Just About a Sheep and a Wolf

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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This one has been bouncing around in the back of my head for a while and hope you folks enjoy it.

Mornings were always a hassle for Riley, especially weekends. His bed was comfortable and his sleep was deep and refreshing but, he rarely woke up of his own accord. Two thick, hairy arms curled around his midsection while sharp teeth scraped lightly along his neck, yanking him out of a rather pleasant dream. Riley huffed and forced his head deeper into his pillow, stubbornly keeping his eyes closed.

"Get up." growled Riley's bed mate, his voice deep yet kind with his southern accent.

"No." Riley.

"C'mon." Said the voice again, nudging closer to Riley's backside. Riley tired to duck deeper into the blankets however, that only managed to wake him up more. He felt something hot and throbbing press into the back of his thigh, causing Riley to groan in frustration while his pulse quickened.

"Yer fur is feeling extra soft." Grumbled the voice, The smile apparent in his tone as he gently pushed his heated cock into Riley's pelt. "Have ya been trying something different?"

"Curt." Riley said lowly as he begun to pant, the scent of his partner already making it difficult for him to focus on being upset that he was woken up.

"What? Still sore? I wasn't that rough." Whispered Curt before moving to sit up, pulling the blankets off both men. Riley groaned loudly as his warm haven was ruined for that day, leaving him to be a reluctant but functioning member of society.

Curt laughed and reached down to run his fingers lightly along his partner's pointed ear and play with his piercings.

"Quit being such a baby, I thought satyrs liked the morning."

"I thought werewolves were nocturnal." Riley shot back, then took a pillow to cover his horned head.

"Hey c'mon, I like your face when you first wake up." Curt wrenched the pillow away with little struggle as a small grin crossed his lips.

Riley's features were youthful but, a long beard on his chin gave him a few years. A shaggy mohawk ran from the back of his skull and ended between his ram like horns sprouting just below his hairline. The skin on his upper body was a deep bronze with dusting of black hair on his arms and chest, while his hips and legs were covered in soft curly fur. His feet ended with shiny black hooves instead of toes while the base of his spine ended with a sheep's tail instead of nothing at all.

Curt kneeled down to nip the satyr on the arm, adding to the multitude of reddened bites and scratches marks that marred Riley's exposed skin. Riley's pushed Curt away, curling himself into a tight ball in a last ditch effort for a little more sleep.

"Get up, I wanna make you breakfast." Growled the werewolf only to have to stomach growl next.

The sound o f his bed mate's empty belly finally forced him to relent and finally get up, knowing that Curt won't eat without him.

"Stupid pack mentality." Groaned the satyr as he pushed himself to look at the werewolf.

Curt's dusty green eyes lit up before he crawled over Riley and out of bed, trotting the short distance across their studio apartment to their kitchen. Riley continued to watch the werewolf as he pulled out the supplies for breakfast.

Curt was only partly shifted into his wolf shape, appearing as an incredibly hirsute man with pointed ears. His face was that kind of ruggedly handsome that only country guys could pull off. He had a beard like the satyr but, his was dirty blond, short and covered his strong jaw line. Much like his beard, the hair on his head was short and neat, yet everywhere else it was unruly and wild. The white points of fangs pushed down from the corners of his mouth and blackened nails ended with sharp points.

When curt turned away to get something from the fridge, Riley could help but grin at the sight of a wolf tail wagging excitedly and when he turned back again the werewolf's still half turgid cock made his cheeks and ears hot.

"So steak and egg sounds good to you?" Asked Curt, already cutting open a tray of steaks with a sharp nail.

"Yeah." The satyr said distractedly as he watched the werewolf's thick shaft bounce between hairy thighs. "I think I might need a shower first."

Curt took a second to sniff the air before turning on the stove. "Nah, ya smell fine to me."

Riley rolled his eyes as he stood up and stretched. "I smell like you."

"Exactly." Said the werewolf, giving a toothy grin and tossing his chest out.

The satyr truly did reek of werewolf, the scent sharp and spicy and almost completely over took his own, much more mild aroma. The normal human wouldn't have caught the deep werewolf musk he was soaked in, however other myths would. Nymphs would whisper amongst themselves when he pass their groups, wisps would titter and be a general annoyance on his way to work, other satyrs would grin and give him a knowing nod and other werewolves would glare at him out of principal.

"A quick shower isn't gonna wash it all off." Said Riley as he rocked himself out of bed and walked to their tiny bathroom. "Ten minutes."

The werewolf frowned but nodded, turning his attention to gathering up spices and seasonings for their meal.

Riley always took care not to scuff or scratch the floor of the tiny bathroom with his hooves, walking gingerly over to the shower and twisting the knobs until the water was to his liking. He stepped under the warm rain then instantly sucked in a sharp breath as the bites and scratches and welts on his began to sting. He could feel each tender spot acutely, making him wince and quietly groan in pain. Much like he had done last night.

Sex with a werewolf has its hazards and the satyr only learned this from experience. He was going to get bruised and clawed and bitten, it's what happens when you sleep with a predator. He was going to have aches and be sore as hell, thankfully he healed quickly. Lastly, he was going to love every single second of it, even if he didn't care to admit it.

Riley ignored his swelling satyr-hood for scrubbing his fingers though his messy hair while the water carried away some of the evidence of last night's fun. The satyr was distracted, helpless in a way, unaware of fact that he was no longer alone in the cramped restroom.

The sounds of heavy breathing and the dull tap of nails against the floor were obscured by the water running past Riley's pointed ears. The satyr's hands moved down to his legs, overlooking his throbbing erection while he did his best to scrub leftover werewolf cum from between his thighs. A gentle shudder crept up his spine as he recalled the feeling of being filled by Curt, able to feel every new jet of seed so acutely as it splashed inside him. Eventually, Riley gave up trying to wash himself and slummed against the tile wall with a ragged shutter, his cock drooling slick precum while the vein snaking over the top throbbed angrily.

The libido of a satyr was much more welcoming back when myths were more prevalent among humans but, in the age of internet and smart phones and mothers who gent bent out of shape over a little bit of nudity it was more of a burden. Riley glared down at his meaty cock, the head still hidden underneath the foreskin while it leaked like a faucet. He wanted to touch himself, desperately, however he continued to resist and instead clenched his fists and struggled to control his breathing. The satyr continued to stare at his endowment as the warm water ran over him, his gaze softening a bit as he took deep and measured breaths. Despite the trouble it was known to cause, Riley couldn't help but feel a bit of pride with what he was equipped with. A slight smirk turned up a corner of his mouth as he recalled the stupid alcohol fueled bet he got into at a myth friendly bar, he had put a minotaur to shame with his length, rivaled a centaur in terms of thickness and the heft of his balls was something that most of the bar's patrons got to feel. In fact, he was bigger than all his partners in one way or another. All save of Curt. After meeting the werewolf, his more wild days were behind him. For the most part.

Riley's resolve cracked as he thrust reflexively into the misty air, a frustrated groan leaving his lips as he finally broke. A needle of guilt worked its way into his chest as he reached for his cock, panting softly as he felt the heated flesh under his palms.

"Just a quick one, nothing wrong with that." He said to himself. Before he could pull his foreskin back, the shower door slid open with nearly enough force to shatter the frosted glass. Riley bleated and took a defensive stance but slipped on the slick tile and fell on his rump. He looked up to see his would be assailant, only to be greeted with the sight of a dirty blond and white furred werewolf sneering down at him.

"What the fuck, Curt!?" Shouted Riley as he scrambled to stand back up. "I could have broken my tail!"

"Ya said ten minutes." Curt growled, his voice taking on a much deeper pitch now that he was closer to wolf than man. "I'm hungry."

"Sorry, I was just trying to clean up a little." Riley's anger had melted into a much more demure tone.

"So was that why ya were lookin' at yer dick for most of it?" A knife like claw pointed down to between the satyr thighs. Riley followed the digit to his shaft, the still stiff flesh glistening with more of his preseed than water. Whatever blood that wasn't being used in his cock rushed to the satyr's face.

"Ignore that, let's just go eat." Riley pled, struggling to get back on his hooves "Wait, you were watching me?!" he exclaimed, ears now burning.

The werewolf merely ignored his partner's words. "I said I was hungry." He said, growling the last word.

Riley's eyes widened before the werewolf was upon him, but instead of teeth and claws, it was licking and groping, the beast manhandling his prey. The satyr made a less than valiant effort to get free, his arousal and suppressed natured getting the better of him in the end. He forced himself against his partner's chest as fangs gnashed over flesh and even though the shower water was beginning to cool, it did little to stop the welling passion.

Curt mashed the satyr up against the tile wall with a deep and dangerous snarl, challenging Riley to deny him and making his intentions crystal clear. A low bleat spilled from Riley's lips as he felt the werewolf's manhood against his thigh, grinding impatiently though his woolly fur. With a little work, Riley wriggled an arm between them and curled his fingers gingerly around the beastly shaft, causing both myths to shudder. It was hot to the touch and throbbed with the werewolf's rapid heartbeat, already was drooling sticky precum over the blunt tip. Riley dipped his hand down lower, already able to feel the faint bumps were Curt's knot would form.

"Put it in." Ordered the werewolf, his tone deathly serious. Without the sense to disagree or challenge Curt, Riley arched his back and maneuvered himself so his still tender ring pressed eagerly against the werewolf's pulsing endowment. Curt, normally patient with his partner, let out a harsh growl as he thrusted his hips, hilting his mighty shaft inside the whimpering satyr without a second of warning. The breath was knocked from Riley's lungs while he eyes clenched shut as he was forcefully taken by the snarling beast above him. Any feelings of gentleness were throw out the window as Curt slammed himself into his partner only to pull out and repeat it all over again, his teeth bared in his animalistic lust.

The wet, rude sounds of their mating echoed in the small bathroom however, they were easily drowned out by the feral growls and breathless bleats. Riley's eyes were stayed shut as he was bred by the werewolf, his cock throbbing and jerking about helplessly between their lust soaked bodies as he tightly gripped at the pelt of blond fur. The satyr complained and whined as he shook in place, doing whatever he could to brace himself against the wild thrusts that impaled him balls deep on his boyfriend's cock, yet he would never verbalize his love of being fucked in such a primal and relentless way. Nor would he ever have to, Curt knew all the signs. Precum drooled in heavy spurts from the werewolf's shaft as he drilled into his partner, however the satyr produced what seemed like cups of it with every throb of his meaty shaft, leaving the majority of Curt's chest and stomach slick and matted.

Without missing a powerful stroke the werewolf rolled onto his back and continued to slam his cock into the satyr with piston-like speed, aching his back as he bucked hard into Riley. The sudden change in position was the last thing Riley needed as his concentration and his grip on the wolf broke. His hands shot out to hold himself against the tile walls as his abrupt climax shot through him like a lightning bolt.

Riley froze for only a moment until the first heated jet of cum shot from his aching cock, his arms turning the jelly soon after, his expression one of pure bliss. Thick, plentiful and fragrant were the best ways to describe the satyr's orgasms, every shot of sticky white just as impressive as the first. While his upper body went limp, his backside was quite the opposite, his tunnel spasming and clenching around Curt with each pulse of fresh cum.

If the sights, sounds and feeling of his boyfriend climaxing weren't enough, the musky hazelnut like scent of his satyr's seed filling the air was the right button to press. Curt snarled and used the last threads of sense he had to reach a hand down to the base of his cock, feeling his knot swell under his fingers before he hit his own peak. Despite denying himself a tie, he werewolf erupted with a loud howl, filling his partner with sticky gouts of his seed. Each rocket of cum filled the satyr's tunnel and pushed the spurt before it deeper but, space was running out quickly. Curt mercifully tugged his shaft free only buck harshly into the air, leaving sticky trails along the tile and glass which was lazily washed away by the shower head.

They both panted and leaked the final dregs of their loads, the satyr's trail shuddering as hot werewolf seed drooled from underneath it. Curt was the first to catch his breath, carefully sitting up and placing the still dazed satyr between his legs. He began the daunting task of cleaning up their aftermath, scrubbing the thick satyr cream out of his pelt first.

"I'm gonna start makin' you wear centaur condoms." Growled the werewolf as he ran his fingers through his chest fur to loosen up a particularly stubborn spot of cum.

Riley, finally remembering how to express a thought, frowned sharply before grasping the shampoo. "You didn't have to come in here."

"No, but I did have to come in here." Curt tickled under the satyr's tail with his long claws, causing Riley to frown even harder and his wilting erection to throb. They continued to clean themselves in comfortable silence until the shower water was too cold to bear, drying off side by side until wool and fur were fluffy and soft again.

Riley limped ahead of the werewolf, collapsing lazily on to their bed with a deep groan as he basked in the remainder of their afterglow. He turned to watch the werewolf finish making breakfast, no longer the panting, feral beast that just rutted him in the bathroom. Instead, Curt hummed and wagged his tail while he prepared their only slightly delayed meal steaks.

"Hey." Curt barked, his muzzle drawn into a toothy grin as he seasoned the meat. "Love you, sheep."

"I'm probably going to be leaking your cum till Monday, you better love me you big dumb wolf." Riley shot back, ignoring the snickering coming from the tiny kitchen.