The Facility - Part 1

Story by Javelin Chimera on SoFurry

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An influential Lady of the Court takes advantage of the Facility's resources to fulfill her dark desires.

So I took a little bit of a break. I am admittedly behind as far as actually typing up some stories, but I do have a number of them hand-written out. Please let me know if you notice any mistakes and I will be sure to fix it asap.

Lady Rosa Melar strutted into the innocuous entrance, the claws on her paws clicking softly on the hard floor. She was clothed only in an elegant satin robe, just large enough that the average citizen could not see her naked body. Remarkably, she did not even wear jewelry for this visit. Delicate items like that tended to get lost or even destroyed during the business she was about tonight. Two bodyguards followed close behind her, their presence here irksome however necessary.

Besides being incredibly wealth, Rosa had the distinction of being the only red panda in the Court, making her exotic as well. she had easily seized upon these advantages during her years to become one of the most powerful individuals in the land. She was very recognizable as well, as evidenced by the reaction of the boy behind this building's reception counter.

"My Lady Melar," he said, swallowing hard. He looked as if his eyes were about to bulge out of his skull at the sight of her. Rosa simply nodded. "The subject you have requested has be prepared. I have been instructed to confirm that your payment-"

Rosa cut him off with an audible sigh. This particular indulgence proved to be extremely expensive, however Rosa had always believed that there was little point in having excessive wealth if one did not use it to experience things that other simply could not. She waved her hand dismissively.

"Inform your master that the agreed amount has been transferred to the Facility's account. I am a woman of my word, as always."

"Of course, my Lady," he responded quickly, bowing. He moved from behind the counter, standing in front of the large, nondescript double-doors opposite the entrance of the lobby. "If you would kindly follow me, I will show you to the holding cell that has been prepared."

He turned and pushed open the doors, revealing a long, pure white hallway lined with mechanically sealed entrances to numerous holding cells. Each cell was crafted with state-of-the-art technology that was designed to safely contain dangerous beasts indefinitely. That was, in fact, one of the primary functions of the Facility, among others such as medical research and further technological advances.

Rosa payed no mind to the boy as she followed down the hall after him. Because of her place of power, she not only personally knew the director of the Facility, but also knew many of his dark little secrets. Rosa had naturally used this information as well as the Facility's constant need for more disposable income to secure the opportunity to indulge in a truly unique experience.

And Rosa knew she was not the only one.

The receptionist stopped in front of door 134, Rosa and her bodyguards close behind. The boy typed in a quick code on the door's keypad and then stepped aside.

"Everything is set, my Lady." He bowed and then returned back down the hallway.

Rosa motioned for her guards to stay outside before stepping into the room and closing the door behind her. The room was minimalistic in appearance, all of its advanced technology embedded into the walls, floor, and ceiling. Like the hallway, it was also a bright white in color. Small lights in the ceiling grew brighter as she entered, illuminating the large dark figure bound in the center of the cell.

Rosa's breath caught in her throat, as it always did when she saw the beast. He was a thick, hulking creature, entire body shapely with rock-hard muscle. Even forced onto his knees, he was a foot or two longer than Rosa. His arms were fully extended out to his sides, retrained by powerful manacles protruding from the walls and leaving him largely immobilized. A heavy steel muzzle encapsulated his mouth, making the large beast completely harmless.

"I have returned, my Big Bad. Did you miss me?" Rosa approached the creature, reaching up to run her hand through the thick black fur of his neck. He head jerked away at her touch. A deep rumble filled the room from his ever-present throaty growl, something that was constant whenever Rosa was near.

She smiled at him. He was the most beautiful wolf she had ever seen. It was no wonder why; the creature before her wasn't your average wolf walking down the street outside. As far as the Facility's scientists had been able to determine, he had not always been a wolf. Some poor soul had been cursed with this affliction, turning him into the large wolf, a creature with an insatiable lust for death. Before the nation's military had been able to subdue him, the wolf had devoured dozens of helpless victims. Many more soldiers had died before he was finally subdued, but the director of the Facility had enough sway to convince the Court long ago that such creatures were necessary to study in the hopes of making great advances. From the moment that the costly prize had been shown off to the members of the Court, dark desires had bloomed in Rosa's mind.

The red panda let her satin robe slip silently from her shoulders onto the ground. Lady Melar considered herself to have a perfect body. Sleek black fur on her chest, stomach, groin, and thighs stood out against the red-brown fur on the rest of her body. Her measurements were ideally proportional, her height neither prohibitively short or intimidatingly tall. Her tail was both long and fluffy. All who looked upon her in the Court said that she was beautiful, and only a select few had ever witnessed her figure nude.

Rosa pressed her soft body against the wolf's hard chest, resting her head on his pecs. She could hear his thunderous heartbeat and pictured the huge muscle pumping blood all throughout his body. The thought of blood conjured thoughts of the beast easily shredding through his victims, coating himself in their gore. Rosa became wet with the idea of the wolf viciously ravaging his victims before snuffing them out. Just imagining what he could possibly do to her were he free at that moment made her nipples hard.

The wolf's sheath swelled against Rosa's pubis. She smirked. Ruthless killing machine he may be, but he recognized when something good was right in front of him. He was a male, after all. Rosa knelt in front of the captive beast. Her hand massaged at his large sheath as the wolf's member grew to stand in front of her. She watched with reverence as it became fully erect. Rosa had come to consider this glorious wolf cock as the perfect representation of manhood. It seemed to shine under the lights, twitching and hard as steel as she gripped it. She now understood that all she had experienced before was an inadequate substitute.

Rosa began licking at the large shaft, eager for a taste. The beast's cock had erupted on her face once before, an assault on her senses that had imprinted upon her mind, often leaving her with sudden cravings for more. She suckled a pearl of pre from the tip before fitting her muzzle around its girth. Rosa's mouth watered excessively as she slid as much of the length along her tongue as she could, thickly coating the shaft with her saliva. She groaned happily from the taste.

As much as she desired to be covered in the monster's seed, it paled in comparison to the primal urge to be filled with it instead. She moved her muzzle off of the member, a string of combined pre and saliva stretching from her lips to the tip. Rosa stood, turning around and pressing her back against the wolf's chest. Standing on her toes and using a hand to guide the cock, she could just manage to press the tip into her labia.

With a long moan she slowly lowered herself, sinking the large cock into her body. The girth beyond the tip stretched her intensely, forcing her legs to spread as she sat, handfuls of wolf fur helping her to keep her balance. As Rosa settled onto as much shaft as she could physically fit, she experimentally squeezed it with her pussy. The wolf reflexively bucked his hips, at least as much as he could confined as he was. Rosa gasped at the sudden driving force, letting out a breathy laugh.

Rosa began gyrating her hips, doing the best she could to move herself up and down the wolf's cock. Every small movement sent a shockwave of pleasure throughout her body. Before she had even truly began to work, Rosa found her body convulsing as a powerful orgasm washed over her. Muscles quivering she pushed on, using her sensitive, tight cunt to pleasure the wild beast inside of her.

Rosa yelped, the pain of the large canine cock plowing into her sensitive post-orgasm pussy becoming too much. She pulled herself off of the shaft as another orgasm struck. her body spasmed, liquid squirting from her vagina onto the beast's dick. She held herself there, back against the wolf, breathing heavily as she waited for her body to recover.

The wolf growled loudly. His hips shifted impatiently, cock throbbing hard. Rosa moaned at the sight of it, turning so that her breasts pressed against him once again.

"I haven't forgotten about you, love," she said, running her hands through the fur on his shoulder. Rosa lifted herself and guided the tip back into her pussy, sliding down onto it fast to slam it home. The wolf thrust to meet her, causing her to cry out at the intensity.

Hands looped around the back of his thick neck for leverage, Rosa bounced on the thick meat, her sex emitting a soft squelch noise each time it was completely filled. The room filled with her moans as she picked up pace, clenching desperately at the cock stretching her. The wolf's body shook and he thrust his hips one last time, practically forcing his tip into her womb.

Rosa cooed, the wolf cock throbbing as it began to empty heated seed into her. She came again, this time spurred to orgasm by the sensation of warmth that radiated through her body from the beast's jizz. She leaned against him, gasping for breath. Rosa could feel his huge knot pulsing against her clit. Not for the first time, she briefly lamented that she didn't physically have the room necessary for him to tie her properly.

After roughly half an hour of practically purring against her wolf toy and waiting for his cum to stop shooting, Rosa determined it was time to leave. Tight fit that it had been, all of the built-up seed gushed out of Rosa as she pulled off, causing a mess on them both. Sighing contentedly, body flush with heat and exhausted, she gave the big wolf one last pat before retrieving her robe and leaving the room.

End of Part 1