kasdel stared intently into the pretty blue eyes of his partner. The big cat smiled as he reached out and grasped Kasdel's hands, giving them a light squeeze.

"You've heard about the Eradication of Viral Descendants eighty years ago, correct?"

Kasdel nodded.

Lanson continued: "More than eighty years ago, right after the unification of segregated governments around the world a secret research was conducted by top scientists. Using the genetic materials of animals on the planet, they had hoped to create a new biological weapon powerful enough to wipe out their targets yet still docile enough to be controlled. You see, Kasdel, missiles and bombs were too inaccurate, too obvious, and too controversial to be used in the eyes of the public. Sending troops into the battlefield was also too risky, as human capabilities were too limited, susceptible to chemical agents, booby-traps, interrogations, and natural elements.

"A facility was built to continue the research, which had lasted for five years before the first breakthrough of the vital DNA extraction. First clinical human trial was done a year after that. The results were promising. Through the enhanced genetic altercations, the test subject was able to run faster, see further, and withstand the harsh environment better than anyone. It wasn't long until scientists had approved the sample. First military operation had begun in the rundown sectors of the smaller cities around the world where rebels fighting against the United Government were captured and executed without a single loss of the military troops.

"It was going well for a while. Thousands of victims were neutralized; the officials were obtaining power and status faster than they had anticipated. It wasn't long until one of the scientists had found out something interesting - the genetic modifications within the bodies of those test soldiers could actually be passed down to the next generation of their bloodline. Even more intriguing was the fact that such genetic changes continued to evolve with each passing generation. It wasn't long until the first feral creature with the ability to morph between human physique and animal appearance had emerged.

"The very first transmorphed individual had abilities fully resembling to the natural state of the creature they had adapted their genetic coding to. Far superior than the people that had received only a mere sample of the experimental treatment, they were quickly prized and brought under a new division within the government. That division was hidden from public eyes and was later named Feral Assassin Recon Group. As more and more of the next generation creatures appeared, the group became larger and was given more assignments to infiltrate, obtain intelligence, and perform their missions of assassination. It was not surprising that the general population had become aware of such unique species' existence when the media had started to report news and sightings of targets murdered and odd...'beasts' roaming about.

"Finally, the United Government had decided to disclose the FARG's presence. At first, normal humans were stunned and debates regarding ethicality rose like a storm blowing over the ocean. But ultimately who had the final say? The officials of course; with the power that they had no one could reject the prospect of accepting such abysmal species into their society. It took a while but people had gotten used to seeing the group of unique individuals with animal traits built into their blood; employers were happy to see jobs were being done in a much efficient manner and corporations were greatly interested in hiring these creatures to accomplish work that would have otherwise cost millions of dollars to complete.

"The short-lived harmony was shattered when the United Government had somehow split into different factions. Ones that thought they couldn't get enough status to influence certain decisions made by the general consensus of their people had conspired together and plot an assassination against the Chairman. That assassination, of course, had failed and led to the eventual scapegoat of FARG taking the full blunt of the blame. Eighty years ago, the very first operation - Eradication of Viral Descendants began. Through the use of media, the treacherous faction within the United Government had convinced everyone that FARG was acting by themselves without the order of the officers. They claimed FARG was trying to take over the human population and dominate the regular citizens whom already had some resentment toward the species.

"And that had led to today's secretive identity that you, I, and others are holding right now, Kasdel," Lanson said gravely. "Your parents were the descendants of the group of beasts that were created by the United Government. The blood of Feral Assassin runs through you and me. We are mere tools of destruction; our existence is nothing more than a biological weapon designed to destroy the enemy."

Kasdel gulped as he listened with disbelief. His parents had never told him about such dark history.


"Is too hard to believe? Such story is too fictional?" The panther sighed. "That's the only reason why our species continues to be hunted down by these bastards. And they know what we are capable of. As ironic as it seems, the same facility still exists, at least, we think it still exists. The second generation, or Gen-Two, of Feral Assassin bloodline has been created to neutralize us. Their goal is to track down each and every one of us and destroy the evidence. After all, the crime the United Government had done many years ago is becoming a nightmare that haunts them every night. By confirming our deaths they will be able to put a closure on this case."

"Because of their political parents had to die." Kasdel sniffed as tears once again resurfaced around his lower eyelids. "It's not fair."

"Nothing's ever fair. When a sentient mind has a choice to choose from, corruption accompanies honesty. Malevolence will always be part of the benevolence; that is the only reason why we can distinguish the good from the bad." Getting up from the chair and walking around the table, Lanson knelt down beside Kasdel. "Today you were attacked by Crypt. He is a wildcard that is different than other assassins the United Government has sent in the past. We've been trying to capture him for weeks and we've finally narrowed him down to the area near your apartment. Somehow, some way, they have known about your existence; about whom you are and what you are."

"Are you saying I am no longer safe there?"

"Yes. I want you to come live with me for the time being, Kasdel. I'll protect you. My team will continue to look out for Crypt. They are capable officers in this agency and have protected many people in the past; people that are like you and I."

Lowering his head with mild gloominess, Kasdel nodded. Lanson reached up and pulled Kasdel close to him for a hug. Nuzzling the cat's neck, Lanson closed his eyes and gently kissed it. A shiver rolled down Kasdel's back as he savored the sensation of his lover's wet tongue against his bare neck. As quickly as it started, Lanson stopped.

"Tonight perhaps," the panther teased as he smiled playfully while noting the expression of annoyance on his kitty's face. "You must be hungry. Come on, let's get something to eat."

The employee cafeteria was well-stocked with many kinds of delicious food. From spaghetti to seafood; from ice tea to red wine; the savory aroma of freshly prepared meals had caused Kasdel's stomach to growl with great anticipation. Chefs in white hats stood behind the rows of stainless counters, as steaming pans and pots lined beautifully behind the sneeze guard. Chuckling when he heard Kasdel's hunger sounding in protest, Lanson grabbed two trays and plates for both of them. When Kasdel had offered to pay Lanson told him it was free. Surprised, Kasdel wondered what kind of agency that his companion was working in to be able to experience such luxurious treatment.

Sitting down side by side at a long dining table away from other workers, Lanson and Kasdel quickly dived into their pile of meat, vegetable, and snacks. The juiciness of grilled chicken, the tenderness of roasted beef, and the freshness of seafood were flavor explosions within Kasdel's mouth. He had never eaten such lavish dinner. Most of the time he had focused on budgeted food based on his meager salary - instant noodles, bread, and if he had the cash to spare, some fresh noodles at the street vendor.

"Relax. We got plenty of time. I don't want you to choke on the food," Lanson said softly while patting Kasdel's skinny back.

"This is incredible!" Kasdel exclaimed after he downed a cup of ice tea. "I've never eaten such amazing food. When you are living by yourself with a low-paying job, a lot of times you either skip meals or eat food that you can afford."

"That must have been tough."

"It is...," Kasdel's voice lowered slightly. "After my parents were taken away I had to find ways to survive as a kid. I didn't know what to do. Can you imagine a child trying to find ways to get food? Where can you go to find help? Certainly not the local food bank as they would ask questions regarding where your parents are, so on and so forth."

Throwing a stick of carrot into his mouth, Lanson munched on it while looking at Kasdel. After a few bites, he said: "But you've managed to live. For that, I am very impressed."

"Well, it's nothing really. I had to take on a few part-time jobs delivering newspapers and other things to get some income. During the night I slept under the bridge with cardboard boxes that I built around the small area where freezing wind wouldn't get to me."

The panther placed a hand on Kasdel's shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry. You have me now. I'll make sure you won't go hungry again."

Kasdel smiled sadly. "That's good to know. I just lost my job today."

"I've heard from Azen. What happened?"

"I...uh...well, I cussed him out. Sort of." The man sheepishly responded while rolling a leftover green bean on the plate with his fork. "More like I gave him an earful on what I had really thought about telling him for a very long time."

Laughing Lanson wiped his mouth with a napkin. "That's good! That's incredible, man! I've never expected you, out of all people, would actually stand up against another person."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you are a very mellow and shy person. You are used to run away from things and refuse to confront others. Didn't I mention that to you a while back?"

Sighing, Kasdel rolled his eyes. "All too well."

Rubbing his partner's head and messing up the hair a little, Lanson said: "Anyway. It's getting quite late. After you're finished with your meal I'll drive us back to my place."

Blushing, Kasdel asked: "I don't want to bother you-"

"You aren't," the panther interrupted. "Besides, there's nowhere else safe for you to go. At least the area around my house is away from where Crypt has appeared."

"Are you sure your house is 'safe' for me to go?" Kasdel whispered as he leaned against Lanson.

The panther laughed as they started getting up to leave the cafeteria.


The sounds of moaning and the smell of sweat lingered in the hot, moist air. Within the rather large bedroom, Kasdel squirmed on the bed where his claws pierced the bed sheets that had somehow entangled around his naked body. Shredding the sheets away with a hand, Lanson was in his natural form while he pressed down on top of the small orange feline. Running his hands over the slim figure, the black cat panted with lust while he gazed dreamily at Kasdel's seductive expression.

"I-I thought I was only here t-to be protected..."

Lanson licked his lover's neck and replied softly: "And to be loved. You didn't think you'd be sleeping here tonight without some bonding actions...did you?"

Kasdel couldn't answer as he felt the hot wet tongue pushing through his lips and explored his mouth. It did end up with making love. Not that Kasdel was surprised or was hesitant about doing it with his boyfriend. Still, he didn't anticipate Lanson to be so ferocious at dominating him the minute that they had gotten into Lanson's home. Located an hour away from the office building where Lanson worked, the house was quite big. It resided around a well-kept neighborhood where large windows were overlooking cliff sides that had opened up into a sea of cityscapes with twinkling street lights. The place was infinite times better than the scrawny apartment that Kasdel had lived in.

Groaning and grasping the muscular butt cheeks of the panther, the house cat wanted to make sure his companion would get the same amount of attention and pleasure in return. He could feel the hardening cock pressing against his belly while his own small penis lightly rubbed against the furry belly of the dominant beast. He couldn't breathe, as he felt Lanson's chest was pressing against his. He couldn't move, as the weight of the larger feline had pinned him snugly into the bed. Beads of sweat rolled down his naked flesh, matting his orange fur, as they kissed passionately.

The soft yellow radiance of the lamps around the quiet room had cast large shadows upon the walls where shapes of their tails danced and curled like puppets on a stage. Kasdel gasped loudly when Lanson broke the seemingly everlasting kiss and immediately moved his attention toward the pulsing meat that was between Kasdel's thighs.

"N-no! Wait-"

The small cat was hoping to delay the insatiable pleasure that would make him faint with delight; the panther didn't heed his lover's words. In fact, those very words had urged him to act by greedily putting the hard cock into his mouth and gently sucking it, licking it, and tasting the palatable flavor of Kasdel's sticky precum. Kasdel whimpered as he gazed down and saw Lanson's furry head rhythmically moved up and down between his slender legs. Such scene had aroused him even further, almost bringing him to the point of climax. Yet, a tight squeeze on his testicles from the large feline's black hand had caused Kasdel to cry out in shock; it was as if Lanson had silently demanded his little prey to hold back a little while longer while he enjoyed the slippery cock that was in his mouth.

The intense pleasure was excruciating, as Kasdel grimaced. Tried as he might, he just couldn't handle the delightful sensation that was flooding through his body. A shudder had occurred and to his shock, he had cummed right into Lanson's mouth. The white creamy liquid spurted against the back of the panther's throat, as the big cat purred and swallowed with glee. The sticky fluid coated his tongue while Lanson lovingly eyed Kasdel's sexy face. Kasdel reached down and grasped Lanson's black furry ears while he moaned and bit his lips. His fangs drew out minor blood while he writhed with his partner's head locking in-between his legs and milking his meat with continuous sucking motions.

Finally, Lanson released the pulsing member from his mouth. A stream of hot sticky fluid leaked out of his lips as he deeply kissed Kasdel, sharing the sweet nectar of love. It was the first time that the orange feline had tasted his own cream, as he wrapped his thin arms around the panther's thick neck. Then Kasdel's eyes widened when he felt a thick finger probing his rear. The panther had used the spilled cum as lubricant to insert and loosen the unyielding hole for the ultimate penetration that was to come.

"W-wait! I'm not ready-"

"Now's the best time to enjoy the bliss that you so longed for," Lanson whispered coarsely while he breathed heavily. "Don't worry, Kasdel. Just like last time, it won't hurt...much. I'll make sure it goes in easily."

Before Kasdel could say anything he felt a second finger was inserted, stretching his butthole even further. Lanson took Kasdel's shaking hand and gently placed it on his dick. The thick veins bulged around the long meat with an incredible girth. A trail of gleaming transparent precum had dripped onto his fingers, as Kasdel distractedly stroked the huge member.

"You see how you've made me excited?" The large feline grinned playfully as he pushed both fingers deeper into his kitty's rear cavern. Tickling the insides and rubbing the thin coat of cum all around the rim, he said: "You are so beautiful, Kasdel. I want to breed you so badly right now."

Panting with beads of sweat rolling down his naked body, the house feline bent his cat ears as he bared his fangs. The feral instinct that had resided deep within his consciousness was gradually revealing itself, as Kasdel took in the intense scent of mating acts. Lifting, bending, and opening his legs, he had allowed easier access to his hot tight hole for Lanson's fantastic stimulation. Seeing his kitten in heat, the panther bared his fangs with a smile. A third finger was inserted.

"L-Lanson...." Kasdel whimpered as he breathed heavily. His face flushed with excitement while he looked at his muscular companion with half-closed eyes. "I...I...."

Without saying a word, Lanson pulled out his fingers and sat between Kasdel's legs. He grabbed both shaking ankles and lifted them into the air. His massive dick jumping lightly from the rush of blood right in front of Kasdel's slightly dilated hole. The tip of the cock slowly pressed in, pushing through the sphincter muscle with a muted slurp. Kasdel shivered when he felt the penetrating sensation shooting through his body. His rear was gradually forced to open, as the head slipped right in. It had felt like Lanson's entire hand was inside but it was only the panther's proud shaft claiming its rightful domain.

Lanson took it slow this time but still displayed the raw strength that he had as a predator. His grip on Kasdel's ankles was strong and Kasdel couldn't really move at all while he panted and lightly caressed his bare chest. He felt another two inches were pushed in and it was driving him wild. The panther took in the uncontrollable looks on the smaller cat's face. With perspiration dripped down his chin, Lanson's feline ears flicked a few times before he thrust his hips forward and buried another three inches of his dick into Kasdel's welcoming inside. The hot feeling inside his lover's ass felt wonderful, as each spasm that Kasdel was going through had inadvertently tightened the slippery walls around his cock. It took a long time but finally the butt cheeks had met with the base of his monster meat. Lanson's long black tail had arched behind him while he growled lowly in a satisfied tone.

A stream of drool had rolled out from the corner of Kasdel's mouth while he trembled, feeling the seven inch meat pulsing inside him. He had done it before with Lanson but it seemed that this time it was a whole new sensation. A passionate bonding not only physically but mentally in spirit as well; he felt right to be bred by a sensual panther; a beast that had often demonstrated his ferocity; a creature that had such incredible sense of majesty that Kasdel felt he deserved to be taken and be the one that absorbs the alpha's thick, creamy seed.

Lanson started pulling out a few inches and then pushed forward, driving his cock deep into the clenching hole of his partner. Then he teasingly pulled out another few inches before thrusting in again; each time increasing the strength of the plunge. Kasdel cried out with a drop of tears rolling out of his eyes. He held onto the male's massive arms with his hands, claws digging into the flesh. Lanson ignored the pain as he started pumping Kasdel's rear hole, breeding his kitty, fucking his prey, and mating with his lover. The orange cat's legs dangled in the air on Lanson's broad shoulders as the panther leaned forward, pulling Kasdel's butt upward. The entrance to the small cat's stretched hole was fully exposed while Lanson growled and continued to drive his pole in and out with sounds of sticky fluid filling the room.

The noise of Kasdel's groaning was mixed with the panther's balls slapping against his prey's butt. Lanson silenced his lover's cries of love with a wet kiss while he reached down with a hand and gripped Kasdel's hardening penis. Squeezing out a few drops of precum, he began to stroke the shaft. The reaction from Kasdel had driven him crazy while he continued to ravage Kasdel's tender opening. His feline cock glided past the rim of the butthole easily and then came back out with a gush of precum before slithering back in again. A pool of fluid was collecting beneath them and soiling the bed but Lanson didn't care. He wanted to feel his juice covering the fragile kitten that was being pinned under him. He wanted to experience Kasdel's futile struggle while he fucked his companion with undying affection.

Breaking the kiss, Kasdel screamed while closing his eyes: "I-I can't.... I'm going to cum again!"

The cat's balls tightened and another stream of hot cream blasted forward from the tip and smeared across his glistening chest and neck. A few drops of the semen had landed on his face, which Lanson fondly licked up and smiled. The pace increased. Muscles along the large panther's legs strained with effort while beads of sweat were flung around them. Lanson's stamina seemed to be endless. Minutes had gone by and Kasdel felt his hole was getting sore. But no words of objection came out, as waves after waves of pleasure had ruthlessly taken over his senses and clouded his thoughts.

At last, Lanson roared and bit down on Kasdel's neck. A massive stream of scorching seed shot forth from the cat's thick, hard cock and flowed deep into Kasdel's insides. The orange feline gasped as he felt his belly was unusually warm while he accepted his lover's cream. Jet after jet of white fluid had filled Kasdel's ass and it wasn't long until some had begun to leak out from the edge of Kasdel's anus. Sticky cum trickled down Kasdel's butt as both cats gasped and panted, catching their breaths. After a long moment, Lanson allowed his partner's legs to fall beside his hips but still kept his meat buried in the throbbing hole. Their juice was mixed together. The draping ball sacs were drenched in shimmering cum that took in the mild illumination of the lamps around the room.

Giving the panther a lick on the face and tasting the salty sweat, Kasdel giggled. "I've never seen you so passionate at love making."

Gazing at the wet kitty beneath him with his blue eyes, Lanson said: "That's because I've really fallen in love with you, Kasdel."

"I...I love you too."

Lanson gently scratched the pointy cat ears of Kasdel before rolling the tiny cat over onto his stomach. Pulling out his cock with a loud slurp and a strand of cum linking the large head of the penis with Kasdel's firm butt, the panther's eyes narrowed with a mischievous look.

"W-what are you-"

"We are just getting started. Don't tell me you are done already?"

His face was filled with disbelief. With his rear sore as hell and his strength completely gone, for a brief second, Kasdel thought his partner was just joking around. But he knew the alpha male was far from cracking a nonsensical joke, as he felt Lanson pulled him upward so that he was on all fours. Before Kasdel could react, the big cat entered him once more from behind. Kasdel's anus gave way without much resistance and the large cock slipped in with a soft sucking sound. The cum from previous load had provided the best lubricant.

"Ah...! Lanson! What are you...doing?!" The orange cat yelled out as he closed his eyes, enjoying the heavy thrust of a large meat destroying his boy pussy. His dick swung wildly beneath him.

"I've wanted to breed you like this, Kasdel. Just like our feral ancestors did centuries ago...this natural, untamed form of mating...I just want to do it with you!"

The black panther kept up his pumping motion while his balls jumped and dangled between his legs. Holding Kasdel's thin long tail, he lovingly brought it close to his mouth and nibbled playfully on it. The image of Kasdel's naked slender physique had filled his eyes; Lanson snarled savagely and reached down to caress his boy's soft body. Both bodies moved in synchronized pace while they groaned and yelled out loudly together. Lanson leaned over and kissed along Kasdel's neck and back while taking in the whiff of his kitty's soft long hair. The panther's fur tangled with his mate's as he continued to pound the sweltering love tunnel with his thick penis. Pieces of shredded bed sheets had glued to Kasdel's naked flesh while he closed his eyes and cried out with joy. He could feel the big shaft entering him deeply. His body trembled while he tried hard not to collapse as Lanson's tongue ran against his neck and ears. He gasped when he noticed his lover rubbing against his sweat-coated chest, as he whimpered.

"Are you ready for another round of my seed?" Lanson panted as he brought his face close to the orange feline's shoulder. Lightly biting the smooth flesh, he said: "You want it to fill up your needy hole, don't you?"

"S-stop teasing me!" Kasdel bared his fangs and pleaded as he arched his back.

"Mmm, so eager...."

The alpha cat wrapped his arms around Kasdel's chest and lifted the docile feline upward. Almost letting Kasdel sitting on him, Lanson thrust hard while rummaging his palm down the soft white furry belly and massaged the short penis. Kasdel whined as he extended his neck and allowed his companion to conduct mating bites to it.

"Ahh!" The slender orange cat tensed up and blew his second load into the air.

Streams of cum spurted onto both of their faces while the black panther roared and released his load into his lover's hole once again. Both of them relished the closeness of each other's presence, as the staggering pleasurable sensation had enchanted their senses and permeated the surrounding area with the melody of sex. Flopping back onto the bed on his stomach, Kasdel breathed heavily while he closed his eyes. Lanson gently lied behind the exhausted kitty and licked the orange furry ears.

"I love you, Kasdel."

Lanson's eyes stared at Kasdel's shoulders for a long minute. When he hadn't heard any reply, he got up slightly and leaned over. A smile stole onto his face when he noticed the tired feline had fallen asleep. Lanson shook his head as he wiped away the perspiration that had covered Kasdel's face. Maybe he had over done it this time, mating with his beloved partner twice in one night with no break in between. Regardless, it was a lovely experience that Lanson had cherished and enjoyed.

End Chapter 5