[21] Kovux Entry #402 - Remnants

Story by Arctacia on SoFurry

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#21 of Arctacia Mythos

Personal log recorded by Kovux.

[Starting Kovux personal log...]

So, there we were, gazing upon what remained of the human home world they called Earth. The surface was mostly black with occasional streaks and blotches of what appeared to be fire and smoke, the only remnants left of what was once probably lush, developed, and interconnected. For a moment, I could feel for the other two, AC and Emily. This was one thing they hoped would not happen. Now, it seemed all that remained of humanity was all on their shoulders. Their colony -has- to survive...

AC had mentioned they left Earth in 2038. Based on how their time system works as well as the method of transport via tachyon beam when they first fled to New Earth, I estimate we arrived at the year 2159 by now. So... yeah, definitely a lot of time has passed for sure.

Before I left on this venture, I gave Jeff Edmund the ability to communicate with us through long range signals both audibly and visually so we could keep in touch and provide updates while out in space. This was definitely a time to patch in and let Jeff know of their old home planet's demise.

[Start audio/visual log 051371122.]

Jeff: Jeff here. Looks like this thing is working just fine. <looks on concerned> Is... everything okay? Kovux: I'll let AC talk to you on that bit. <walks towards the back of the room as AC comes near> Jeff: AC... what's going on? AC: Jeff... I'm afraid Earth is lost to us. At least as far as we can see. Jeff: <glances down quietly for a moment then gives out a heavy sigh> I see... I guess we sort of expected this, didn't we? Emily: <comes walking near AC> It's just a husk now, Jeff... there doesn't appear to be anything left on the surface... Jeff: <looks up and notices Emily> Emily... look at you... Emily: <closed her eyes as she shook her head> It's... I'm sorry, Jeff. It's even worse to see it all in person. <opens her eyes and maintains composure as best she can> All those people... and some of us had family... friends... they're... just all gone. Jeff: Emily... I'm sorry. I wish we could have saved more, I really do. Emily: I know, we did what we could. That could have easily been all of us had things ended up differently. Kovux: Jeff, I figured we arrived at Earth here in the year 2159. It sounded like your war started just before you left in 2038. Given the lack of atmosphere I'm seeing here, there probably isn't any life left on the surface. AC: <looks back at Kovux> What about under the surface? It's possible some may have had the idea to bunker up from the war. <looks back at Jeff> Though, I'm not sure how sound of a system they would have developed for survival in such a situation, especially after all this time. Emily: <opens her eyes wider in realization> The martian colony! We must check Mars too to see if our people have survived there. AC: That's right! We had established a colony there some time before the war erupted. Provided they worked things out, they should still be thriving. Jeff: It's definitely worth checking then. They may have bore witness to the events of the war remotely somehow. Kovux: Where is Mars? AC: It's the fourth planet from Sol. So, next in line from Earth. Kovux: We could head over there now and see if anyone is still around. Jeff: Do it. We need to know what happened and... maybe even welcome more to our ranks. Emily: There's a chance they won't be XE humans though, Jeff. The basis of our colony was based on that. Jeff: I know Emily, but we can't be too choosey right now given the Ralkai threat. We need all the people we can get. Besides, even if they're not XE class, this small a population of people can help paint the rebirth our species needs. Even if we didn't have their help and kept to ourselves, there's no guarantee our own children will carry on our XE framework. It's all about setting examples and making a new start, ultimately. The problem was our species was too divided and grew up with many archaic concepts that it clung to over the centuries. Even though our species came together despite these differences, it would ultimately consume us. We have clearly seen evidence of that today. The hard fact for us as humans to face is, in order to succeed in the future, we need to shed our old traditions and backgrounds, unite under a common cause and belief. It's not our intent to assimilate and make everyone the same, no. We only want to remind everyone that we're all part of the same dust that spawned us eons ago, that we're all bound by the same blood and all live and die the same in the end, that it doesn't matter how rich or poor, how much joy or hate is in your heart, how clear or clouded your mind is to the elements around you. The list goes on, but it all comes down to this: We are all mistakes of creation that have been given the chance of life and to take from that life whatever we desire. And most importantly of all, to keep our line going to make future generations rise above and ascend us to heights that eclipse the primitive elements we grew up and lived by for so long. All of this for the sake of hoping we can actually make the human race something great and truly contribute something to this strange thing we call existence. <looks off in thought for a moment as he paused, then smiled softly as he looked at the others> To actually achieve meaning and happiness.

[The others all looked up from their contemplative state as they glance amongst each other, then smiled as they all looked back at Jeff.]

Emily: Jeff... I'm sorry. I understand. Jeff: It's fine, Emily. If we had more time and better chances, we could have developed an even bigger following of XE humans to ensure a good chance of ascending our species. But, I think we still have a chance, especially with the help of Kovux. Kovux: <smiles and lowers his head a bit bashfully> Ah... thanks. Really, I don't think I can thank you guys enough for allowing me to be a part of... just all of this. I mean, you could have just disregarded me in many ways when we met. You've all helped me feel welcome and... just actually be a part of something. I wasn't sure if I would again. AC: I'm glad we could help you find purpose. We're all in this together now. So... shall we check out the Mars colony? Emily: Absolutely... I just hope the people there are still alive. And... if not... hopefully there will still be something there that could be of use to us. Jeff: I will let you all be on your way. Report to me as soon as you can on the situation. Jeff out.

[The display in the room goes dark and is replaced with various data of the ship and systems.]

Kovux: <starts to walk off towards the cockpit> Alright... I'm going to get us over to Mars. Should be just mere moments. AC: Sure thing.

[End audio/visual log 051371122.]

So, I made our way to Mars, which only took a minute. It's the beauty of having a ship that can travel around space quickly. Once we arrived, I scanned the surface for any structures and life. After a moment, I was able to find what did appear to be a colony of sorts; various domes connected by tubes along with other structures across the surface. I drew us in close until we were near. I then called the others in to have a look.

AC, Klov, and Emily came into the cockpit and looked out the window. Emily then peered over at the science console as she took a closer look. "Let's see... yes, that is definitely ours." She continued to type along, "Now, we just have to find out if anyone is still alive in there."

AC came near and gazed on at the console as well. Both his and Emily's eyes lit up and soon smiled. "Oh good! I'm picking up life still!" Emily exclaimed.

I smiled as well and nodded. "Should we see about trying to contact them?"

"Yes, most definitely." Emily replied. "I'm going to patch in a frequency range that would be typical for them to use and... keep our fingers crossed that they can receive us." She then pushed a button and spoke at the console as soft white static came over the speaker. "Hello, this is Emily Yoshida to human Mars colony. Is anyone there?" Emily waits a moment before trying again. "Repeat, Mars colony, this is Emily from New Earth, come in."

The others idly watched and waited for a response. The white noise gently played on for a good while. Soon, there was a break in it and a woman's voice came in, sounding middle aged. "Emily, this is Natalie Yersha of Mars colony, we read you. Over."

Emily smiled and quickly responded. "Natalie, we are... really pleased to hear you. We have come all the way from New Earth in Alpha Centauri--"

"Alpha Centauri?" Natalie interrupted. "New Earth? Who are you exactly? We thought most, if not all humans on Earth perished."

"Yes, ma'am. We're just realizing that ourselves. I am sorry, there is much to explain."

"I see. But, Alpha Centauri is over 4 light years away. I find it hard to believe anyone could make it that far and survive. And yet, here you are, apparently also having come from there too. I hope you're not some corrupt puppets trying to take us away from this place. We've lived on in peace just fine here, minding our own business."

"No, ma'am. We're not of any government or authority. We're an independent group that fled to New Earth before the war. I know it seems hard to believe, but I think we can show you our words are genuine."

"Oh? And what proof might you have of this?"

I leaned over to chime in myself. "Natalie, you might want to have a look out your northern window."

"Who is this?" Natalie replied.

"Just a friend of Emily and the gang. There's four of us on this ship."

"Ship? Tim, go and take a look out our northern observation window."

The group smiled amongst each other as they wait. Soon, a figure can be seen approaching a large window that faces where their ship is. A man stops in his tracks and can be seem putting his hands to the window in awe, frozen in place as he simply looks on. His voice comes over the intercom as well. "Uhh... Natalie? You might want to come over here and take a look."

Natalie sighs. There is a moment of silence before she begins to reply. "Honestly, Tim. What could be so spectacular about..." You see her join at Tim's side and pauses as she gazes out the window, also taking in the sight of Kovux's ship idly hovering outside.

I waved a little at the two. "Hello down there people. Can we come in now?"

Natalie slowly looks over at Tim as he also looks back in return, giving each other silent affirmation to what they just witnessed. Natalie finally responds, turning her attention back outside, "I suppose a little face-to-face is in order."

I smiled and nodded a little. "Just let us know where we can land. We'll be happy to explain everything."

Moments later we were given clearance to land at a nearby hangar. The large door leading inside closed behind us as the ship touched ground, cutting its engines off. The chamber pressurized and we were given the clear to exit. The four of us walked off the cargo ramp of the ship as it lowered, making out way into the hangar where a couple men were waiting for us. The two looked on with curiosity and intrigue as they spotted Klov and I, obviously having not seen something like that every day. One of them finally gestures to us, finding it hard to break eye contact with the two of us in particular, "Welcome to the Mars colony, folks. If you'll... please follow me."

We all followed along as the men lead us around the colony. There were people around doing either work or recreation, stopping whatever they were doing as they spotted our group walking past. There was some faint whispering among the larger groups as they spoke among one another, no doubt wondering who and what they were seeing. The areas we went through were pretty well laid out and kept simple. Everything had a rather sterile but homely vibe. No doubt there were efforts made to try to make the place seem like Earth, despite the enclosed and artificial environment. We first passed by what appeared to be storage, then engineering, then later past crew quarters.

Finally, we were taken to administration where Natalie was found standing just outside the door, her hands folded behind. The two men stopped and shortly after so did we. They then both parted away and waited off on either side of us. I found myself gazing up at Natalie. She was a middle-aged woman of fair skin with a complexion on her face that gave her a distinct appearance, one that spoke of leadership, but also an underlying compassion. Her gray hair was fairly short ,straight, and kept simple. She wore a clean cut brown jacket with simple black buttons running all down the front, and simple black pants and boots. I perked my ears a bit as she addressed us, "Hello and welcome to the Mars colony. As you recall, I am Natalie Yersha, the administrator of this place." She paused a moment, looking over our group, eyeing Klov and I, just as anyone else we've seen. "No doubt two of you are human, but I am rather curious about the... cat people. Please, introduce yourselves."

"As you saw earlier, I am Emily Yoshida, ma'am. I am the head of our research on New Earth."

AC stepped forward a little and nodded, "I am known as Arctic-Cat, but you may call me AC for short. I am part of the technical department."

"Arctic-Cat?" Natalie inquired. "Do you have a real name?"

AC lowered his gaze slightly before shaking his head and looking back. "No... I've... just always been known as that."

"Interesting. What about you two?" Natalie gazed over at Klov and I with curiosity. "You are both definitely not something I have ever seen before."

"My name is Klov, madam." Klov replied as he lowered his head briefly. "A pleasure to meet you. I am an artificial intelligence unit designed for the purpose of protecting AC and his associates."

"An actual functioning android." Natalie remarked with intrigue. "Very interesting... and impressive, too. I never thought I would live to see such a thing." She then gazed over at me with inquiry. "And you... are you also an android?"

I shook my head softly, "No, the name's Kovux. I'm actually a Ralkai/leonine hybrid, an outcast of the Ralkai Sprawl. I'm basically a patchwork of taking a lion and merging it with Ralkai technology. My 'people', and I use the term loosely, wanted to find ways of making easy labor from primitive creatures. Problem is, they made me a little too smart. Needless to say, I gave them the only finger that mattered and high-tailed it out of there."

AC peered over at me with interest, "Wait, you actually knew to give the finger?"

I looked back at AC and smiled a little, "Well, the gesture was actually different than that for the sake of... you know... 'translation'. But had I known about it then, hell yeah, I would have totally given those assholes both at the same time." I paused as I looked amonst the others who were quietly looking at me either plainly or with some level of amusement. "What? I can drive with my feet."

Natalie blinked and smiled with some effort, "Well... that was... most informative... umm, Kovux was it?" She then sighs and smiles wider, "Oh, but where are my manners?" Natalie exclaimed as she spun around and made her way into the room before calling out for us. "Please, do come on in. I don't want to have us all loitering the hall needlessly."

We looked on at the doorway before slowly making our way inside. Once in the room, I peered around to take in the sight of it. It was fairly large with an equally large and long metal table that sat in the middle. It was a brushed metal of sorts from the texture I could spot from it. Around the table were various black chairs. The walls were a deep blue and had on them a modest collection of pictures of what I could assume were from Earth. Most of them were of nature; showing off plants, landscapes, and bodies of water. The room was lit with simple illuminating squares above. Off to the side near the entrance was a small kitchenette. Natalie had a seat near the end of the table and then glanced over at us. "Feel free to take a seat everyone."

We all took a seat near Natalie and made ourselves comfortable. That's when Emily and AC began to mention the whole story behind who they were, how they left Earth, and where they are now. I later jumped in and explained how I met these humans, where I came from, the Ralkai threat itself, and how important it was to band together and continue to advance as a species if they are to have any chance of survival. During this, Natalie's face turned from the slightly suspicious to the alarmed and convinced. I think she realized we wouldn't go through all this song and dance for no good. Near the end, she leaned onto the table some, grasping at a ceramic mug of tea she had prepared at the midway of the discussion, mulling over all that was said as her eyes stared off at nothing. Finally her gaze fell into the mug itself as she gaze a sigh of realization. "I suppose this will not be easy for anyone. This has been our home for so long. We have 44 people here now. Would there actually be room for everyone at New Earth?"

"Not right away." AC replied. "But we can take on some of them and then quickly expand to allow room for the remainder."

"I see." She smiled a bit at the thought some more. "I have to say, the idea of actually being on an Earth-like planet would be delightful. As you probably know, most of us here have ever set foot on Earth. Our purpose was to live here on the Mars colony. Only our grandparents or great grandparents would have been on Earth before becomming a part of this colony. And your people... they sound wonderful. If your colony is truly as you say, I have hope for humanity. After seeing what they did down there years ago on Earth... I had lost quite a bit of that."

"And that was something else we wanted to ask about, Natalie." Emily interjected. "We were wondering about the details of the war, if you had seen what all happened."

"Oh, we did." Natalie said in reflection, her eyes gazing up at the ceiling. "The last bits of the war ended over 50 years ago. It lasted a long time as we saw reports and transmissions come in from Earth over the course of years. It was just... terrible, Emily. I was in my teens when I witnessed those moments and I'll certainly never forget them." She looked around the table and forced a smile. "Well... anyway, I could provide you with quite a few things that were logged here at the colony of the whole event."

"That would be wonderful." Emily replied. "We'd appreciate anything you can provide. And... I do agree that it was a horrible event. I'm sure we all do." Her expression lit up suddenly. "Oh! We also wanted to go down on the surface to see if anything or... anyone, survived."

"I doubt anyone would still be alive after all that. Most of Earth's atmosphere was destroyed since a lot of the weaponry they used vaporized nature herself. In fact, so extensively, that it could no longer sustain the planet and the life on it." Natalie shook her head in disbelief before raising her head again to look amongst the group for affirmation. "Can you believe that? To have that much power to wipe out your own planet? It's just a shame. It's more than just a shame, it's an absolute tragedy."

AC nodded idly before speaking out. "It is quite terrible. But, we were thinking that possibly there may be bunkers people had retreated to during the war to get away from the mess."

"Suppose that is possible." Natalie considered. "Though, I would exercise caution. While the war may be over, the aftermath of it still echoes all around the planet. There will certainly be hazards abound. Radiation no doubt being a big one."

AC nodded once more. "Understood. Kovux's ship has some impressive sensory to detect such hazards."

Klov leaned forward a bit and folded his hands on the table. "Worse comes to worse, I can enter the more hazardous areas. I am designed to be resistant."

"That is good to know and could be useful." Emily replied before turning to look back at Natalie. "So, we don't wish to suggest your decision to join us on New Earth be an immediate one. You can contact our group with questions and perhaps even see the planet for yourself."

Natalie smiled softly. "I understand and do appreciate that. But how will we contact you?"

"I can modify your communications array to be able to do subspace signaling and set up a channel for New Earth." I explained. "That way, you'll be able to reach us whenever you like. We're actually going to be on an expedition of sorts far away from New Earth. But I did provide blue prints and resources for the others back at home to build another star ship. It'll take some time to complete, but I would imagine by then you'll have a better idea what you want to do and could have them give tours."

"That sounds lovely." Natalie replied. "I can't thank you enough for this opportunity. More so than I think you realize. First, this new potential home sounds wonderful and would give us more room to breath. Second, the fact that our species has endured the way it has and seeing you here now... it has given me hope for our future. And last, though certainly not least, I never thought I would meet an actual alien from across the galaxy." She folded her arms as an amused look came over her face. "I have to say, you certainly have taken to our mannerisms quite well. Appearance aside, you act so much like the rest of us."

I shrugged a little with a soft smile as I leaned back in my chair. "Eh, I'm just a quick learner. Besides, these guys have quickly made me feel welcome. Some time ago, I was running away from my own kind. Now I've been given a chance to observe and fit in with you humans."

"Well, it has been a pleasure to meet you and probably good you weren't the terrible kind of extra terrestrial our old science fiction authors would write so often about." Natalie slowly stood up as her eyes scanned the others. "This has been wonderful to say the least. Thank you so much for... seeking us out and spending time talking with us. I will speak with the people here about all of this to see how they feel."

I nodded as I stood up. "Sure thing. By the way, if you show me to your communications area, I can quickly configure it for the subspace capability."

"Oh! It won't take too long, then?" Natalie asked, gesturing me to follow.

I smiled and followed along. "Not at all. It'll only take just a few minutes."

"Oh, good. Then yes, let's all head over there real quick. I don't want anyone getting lost, afterall."

The group followed close behind as we were met with more of the usual stares of caution and curiosity from people along the way. It wasn't long before we found ourselves in a small dome room with several displays laid about against the walls. The dome ceiling here was transparent and allowed us a good view of the outside sky and surrounding landscape. Natalie showed me the systems and I quickly set to work to get things configured for them. Within a few minutes, things were good to go. I felt this would be a good opportunity for us to check in with Edmond and also test their device to see if my modifications worked. I patched in and set up a call out to New Earth and awaited a response.

[Start audio/visual log 051371333.]

Jeff: This is Jeff. <he paused a moment to look around in confusion as if his own eyes were betraying what he saw> Kovux? Where... Who are... Kovux: It's okay, Jeff. We can easily explain what's going on. Natalie: <stepped forward and looked on at Jeff as she smiled> You must be Mr. Edmond, the others told me about. I am Natalie Yersha, administrator of the Mars colony. It is a pleasure to meet you. Jeff: <slowly smiled in relief> Mars colony... my god... you're still going strong, then. But yes, I am Jeff Edmond, leader of the EOP. Natalie: EOP? Jeff: <noded gently> Yes... it's uh... not really been something that had much meaning in the past. But, I think we're entering a point in our existence now where what it stands for is more relevant. Natalie: <shook her head a little, puzzled> But, what does it stand for? Jeff: <looked down for a moment before raising his head as he slowly smiled> Earth Organization of Planets. Natalie: <smiled a bit> I see... You hoped one day we'd breach beyond our old home and find other planets of our own or... even of others. Jeff: Precisely, Natalie. I can see we're heading that direction now and I'm proud to have been a part of it. AC: <smiled with a nod> I think we all are, Jeff. Jeff: I am glad to hear it. Oh! So... what's the story, then? Obviously, the Mars colony is doing well. Do we know anything more of Earth itself? Emily: It seems our initial impressions were confirmed. But, we've yet to examine the surface more closely for possible bunkers to explore. Jeff: I see. And what of the Mars colony inhabitants? I understand they've been there for some time. But, I have to say, with how things are, it would be nice for them to join us here on New Earth. Natalie: That is something I will be discussing with my people. I understand you have a ship being built so that these four can continue their mission on their own ship. Jeff: That is indeed correct. Looks like we may have a chance to try it out soon after its completion. It should give you plenty of time to discuss this transition and answer any questions you have may. Natalie: We'll definitely let you know, now that Kovux was kind enough to allow this communication path between us. Jeff: <smiled> Good. Well, you four are welcome to explore Earth for those bunkers and see if anyone or any data can be found. After that, feel free to continue your mission. AC: <nodded firmly> Will do, sir. Jeff: Excelent. And Natalie... it's good to see some of our people are still alive after all this time. Natalie: <smiled and nodded> It most certainly is. And believe me, it's good to see you all as well. Jeff: <smiled once more> I hope something can come of it. Well... you all take care. I'll be around if you need me. Jeff out.

[End audio/visual log 051371333.]

And that's when we said our last goodbyes to the Mars colony. At least for now, most likely. We headed back to the ship and made our way into space, but only briefly before speeding over to the old Earth. As we drew close, the blackened ash surface was discomforting a bit. Even though these were not my people, I couldn't help but think of the level of massacre there was and what led to this. I blinked a bit as I refocused and began orbiting around the planet, scanning for any possible underground structures that had any activity. Over the course of time we found quite a few structures, but with no readings of activity or life from them. But after a moment, we did find one. Curious to check it out, we set down the ship nearby. Before heading out, I had everyone suit up and put on protective helmets since Earth's atmosphere was no longer safe. Klov assured us he didn't need one despite having some organic elements to him.

We were ready. I opened the hatch as the chamber we huddled in depressurized to the outside area that greeted us with an eerie silence. It was lifeless. The sky was hazy and almost pitch black. Various fires were barely active from the lack of oxygen remaining. Flows of lava could be seen in the distance and what was still left of buildings, trees, and other forms of contstruction both natural and not so. It was like being in what humans described as hell. We couldn't help but stop a moment to take in the sights. But, we had to keep moving.

I gestured to the others to follow as we walked for a few minutes to the entrance of the bunker we found. The ground here angled downward as it lead us down into the ground a few feet where a large vaulted door was waiting. Klov took a moment to examine the door and then a small panel nearby. "I believe I can open this." He mentioned. With that, he promptly put his hand to the panel. Mere seconds passed before the door unlatched from various places. Then, it slowly open towards us and revealed a lone chamber with another door lit only with a lone dim light above. We all carefully looked inside before making our way into it. Klov once again aided us by interfacing with another panel inside. The door closed behind us and relatched. A sudden loud sound of air rushes in as the chamber pressurized, the other door then unlatched as well and slowly opened inward, revealing a larger room that appeared mostly vacant with a few lights above illuminating it. The room looked metallic in nature and quite ordinary. We slowly made our way inside, flashlights out to help us see better.

"Do you think it's safe to take our helmets off in here?" AC asked.

I shook my head a little. "I mean, it might be, but we don't know what else could be waiting for us--".

Before I could finish my sentence, a red laser shined right at my chest as I heard the cock and mild fumbling of guns in the distance. As I glanced up and shined my flashlight at the source, I saw several rugged looking humans all with their weapons drawn and aimed at us. Needless to say, they did not look too friendly.

"You there! Identify yourselves or die where you stand!" One of the humans shouts out.

"Mason..." Another voice called out. "What the hell are those two?!"

"I don't fucking know." The original voice replied. "But they better fucking talk quick before we blow them to high hell."

"We're sorry, folks." AC replied. "We didn't mean to upset anyone. We're... humans that fled Earth just before the war started back in--"

The apparent leader of the party who 'kindly' greeted us originally cocked his gun, threatening us further. "You expect us to believe that bullshit? That war was over a hundred years ago. How the hell did you open that hatch and who the fuck are those two hairy sacks of shit with you? You know what... fuck this! This is too weird and we're not going to take any chances!" The leader then stepped forward a little and aimed his gun at us as the others followed suit beside him.

The feeling of dread hit me hard as I froze at the aggressive display. I sighed out with hopelessness as I managed to find the will to say a couple last words:

"Well, shit..."

[End Kovux personal log...]