Science Lab Story: The Amorous Android

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A little story of a programmer and his young cousin, plus a third 'person' that they involve in their fun.

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Amorous Android for SilverFox442 by Draconicon

Matt poked his head through the door, looking one way, and then the other, before waving at his cousin.

"Alright, the coast is clear."

The fox smiled as he pushed the door open, standing out of the way for Jenny to walk inside the lab. She was as bright eyed and wide-grinned as he'd ever seen her, though probably not for the same reasons as he was. Making sure that the door clicked shut behind him, Matt caught up to her as she ran around the lab, gently grabbing her by the shoulder.

"Hey, hey, calm down, huh? You're gonna knock something over if you keep running around like that."

"Hehehe, sorry, Matt. I'm just really excited."

"Well, I'm glad."

"I've always wanted to see where you worked."

"Really? I thought you just wanted a new place to have some fun."

She blushed.

"That too, but -"

"I'm teasing. Come on, let me show you what we're working on."

Taking her by the hand, he led her past the collection of desks where all the design work went into, and took her back to the robotics lab. It needed to be unlocked with a keycard, but considering he did most of his work back there, he had the clearance. He wiped it, and gently nudged Jenny in with a tap on her rump.

Laying in the middle of the room was an android, though considering its realistic appearance, one might almost think they had walked into a morgue instead. It was shaped like a red panda female, just about at Jenny's age, and she was completely naked. The first time that Matt had seen it, he'd blushed horribly, particularly as he'd walked in while her legs were spread and...well, it had been made very clear that she was anatomically correct.

A quick glance at Jenny showed that she was just as fascinated. She hurried over to the android, rubbing its leg and shaking her head.

"It feels so real."

"That's the design. After so many problems with the wrong people getting their hands on kids, we kind of wanted to provide an alternative. Sort of an...outlet...for people that need cubs but can't be trusted with them."

She looked over at him.

"You're making a sexbot for cub lovers?"

"Well...not in...I guess -"

"You pervert!" Jenny broke out laughing as he blushed. "I can't believe it, my cousin's a sex bot maker."

Shaking his head, Matt dragged his giggling cousin away from the android on the table, and took her over to one of the devices that were set up by the control console. He nudged the helmet-like thing with his tail.

"This is the brain scanner that we've developed. We're...not the best coders out there, so we came up with a way to cheat a bit. We can scan in different personalities and sort of blend them together, so the android doesn't have to be programmed."

"Well, that's gotta be better than the chat-bots on the internet."

"Oh god, yes."

"So...could you put my personality in there?"

Matt blinked.

"Well...I guess, but why?"

"Oh, I'd just like to have someone to have some girl talk with."

"I guess we can try that. You sure that's all you want?"

"Yeah. And it won't take too long, will it?"

He shook his head, sitting down by the computer. After gesturing for Jenny to put the helmet on, he started calibrating the machine to accept new input, and put in some approximate measurements for Jenny's head and skull. It didn't need to be too precise, but it needed to be relatively close for the scanner to get the right areas.

After typing it all in, he pressed the button for the program to execute. Almost immediately, however, Jenny started moaning. He stood up.

"You okay, Jen?"

"Mmm, oh gods..."


"It feels even better than when you rub my clit..."

Oh god...I must have made a mistake with the program. He sat down again, going through the readings, and blushed. The scanner was set for active retrieval rather than passive scan, so it was like a finger running along the different neurons rather than a light show. She was getting particularly well scanned through the part of the brain that handled emotions and physical pleasure, so no wonder she was getting phantom pleasure.


Or very real pleasures. He looked up to see the young fox humping the air, her hips twitching and jerking. He blushed as he noticed that her juices were running down her legs, as well. She must have been getting some real -


He darted out from behind the computer, catching her as she almost collapsed. The last thing that he needed now was for her to come unhooked from the helmet, particularly as it might damage her. She kept humping the air, and then his leg as the scan continued, barely stopping when it came to a finish.

"Oh...oh my...that was..."


"So good..."

He smiled, pulling her along. Taking the edge of a hanging lab coat, he used it to dab at her soaked thighs as he told the computer to take the personality and implant it in the android. It asked him to give the personality a name. Not bothering too much to be creative, he just named this one 'Ann' and hit send.

The two of them watched as the android's eyes suddenly lit up from the new personality implant, and Matt smiled slightly as the red panda sat up. 'Ann', as she was now known to herself, looked around before blushing and covering her lap.


"Hmm." Matt turned back to the computer. "Odd...she shouldn't be self-conscious..."

"Why not, Matt?"

"Because she shouldn't know much about sex..."

"She's from me, remember?"

Matt blinked, feeling his cock start to harden just from the idea. Every other time, the personalities had been modified rather than fed directly into the android, making sure that they didn't know about sex so that they could be tested safely. The idea that his cousin's own knowledge had been sent along, and possibly her needs as well...

That little vixen, she planned this! he thought as Jenny swayed her way over to the table, sliding out of her skirt as she did so. The half naked fox girl leaped onto the table with the naked panda, smiling at her and giving Ann a one-armed hug.

"You know, Ann, I think that you look great."

"W-well, thank you. I think you look great too."

"What about my cousin?" She pointed at Matt. "Think he's a hottie?"

"Oh yes...I mean, he's very nice."

To Matt's shock, Jenny slowly pulled Ann's legs apart, revealing her sex. For the first time, he got to see the little red panda's sex as wet as his cousin's. Both little girls winked at him as they were exposed, and the fox felt his cock throbbing harder than ever in his pants. They curled their fingers at him, and he had no choice but to rush for them.

They were quick. Jenny pushed Ann forward, and as lusty as he was, Matt went right for the android. He barely stopped to tug his zipper down, and then plunged his cock deep inside of her pussy. The little girl's soft moans were immediately stifled as he leaned over her, pressing his lips against the spread sex of his little cousin right behind the panda. His tongue dove into her, tasting her depths and flicking over her clit.

Back and forth, back and forth he humped, slamming his cock deep inside of the android's pussy. It was better than he had ever imagined; whoever had done that part of the design had been brilliant, because it felt just as good as Jenny's, perhaps even better. He moaned, almost slobbering all over his cousin's pussy as he humped away, smothering the android beneath him in his pleasure.

They were just as loud, or at least Jenny was. Ann was silenced, muffled against his chest as he humped her, and the few times that her lips slid from his chest, she was too busy gasping for breath from the fuck to say anything.

"Oooh yeah, that's it, Matt. Fuck her. Fuck her good. Test her out so she can take that knot of yours."

He groaned at Jenny's encouragement. It was driving him nearly as nuts as the feeling of that slick hole around his cock was. In and out, in and out, his knot growing by the second, the feeling of her juices running over his balls, the taste of his cousin in his mouth. He shoved his head forward, sliding part of his muzzle inside of Jenny. She screamed.

"Oooooh! That's it! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

He could feel her squirting then, and he came as well. Slamming his knot as deep into Ann as he could get it, he felt it pop in just as he came. Moaning loudly, he shook above her, and he swore that the android was cumming as well, squeezing around his cock and stroking it, milking it for all that he could give.

When they finally calmed, he pulled his head back, and Jenny didn't even have the decency to blush as his lips and nose popped out of her pussy. If anything, she looked rather smug about it.

"Mmm, liked the taste so much that you tried to dive in?"

"Come on, it's not like that..."

"Heh. So, how'd the robot do?"

"Android. And she did well. She's still - mmph - squeezing on me."

"Why don't you pull out?"

"Knotted, remember?"

"Well, she's an android. Shouldn't she be made to let you pull out if you want?"

"Hmmm...I haven't tested that yet, but now's as good a time as any."

With a few small tugs, and no pained sounds from the android, he gradually backed out of her. It was quite a tug, and he felt more than a bit of discomfort in the process, but eventually he managed to pop out of her.

Then he saw the pool of cum drooling out of her gaping sex, and he groaned, his cock sliding back up.

"Oh boy..."

It was less at the damage and mess, and more from the look Jenny was giving him. Somehow, he didn't think that just one threesome was going to be enough.

The End