Apocalypse, Ch. 13

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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I awoke the next morning in the pre-dawn gloom, cuddled up against Greg, as usual. It was Sunday, my wedding day, I realized. I sighed.

I couldn't believe I was getting married. I couldn't believe I had told Greg yes. Suddenly, I had cold feet. What stopped me from getting in the bubble car and just leaving? Getting an abortion somewhere on the streets of D.C., and starting over?

But did I really want to leave Greg? As a girl, he was the best thing that had ever happened to me. He was kind, supportive, and we never argued. And, I reflected, I was damn lucky to have found him when I did....

But getting married? I was about to go from being Mr. Sam Davidson to Mrs. Samantha Brenner. It was a weird feeling.

But, I reminded myself angrily, I wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't been around Greg when I went into heat. If only I had skipped out, left a note or something, and gone to the hotel for three days with the vibrator, maybe none of this ever would have happened.

On the other hand, I probably would have come crawling back to him, begging him to get me pregnant. Being in heat was like no drug I had ever tried before, and I didn't know how David and Ellen handled it so well. Experience, I guess. Ellen had probably been going into heat since puberty without a man. My first time had been with a man who had been a real friend to me, and whom I trusted completely.

Which was probably why I was pregnant. Did I really love Greg that much? Beneath our friendship, was there really a spark of love? I didn't know. I didn't think so....

I yawned and got up, pulling the covers aside. I looked down on Greg's sleeping body while he stirred, and I smiled: he was so damned handsome for a wolf-man, lean and muscular, it sent a cheap thrill through me just looking at him naked, and catching his male wolf scent....

My gaze went down to his crotch, and I smiled to myself as I saw his big red penis protruding from it's sheath: he had morning wood. And I felt that familiar female urge to touch it, to hold it and play with it, even to have it in my mouth, fascinated for a second by his manhood.

I put my hand down between my legs to my new pussy lips, and felt myself, sending a tingle through my underbelly. It felt so damn strange, I reflected, having a pussy where my manhood had been. But, I thought with a smile, it was a lot more fun....

Except when it gets you in trouble and you get pregnant, I thought, my smile turning into a frown.

Greg stirred in bed, and I leaned over him, my breasts dangling in the cool morning air, and I began to lick his muzzle until he woke up.

"Good morning, Sam", he told me with a yawn.

"Good morning, Greg", I replied.

"It's our wedding day!", he said with smile, looking up at me.

"It sure is", I told him with a smile, kissing him. I couldn't resist: he looked so happy.

I got up on my knees, looking down at him. For the second time that morning, I remarked at how handsome he looked. This was the wolf-man I was marrying....

Greg was smiling up at me, and as I watched in fascination, his penis slowly grew erect out of it's sheath until he was fully erect. Unable to resist, I bent over him and licked his tip, then I licked down his shalt, then I licked his sheath, and then his warm, furry balls. Tingles went through me while I did this, and I felt my nipples come erect.

"Oh, Sam...", he breathed, relaxing on the bed.

I looked back up at him. "Let's skip fishing this morning, and just make love", I suggested.

He smiled at me. "Sure, Sam", he said, sitting up in bed. Then he got to his knees, leaned over my chest, and took my nipple in his mouth and sucked. God, it just drove me crazy when he did that: it felt like an electric cable ran straight from my tit to my pussy. "Oh, Greg!", I cried, and then I felt a thrill as his right hand cupped my groin.

Then he was rubbing my pussy lips and sucking my tit, and I tossed my head back and moaned. "God I love you, Greg!", escaped my lips....

His middle finger slid my pussy lips open and began to slide past my clitoris, sending bright bolts of pleasure straight to my brain, and I grew wet.

Greg stopped playing with my pussy, lifted me in both arms like a doll, and laid me down on the bed. Then he climbed over me. We smiled at each other, and I spread my legs for him, knees in the air. Then he laid down atop me and penetrated me....

I moaned, feeling his erection sliding through my wet flesh, opening me up and spreading me apart, a wave of pleasure spilling through me. God, having his penis in me never got old: it felt huge inside me, warm and long and hard, throbbing slightly to his heartbeat. His balls where pushed up against my wet cunt.

Greg smiled down at me and kissed me, and then he was thrusting, each thrust sending a wave of pleasure crashing through me, growing in intensity....

God it felt so good to get fucked.

Soon I was crying out in ecstasy, playing with my bouncing tits and bucking my hips into his, his balls slamming me in the cunt while I thrashed and wailed. Then the pleasure in my vagina built to an unendurable level and I came, lifted up and carried away weightlessly on a massive wave of warm tingling pleasure that spread throughout my entire body as I saw fireworks behind my eyes....

As I was coming back down from the orgasm, I wondered why I didn't love Greg, with all that he did for me....

Then a minute later, Greg came in me, growling. Then he collapsed atop me, trying to catch his breath. We laid there in each others arms for a few moments as I felt him grow flaccid inside me.

"That was fun", said Greg, smiling and licking my muzzle.

"Yeah", I breathed. Having tits and a pussy was much more fun than having a penis had been.

"Come on, we've got to get ready", he said, and pulled out of me, getting up. I got up too, and we made breakfast in the nude, then took Greg's soap from his locker and went out to the river to bathe as the sun was rising.

So we bathed each other in the cool morning river, over-sized river trout nibbling at our toes. I did, I had to admit, feel a kind of joy being with Greg, and sharing these simple moments. But I still had cold feet about becoming Mrs. Brenner.

And then their was the baby. How would Greg feel if I skipped town and had an abortion? It would break his heart, I knew, but then it was my body, and it was my choice. It's just that somehow, I was sure, he wouldn't follow my logic.

I stepped out of the river, and this time holding my tits in my hands, I shook myself off - my tits still jiggled, but at least they didn't bounce and sway everywhere.

Greg shook himself off too, and we went back in.

We got dressed in our church clothes and shoes, packed up our wedding garments, and headed to the Church of God.

Father Belthor greeted outside the front steps. "Greg, Samantha, it's good to see you!", he said with a smile. We shook hands, and he led us in. "You're parents are waiting for you in the back rooms."

He led Greg off to a room, then took me to another. Ellen was waiting for me there. She smiled at me and said, "how's my bride to be?"

"Nervous", I replied. I still had cold feet about the whole thing, but I guess I had no choice but to go through with it.

"Normal enough. I was nervous, too", she said.

"Did you get married when you got pregnant, too?", I asked.

"Oh, ten years later", she said. "Greg was an accident."

I screwed up my courage and asked something that had been bothering me: "How do you keep from wanting kids every time your in heat?", I asked.

"Oh, that's mostly David", she replied with a smile. "He always insists on wearing a condom. He never wanted children". She had a wistful look on her face.

Dammit. So me not getting pregnant next time was going to depend on how well Greg could control himself, because I certainly couldn't control my self.....

I saw the look on her face. "Do you... want more children?"

She sighed. "Yes, yes I do. I bring it up every time I'm about to go into heat, but David is insistent."

Now it was my turn to sigh. Could I convince Greg to ignore my pleading, and not get me knocked up next time? I had to have a talk with him about it....

If there was a next time - I was still thinking of running away and getting an abortion! I put my hands to my womb - I still couldn't believe I was pregnant! Or getting married! Even though it was happening right now....

Ellen produced a comb, and began to comb my fur out as I sat on a stool. "Let's get you presentable. Did you bathe this morning?", she asked.


"Yeah, I can still smell the soap", she said.

I wondered if she could smell the scent of this mornings sex on me. Probably.

She took out a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Your wedding vows", she said. "Please, please try not to screw them up!"

I smiled at that, and began to read. They seemed the same as for any wedding ceremony.

She took out a small box covered in black velvet and opened it. Inside was a gold ring with a diamond inset in it. "Your father-in-law David bought this for you to put on Greg's hand", she told me. "Remember what finger it goes on?"

I nodded. "The ring finger", I said, holding mine up.

"That's right", she replied. "I'll hand it to you when the time is right."

Then she asked me "How come your parents couldn't make it? I would have loved to meet them."

I looked down, thinking for a second. "They died a long time ago", I told her. That much, at least, was the truth. "I grew up in the ruins", I added. It was the best story I could think of.

"It must have been very hard for you", she said. "But now you have Greg to take care of you.

I sighed. I sure did. Greg had been there for me from the beginning. And part of me wondered if I really wanted to leave him at all. But on the other hand, the male part of me was appalled at having a baby, and becoming a housewife! I shook my head. What was I going to do?

I felt trapped. By my situation, and even my feelings for Greg. How could I let him down? How could I leave him, after all he had done for me? But being nice to me wasn't worth having his baby....

We watched the clock on the wall until regular services began, and Ellen helped me into my wedding gown.

"You look so beautiful", she said, a tear running down her eye. She sniffled. "Spin around for me."

So I spun for her, making the tresses on my dress fly.

"Oh, that will do perfectly", she said. "You're ready to go!"

I went over my wedding vows. To love, to honor and to cherish....

What, I wondered, was I getting into? I mean, I really liked Greg, but I didn't love him....

Why had I even said yes?

Finally, the church bells began to ring, and Ellen stepped out of the room, telling me she would get when the time came, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I thought of the future Greg had planned for us in Washington D.C. We would sell the bubble car, and move into a nice house together, with electricity, running water, and cable TV and internet. No more living in a cabin by the river. I could shower under hot water instead of bathing in a river, and shop at a real store instead of an open market.

And all I had to do was become a mother.

I shook my head. It sounded... kind of pleasant. But it wasn't what I wanted.

Still, if I left Greg, and maybe found a way to have an abortion, I would be stuck working for a living, and I would still be going into heat every six months. Would the next man I found be as good to me as Greg had been? What if he got me pregnant too?

I just didn't know what to do. Did I love Greg enough to have his child, or didn't I?

My eyes started to tear up, and I sniffled.

Oh, great, on top of everything else, I'm crying now, I thought.

Organ music started to play in the church, and a few minutes later Ellen came to get me. She say that I was crying, and dabbed my eyes with her handkerchief. "I know, I know", she said. "It's a big day for you. But it's time to begin."

She took my hand in hers, and we walked out to the aisle.

The mutant behind the organ started to play the wedding music, and I slowly walked the aisle, Ellen in step behind me. Greg was at the alter, next to David. Father Belthor was standing there in his black suit.

I climbed the steps to the podium, and we stood before him. He opened his bible, and began to speak.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today in the sight of God to celebrate the wedding of Greg Brenner and Samantha Davidson. This is a sacred right. An ancient right. As Greg and Samantha prepare to join their lives, it is important to understand that everyone present has played a part in shaping their lives. And, will continue to play a vital role in their continuing future. And thus, we are here not only to witness their vows to each other, but to bestow upon them our blessing. And, now the couple will say their vows."

Greg began: "I, Greg, take you Samantha, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part", and he put a beautiful diamond ring on my finger.

I began to cry again. This was it, I was getting married!

I choked back my tears and responded: "I, Samantha, take you Greg, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part", and I put his ring on his finger.

The priest announced: "By the power vested in me by the state of Indiana, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

We kissed, and then we turned and walked back down the aisle, while the wedding music played and the crowd cheered and threw flower's and rice.

And we got in our van and Greg drove us home. I cried the whole way back.

Once where there, Greg picked me up and carried me in, licking the tears from eyes. "Don't cry, Samantha", he told me. "I love you", he said, smiling down at me.

I looked up at him and sniffled. "I... love you too, Greg", I told him, still feeling my dilemma.

He set me down. "Let's get of these wedding clothes and make dinner", he said with a smile. So we stripped, and had cold cuts and fruit in the nude. Greg poured me a glass of moonshine, and one for himself. We toasted our marriage: "To us", he said.

"To us", I replied, still sniffling, and we drank. Then Greg went and got his pipe, and we both got pleasantly buzzed, which made me feel a little better. Greg asked me what our plans where next, and I told him I wanted to finish decrypting the files on the computer, which would take about two more weeks, and then we could go to D.C. and sell the bubble car. He smiled and nodded at that. Then he leaned over and kissed me: "Let's go to bed, wife", he said.

I nodded and smiled back. "Okay, husband", I replied.

Then he led me to the bed, and we made love for the rest of the day, and into the night.