Ch2. Fathers

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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#3 of Pioneer State

Ole Luc and Francis (Bruce's dad) a firefighter, and fellow first responder get together for a bit of commissary on their son's graduation and on a rough day at work. Both find solace with each other, and maybe more than they bargained for. Remember as I always say, this is only the beginning.....

Lucas O'Brien took off his black rimed cop hat, and laid it on the bar. He'd had a really rough day dealing with a pick-pocket, and then a home invasion. This beer was going to taste good.

Not that he indulged really since he'd starting working out again. His Stallion Dex, was pretty adamant that he get out there, and do himself, as well as society some good. He had done so. It had been so hard at first, letting go of Emily, and then embracing who he was inside. Strong, Confident, Able. All these words with capital letters, but in the end, he was still alone. But he had embraced the Old Luc. Hard. He wore the bridle every day. "DAD" emblazoned on the side.

He wore it to remember not only to who he is, but to he owed this all to. To his son, Aden. He had to be strong. Sometimes it was just hard though. He sighed as the light beer was placed in front of him.

He thought back to the few times he had shared a beer with his own father, and the heart-to-heart talks they had. This bar was almost a copy. It was your average neighborhood bar. Concrete floor, old neon signs, the local regulars.

He was not counted in the last.

That didn't mean he didn't have friends who came here.

"Hey! Thought I might find you here old thief catcher...."

The huge bull slapped his hand on Luc's shoulder who bent under the weight a little. Sure Luc was Draft Horse lineage, and was a huge specimen, but Francis was bigger. Bruce's dad towered over Luc, and was a firefighter. The bull smiled down at him.

The two had an awkward relationship. Luc's son was dating his own "Herd Lead / Stallion" Dex. Francis's son was dating Dex's brother, the Bovine Lead. Both of them were painfully aware that their own sons had stations above theirs in each of their herds, and tried not to bring that into their friendship.

They had met at the riots prior to the attack at Bowie High. Luc had protected Francis from a thrown knife by shoving the bull out of the way, and had arrested the human at the time. The two had shared stories about their sons, and were surprised that their sons not only knew each other, but were....

Well, almost professional acquaintances. Was how Luc would put it. Luc found it odd that the big bull held the same name of his one and only male lover....

"Well, for a fire dodger, I would expect you to be where the liquid runs cold anyway...." Luc responded weakly. They tried to barb each other with insults, but this time, both insults sounded strained. Luc smiled a little, his arms still aching from his workout this morning.

Damn that Dex and his routines......I just....well....I'm lonely....The only reason I do this....well...

Luc cut the thought off and took a sip of his beer. It tasted horrid, but it had alcohol and might deaden the feelings inside. His mood was ruining his enjoyment of the beer.

He glanced at the bull.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. We had a four alarm this morning. Five dead, ten injured. Fuck, I hate being a savior for everyone." The bull rumbled, ordering a stronger drink. "Bourbon, neat, three fingers!"

Luc eyed the bull again. Huge, broad, and muscular, with a light layer of fat on him. It was far from grotesque and Luc loved the light layer on his friend. It gave him an almost soft look. As if Luc could just grab him and....

Luc took another drink of beer, almost choking on the watery stuff.

The drink was placed in front of Francis by the gentle looking middle aged woman who gave both a knowing look "When are you two...?"

She asked knowingly. Both huffed at her.

"Not in a million years?"

"Him? He's too scrawny"

The two spoke taking a drink together.


The bourbon slid across my thick bovine tongue as I took the sip, trying to wash away the words of the bartender, and of my own ineptness with the victims of the fire. I could have saved two of them, but I would have sacrificed my own life, and I had a son to raise...alone....

I stole a glance at Luc. He was so strong, so fit, and so brave. All I did was just try to save people from disaster, no where near the act of trying to save someone from harm at anther's hands / paw.

I stared at my drink.

"So? How's Bruce?"

Luc barely looked up from his beer. It was our ritual.

"Oh, Ok. Stubborn, hidebound, and looking at a degree in Mathematics of all things. My son, the dumb bull jock, looking at math. Heh!"

I answered. I was very proud of him. Where his determination stuck was on logic. Mostly we bovines were stuck on physical labor, not my son. No. Football, or no, he was stuck on trying to work things out in his head. Ever since that attack....

I remembered that day, when I had to run into the school, and I saw Dex and Aden, kiss. I froze at the sight. To be so young, to be so free.

When that bartender spoke, she spoke more than the truth.

I found myself sighing.


Francis sighed next to me.

"Something wrong?" I nudged him in the ribs wishing I had a stronger drink like him.

Fuck this. It was a hard day. I don't do this often.

"I'll have what he's having!" I shouted to the human bartender indicating Francis. She just smiled. Francis seemed lost.

The drink was placed before me before Francis could respond.

"Yeah, this just sucks, all of it. Here we are, risking our lives to save people, who don't care most of the time as to who we are, but suddenly in their 'crisis moment' we're important. Who are we important to the rest of our times?"

Frances grunted after finishing, taking a huge sip of his drink, grimacing as he did so.

Luc did the same. He rarely drank bourbon, but well, this night, he felt a need.

God this is strong!

The thought did no good though, the liquor burned all the way down.

"Yeah, well, our kids our done, graduation is over, and they're off to college. Do you think we'll see them often?"

The bull snorted, getting a little moisture on his nose ring.

"Nope" He rumbled. "Fucking figures...."

Luc took a huge swig of his drink at that, as did Francis.

Fuck this....I'm tired....

Luc downed the rest of the drink. Francis followed.

Both shook their heads a bit. Luc let out a whicker of disapproval and Francis just bristled.

"God! How do you DRINK that?"

Luc let out a huge sigh.

"Eh...better than piss I guess...."

Luc nodded. He realized the beer, and the added bourbon was a bit much. He had no head for liquor these days, and was not fit to drive.

Fuck, well, I live only a few blocks away....Francis will have to drive or get a cab....and he's not driving on my watch.

"Francis....I may have more bourbon at home. Care to join me and talk? I F'n hate bars....pres'nt company exlsuded o'course" Luc slurred only a little as the bartender smirked at him.


Was Francis's reply. The bull slipped a little as he stood, but both made their way outside, as Luc called a cab


I tired not to cross my eyes too much, but being drunk did that to me. I'd always try to focus on my own nose. I hated that. For the fifth or so time on the cab ride to Luc's, I forced my eyes apart and focused on the scenery outside.

"Ok here...."

Luc muttered.

We stepped out of the cab, Luc paid, and it drove away. I kept my eyes focused on the walkway as we made our way to the door.

The door opened and I was welcomed by nice neutral colors. Off grey, nice warm golden wood floors, and a smell of home. So different from my own apartment where Bruce and I shared two bedrooms, and the rest together.

I sighed a little. It had been a while since Mary had passed, only five years or so, but enough time. It was ironic that Luc and I were both Bachelors.

Luc guided me to the "Den" which had a huge sofa, and a very large equine sized recliner. I sat down and stared at the pictures on the wall. I could see Aden, and Dex, and of course Luc, and what was probably his late wife Emily.

They looked happy. It brought a bit of a tear to my eye. I held my breath.

Easy ole bull, this isn't going to help, keep it together....


I sighed hugely as I entered the den with the drinks in my hand. Two glasses, three fingers or so of bourbon, ice, and nothing else.

I sat gingerly next to Francis on the couch.

"Fuck, I had two people I had to arrest today. The last one? The pick-pocket? He was in his house, five kids around him crying, and his wife pregnant, a Fox lady. She was about to whelp her pups, and I have to go arrest her husband."

I took a huge sip of the antique bourbon. I'd probably had his bottle since before Emily. It burned going down, but the ice helped to mellow the burn a bit. I vowed to let the ice melt a little next time.

Francis nodded. I kept glancing at him. Tight white dress shirt, brown slacks that clung to his thighs, wide horns of a Texas Longhorn, thick bull muscles under a light layer of fat, and an expression of sadness.

"I know, those five in the fire, I could hear them scream, but I couldn't do anything. Sacrifice myself? Sure, but what about Bruce? Who would he have? Just Dex and Aden, no father, and I might have died trying in vain to save them, no guarantee..."

I nodded.


Luc nodded. I felt relieved at that. "Well at least they have each other Old Bull. At least we don't have to worry about them being alone, I mean, Aden has Dex, and Bruce has John. Funny that..."

I took a long drink of the bourbon almost finishing it. My head was swimming a little, and my eyes kept trying to cross and stare at the ring in my nose. I draped one arm across Luc's broad shoulder and pulled him close.


I felt Francis pull me close and I didn't resist. He'd been a good friend, and I needed the comfort. I sighed a little leaning in.

Suddenly I felt his breath warm on my neck, and his other arm holding me tight.

"I miss Mary, an' I bet you miss Emily."

I nodded, barely registering the light slur in his voice. My own mind was on what I was feeling, not what I was thinking. I felt the thick bovine neck rest against mine. I leaned back into Francis's thick chest, and sighed deeply.

"I do, and I am so glad to have you as a friend."

I felt the light kiss on my neck then. I froze, but didn't protest.

Oh he?

I felt another kiss, near the nape of my neck.

He is!

I could only let my mind go blank at that as I sighed. I hadn't had a touch like this in years.


I felt myself kiss Luc on the neck gently. It was so gentle, I didn't even believe I was doing this, but by the fifth I was emboldened by the sigh he gave. I felt his body relax into me. All of a sudden he turned and was in my face kissing me and cursing me at the same time....

"Fuck....what.....why???......Bruce.......our friend...."

I just returned the kiss. Bovine brains are not meant for deep thoughts, just simple thoughts. Here was someone I was attracted to, who was a friend, and who I wanted to help and needed help from.


I don't remember much after I started kissing him. I just know that my work shirt, and pants were ripped from me. Suddenly I stood panting in the middle of the room naked while Francis just stared. I stood there, my breath heaving in my chest.

Francis had a lightly cocky grin on his face, and was still dressed.

I stared as the bull stood and began to approach. He loomed over me a little. He reached up calmly and undid his shirt buttons with his thick fingers.

"Now, I may have drank bourbon my old friend, but at least I don't tear my clothes off like a teenager."

He took his shirt off and dropped it on the floor. His pecs were firm and bunched, his stomach only had the barest of paunch. He had a white line of fur tht ran up his treasure trail to stop just between the two pecs. I found my crotch getting warm as I found myself lowering. I just could not take my eyes off of him.

"Nor do I just allow another to rip my clothes off."

Francis smiled again, stumbling only a little as he took his pants off, standing before me in his boxers. His legs were thickly muscular, and I caught sight of his tail whipping about behind him.

"And I don't let people see me in my underwear unless I'm going to sleep with them..."

He finished.

His arm was around my waist, I almost screamed when he pulled me close, but then our lips met, and I melted. I kissed him back. All the times we had spent together admitting our professional shortcomings, all the times we had broken down on each others shoulders in the last year, and of course the times we had talked about our ex wives......


Francis leaned into the second kiss I had given him. I was not ashamed. I had wanted this for years. My old friend years ago and I had fooled around, I knew I swung both ways, but I could not deny my friend this night, nor did I want to.

Our lips locked tightly. His thick bovine lips were on mine, and mine were on his. We both fought for supremacy and it was a tie.

I found his boxers on the floor later, but at this point I smelled him. Thick, bovine, in heat, and needy. I could smell myself as well, the same odors, but in equine harmony to his. I groaned a little as his thick teeth found a sensitive spot near the base of my throat.

Suddenly I was on my knees in front of Francis, his thick bovine cock dripping and oozing thickly. I didn't waste time. I had wasted time enough in my life, this was here, and now, and I would take what was due to me.

His cock slid across my tongue easily, his thick sticky pre coating my tongue and sending a shiver down my spine at the taste. I lapped at it as much as I could. I found his huge balls in my hand, each one the size of a large grapefruit. I squeezed each one gently.

I found myself lowering to the floor as Francis lowered himself.


The muzzle on my cock was enchanting. Whatever my old friend was to me, or what would happen next, I would etch this memory and sensation in my brain until the day I died. The gentleness, and the eagerness this male equine took me. He didn't just take me into his mouth, he enveloped me.

I sighed as I lowered myself to the laminate floor. I could smell his equine scent and it was driving me up the wall. He was strong, muscular, and so sexy. His black fur contrasted with my deep brown. His fetlocks dangled over his hands and hooves a little. I so wanted to nip at them. He was very muscular from his time in the gym, and over the last year each time I had seen him, he had gotten just a little bit more muscular. His jet black coat was a little shaggy, but it shines in the light.

In front of me was the largest equine member I had ever seen, and I had seen a lot of porn. Old Luc was packing seriously. I was a little nervous, my earlier bravado now gone, but I had to, I owed him this much.

I gently hefted the huge weighty cock to my nostrils and breathed in his scent, the heady aroma of stallion coated my every breath. I found my bovine tongue meeting the flare of his cock quickly without realizing what I was doing....soon I had that delicious flare in my mouth.

He tasted of everything, and of normal things. Of the wind, the sky, the land, of male, of himself, of everyone. I lost my mind in that moment. I close my eyes, and just sought to bring him into my soul, and his cum into my mouth.


I huffed hugely. Passion drove me, like never before. With Emily, we had mated, had loved, and I had pined her death for years, but this, was different. I needed this bull. Francis. His son the friend of my son. Their mates were brothers. It gave me pause, but I had to do this, no, I wanted and need this for myself more than anything else.

I felt his muzzle on my cock and I whinnied a little letting him know my pleasure. My own tongue and mouth took over then, swirling around his very thick cock, taking him as deep into my throat as I could....feeling and tasting every inch of him.

The grunting was the first sign I was close to getting the bull to cum. I redoubled my efforts as to what I had noted he had enjoyed and focused on making my friend, Francis, cum. I had to, he deserved it, and I wanted to do it so badly for him.

Soon I heard the bull's pants as he continued to suck me, never letting go of my own cock. I felt my own load build. The sound of us could have probably been heard outside easily.


The sounds from the house escalated, soon there was a great deep rumbling cry, almost a lowing, then a piercing equine scream. The two exchanged their loads, both copious, and both frantically trying to swallow the others as quickly and as passionately as possible....then silence.


I opened my eyes a little. They were a little crusty, but I felt warm, and I was huddled against another in the soft bed. I spotted the black fur of the thigh next to me and came fully awake. "Luc..." I whispered to myself. It was enough to awaken the equine I was cuddled with.


"Luc..." I heard. I stirred. The taste of bull was thick on my tongue, and I reveled in the taste, so thick, so warm, and so like....."



I whispered sitting up a little, disentangling myself from the bull next to me in my bed. Memory came back quickly. I shook my head a little, and regretted it from the hangover I had.

Bourbon is only for special occasions and only then a little

I swore to myself. I felt like a 22 year old who had experimented a little too much.

Francis sat up a little, and his eyes locked on mine.

Oh crap....


I sat up, and leaned over, cupping Luc's chin in my hand.

"Thanks." It was all I could manage.

"You're welcome" Came the reply.

I leaned into him and gave him one quick kiss on the lips. He looked at me confusedly for a second as I shook my horns. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Look Luc, I know....well....we did stuff, and we both needed it, but I think we need to think on this....right?"

I quickly found my boxers, and put them on, covering my package quickly before it could betray me more than it had last night.

He equine nodded looking distant.

"Yes." He said softly.

"And we need to think about what this means right?"

I quickly found my shirt and pants on the floor next to the bed, and put them on.

" our sons..."

That stopped me. Cold. I filled with fear. Sure I knew that Bruce was with the human John, and that his Aden was with the human Dex, but this was different. We weren't even the same species.

I snorted a little

"Look Luc, thanks, really, but well...I....."

I froze at the look he gave me


I stood up quickly, I didn't bother with clothes. I gave him a look and strode to him, and cupped his chin in my hand and gave him one sharp, passionate, and quick kiss.


He stared at me dumbly as I gathered up my clothes. I stood up an stared in the closet mirror at the strong stud in front of me, and fingerd the silver work on the bridle of "DAD." I slowly undid the bridle and stared in the mirror.

One tear fell from my eye.