Expending The Flesh

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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This was Day 3 of the Story-A-Day challenge, started and completed on July 3, 2015. And from now on, I'll be posting these stories as I complete them. ^_^

Please, enjoy the story.

"It worked! I can't believe it worked!" Zylen Andel shouted happily as he stared through the modified glass of the large pod like structure at the unmoving arm lying on the floor. The arm had no mess surrounding it as it been entirely reconstructed from organic matter into synthetic materials.

"Of course it worked, sweetie," Apollo Musea grinned, grinning as he tiredly leaned back into his chair, "we were directly responsible, remember? We can do anything together." The blue jay adjusted his lab coat; being a secret scientist meant keeping the work he does a secret from the world, but also keeping the world safe from his experiments.

The excited peacock never took his eyes off the motionless robotic limb, a sense of wonder and pride on his face, "Look at the joints! It even recreated the joint of the elbow in a realistic way. Open the door Eleven."

A new voice spoke, this one made from computer sounds synthesizing the effects of a voice, "Yes sir."

Zylen finally broke his gaze to look at the robot moving towards him. This robot was a fully articulated being in the form of a horse, and moved with the same grace as any living biological horse would have. His body and limbs were made from metal, but he barely made any noise when moving towards the peacock, who was looking over the robotic body as it moved. Sometimes he forgot the synthetic horse wasn't a real horse as he saw the "muscles" moving under the metal plates making up his "skin". The servos and pistons sounded like soft whispers, a barely noticed murmur that lent to the illusion of the robot being alive.

The robotic hand reached up and pressed a large red button, the air hissing as the pressures on either side of the pod door equalized. The door finally slowly slid up and Zylen was allowed inside. He scooped up the disembodied robotic arm and stared at its components and structures, which mirrored that exact structures of any biological arm. Blood vessels, ligaments, muscles, and even skin...they were all here made of different materials of course, but he and Apollo had finally done it!


Zylen heard from outside the pod and as he looked up he saw the door to the pod closing again. His elation at the creation in his hands was dashed in that moment and he dropped the limb. The door came down too quick for any hope of escape, but the peacock still banged his hands on the sturdy and resilient glass. Eleven just stared at him with lifeless eyes and watched the silent screaming beak from outside the soundproofed pod.

Apollo tried to push the robot out of the way, but he was grabbed by a strong hand on his hand, twisting and bending it back until he dropped to his knees, but it was clear that he wasn't trying to break the wrist. "AH! OW! Ele...Eleven? Why are you doing this?"

"You built me to protect you two. Yet you remain fragile and easily damaged. Using these pods, I can make you better and stronger." Eleven let go of the blue jay's wrist, but grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back. Apollo was pushing against the ground, trying to stop himself from being pushed into the second empty pod. But Eleven simply picked him up and pushed him inside anyway. Before the blue jay even hit the ground the robot had pushed the button to shut the second pod too. The pods themselves were sound proofed but they were facing each other, so as Eleven moved to the control panel Zylen and Apollo caught each other's scared and frightened eyes.

The robotic horse moved swiftly to the panel and typed in the commands to start the process, adjusting to match the bodies inside the pod. A final button press started the procedure, which meant there was nothing else for Eleven to do except wait.

There was nothing that either avian could do now, the process begun. And both of them knew what they were in for, and it terrified them to their core. Tiny tubes descended from the ceiling and up from the floor, too many to stop. Zylen felt the soft stabs of needles in his legs and arms, feeling a strange sense of warmth surging into his body. He guessed logically that this first injection would implant the first fleet of nanites into them. These nanites would travel to the heart and replicate themselves them consuming the tissues of the heart and spreading throughout the rest of the body. He was frightened and scared but he realized doing it that way would be logical. Zylen looked at Eleven who was monitoring the entire process from the control panel.

"I'm sorry Apollo. This wasn't what I wanted." Zylen felt tears of frustration leak from his eyes as he stood in that pod waiting to be turned into a robot version of himself.

Apollo on the other hand was still struggling, but that ended as restraints shot from the pod walls and ensnared his wrists and ankles, lifting him from the floor and keeping his limbs stretched to leave him helpless to the nanites converting his heart. He felt a slight pressure in his chest, but that was it, there was no pain. But in his frightened mind he wasn't thinking with any logical part...he just wanted out of the pod. More tubes came down from the ceiling; these tubes were slightly larger than the first set. They clamped onto the bird's chest and shoulders, filling him with another wave of nanites that would help convert the muscles and all the muscles fibers into the new conductive metal that could bend and reform itself on command.

This process should be excruciating! Than it finally hit him and Apollo looked over at Eleven. Maybe he wasn't malfunctioning? Perhaps he'd included an anesthetic with the first injection of nanites? But that wasn't part of the original programming of the pods or the procedures of converting bio matter into robotic prosthetics...but then again neither were the restraints that were holding him helpless. Had Eleven done these new things by himself? Had he been planning to do this to them all along, Apollo couldn't be sure. But the possibilities meant that he wasn't getting out of the pod so he stopped fighting the restraints and they released him from their grasp.

At that point there was no more fight in Zylen, he had came to the same realization that Apollo had and could do nothing at more tubes injected him with more nanites. He could have sworn he felt his muscles being eaten away and replaced by the microscopic machines. The weird thing was that as his heart and blood vessels and muscles were replaced, he lost the sensation of feeling them. So as Zylen was standing in that pod he could no longer feel his heart beating...nor could he feel the muscles in his legs and arms even as he flexed them.

The conversion was going well, but a few more button presses by the robot horse stepped it up to the next level. Red tubes moved quickly and inserted themselves into the avian's nostrils, ears, and beaks with their struggling picking back up so the restraints returned. Then large blades came out and both birds felt a shock of panic run through them, but as the blade began their work it was clear they were meant to cut their clothes...not their bodies. After a moment or two, their clothes were in tatters on the floor with their bodies now naked and helpless. Yellow tubes shot up from the floor and as Zylen looked down he noticed the size of the tube and immediately guessed what it was. He was proven right as the yellow tube drove itself into the urethra of his penis and despite himself he kept being aroused. As if the more he was converted the stronger his arousal became. The tube was persistent too; diving down his cock like an explorer would dive into a cave. Instinct took over and his bucked forward with the tube sinking deeper into him until he felt a wave of warmth inside his cock and even his balls. But that sensation was quickly forgotten as he felt a dull prodding at his tail hole. He looked at Apollo and in that instant the blue jay arched with Zylen following suit as the prodding turned into a forceful entry into his bowels. Another wave of warmth entered him this one far larger than any previous injection.

Apollo moaned around the tubes in his throat as they continued to release nanites into his body every time he took a breath. The thick tube still sliding into his butt was stretching his tail hole wide and making him unbelievably horny. So much so, that he looked at Zylen going through the same procedure and he started to push himself back against the thick tube. He clenched on it and when he did that, another blast of nanites entered his body. The conversion started happening faster then, he lost the feeling in his insides...first his bowels, then his stomach, than his esophagus. The tube that was in his mouth sucked out his saliva and replaced it with a synthetic blend that tasted at first like he was sucking on battery, metallic and greasy. The nanites in his mouth also started to dissolve and replace his tongue and the skin inside of his beak, which made him push back against the thick tube again. This whole situation was terrifying but he couldn't help being aroused by it all.

Zylen was also eagerly and hungrily clenching on the tube inside of his butt. He was feeling just as aroused as Apollo and he was even thrusting against the tube converting his cock and balls. All these changes should be horrifying him and he should be fighting the conversion, but he figured that Eleven would have also included an aphrodisiac to help facilitate their compliance. Soon, all the little tubes pulled away and left only the tubes inside their asses and cocks. Both tubes shot a final wave of nanites into them before they too pulled out and away from the helpless former avians. Zylen was relieved, but was still futilely rocking his hips back and forth between nothing as the conversion continues on his insides; ligaments, bones, glands, organs, blood it was all replaced with new material that would act the same way as their biological tissues.

The final change was their outer skin, but there was a problem; they still had feathers. Eleven actually smiled a little as he instituted a program that he wrote himself into the pods. The tiny tubes came back, but their time they each had tiny clamps on the end of them. The restraints removed themselves from the avian bodies and both Zylen and Apollo took a quick breath before the repurposed tiny tube began their new job of plucking every feather from the avian bodies. Zylen was expecting to feel that bit of pain from the plucking, but instead he felt only a stab of pleasure. They started at his head and plucked the feathers quickly and effortlessly and dropped them to the floor and moved to another feather. Both Avians were moaning loudly as their feathers plucked, but they couldn't hear each other through the sound proofed pods.

That was until Eleven cut the sounds on inside the pods so that each pop could hear what was happening inside the other pod. Zylen and Apollo heard themselves and each other moans now, stoking their already high arousal even more. The tubes had moved quickly from their head and faces to their shoulders and chest and wings and back. But they seemed to be picking up the pace now, given a new order by the robot at the controls. Zylen was watching the feathers on his body disappear in a blur as he stood still for the tubes plucking him. Apollo was trying to stand still, but the pleasures he was feeling were making him thrust against the glass. But he was pulled back to the center of the pod and felt the feathers getting plucked from his crotch, hips, and butt. The plucking was almost over and as he looked at Zylen he couldn't help notice just how beautiful the peacock looked even without his feathers.

When the last feathers were plucked a loud whirring noise was heard from near their ankles and the piles of feathers were sucked down into the floor. Zylen looked around the pod and saw nothing else happening, at least not until he felt a warmth spreading through his chest. He knew then that the nanites in his heart had replicated and created the replacements for his skin during the bulk of the procedure. And with his feathers gone it could lay the first layer of his new skin. The soft yellow color of his skin dulled into a soft gray right in front of his eyes and despite himself again, Zylen smiled as he watched his biological skin get consumed and immediately replaced by a soft metal that can bend and move just the same way his skin could.

All the tubes retracted and Apollo breathed a sigh of relief, however, the process wasn't done. Large section of the pod walls opened and began to install the machinery of their bodies, all their organs were pushed against their chests and bellies and the skin moved over the machinery, pulling it inside of them. The nanites had replaced their cells, but the machinery being installed now was what would make them better and stronger. The nanites already mimicking organs simply wrapped around the machines and turned the bodies into true robots. All of their joints were replaced with actuators and servos that would make each one perform the same complex movements any biological joint could. Hips, elbows, knees, and shoulders all got the mechanical overhaul. As did the wrists, fingers, toes, and spine, the machines and nanites blended seamlessly together to create a completely robotic version of the two avians that had once been flesh and blood.

Eleven hit the final button sequence and the doors opened, allowing Zylen and Apollo to exit the pods. The first thing the two men did was hug each other, happy that they were both alright. Then they felt the return of their sense as if they're bodies had come online finally. Then it occurred to them that every part of them had been converted...including their brains. So they were finally connected mind and body once again. They grinned as they flexed their new and more powerful bodies...stunned that they could feel their "muscles" flexing and their "skin" stretching even as the mechanical whirs sounded from their moving limbs.

"This is incredible!" Zylen shouted with excitement, gasping as even his voice sounded the same, but with a more auto-tuned cadence.

Apollo smiled and laughed, "I feel so...alive." The former blue jay jumped on his heels and then performed an expertly acrobatic back flip. "What do you think we can do with these bodies?"

Eleven stepped from around the control panel, his large robotic cock standing straight out from his body. His glowing eyes shining as he answered, "You two can do whatever you, no one can stop you now. But before you go, I'd like to run some thorough diagnostics on you."

~~F~~ I ~~N~~