Alex Vs Trevor

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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My first story from another site, I hope you enjoy.

Alex vs. Trevor

The sounds of the crowd filled the air as the two opponents circled one another, only to be broken up at the clang of the bell. The two backed up and headed to their respective corners. "Alex..." the large dalmatian's manager stepped up into the ring pulling a stool up with him for the canine to sit on. "Why do you insist on dragging these things out?" Alex turned his attention to the small fennec fox "Because I like to see what these half pint boxers got before I knock them out." He leaned in putting a gloved paw on the fennec's shoulder for support. "It's not like you have anywhere to be anyway, Trevor." He started to put pressure on Trevor's shoulder to hold him still. "Now sit in your little corner and enjoy." He said growling lightly. Trevor held back the urge to yelp at the pain as the dalmatian stood up. Trevor stepped out of the ring taking the stool with him.

Alex stepped in close to his opponent as the bell rang out. The stallion let into him with a few quick punches, the sound of the impacts and grunts from the stallion filled the air. Slowing to a stop he brought his arm back and delivered a strong punch to the dalmatian's chest. The roar of the crowd went dead silent as they watched, waiting for the outcome. Alex backed up holding his chest as if he is about to faint, then with a smirk he stood back up. "Is that it?" he asked before knocking the horse's guarding hand away and dealt a direct shot to the equine's stomach. The sound of cracking bones accompanied by the thud of the stallion's body into the mat signaled the end of the match. "So, how was that Trev!?" he asks turning back to see his manager's chair vacant. The stallion's manager, a large bear, paces over in his corner fuming at the loss.

Trevor sighed as he took a seat in the arena's bar. "One of whatever is the cheapest." The barkeep looks over the small fennec with a puzzled look on his face. "Oh right, my height..." Trevor tosses his ID across the table. "Well it's not the age thing bub. Aren't you the manager of-"he is cut off by a dismissive gesture by the fennec fox. "Yes I work with Alex now the drink please." The barkeep nods "Well isn't your boy up there now?" Trevor puts a paw to his head to hold it up. "Listen I've heard this before... Yes I should be out there to root for him but he can handle himself, besides." A loud thud could be heard before the roar of the crowd. "He just won." The barkeep narrows his eyes. "How do you know he won eh? That stallion knows how to fight perhaps he won?" Trevor sighs and waits a moment before taking a sip from the beer he had ordered. "Listen if Alex lost I'll buy everyone here a drink." He says with a smirk. The barkeep turns on the bar's T.V. in time to see the match's final moments shown in full detail on the screen. "There is your proof." Trevor said with a chuckle before starting to down the beer.

Trevor stayed past the fight and the crowd, relaxing at the bar well into the night. "Hey buddy I know you like the place but you really need to get going. We're closing now." The bartender said, Trevor nods and slips from the chair, wobbling an feeling disoriented as he made his way to the door. Then out into the cold air of the night. He slowly started to make his way back to the apartment that Alex an him shared.

The fennec fox pulled out the key card and waited a moment before sliding it through the mechanism and stepping inside the apartment. He sighed as he shut the door, only then did he hear the muffled yells and groans from the bed. Trevor looked up in time to see the stallion's feet disappearing into Alex's muzzle. "What the hell! Spit him out now!" He dashes over half drunk only to feel Alex's paws grab hold of his body and pull him hard against the bed, before yanking him up and into it. "Let go of me you jackass!" Trevor yells before Alex's taut yet rounded belly presses against him holding him there as the sounds from inside fill his ears. "Damn it Alex!" he started to flail, soon just giving up unable to win against Alex's weight and strength. "It's survival of the fittest and he lost to me, so I took my prize." Alex said with a smirk before rolling his belly hard against Trevor's back. "Although, I could always squeeze in a noisy manager if they don't like it." Alex said while licking over Trevor's right ear. The fennec fox closed his eyes and gripped the bed tight, starting to shake out of fear and anger. "You can't eat me! You need me!" Trevor growled before Alex griped his shoulder and turned the fox over to face him. "Then be a good boy and set up the matches and forget the rest. Now where is the next match and when?" Alex said trying to stay calm; Trevor looked up trying to avoid looking at the still squirming belly. "I don't know." Alex growled and gripped the back of Trevor's head. "What do you mean you don't know!?" His tone had shifted to a deep, serious growl. "You qualify for the world circuit. I had planned to let you go with another manager."

Alex grinned and leaned his head down, his mouth only an inch away from Trevor's snout. "You'd better think differently on that and set me up a match before I get hungry again. If I've got to be ready for a new manager, I'm eating all the meat I can get my hands on." He said before wrapping his mouth around Trevor's muzzle watching in amusement as the fennec started to panic. With a tap on the fox's side and the release of Trevor's muzzle, Alex rolled onto his side rubbing his belly. Trevor took off, dashing into the bathroom and shutting the door. "Just stick with me Trev, please." Alex said in hushed tones as he watched the fox disappear. Alex sprawled out on the bed, the sloshing and gurgling from his belly had stopped. He began to massage over his gut, trying to help break apart the meal.

Alex watched the door to the bathroom one paw holding his head up. He grinned lightly as he started to feel the horse's broken down body start to work its way through him. "Mmmm hurry up in there, unless you care to watch." He groaned a bit and shifted about as he started to squeeze with his abdominal muscles hearing the exposed bone bend and grind inside his gut. It was nearly an hour later before a tear streaked Trevor finally stepped from the bathroom. The fennec yelped in surprise as the Dalmatian leapt from the bed and closed the distance quickly only to step past and into the restroom. "I hope they cause problems coming out of you." He said to himself before making his way over to his bed and laid down, flipping his cell phone open and shut slowly. Moments later he began to feel lethargic; he dropped his phone onto the bed side table before closing his eyes for what felt like only a few short minutes. The fox opened his eyes when he felt the bed shift, the light was off. He was surprised to feel the strong arms of the canine wrap tight around him before he was pulled gently to the dalmatian's muscular chest. He blushed slightly wishing the canine was actually that sweet all the time before closing his eyes again to sleep.

Alex woke to the sound of splintering wood. His eyes open just in time to see the door bust down. Two muffled shots ring out before the dalmation let out a sigh as he felt something thin pierce his flesh. As he tried to stand up all the strength he had seemed to vanish, his eye lids felt heavy and soon the world faded to black.

The next sensation he remembered is feeling like he was being driven around in something, the seat he was in shook and every so often a bump would jostle him up into the air a little. As his eyes begin to focus and he looks around the dark space, he could feel hefty paws on his shoulders keeping him seated while a thick length of chain held his arms and legs immobile. "Where am I?" he asked before feeling a light pinch on his neck, the sensation was followed by blurred vision before the world slipped completely into darkness again.

"Hey boy, wake up!" Alex blinked a bit at the odd voice, as he came to he noticed a bright light shining down on him illuminating the grey concrete floor beneath him and the outline of a figure standing before him. "Wha... where am I?"Alex asked. The figure stepped back the large grizzly bear coming into view under the light. "I'm Brutus and this is a warehouse." He grinned and ruffled his button up shirt a bit. "Why, did you bring me here?" Alex asked. "Well to get you to work for me boy. You're the number one in your circuit and I think you have what it takes to reach the top." Brutus said, chuckling a bit.

"But I'm with Trevor and that's how it's gonna-"he is cut off by Brutus waving a paw dismissively. "Oh we figured you wouldn't leave him. So we worked out a solution." Brutus steps to the side to reveal the fennec tied up to a chair and gagged similar to how Alex was. "Let us go! You have no right-" Brutus smiles "Oh I've got plenty of rights on this... as I recall you helped yourself to a stallion last night did you not?" Alex went silent his paws clenching into fists behind him in the chair. "We just need you to work off a bit of the cost for us. Now let's make sure you know who your manager is." At that two paws grip Alex's maw and pull it open. Another figure steps forward untying and lifting the fennec up the vulpine still knocked out.

Alex began to panic his entire body shaking as he watches as the fennec's unconscious form was brought over, he flexed a bit trying to get away when he first felt the small fuzzy muzzle press against his tongue. He clenched his throat muscles attempting to deny entry but, the firm grip holding his maw and strong paws of the figure holding the fox soon force the fennec's head down into his throat. "That's it eat him all up... then you two can be together forever." Brutus says as Alex unintentionally gulps pulling the fennec down his throat as tears streamed down his face. Brutus chuckled before stepping away from the scene after feeling his phone vibrate.

"How are you doing Brutus? Is he all signed up for ya yet?" Trevor asks while lays back in a poolside chair. "I thought I told you not to call while I was working on that... but yes they've got the fennec thing half way down his throat." The bear says while slipping into a small office room. "What fennec thing?" Trevor asked. Brutus chuckled. "I wanted a bit of payback for my prize boxer being eaten. So me and my boys whipped up a doll to look and feel just like you. They are feeding it to him right now, no worries though it's made to be digested safely." Trevor sighs "Well as long as he's out of my fur I don't really care." Trevor closed his eyes for a bit still holding the phone. "So how is the hotel we hooked you up with huh?" Brutus asked.

"The place deserves the five star rating." a loud bellow could be heard from the phone "Oh did the small fennec doll you had, finally break down in him?" Trevor asked. "Yeah it did-" before the grizzly could continue there is a loud snap of metal. "What the hell?" Brutus said before taking a peek and then gets back to his phone. "What the hell! He just snapped the metal bonds!" Brutus yelled into the phone. Trevor trembled a bit. "I told you guys not to skimp on the restraints..." A few loud yells could be heard before going silent, followed by the sound of a door being slammed against. "Listen Trevor is alive I've got him on the-"Trevor snapped the phone shut leaving Brutus to handle the dalmatian.

Trevor took a few long looks around the pool enjoying the light blue glow of the lights. He then felt a paw come to rest on his shoulder, it belonged to the lifeguard. Trevor smiled as he looked up to the lion. "We need to close up the pool for now; you should head back to your room." Trevor nodded before motioning for the lion to get closer. "Could I get you to do me a favor?" The lion hesitantly nodded. Trevor held up a roll of money. "I want you to turn about and ignore what I do for a few moments alright?" The lion looked to the money then back to the fennec before turning around to start counting the cash. "Only for a few- ah!" before he could finish his sentence Trevor had pulled his shorts and underwear down and slid the still vibrating cell phone up between the lion's cheeks an right into the feline's pucker. "Alright all done... just make sure it flushes when you drop it off." He said with a smirk as he walks past, the lion looking a bit frazzled. Trevor sighed in relief before heading to his room to sleep for the night.

Trevor woke to the sound of the phone in the room ringing. "Uh I didn't ask for a wakeup call." He said into the receiver before the voice on the other end spoke up. "You have a guest heading up to visit." The fennec fox blinked a few times. "Who is it?" he asked curiously. "He said his name is Alex. He just took off headed for your room sir." Trevor yelped and put the phone down and quickly gathered his backpack of stuff he had from when Brutus brought him there. "Shit..." He looked for an exit that wouldn't force him to try and pass by the dalmatian on his way up. He gulped and started to tie together the bed sheets an blankets.

After tying his makeshift rope to the railing from his apartment window he tosses the rest down. Taking a deep breath he slips over the top of the rail and began to climb down, the end of the 'rope' stopping far from the ground. He started to panic when he heard the pounding on the door to his room and picked up the pace. When he gets to the end of the rope he looks about for the next option when his feet brush the top of a palm tree. "Oh thank go-"as he got ready to let go he suddenly felt himself be yanked upwards now too far from the tree to safely jump to it.

"Damn it..." he looked up his body shaking as he watched the dalmatian pull him up, he knew what awaited him at the top if he was caught but his paws wouldn't let go of the rope. "Please, let go... "He pleaded to himself as he was pulled towards Alex. The fennec's heart started to race as he got close enough to see the dalmatian's face. As Alex's paw reached down to grab hold of Trevor's own, the fennec couldn't take it anymore and let go. He felt gravity take hold of him for a brief moment before Alex's tight grip secured his wrist. "I've got you Trev!"

Trevor closed his eyes in fear as he was heft up an over the railing, he was sure of his fate. He kept his eyes closed prepared to be shoved into the canine's maw at any moment. Minutes pass in silence the fennec only hearing Alex's deep breathing and his own heart beat. A moment later he feels something wet splat against the bridge of his nose. He slowly opens his eyes to see two trails of tears flowing down the dalmatian's muzzle. "Wha-"he is silenced when he feels the dalmatian squeeze him tight. "Trevor... I thought you were dead. I thought that was you inside of me." Alex's arms and chest start to quiver shaking the fennec's body slightly. Trevor started to tremble unsure of what to say.

"You're not gonna eat me?" Trevor asked looking up at the large canine. Alex shakes his head gently pulling the backpack off of the fennec. "Why did you, do that?" Alex asked slowly moving to sit down on the edge of the bed still clutching the fox tight to his chest. "Why? Why would I stay with someone that threatens to eat me day to day huh! Then when I say I want to leave you threaten me again. So I did the only thing I could think of." Alex cringed as he listened to the explanation before resting his head on the fennec's own. "I just wanted you to stay with me; you were my coach, my guide, but then you wanted to leave..."Alex's lips started to quiver. Trevor growled. "Because you started to eat folks!" he pushes back from the thickly muscled chest. ""Survival of the fittest." isn't that what you always said!? But then you eat me, or what you thought was me and had a fit...I-"

Alex put a finger to Trevor's lips. "I'm sorry, I wanted to be stronger and it just came to me to try eating folks like that, more protein to help me get bigger and I thought you'd like me more to be that way." Alex pulls his finger back and before the fennec could speak, gently pressed his lips to the fox's own. Trevor could feel the warm supple lips against his own, as well as the warmth in his cheeks the blush hidden by his fur. After a few moments Trevor pulled back breaking the kiss with Alex.

"I want you to quit doing it. No more eating folks." Alex slowly nods in agreement and squeezes the fennec tight to him. "I'll quit, but you've got to stay as my manager. Please Trevor." A few new tears gently splat against the fennec's head. "I'll stay as your manager. But we are done for a while. I'm going home for a week at least."He said pulling out the plane ticket. "I could book you a trip with me, if you'd like." With a slow nod from Alex, the canine laid back resting the fennec against his chest slowly nodding off with Trevor in his arms.