Spring Break Chapter 5

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#5 of Spring Break

Chapter 5

the morning after the night before

and out huntress's reconvene to discuss their evenings conquests


Chapter 5

...Morning came far too early.

"Anna? that...that was. I never dreamed my first time would ever be this_amazing._" Ray said to the femme cuddled in his arms.

"It_was_wonderful, wasn't it? You have the makings of a fine lover in you Ray." Anna said rolling over to gaze into his eyes.

"It is all due to your excellent tutelage, m'lady. I...didn't hurt you last night, did I?" He asks, suddenly concerned. Anna shakes her head.

"No, I don't think so, Lover. I may be walking a little funny today, but you did a _fantastic_job of plowing me into a satiated puddle. How are _you_doing this morning?" she asked, running her paws through his chest fur.

"Well,different. I can't place my finger on it, but it's like I'm looking at the world with a new perspective. You have given me an incredible gift last night, one I shall remember to my dying day. Should anyone ask, I shall sing your praises more than wine. Anna, you have made a new male out of me."

Anna grinned, lifting the covers seeing a lovely sight.

"That is most kind of you my dear, you were quite enthusiastic, looks like you may be 'up' for another round."

"Oh my goodness, so it does." Ray grinned in delight. "So how would you like it this morning?" he asked, reaching for a foil square.

In the blurry light of a morning coming much too early in her opinion, Sally found herself flat on her belly, sprawled at the foot of the bed. There was a large floofy Squirrel tail in her face, a pleasant tingly soreness emanating from her nether regions. Did she really go there? A wiggle of her hips confirmed it, yup, she did. Ratcheting herself up on her paws, she cast a glance over at her bedmate. Jack looked like he had been slathered in Vaseline, and dragged through a knothole by his tail, laying half off the bed. Sally worked her way around, taking his paw and pulling him back on to the bed, rousing him from his slumbers. Groaning like a mummy from the tomb.

"You alive Jack?" she asked collapsing at his side

"UUugh..._Sally?"_he asked groggily covering his eyes with his free paw. "Well I guess that wasn't a dream?"

"Heh, no, I guess not. but daamn that was fun... The parts that weren't a blur, that is." she said with a somewhat confused smirk.

"Oh, yeah. Anyone tell you that you are a sexual tornado in the sack? That last time just about killed me!" he chuckled, grimacing as he rolled over.

"Nope, been called a '_Screaming Bed Wench'_a few times before...You alright Jack? You look like you pulled a muscle or something?" she asked at seeing the pained expression on his face.

"Probably did, I don't know _what_you did that last time out, but it felt like my balls were about to implode!" He groaned, sitting up.

"Heh, just a technique I picked up from an Indian exchange student, she called it _'drinking the life essence.'_Quite fun, you almost came hard enough to bust the condom." Sally joked as they cuddled "A nice hot shower should fix you right up. Thank you Jack, for a truly memorable evening."

"Likewise, sweetheart, you are one incredible lay."

Manda limped around her room, somewhat amazed she was still alive.

" Looks like you are walking a bit funny there Manda." Paul said as he lay on the bed watching her move about the room.

"Yeah, well at least oy'm walking!" She fires back with a big grin, noting the fact that he wasn't. "You may 'ave fucked me into a stupor, but told ya oy'd shag you tell you couldn't walk, now didn't oy?"

"Okay, I guess we're even then." The reclining buck said, laying his head back trying to force his body to do what his brain demanded. Manda sat gently caressing him.

"All kidding aside, Paul. That was _just_the kind of shagging oy really needed, You were wonderful. thank ya." She said in a surprisingly tender voice. Paul looked up concerned.

"What happened, Manda? Talk to me." He said pulling her to him. resting her head on his broad chest.

"Paul. Oy almost died yestaday..." This struck him like a thunderbolt. before he could ask she continued.

"Yeah, 'ard to believe, an' it was so stupid but if it weren't for me mate Sally, oy would 'ave drowned."

"My god, what happened Manda?" He asked drawing her into his embrace.

"Well, found me self at a party over at the Crest View, things were getting a bit rowdy, as these things sometimes do. Someone suggests we all go cool off in the pool... Naturally oy say oy'd pass as oy kant swim. Well Biff grabs ahold of me, sayin the best way ta learn is to jump right on in. He lifts me up and tosses me ova the second floor balcony right into the deep end of tha pool." Manda says quietly starting to tremble to relive the experience. Unseen by Manda, Paul's eyes narrow, his jaw set.

"Oy hit the wota and panic. Felt like a thousand little paws pullin me unda. Next thing oy know someone grabs hold of me and drags me to the shallows. Then they haul me out and lay me on tha grass. Hackin tha woda outta me lungs, I look up and see these two mice, one of em soaked, then it hits me. She pulled me outa the woda. Paul, she saved me loife, ya know?" she says swallowing hard amazed that someone would do that.

"I'm glad she was there to do that, who's this Biff guy?" Paul asks nonchalantly.

"heh, 'es this big Jock fella, should 'ave suspected 'ed do somethin' like that bein' the shifty eyed Rat that 'e is n all." Manda said with a snort.

"Well they said they were staying at the Sand and Surf, wonder what they were doing at the Crest View, Perhaps it was to save you, hon."

"Heh, oy don't think so, Sally said Anna's fella was stayin there an she wanted ta leave 'im a note. Oy ken tell ya one thing oy'm glad she was there, don't know what oy'd a..." Manda sniffed. Paul held her to him soothing her as the tears once again fell. Paul made up his mind that he and this 'Biff' fellow were going to have a little chat about how to treat a Femme.

As the 'big game hunters' reconvened at the Sand and Surf, Anna noticed both Sally and Manda walking with a bit of a limp, not that she herself wasn't pleasantly sore in certain places, but they seemed worse for wear.

"Well, it looks like we all had a good time," Anna chirped almost musically. Sally and Manda exchanged glances

"oy, me boyo shagged me a good one, fucked me into a stupor, he did.." Manda said with a shake of her head "But oy shagged 'im so 'ard 'e couldn't walk in tha mornin!" she finished with a huge grin.

"But oy will say this for tha big buck, he was just whot oy needed last noight."

Next it was Sally's turn...

"Wow, he sounds like he was as fun as he looked. Now Jack, on the other paw, surprised me from the word Go..." she paused, grinning at her friends.

"Do tell," Manda grinned wide.

"Okay, the first thing he says is he hoped I was the adventurous type because there were a few new things he would like to try, and oh my God! I can't believe I did half of them! My backside is still sore, but I did and it was a blast! It may take me a few days to remember everything, but he is definitely worth a re-match." Sally beamed. When I woke up this morning I was flat on my belly with this floofy Squirrel tail in my face! The bed was a shambles and Jack was sacked out leaning half off the bed. For a moment I thought I'd killed him!" Sally giggles. "I heard him moan so I dragged him back to bed and snuggled, comparing notes on what we remember about last night. Poor guy pulled a groin muscle after our last session before we both passed out, but daamn it was fun.. How about you Anna? How'd it go with Ray?" she asked. Anna smiled shyly both of her friends looked at each other quizzically before gazing at the shy mouse for details.

"Well, Ray was verry sweet but nothing like I would have ever expected." Anna paused.

"What, he didn't seem the type to be a dead lay." Sally said.

"Whot, was he a kinky little bugger?" Manda asked with a grin suspecting he was just that, given Anna's response. But she slowly shook her head, a sweet smile dusting her muzzle.

"No...he was a _ virgin. _" Anna said softly. Both Sally and Manda's jaws hit the floor.

"No way!" Manda managed, to which Anna nodded.

"Whoa, you lucky femme!" Sally said as a grin blossomed across her muzzle. "I hope he wasn't too awkward and clumsy."

"Well, at first perhaps, but he was a rather enthusiastic student. It took him a while to get a few things down, but when he did...oh my was he...that guy is off to a good start. He has the makings of a first class lover. I was just so amazed he trusted me enough to be his first."

"Well, you picked him out. Ya know, Anna, that's two for two so far as scoring good lovers. and speaking of good lovers, what's say we hook up with Greg and introduce him to Manda here. Should make for a fun evening, wouldn't you say?" Sally asked in a conspiratorial voice, all three femmes grinning wickedly.

"Well okay, I'll go down to the office and see if there are any messages." Anna said as she headed out the door.

"So tell me Sally, this fella Greg, he really 'at good in tha sack?" Manda asked. rubbing a sore spot.

"Oh yeah. This male knows his craft. He honestly enjoys being with a femme, and really knows how to bring out the screaming bed wench in you." Sally said fondly, remembering her encounter yesterday morning. "So how was Paul, he seemed like a nice guy, though I will admit he struck me as the type to use a femme as a masturbation toy."

"Oi ken see why you'd say 'at. He's got the stamina to go tha distance, and 'e is quite versatile, and a bit kinky ta boot." Manda smiled wickedly. "we started off tryin ta out shag each otha, but then we slipped inna finding out what really got each other off. It was a lotta fun,told 'im about yesterday, and... " Manda paused sighing lowering her head. Sally placed her paw over the bunny's shoulder.

"Sally, ya saved me loife, it still 'as me in tatters if oy think too much about it... 'ow do you thank someone fer that kinda thing?" she asked looking into the mouse's eyes. "Why'd ya do it, Sal?"

Sally blinked.

"_Why?_Well I heard you scream, it wasn't a playful frolic scream like you'd hear around a pool, it was a scream of pure terror. I heard the splash. Rounding the hedge I saw you flailing and I knew you were in trouble. So I dove,in, managed to get ahold of you, and got you out. Anna helped me drag you out. When your feet touched bottom in the shallow end you went completely limp. I thought I was too late...we got you onto the grass and you seemed to snap out of it...." Sally took Manda's paws in hers.

"I couldn't stand by and let you drown. There must have been over a dozen furs standing around just watching you flail for your life and they did nothing! And if we hadn't gone to leave Greg a note...it must have been fate. I'm sorry Manda, but I really didn't take the time to think about it, I just acted." Sally trailed off as they just looked at each other holding paws sitting on the bed. Manda nodded closing her eyes.

"Please don't 'ate me..." she said in a soft whisper. before Sally could wonder what she meant, Manda drew the mouse into a loving embrace, kissing her. Softly at first, Sally was momentarily shocked but didn't resist. Manda, finding no resistance kissed the mouse in her arms with ever increasing passion. Paws starting to wander, Sally reached out, laying Manda on the bed, her own paws wandering as well and slipping under the bunny's top. Manda broke the kiss, arching her back--a long throaty moan of sensual delight poured out of her before her eyes snapped open and she found herself gazing into the face of her rescuer. Sally looked down a half smile on her muzzle looking deeply into the eyes, into the soul of the femme whose life she held in her paws.

"Thank you, Manda." She said before leaning in and gently kissing her back. They lay together holding each other, paws caressing, loving each other, sharing the moment.

Anna found the two laying in each other's arms, her muzzle momentarily fluffing at walking in on this scene. She paused a moment watching the two femmes caress, and kiss. Not as in the heat of passion, but gently, lovingly. Anna found herself being drawn toward them. she paused at the foot of the bed. Manda and Sally looked up and smiled a welcome. Wordlessly, Anna joined them with Manda cuddled between. Each gesture spoke silent volumes to the others. Joined in a wordless conversation between souls with only a look and a gesture, a kiss or caress, they shared a timeless moment.

"Thank you for that." Manda says softly as the three of them sit around a table in the local Vege-a-topia. "Oy don't know whot came ova me, but it was a very noice experience." the Aussie bunny said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, it was, wasn't it?" Sally said with a nod. "You are a verrrrry good kisser, Manda."

"That was special, kind of like when we had our encounter, Sal. I am really glad we shared that. The shower after was delicious." Anna said as a hint of mischief danced across the mouse's muzzle.

"So what's the story on that fella of yours, Anna, we hooking up tonight?" Manda asked spearing a Fleurette.

"Yes, As a matter of fact. We are meeting him tonight at the Pelican, at 8 p.m."

"So what's on the menu besides Skunk surprise?" Manda chortles.

"Dinner, dancing, drinks afterwards. Then a nice leisurely stroll back to the Sand and Surf to wile away the evening." Anna says, steeping her paws.

"Sounds like fun." Manda said.

"Oh, he is..." Sally finished; all three femmes burst out laughing.

=End of Chapter 5=