Strangers in Booth #23

Story by Doc Hauke on SoFurry

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Someone I was watching over on FA was toying around with different reptilian species; he made the "seilius", which remind me a little bit of turtles without shells but with horns. Their creator might have other ideas. Anyway, I wrote this to thank him for some very nice gift art.

Part two is coming.

Snicks nervously rubbed the top of his scaly head, lacing his fingers between the nubs on the back of his scalp. It was a bit premature to call them horns at this stage, but they were still prominent enough to be noticed. He hadn't had time to file the nubs to points in a while, but he didn't count on meeting anyone here who he wanted to impress. The plan was to come in, attend to business, collect his payment and then go.

He watched the attendant behind the desk scribble some notes in a log book and tried to be patient. Coping with the urgent need to get to a nest was making this difficult. The attendant who spoke to him on his last visit had warned him about that, 15 days ago, when his cycle was stimulated and he'd gotten the hormone treatments to boost production. What exactly they were going to do with the eggs after he'd laid them was a bit unclear, but he knew they were duds; he hadn't even tried mating yet. The hormones and drugs were supposed to prevent fertilization from happening, in any case.

"You've been registered," the seiliu behind the counter said, handing him a ticket. "Go through the double doors there, and look for booth 23. You're scheduled for two hours. By that time, the staff will be out of here; just bring your basket to the automated scales. They're easy to figure out; I'm sure there'll be a few other gents in here finishing up too."

"I was told I would be given a four hour block. This is my first time," Snicks said. He winced; standing in place this long was getting difficult. He resisted the urge to crouch here in front of the desk by keeping his legs as close together as he could.

"Like I said, we'll be closing down; nobody will be yanking your tail to get you moving out of there. Take as much time as you want." The attendant checked a clock on the wall, and then turned away from Snicks. "Your reserved time just started, go on in." His posture didn't invite any further comments, so Snicks walked toward the door.

It wasn't like this process hadn't been filled with unpleasant surprises. The first one had been a few days after the second hormone shot, when the size of the clutch became apparent. He couldn't walk anymore: he waddled. The second misunderstanding was just how intense labor pains would be. They came upon him suddenly, nearly squeezing the breath out of him when a contraction came. He had felt as if he were going to start spilling eggs all over the street on the way here. So it shouldn't have caught him off guard that even more could go wrong. Still, if what the attendant said was true, there shouldn't be a problem.

He forgot all of his concerns when he opened the door. Beyond it was a huge room. They were in a sub-basement floor of a mall, and he had a rough idea that the nesting berths would take up some space, but the number of the stalls was amazing. There were probably close to fifty or sixty booths in here, each with a privacy curtain that didn't quite reach the floor and walls that didn't quite reach the ceiling.

That contributed to the most distracting feature of the room: the noise. More than half of the booths seemed occupied by seilius laying their eggs. Snicks suddenly felt quite vulnerable and out of place. He began walking along the booths, checking his ticket again to confirm that he knew where he was going. Loud grunts and moans came from in front and behind him. Under the curtains he could occasionally see feet shuffling about, as the laboring gents tried to get into better positions.

A curtain swung open and a seiliu slightly older than him, with more horn nubs, the mature growth of fuzz patches over his eyes, as well as a finer cut of clothes, stepped out with a basket of eggs. He avoided making eye contact with Snicks and hurried toward the door. Snicks held his egg basket tightly against his chest. There was an especially loud groan of effort right next to him just as they passed each other. The lack of privacy was very disconcerting.

He reached his assigned booth: number 23. There was obviously someone inside it. Snicks could hear his slow, heavy breathing; a series of short grunts, and then a long, straining moan. The thought of sharing a booth even with someone he knew was dreadful. How could he do this with a stranger? He had watched older members of his family laying but that was different: ceremonial, joyful, an event to be celebrated. This was just business. Saying that to himself helped, he found. "It's just business," he repeated out loud.

A contraction hit at that moment. He almost lost his balance, leaning forward and groaning along with the chorus of seilius in their similar predicaments. He needed to get in there, and he wasn't going to let some stumpy-tailed interloper scare him off. It was HIS booth now. After a moment to regain his balance, he staggered toward the curtain and pushed it aside.

Snicks almost forgot where he was when he took in the sight of a much bigger, older gent sprawled out on his back, legs spread, cloacal vent opening wider and wider around a crowning eggshell. "Wha...who're ....nnngrrreeeeou" the laboring occupant grunted.

His horns were not short; his tail was stubby, but honestly, most guys' tails were. Thick banded scales covered his belly; he was completely nude. Snicks spotted his clothes, which were folded up near an empty egg basket.

There were eggs all around this older fellow's feet..big ones. Snicks felt a bit queasy; he'd seen eggs before but suddenly the idea of laying them felt impossible. He sometimes had trouble imagining how accommodating another seiliu's phallus into his cloacal vent could feel natural. How could giant eggs like these fit?

The other fellow winced as his egg withdrew back into his body. "Damn it," he hissed. "Been working on that one for a while." The surprise at the younger seiliu's entrance had spooked him, breaking his concentration and his progress: the egg hadn't reached the widest point, and its shape worked against laying it until that point was passed. He looked up at Snicks and repeated his question. "Who're you?"

"I'm 3 PM," Snicks said as he held up his ticket. "You're in my spot."

"Is it that late already? Sorry kid. I've only got two more to go, I'm thinking." He moved a little to the side. "You can get started, I'm sure I'll be out of your nest shortly." He gave Snicks a closer look. "Kinda young to be here, aren't you?"

Snicks felt stupid standing there doing nothing; he began removing his clothes. "Kinda."

The older seiliu grunted as his cloacal vent opened; part of his cock showed. "Well, welcome to the party! I'm Gilese." He laughed and patted his organ back inside. "No time for that, back you go. Get out of that egg's way," he murmured to it, almost consolingly, as he snuck another look at Snicks.

Despite the circumstances, Snicks felt a little flattered. He had only recently been able to solicit that sort of reaction in older fellows. Normally, a guy of Gilese's age would be siring eggs, not laying duds here to raise money. He must have fallen on hard times, or had some other story behind ending up here.

The feeling of pleasure at being admired and desired turned into a feeling of embarrassment that this, this middle-aged seiliu, was the best he could do. But his gut reminded him that now wasn't the time to worry about his ability to attract good stock for fertilizing his next clutch; he had a set of these infertile duds to get rid of first. "Lots of fellows do it," his closest friend, Buliel, had said. "You'll be able to make the rent money and have some left over if you can lay more than eight."

Snicks settled down on his side. Not standing up anymore seemed to help with the pressure, but not the intense urge to push. But he had a lot of pushing to do, so that wasn't such a bad thing. As if to drive the point home, a low moan from a nearby booth seemed to drive the point home.

The other gent's voice was drowned out as Gilese panted for a few seconds, and then groaned loudly as his cloacal vent began to stretch open. His egg began crowning and sliding forward, almost to the point where it had been when Snicks had entered. "A little more," he whispered, almost a hiss. "Just a little more." He balled his fists and bared his teeth, groaning.

It was like Gilese was joining an ever-present chorus low grunts and groans, occasional louder moans of effort and discomfort, and quiet sighs of relief. Those sounds were coming from all around. Snicks felt a little less out of place now: everyone was going through this. It was hard work and nothing to be ashamed of.

He turned onto his back and spread his legs. "Come on," he murmured to himself. "Let's go." He bore down and pushed. Nothing happened.

Gilese had his eyes screwed shut as he softly moaned in rhythm with his panting breath, and suddenly he leaned back, letting out a gratified sigh. "Aaaaaaaah. Mmmm, yeah." He reached between his legs and picked up his newly laid egg. "Like I said, kid. I think that's about it for me. I know there's one more for sure." He set the egg near the pile he had already laid, and watched the younger seiliu. He chuckled. "They always feel like they're going to pop out of you on your way over here, don't they? But then when you're ready to go...nothing. Am I right?"

Snicks felt embarrassment creeping back over him. He tried to say "They're coming" but his breath was unsteady. He babbled something unintelligible and shuddered with effort as an involuntary contraction took hold of his abdomen, squeezing the breath totally out of him. "Nnggaahhh!"

Gilese nodded and smiled knowingly. "It hurts, I know. Just keep at it. If you can't get your first one out before I'm done, I know a trick."

They both spent a bit of time huffing and panting. Occasional grunts lofted through the air from other stalls, but these were becoming less and less frequent: closing time was coming. Snicks was the louder of the two seilius in the stall, occasionally moaning and shifting around to try different postures. He became frustrated as he watched the older seiliu bow his head, wince, and start laying what was supposed to be his last egg. It was funny that when he first arrived, he was upset that Gilese was here; now he seemed upset that the older fellow was making progress.

Gilese's cloacal vent stretched wider and wider around the shell of his egg, making him take in his breath sharply with each little bit of progress. But by now his slit was fairly limber and stretched; he was fighting exhaustion, trying to summon up some strength, as well as overcome the sharp pains that accompanied stretching of the lips of his vent.

"And there....mmmph..." he murmured as he turned a little on his side, the egg hanging halfway out. "There we go," he said with a grin as the final little push nudged it out. It rolled the short distance to the floor, wobbling toward Snicks until its parent scooped it back up and put it into the pile. "I'll put those in the basket later." Though tired, he seemed gleeful.

Snicks could understand why--he was sure he'd feel like celebrating when this was over. But he wasn't even able to get started. He tried to say something, but just groaned wordlessly at the older seiliu.

"Still no progress?" Gilese stood, fetched his basket, and started moving his pile of eggs into it. "About that trick I mentioned: I can show it to you. It's nothing fancy."

Snicks found himself too out of breath to answer; he panted and moaned a bit toward Gilese as he moved pairs of eggs with both hands, stacking them into the basket carefully. He finished and looked at the laboring youngster. "Well?" He smiled and shook his head. "I'm teasing, I'm pretty sure you can't answer. You've got it bad! Knock on the floor for 'yes', and ignore me for 'no'. I know you weren't thrilled that I was still in here when you arrived." He folded his hands on the top of the basket's handle and smiled at the younger seiliu.

What could this trick be? Snicks had a feeling he'd be taken advantage of during this, somehow. But what else was new? Older gents with more status were always taking liberties. He expected to be able to do the same to others, someday. What happened today might turn into his advantage several years down the line. Besides...he was having trouble. He had no doubt that his eggs would eventually start to come, but each great effort, met with a frustrating nothing, was starting to wear on him. He knocked on the floor.

Gilese set his basket down and kneeled on the floor next to where Snicks lay panting and pushing. "Close your eyes," he murmured softly, as though to a hatchling. "Close them! You're going to try to picture some things." He rubbed Snicks' belly. In the course of trying new positions, the younger seiliu had rolled onto his back, legs spread and his tail pinned against his right leg. "It might be easier on your side," Gilese said. "Try curling up, and I'll push you there."

Curling provoked a new round of pushing and clenching. Snicks groaned through gritted teeth, his hands balled up into fists. "It...hurrrrzzzz," he muttered.

"I know it does." Gilese maneuvered Snicks into his suggested position, and moved his hands to the back of Snick's head. "Let's get started with something small. I see you've only got three of your horn nubs. You're not even full grown yet, and you come in here carrying a clutch like that!" He rubbed his hand back and forth across Snick's scalp. "I can feel a nub back here where your fourth one will come in. How many horns do you think you'll get? Six? You seem ambitious; maybe you're hoping you'll be one of the big rollers with seven or eight?"

Snicks only moaned for an answer. He hadn't thought about it before; he was thrilled to have the first few grow, and come in straight. It would be nice to have an impressive set, of course, but he wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary.

"Let's pretend it's seven," said the older seiliu. How many horns did Gilese have? Snicks hadn't even noticed, other than remarking that they were remarkably symmetrical and well-formed. "Seven of 'em. Could backward with me." His fingers traveled along the back of Snicks' scalp, where the horn nubs might be...or would be. "Seven...six."

An urge to push took a hold of Snicks. This one was different; urgent, but for the first time, a little frightening. Something lurched and moved in his belly, and there was the feeling of his eggs' shells grinding softly against each other as they jostled for position. "Five. Four....three?" Gilese's fingers traveled to the top of Snicks' head, touching the existing nubs on his way to the front. "Two.

Just as his fingers touched the front horn, Snicks groaned. "!" It wasn't the horn that the younger seiliu was thinking of at that moment: it was his first egg. It had rubbed along his adjacent, dormant phallus, currently shriveled and deflated in his cloacal vent. There was a faint stirring there, but it subsided with the feeling of the pouchlike space just inside the lips of his vent filling up, becoming totally occupied with his first egg. Egg number one! It stayed in place there for a breath or two, and then began to slide out. "It's the fuh...first one," he groaned with satisfaction.

"That's a big one," Gilese said. He crouched down with a wince and a grunt, as he was still a little sore from his own labors, and admired Snicks' egg up close. "They must have really dosed you hard with the fertility drugs to get you to produce something this size. Or, you're just naturally a talented layer." He gave Snicks an appraising look.

The uncomfortable feeling that he was about to be taken advantage of returned to Snicks as he tried to deal with the much stronger discomfort of his labor pains. His gut churned as his second egg slid around, but then remained in position for a few seconds. But would it be that bad? Was Gilese such a bad fellow? Snicks was sure he could do worse. And not every gent would have bothered to be as helpful in this situation. "It''s the counting, that does it?" He was panting, trying to catch his breath, and moaned every so often as his involuntary efforts to push started increasing in frequency.

"Very simple, isn't it? The first time someone told me that trick, they suggested I count the future eggs. But I think in your case, you were pretty anxious about it. So count something else if you get stuck the banded scales on your belly." The older seiliu's hand rested on Snicks' swollen gut, and he smiled as he caressed the younger's belly plates. "Start with this one up here, in your chest, and work our way down. Five...four..."

Snicks decided that Gilese wouldn't be touching him that way if he didn't have designs to mate with him and sire a fertile clutch. He also decided that he approved. Come to think of it, did he really want one of his friends, roughly his age, to take on that responsibility? It was true that Gilese probably didn't have a lot going for him if he were here, selling dud eggs for extra cash. But he seemed more and more attractive as time went on, and his hand moved closer and closer to Snicks' straining, stretched cloacal vent.

His second egg was crowning. He put thoughts of courtship aside for the moment and grunted loudly, bearing down as he muttered what he could manage of a countdown. "Three...tu-tuh....two....hnngggh!" He didn't finish the count before his second egg emerged far enough for its shape to finish the labor, slipping out and wobbling next to the first egg. "Whew. I think I've got it, Gilese."

"No," said a strange voice. "I've got them all." It had gotten quiet here; were he and Gilese the last ones here? Except for whomever this was?

The new arrival pushed the curtain all the way to the side. "They decided to close a bit early today, which is lucky for me."

Snicks turned his head but couldn't get a good look at the intruder. "What do you want," asked Gilese? He looked tense.

"The eggs. Give me that basket, I'll hang onto it. And keep coaxing them out of that youngster." The sound of a knife being flipped open made Snicks' hands and feet curl with fear; he bore down and lost all progress on the third egg, which had been slipping along. No...This couldn't be happening. He was going to go through all this for nothing?