Demon's Curse: The Spark

Story by Zorah Zsasz on SoFurry

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#2 of Demon's Curse

There, in the abyss, time was difficult to keep track of, and largely irrelevant. Connor had no idea how long she had been trapped in the second layer of hell, as day or night held no meaning, the need for sleep had been lost on her, and counting the violations she suffered had become an impossible task. There were no perversions or desires the servants of Lilin spared her. All her moments had been filled with the union of flesh, leaving no part of her newly demon body untouched.

Her new demonic mistress had left her to be the plaything of her other, older servants, and they used up her body ravenously. Rarely was there a time that some demon cock wasn't penetrating deep into her body, making her scream and moan like the basest of whores. What hurt most, however, was the shattering of her pride. All the discipline she held in life, all the training, courage, and determination she had, amounted to nothing. In an instant, it had all given way to despair, with her new wanton lust being the only comfort available to her.

The invasion of all three of her body's openings had become her only joy. Even her ass and throat responded to the violations with nothing but ecstasy. While her horrible teeth made traditional oral sex impossible, her long tongue more than made up for it, and most of the other demons could easily reach their members into her throat anyhow. Her body had become simply a toy for the others, even at its most fundamental level. The knowledge of how to increase the pleasure of her assaulters came to her as easy as breathing, and with her lust-addled mind she used all of it with great relish.

Unfortunately for the former paladin, the pleasure that gave her solace was only driving her further into despair in a different way. The sin of lust had become her very existence, and the sense of honor and dignity that had been so carefully cultivated in her was now eating through her soul like a cancer. But, she learned that she could keep the new agony at bay with yet another vice: pain.

Eventually, she grew to love the abuse, the pain, the anguish. The pleasure of being savaged in both holes was tempered by the agony of whip-like tails cracking against her back and the sting of clawed hands spanking her sensitive rear. Perhaps, she thought, being punished for taking such pleasure in perversion might lessen the sin. As time wore on, however, the love of pain only further fueled her lust, as the two started becoming indistinguishable, beginning the cycle anew.

The demons never relented. She began to be able to identify them by their taste in the air and of their genitals. When one tired, another would quickly take its place. Even the completely female demons had their way with her, forcing her tongue into them and sometimes returning the gesture. She could sometimes feel them roughly suckle at her engorged breasts, which had started to lactate a sweet fluid that helped fuel their libidos and give them the energy for another go.

The tide of copulation seemed endless until, suddenly, the demons ravishing her retreated. She could hear the clacking of a sharp claw against the ground, and she knew her Mistress had returned for her. She looked up, drenched in demon seed, trying to gaze up at the succubus despite her sightlessness. Strangely, she could somewhat "sense" the other creatures in the room in a way that was difficult for her to describe. She could almost feel her Mistress's shapely body as she stood above her. She could sense the smile across her face.

"Oh precious Camille. Such a cute little whore. Did you like your little play session with your new friends?" She asked, as though she were talking to a child. Connor didn't respond, only letting out a gurgling whimper. "You poor thing. That was a lot to take in, wasn't it? I bet it's driving you mad, how good all this awful sin feels."

Connor tensed up and lowered her head, shamefully. "Awww, well maybe now you understand why your father defected to us, hm?" She kneeled down and lifted Connor's crestfallen head up, kissing her zipper-teeth. The transformed human found a shocking amount of comfort in it. "There there... Mistress is here for you. All of you, get her cleaned up."

The demons once again congregated around their spent fuck-toy. Connor whimpered pitifully as she felt their tongues start washing over her, taking a communal effort to wash her body of their seed. The process was remarkably swift and they backed off as soon as their task was complete, leaving Connor relatively cleaner than when they had started. Lilin smiled again and scooped up Connor's limp and exhausted body in her arms.

"All that dogma they taught you... it didn't prepare you one bit for how wonderful the other side of the coin is, did it? Your faith may lie to you, but your body... well, that always tells the truth." Connor gasped softly as she felt Lilin's tail caress her sore, abused pussy. "Your Daddy knows that. I brought him here as a reward for a lifetime of service to the light, to let him indulge in all the pleasures denied to him as a human."

Connor nodded, weakly. The presence of her demonic tormentor somehow put her at ease, made her feel more at peace with her condition. "And you are my gift to him. I could have cast you off into the abyss with all the other pitiful mortals, but I didn't want to condemn his own flesh and blood right in front of him. That would've been awful for him, poor dear. So instead, I have taken you in, made you one of us. Where you've failed him as Connor, you can make it up to him as Camille. Doesn't that sound wonderful, sweety?"

Again, Connor shook her head. "Y-yes..." As she finished she felt a sharp crack on her rear and she yelped.

"Call me Mistress, Camille. Remember, you are his, but he is mine." Lilin scolded, playfully.

"Y-yes Mistress!" She yelped, trembling.

Lilin just laughed and kissed her face again, "No need to panic, just show your mistress proper respect is all." She said, starting to walk off with Connor still in her arms. She gestured towards the other demons with her tail, "Go get the other cuffs for her. I think she's ready to see Daddy again." With that the others scampered off, seemingly rushing to be the first to achieve Lilin's order.

"Cuffs...?" Connor asked, still dazed from her exhausting experience.

Lilin nodded, "Yes. You haven't built up your strength yet, so these will help keep your limbs where he wants them."

"Oh..." They were still in mid-stride when the demons came clambering back. They expertly kept out of the way of their mistress's stride while still clasping the thick leather cuffs around Connor's wrists and ankles. They matched her collar perfectly and Connor could feel them magically sealing shut, just as her collar had before.

Without the strength to do much else, she curled up against Lilin's chest, shaking. Without her sight, she had no idea where she was going now, other than that they were ascending stairs for quite some time. Connor's new sensory abilities could make out individuals, but not the cold stone of their environment. She heard a door creak open and, like a blinding light, her father's essence became visible to her. He was simply reclining on a massive bed, being attended to by several other demons, whom he dismissed when they entered the room.

"Here's your little Camille, darling." Lilin said, hugging the shuddering demon to her chest a moment before setting her down on the bed with her draconic father. "You be a good girl now. Don't upset your father." Lilin's voice was playful and kind, but Connor could still sense true malice behind it. She nodded, obediently.

"Thank you, Mistress." Edmund said, reaching over and pulling Connor toward him.

Lilin giggled, "Well have fun you two." She said, strutting off to attend to other things no doubt.

Even after the heavy door closed once more, Connor remained silent. She felt a massive hand slide her next to him, and then coax her to lay against his broad chest. He held her there in light hug for a moment before letting her just recline against him. Still, she remained silent. The bigger demon let out a heaving breath before starting to rub his daughter's arm, tenderly. "I'm so sorry I hurt you before." He said, gently. "I just... Well, you..." He struggled to find the words.

Connor still didn't respond, partly out of scorn, and partly out of not knowing what to say. Finally, Edmund spoke, "You shouldn't have come after me, Connor... but I understand why you did... and I understand why you're so disgusted with me."

Connor sat up, attempt to look her father in the face as best she could. "Why...? Why did you sell your soul here...?" She asked.

Edmund stayed silent for a moment before closing his eyes and saying, "Frustration... Lilin came to me in my dreams, and I gave in." He paused a moment before looking at Connor again, "I so wish I could say I was sorry for doing this, but..." He sighed, "Look, I know it's inexcusable, but I made the choice with a clear mind."

Connor could feel herself choking up still, despite not being able to cry, "I don't understand..."

"I wouldn't expect you to. You're young, and none of your ideals have been called into question."

Connor gulped down the lump in her throat, hesitantly bringing up her mother again, "Why wouldn't you want to go with mother?"

Edmund winced, looking away from her. "The one regret I had was not being able to see you and your mother again... But I thought both of you would forget me, in time. I'm not the man that... that your mother married. I'd become jaded, cynical. I didn't feel I could look her in the face. And you, well, I wanted you to forge your own path and make your own choice. I was afraid you'd follow in my footsteps. Ironic, isn't it?"

Connor covered her face with her hands, "I was just trying to help you..."

"I know, and I'm proud of you for it. You're a fool, but you have such a good heart." Edmund said, trying to reassure her. "And I love you for that."

Connor sniffled to herself, crying without tears. She wanted to not forgive him, to hate him, but she couldn't. As furious as she was knowing that, because of him, her life had been destroyed, she couldn't bring herself to blame only him. She hugged him, weakly, crying into his chest. "I-I love you too, Father..." She choked.

He returned her embrace, stroking her hair and her back. "It'll be okay... we can still make this work. We can be happy here." He told her. "I can be here for you, just like before I left."

"I want to go back to how it was before." She sobbed. "I'm so ashamed... I don't want to be a demon-whore..."

"Don't be ashamed, Connor. There's no shame in embracing the pleasure. And now it's pleasure we can share together." He said, smiling. She felt him shift, keeping her in that tight hug but moving her hips and making her straddle him. She whimpered when she felt his massive girth prod at her entrance.

"P-please, don't-" She started, but he shushed her and planted the end of his muzzle against her mouth. His forked tongue slid out of his maw and found her own, pulling her into an awkward and drooling kiss. She moaned loudly as he slowly penetrated her, lifting his hips up to meet her own. Her ragged groan of pleasure continued as he inched his way inside her, agonizingly slowly, until all his massive spire was hidden within his daughter's body. He let her get settled a moment before releasing her tongue.

"Mmmm... Don't be ashamed of the pleasure, Connor. There's so much Daddy can show you." He told her, gently rubbing his nose against hers.

"Ohhh... F-father... this is s-so wrong..." She stammered, trembling.

He lifted her up a little bit and pushed her back down, angling her in a way that made the pleasure even more intense, "What does your body say? It doesn't feel wrong, does it?" He smiled and started slowly pumping in and out of her. Just like before, she was paralyzed with pleasure, barely able to even keep up the breath needed to moan. Once again he pushed his maw to hers, delivering another passionate, sloppy kiss.

As he pushed in and out of her tight passage he started speeding up, and despite herself, Connor started falling into rhythm alongside him. His massive cock was able to grind and press against all the perfect places inside her overly-sensitive body, making her spasm and cry out beyond her control. "How does it feel?" He grunted, reaching down to grab her shapely ass.

She moaned loudly, her tongue hanging out the side of her wide mouth. "I-it feels so go-ood!" She cried, unable to help herself. She cried out, climaxing on her father's cock a second time. He was going to keep going, and knew all the ways to drag out her orgasm as long as possible. She just kept moaning and screaming in ecstasy.

As the fucking got rougher, so too did her treatment. He started slapping her ass with her massive hand, shooting stinging pain strait up her spine and making her yelp in pleasure and pain. He smiled at her reaction and did it again, realizing that she had been developing masochism as most demons tended to do. Again and again he spanked her, hard, making the poor confused succubus climax a second time.

She felt him turn her around and force her onto her knees, all the while not letting his cock slip from her body. He pulled her wrists up and hooked them to a clasp on the end of the bed, keeping her in place while he repositioned his hands to grab hold of her waist for better leverage. He slammed her back and forth, causing her breasts to swing wildly as he increased the viciousness of his rutting. He roared and slammed his hips against hers one more time before letting loose a wave of semen, once again over-filling her womb to ludicrous levels. She climaxed yet again as she felt her womb inflating with his cum, sending the most wonderful ripples of pain across her body.

He panted and groaned, reaching up to unhook her cuffs and pulling her back onto his lap, still plugging her cunt with his still-hard cock. He groped at her full belly, using his other hand to press her back against his chest. "And I meant everything I said... I'm glad to have you here, Connor. To love, to fuck, to be with. Maybe even start a new family for us both."

She just whimpered softly and put her hand on his, too out of breath to even speak at the moment. When she did muster up the strength, she said, "F-father..."

"Call me Daddy, please." He interrupted.

"... D-Daddy... I-I feel so confused... I-it feels so good but... but I..."

"You'll learn to accept it, and then to love it. I promise." He said, licking the side of her face.

"But you taught me everything I knew as a... as a knight... I aspired to be the best... to make you proud... How can I live with myself now...?"

"Oh, Connor... I'll always be proud of you. I swear. Be it as a knight, or as a succubus, you'll always be my child, and I'll always be proud of you. And I'll do my best to make you happy. As a father... and as a lover." He said, reaching up to squeeze at her breasts. She groaned softly and whimpered again, still obviously confused. "You just have to do your best, Connor. Now please, be my Camille. Be daddy's little whore."

"A-and you'll still l-love me...? Be proud of me..?" She asked. "B-be here for me...?"

"Yes, of course. I'll be here for you, just like before. We can start over here. I taught you to grasp a sword, now I'll teach you to stroke a cock. I taught you to ride a horse, now I'll teach you how to fuck a demon. We can be happy here together, Camille."

"I-I want to make you happy, Daddy..." She said, deliriously. "But... but I want to do the right thing... I just don't know what it is anymore..."

"Right and wrong don't mean much down here." He said, rubbing her over-fully tummy still.

"I d-don't want us to be s-slaves to evil..." She rested against his chest, exhausted. "D-don't want to be s-slaves to... to her..."

From the doorway, a familiar voice called out, "And what's wrong with that?"

"Mistress Lilin!" Edmund cried, startled and wondering how much of the conversation she had picked up on. He pulled Connor off him and set her down, letting a huge flood of demon seed come gushing out of her well-used cunt. She groaned lightly as she emptied out, shuddering, intoxicated by the scent.

"Get her on her knees." Lilin said, pleasantly but impatiently. The big demon picked his little girl up and carried her to their mistress, setting her down on her knees before her.

Lilin gestured and a demon scampered in, clutching a large bundle of cloth. It dropped it in front of Connor before retreating behind its owner, clearly not fond of whatever contents were inside it. "Open it, sweety." Lilin commanded. Connor reached over to pull the cloth from the object, still dazed, when suddenly an aura so brilliant and painful shot into her brain she staggered backwards. She had hardly enough time to register what happened, and without eyes couldn't even tell what was emitting such a painful sensation. But, eventually, the glow died down, and she could 'see' the object that burned her so. Her old sword.

"That's..." She choked, reaching for it.

"The blade of a holy warrior, bound to your very soul." Lilin confirmed, smugly. "Go on, pick it up."

Connor shakily reached for the handle, but when her fingers touched it the steel burned her flesh more than any fire ever could. She shrieked, recoiling in pain. "But...! But why..!?"

Lilin brushed some of Connor's hair out of her face, gently. "Oh, sweety. Don't you understand? The light has shunned you. You are a creature of the darkness, now. The very magic that smites what you call evil... it now smites you as well."

"No..." Connor seized up, clutching her head in her hands.

"You're a succubus now, dear. A creature that feeds off the life of others. Instead of a slave to the light, you are a slave to me now."

"B-but I've d-done so much good..! I've a-always fought for the b-better of everything!" She protested, despair welling up inside. Edmund just looked on, not wanting to interrupt one of his mistress's lessons.

Lilin shook her head, "The light wants nothing to do with you now, little whore. It has turned its back on you, just as it did your father. So why cling to such a fickle love, when the love of your father, and your mistress, are open for you?"

"I-I don't want to be a s-slave to evil..." Connor stammered, hugging herself.

"Need I remind you that it was an act of mercy that you are what you have become now? I could've cast you off as with so many others." Lilin warned, ominously.

Edmund started, "Mistress, please-"

"Hush. Camille, this war is over for you. You've been claimed by the dark that you so fought, and now it's offering you a better place. A place with your family. Pleasures you've never even imagined."

Connor stopped trembling, thinking on Lilin's words. Was this truly an act of mercy? Or was it this monster luring good hearts and twisting them to her own ends? The pleasure was undeniable. Even then, Connor's body lusted for more cock, especially the one of her father. There was so many more things they could do together. But the body was just flesh, and her flesh was no longer her own.

She clasped her hands around her head, confused, conflicted. She heard her father's voice, "Connor..." But before he could finish, a rush of memories came back to her. Her father's teachings, his lectures, everything she learned to stand up against evil. In her mind, Edmund's words echoed, "Evil may take pleasing shapes, and may tempt you off the path. A righteous heart is one that resists those temptations and is willing to fight evil even in the most pleasing of guises."

A burning sensation shot up her arm. A flash of light filled her new senses. A shrill scream filled her ears. She didn't even know what happened. She heard the sound of metal falling against stone, and felt her father's massive arms restraining her body. She looked up at her mistress, and saw her nursing a deep wound on her side and a gash on her wing, delivered by a single swift stroke of a blade.

"Mistress, are you alright!?" Edmund cried, the shock heavy in his voice.

"Argh... nothing that won't heal..." She growled through clenched teeth.

Edmund spun Connor around and gripped her hard by the shoulders, "What have you done!?"

Connor flexed her hand, feeling the horrible burn left by the handle of the sword. She felt her heart racing. It took her a moment to even realize that she had attacked Lilin. It was as if the last of her knightly valor surged up on one final, failed attempt to strike her down. But Lilin remained standing, and obviously very angry. "Oh Gods... I'm so sorry..." She said to Edmund, starting to panic.

"She's got a lot of spark in her, that's for sure. She identified with all that holy garbage much stronger than you did, Edmund." Lilin said, trying to remain pleasant, but the barely-contained rage behind her visage was easily seen.

Edmund hugged Connor to his chest, as if trying to protect them both from each other. "Mistress, I'll punish her. Please, I can teach her to behave." He said, somewhat desperately.

Lilin shook her head and wagged her finger, "No, it's clear she doesn't appreciate how wonderful and merciful her position is. Maybe some time in the Pit might help her see it."

Connor felt her father tense up, "No, please, she doesn't need to go through that."

Lilin giggled but then winced at the deep wound in her side. "Oh Ed, you'll get your favorite fuck toy back, don't worry. She just needs to be educated. After a year or two, when she's more willing to be a good girl, you'll have your lovely daughter back. Now, take her. And someone take that cursed thing away from me!"

Edmund didn't move at first, but then, grudgingly, started dragging his still-stunned daughter down the stairs. A demon wrapped up the unprotected holy blade once more and followed close behind the other two. "You fucking idiot..." Edmund grumbled, angrily. "You keep hurling yourself headlong into further torment, you stupid bitch..."

"D-daddy, I'm sorry..." Connor whimpered, still horribly confused.

"I'll see if I can't convince Lilin to let you go early..." He stopped short once they had reached the center of the throne room, the same one she had experienced her transformation. "I'll be here for you when you get back, Camille. I love you so much, and stay strong for Daddy, okay?"

Connor nodded sadly before she heard the sound of shifting stone, followed by a cacophony of moans and screams. She tried to reach up to block her ears, but her father's grip wouldn't let her. She could sense a myriad of hands and tentacles spring up from the hole that opened in the floor. She felt Edmund kiss her one last time as she felt them grab at her ankles and legs, making her scream. As soon as Edmund's grip relaxed, she was dragged in with them, and even her newfound senses failed her.

Connor was deafened by the screams and moans of the shades surrounding her, and the howling gale of the windstorm raging through whatever structure she was dragged into. Blind and deaf, and held aloft by the limbs that captured her, she had no sense of direction or space, and no idea what her surroundings were. She could only barely feel the wind on her skin as more limbs and tentacles ensnared her vulnerable body. Immediately some sort of wriggling appendage shot into her anus, followed by two more into her exposed cunt. The tentacles and hands twisted her body and spread her legs painfully as they restrained her, keeping her from pulling away from the intrusions.

Immediately she cried out in agony as the tendrils started working both her holes, but even that was cut short by another fat tentacle jamming its way down her throat. Soon all three of her holes were being stretched far beyond their normal capacity, but her resilient demonic flesh refused to give out. She gurgled and cried, feeling more flesh wrap around both her breasts, squeezing them painfully while something started suckling greedily at her lactating nipples.

Some of the cock-like insertions into her body were barbed, while others were wonderfully smooth. It didn't take her long to realize, however, that unlike the pleasurable attention of the demons above her, these existed to torment her in her lust. No matter how much they plowed into her, no matter how much they made her moan, and hurt, and squirm, they would not bring her over the edge. Instead, they left her teetering, ever-so-close to orgasm. The horrors and pain of the brutal raping was only made worse by the denial of her release.

And so it went on, and on, and on. Time became meaningless under the onslaught of tormenting cocks. It seemed that the tentacles did indeed have a limit as they spent their seed and retreated from her body, but it was no relief as each one was immediately replaced. She couldn't understand what was keeping her from climaxing, but eventually she felt the awful pleasure of her body simmer into a dull ache and a torrent of frustration. It was a sensation far worse than the pain she had become accustomed to, and one she could not come to grips with.

To her, it felt like days had gone by, and her body had become nothing but pure misery. Yanked this way and that, it felt that whatever creatures were using her were twisting her body into pretzels as they used her. She felt like she was drowning in their pungent semen, which only made her insatiable lust grow more. Her mind was reeling inside her skull, trying to make sense of her situation and resolve the conflicted feelings towards those who condemned her to it.

She wanted to just give up, shut down, wait for her punishment to finally end. But there was no end in sight. She felt her heart jump when she suddenly felt an odd sensation, like someone calling out to her. It was like a tugging on her very soul, as if asking permission to intervene. Her mind immediately grasped at the feeling with all it could, hoping that, somehow, it would help. In an instant, her senses were mercifully dulled as she felt a strange sense of movement and emptiness, as though she were falling. It was soon followed by the feel of a cold, stone floor and a rush of cold air. Finally freed of whatever effect was keeping her restrained, she screamed in orgasm, climaxing hard. She could feel the rush of demon-seed gush out of every orifice.

Panting, coughing, and crying, she lay there on the stone as her sightless senses began to retune themselves. It was then she realized she was surrounded by figures with weapons pointing straight at her. She gasped and froze, frightened.

"It didn't work!" She heard a voice spit.

"It should have worked just fine. If there's a problem it was with the reagents YOU collected!" Another spat.

"I found what you asked for, yes!? I got hairs, I got belongings, everything you need!"

Connor felt her heart lift once she realized the booming voice's owner. "T-Travish!?" She asked, sitting up. She immediately recoiled as they brandished their weapons at her.

"Quiet demon! What have you done with Connor!? Where is our friend!? We summon him but only get YOU!" Travish boomed, pointing an axe dangerously close to her face.

Connor looked at them as their faces came into focus for her blind-sight, and she started sobbing. The three adventurers gave each other dubious glances before looking at the pitiful demon again. "My father..." She choked, "H-he sold his soul... h-he went v-voluntarily."

"Oh Gods..." Erron dropped his knife, his face going pale.

Travish bared his teeth. "What!? This whore!? CONNOR!?" He screamed. He knelt down and seized the demon by the throat, making her squeak. "I never believe that!"

"Oi, Travish. Look." Gerard, who had put his arrow aside, pointed. Connor's holy sword lay within the circle with her. Connor felt Travish's hand let go of her.

"His... his sword?" The mountain-man asked, still angry.

"Travish, that sword is part of Connor's being. It wouldn't have appeared unless... unless it's her." Erron said, sounding nauseous.

"Th-they made me a monster..." Connor sobbed, clutching her head in her hands. "A-a monster..."

Travish knelt down, looking at the sword a moment before looking back to her. "Oh no... my friend..." He reached into his bag and pulled a cloak from it, wrapping it around the filthy demon, who only shuddered and shook still. She felt him put an arm around her, trying to comfort her now.

After a few moments, Connor finally got the strength to speak once more. "H... h-how long was I gone...?" She asked.

"About four days." Gerard stated, flatly.

"You were missing for one day, and then Erron got good idea to try summoning you back to us." Travish confirmed. "It took us a little while to collect what we needed though..."

"... Th-thank you, guys..." She said, miserably. "I... I don't know what to do now... I can't go back... Please don't make me go back...!" She begged.

"No! You are staying right here with us!" Travish stated, insisting.

Erron shook his head, "If that summoning magic fails... She's going right back." Erron stated.

"Then keep it strong!" Travish yelled.

Gerard shook his head, "Hold on. How do we even know she's on the level? What if they let her go like this so that she'd corrupt us too?"

Erron thought for a moment before nodding, "That's true... there's no telling how much they changed him mentally."

"Oh no, please, don't send me back!" Connor begged. Travish wrapped an arm around her, defensively.

"But if they haven't changed his soul, then what!? We leave him to suffer!?" Travish asked.

The three began arguing, loudly. Connor covered her head and trembled, terrified of going back to that awful place, and of what her Mistress would do if she knew she'd been summoned.

"Enough!" Erron stopped everyone. "As her summoner, she is bound to me anyhow. I say we just keep an eye on her, and assume that Connor is still Connor inside that... thing."

Travish and Connor both breathed a sigh of relief. "Come, friend, we get you cleaned up, yes?" He asked, picking her right up.

"We'll meet you back at camp then." Gerard said, obviously not too pleased about the situation.

Travish carried her outside, where her new senses were assaulted by the amount of life surrounding the cavern. She clung to him, tensing up until the sensory overload faded. She felt him kneel down and set her in a nearby stream before he started to rinse the grime off her and the cloak.

"T-Travish...?" She asked, "What do I do now...? How c-can I live as this... as this thing..? Wh-what if they come back for me?" She asked.

Travish just put a shoulder on hers. "I know you are strong, friend. Any weaker man would be a hollow husk now. But not you. You just find what you need to do. I will help you."

Connor stayed silent for a moment before nodding, making Travish smile. "We will take one day at a time, yes?" With that he helped dry her off and carried her once more. "It is getting late. I'm sure you are tired." Connor nodded. Now that he mentioned it, for the first time in four days she felt drowsy.

He set her down and prepared a bedroll for her, laying her in it and tucking her in. She could feel the familiar sensation and smell of a nearby campfire.

"We'll figure out what else to do tomorrow, okay? Just please, please Connor, don't make me regret this." She heard Erron say.

Connor just replied, weakly, "Thank you..." Before she started dozing off, feeling safe for the first time in what seemed like ages.