
Story by tigerwriter93 on SoFurry

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Blackness was all she could

see. Blood was all she could smell. Pain was all she could feel. The only

sounds she heard were the echoes of dripping water and a distant moan. Zuri

could just barely feel the cold, hard concreate floor against her bare stomach

and the cold atmosphere on her whiskers. The last thing she remembers was

getting repeatedly punched in the face until she blacked out; she never felt

anything after that.

Zuri slowly started gaining

back consciousness, becoming more aware of herself and her surroundings. There

were concrete walls, ceiling, and floor, and the door was a tall, thick steel

door with a tiny window barely low enough that she could just see out the

bottom. Just in front of her against the far corner from the door was a rusty, twin-sized

bed frame with a dingy mattress on it. Next to the bed was an old, porcelain

sink with its rusted faucet and valves and calcium buildup. Huddled in the

other far corner was a grimy, green bucket with dark brown and black stains all

over its top; they looked like they were slowly making their way downward on

all sides of the bucket.

After becoming aware she was

in a prison cell, she noticed how cold and naked she felt. She couldn't find

her clothes or belongings anywhere in the cell, and her spotted fur could only

keep her so warm. Clutching onto her tail didn't help much either.

She soon noticed a large

gash across her upper chest near her right shoulder. It felt fresh, barely

healing on its own. She tried the only natural thing she could do and started

licking it, but the exposed wound only hurt worse as her rough tongue licked

it, so she left it alone hoping the bleeding would stop eventually. The blood

in her nose spread over most of her face and the smell of it dominated her

sense of smell, even though it was dry on the inside and on her nose and matted

in her face fur. 

What the hell happened? Where the hell am I? Why do I

always trust others so easily? It's only brought me pain...but I've never felt

anything like this before. She thought of these

and more questions as tears started welling up in her eyes.

Not knowing what else to do,

she crawled towards the bed and climbed on the mattress. She curled up in the

fetal position as tight as she could to keep any natural warmth she could

muster from her thin body.

Sleep came easy despite

having a torrent of thoughts and questions attacking her mind.

While she was deep in her

sleep, a short, dark figure slowly stalked down the prison hallway. It stopped

in front of her door.

"You were a hard kitty to

catch missy," it muttered to itself, "and feisty too. I like that." Its voice

was deep, masculine, intimidating.

The dark figure found the

key for Zuri's cell and unlocked the door. It's rusty hinges squeaked as the

figure slowly opened the door.

The dark figure looked down

at Zuri. "They're so cute when the sleep like that," it cooed.