What I Wouldn't Do: Ch. 1

Story by Hi o Meinu on SoFurry

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#1 of What I Wouldn't Do

So this is my first written piece that I've shared with a large group of people, so I'm just looking for feedback on whatever. Story's content, my writing style, whatever. If you guys do end up liking it do please let me know. Also, I just wrote this today, it was kind of spur of the moment, but, yeah. Enjoy!

The warmth was suffocating. The smell was intoxicating. And then reality came crashing down. Cold rushed into Jason's body, the kind that crystallizes the marrow in one's bones. The euphoria began to dissipate, with only shame filling it's ever fleeting place.

Click, click

A bear's meaty fingers snapped in Jason's ear, bringing him to attention.

"Hey slut, I said here's your money."

The 40 something fur that had just brought on this fit was waving his crisp bills in front of Jason's face.

"Look man, I gotta go... unless you wanna let me fuck you again. On the house, maybe." The Polar Bear grinned, beaming with lust.

"I'm sorry sir, I-I need the money..." Said Jason weakly.

"Pffff, whatever, damn whore, probably want some junk money, huh? Fuck kid you're too young for that shit." The stranger threw his money on the cheap brown carpet of the filthy motel room Jason commonly used for his patrons and walked out with a small laugh.

*Jason picked up the green paper; $20 short of his fee. He didn't go after the guy however, he still remembers the first and last time he tried to argue with one of his customers. The payment for the stitches was not worth it. *

Jason sighed, stood up, and went into the hideous bathroom. He turned the shower on full heat and looked into the mirror, which was chipped on the edges and cracked in the middle leading to the lower left corner. The smell of mold was ever apparent. The dim orange light was not very flattering, nor was his tousled and cum-stained fur, but Jason could still see the flashes of scarlet shining through his black and grey fur. His beige head fur with strands of gold here and there was hanging down in front of his eyes with sweat accumulating on the tips. This dramatic contrast between light and dark was one of his least favorite traits about himself, and that's saying something, cause he didn't like much. Too scrawny. Too short. Such large ears and snought. The self criticism goes on. His patrons didn't seem to mind though, which was the most important part he supposed.

His amber eyes lingered a little longer before jumping into the steaming water. Warmth once again filling his body, Jason sighed again, a little more harmonized with his self.

* * *

** Jason looked back at the motel sign one last time while he biked the 7.5 miles to his tiny one room apartment, for he had no more clients today. Although it's a bit of a trip, Jason thought the cheap room was worth the bike ride, and there was no way he would spend the money on a bus or a taxi. Hey, I need the exercise anyway. he would tell himself, though it would usually rain on his journey there and back. The room was made almost free due to the manager's "payment substitute" that usually consisted of bending over a chair for a quicky every now and again. Jason didn't really mind. It was a nice offer and let him save even more money. The fox's stomach growled loudly. He hadn't eaten since the night before and it was already starting to darken outside. Although fasting tended to be a regular part of his life lately, Jason often found himself forgetting to eat anyway. He hoped he still had some ramen, though if he didn't he would either have to go without food for another day or spend some of his spoils, which didn't sit well with him.**

Jason finally reached his apartment. Some kids were playing outside in the nicely cut yard. His home wasn't nearly as sketchy as where he conducted his business, in fact, it was actually in a decent part of town. He used a large, white grin in way of acknowledgement to the little ones, who offered the same. His neighbors knew not of his profession nor his vices. Well that is all but Mr. Horowitz, a self proclaimed know-it-all Rhino who set Jason on his career path, though he was out of town "for business". Lady Horowitz was a nice enough gal, who often gave Jason a plate of leftover casserole, and it was she who greeted him when he walked up the 3 floors to his door.

"Oh Jason dear, another long day at the construction site?"

This is what he told those who asked about his job.

"Yes Ma'am, another hard day indeed."

"Oh well that's just awful hun." She said with an empathetic, soothing voice.

"Well it must be done I guess."

"You're right, but do get some rest will you?"

"Of course Ma'am, thank you."

"Awe, bless your soul, have a nice night."

"And you" he concluded, opening the door and stepping inside.

The first thing he noticed was the scent of fire. Looking to his left he saw a Culpeo that looked like an older, morbid, version of himself, standing over a small flame in the miniscule kitchen.

"What is this?" Jason asked annoyed, walking over to the cake. This sweet was barely big enough for an infant, dressed in brown icing with the words: Happy B-day Jason, written in blue.

"Hello to you, too." Said Jason's father, a little weakly.

"Henry, how could you do that? We don't have the money to waste on this frivolous stuff!"

"It's your 17th Birthday, and you're becoming a man. This is not frivolity."

Jason sighed. What could he do. What's done is done after all. So he picked up a knife and, although it was just enough for one person, cut it into fourths.

"Jason this is your special day. We got this cake for you."

"Doesn't matter, Joey will want some and you know you want some too. Now, where is Joey?"

A little fox with beige and light grey fur came into the room from the bathroom. His eyes light up when he saw his piece on a paper plate.

"Don't eat it all in one bite little guy." Jason laughed when he saw Joseph race toward the delicacy.

"How's my favorite little man? Did you eat today bud?"

Joey shook his head.

Jason glared at his father with utter disapproval, but continued to savor his slice. He hadn't had cake for about a year now, and he was going to enjoy every last bit.

When he was finished with his own slice, Joseph began to eye the fourth piece.

"Sorry Joey, but that is for Mom."

"Jason, you know your Mom can't eat tha-" Henry began before Jason cut him off with a raise of his hand.

"It's the thought that counts, that's what she always tells us."

"But Jaso-"

Jason threw his hand down onto the table. Joseph and his Father jumped.

"If it is special enough to spend Mom's money on, then she deserves to be a part of it, no?"

Henry sighed in defeat. "You're right."

"Thank you. Now, sorry about that big guy, I didn't mean to ruin the awesome time for you. So, why don't you finish my piece?"

Joey looked up at his brother and then down at his cake and giggled. He graciously took it. Jason rubbed the youngest fur's head.

"I'm taking a day off work tomorrow to go see Mom." Jason announced, though it was little concern to his father, who just sits around moping all day. He hasn't had a job for almost 5 months now and mentally shut down and has kept himself from society, so Jason picked up odd jobs to pay the bills. Jason's Mother was diagnosed with latent stage 3B lung cancer about 2 years ago. She was out of work and very weak until 6 months ago, where she then had to be hospitalized with little chance of recovery. Making too little money on his jobs to support the house and utilities and food and everything else, along with the hospital bills the insurance wouldn't pay for any longer, Jason started to use prostitution, as well as the money made from selling the house and furnishings, to pay for their survival. All the money he made went straight to the apartment, bills, food, and his mother.

There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Mom. Jason thought as he settled into bed. Shamefully or not, this gig brought a lot of money into the house. So, in a way, he was indebted to perverted Mr. Horowitz, for this money coming in all started about 2 months ago when...