Death To Nightmare Chapter 10
#22 of MLP
Days later Nightmare Moon was in a room laying down on a cushion looking at Luna. Luna was trying to read a book on a cushion that was brought in. A plate with food was next to Luna. Luna had nibbled on the food after Nightmare brought it in. She had seen her sister glance at her a couple of times before going back to her reading.
"Why do you stare at me Nightmare?" Luna asked without looking at her.
"Because I can't get closer without you trying to hit me. I would love to be by your side and enjoy what you are reading. I want to be close to you but you won't let me."
"Why, why do you do this Nightmare?"
"I thought I made that clear when we first talked? I love you sister, you are my other half. Everything I did, I did for you. Is it so wrong to want to love a sister and be loved back. Though it take me a thousand years or more I will always try to get your love sister. I do not like keep you in here but I can't have you interfere with my plans. As soon as I can you will be free of this room and I will enjoy the night skies you will create."
"Then why do you hurt me then Nightmare Moon? You are about to overthrow Tia and hurt or maybe kill our ponies. Please Nightmare moon, if you truly do care for me then stop now. Talk with Tia, we can work something out."
"Celestia talking with me?" Nightmare snorted, "She will never talk with me. You know what I am with her, she would sooner banish me to the moon again before she would ever talk with me. And for you I would give up my need to have her suffer a thousand years in the sun, but she will not give up the thrown willingly and she can no longer effectively rule. No I am faced with a similar choice our sister had over a thousand years ago For our ponies we HAVE to do this." Nightmare Moon nuzzled Luna before leaving.
* * * * * *
It was night over Canterlot with the sky filled with clouds. It was perfect to Nightmare Moon, no moonlight to give away her and her aerial units away. Her gryphons and normal pegasi wore enchanted goggles so they could see easily at night. The past few days her ground forces have been slowly infiltrating Canterlot so when she gave the signal they could take the Royal Guard completely by surprise.
At least that was the plan.
"Hey you!" Nightmare Looked behind her to see none other but the Wonderbolts. She facehoofed then gave the signal. With the flare shot out all her troops launched their attack. She herself plowed through the Wonderbolts before letting her aerial forces take care of them she went to starmist form and looked for Celestia.
Nightmare found Celestia in the throne room looking out a window to the emerging fight. Nightmare Moon reformed herself behind the throne and saw that Celestia sensed that.
"Hello Celestia." The white alicorn looked behind her.
"No, I am not that usurper. She is gone."
_<LIAR!>_Nightmare Moon emerged from the shadow of the throne.
"No, please it can't be true."
"Oh it is quite true my dear sister. I am back and I shall do what you fail to do, protect Equestria." Celestia snorted at that as the two mares circle each other. "Oh it's true sister. Your own subjects have lost faith in your ability to protect them so they brought me back. Because they believe I can succeed where you fail and I think I prove their point tonight. Not only did they capture Selene to bring me back fully and then Capture Luna but I manage to have an army on your doorstep without you even knowing." Celestia looked at her in rage.
"She is safe and cared for. Unlike you I pay attention to her needs. And for my love of her I offer this change to you. Stand down and abdicate the throne and I won't send you to the sun for a thousand years. Instead you will were a suppressor and be limited to the castle, but you will be able to see Luna and maybe you can be the sister you should have been a thousand years ago."
"I refuse."
"Well I can at least tell Luna I tried." Nightmare does a quick blast before powering up a more powerful one as Celestia tripped on Nightmare's extended mane. Nightmare was just about to fire when Selene decided to say.
_<Celestia's got a nice flank.>_Nightmare's surprised jolt sent the shot wide and barely missed Celestia.
'Not now you hitchhiker.'
<Of course now is the best time.>
'If I die you die.'
<I have died once before and this time it will be for a nation then one girl. By the way, heads up.> Nightmare lifted her head and Celestia plowed into her. Nightmare kicks Celestia away and gets back on her hooves and summons a magic sword. Celestia responds with her own. _<What, no lightsabers? BOO!>_Nightmare's growl was more at her rider than Celestia. The two alicorns crossed swords before doing several slashes, cuts, parries, and thrusts. All done in quick succession before the two break off with a handful of cuts on their bodies. The two then stared at each other was they caught their breath in the quiet of the duel.
At least on the outside.
_<That was totally awesome! Those quick moves were so Star Wars. Okay I can forgive you both for no lightsabers.>_Celestia made the move. With her sword swinging around her neck it tried for Nightmare's left flank. Nightmare dodge right with the outside wall to her back as she parried the blow. Celestia then twirled her whole body around and when she was facing Nightmare again her horn was glowing. Nightmare had just enough time to widen her eyes before being blasted into then through the wall and landing on a tower roof below. <_THAT. FREAKING. HURT.>_Nightmare looked back to the hole and saw Celestia look out. Nightmare struck out with several lightning bolts and Nightmare heard Celestia scream out in agony as she fell from the hole and Nightmare took some time to rest.
* * * * * *
With a final gurgle the Royal Guard died and Grape pulled her hair out of his chest. So far the attack was doing well, even if it was a bit early but she guessed Nightmare moon's forces were discovered. Well no plan survives contact with the enemy. She did a quick scan of the area and spread her mane out and killed or grabs several guards to throw them into the air. With a big explosion she saw Nightmare Moon fly into a tower roof and then saw Celestia struck by several lightning bolts and scream in pain.
"Good, our queen is still in the fight." Then she saw a flash of lavender magic. "Horseapples, Twilight's arrived." Seeing that her troops had the area in hand she raced to where she saw the light.
* * * * * *
Nightmare Moon finally decided to move and landed on the ground and began looking for Celestia. She wondered for a few blocks before she saw Celestia trying to get up. With a magical bolt she knocked Celestia back down.
"Enchanted armor is such a blessing isn't it Celestia.?" Nightmare Walked up and put a hoof on Celestia's barrel. She started the banish spell when she felt something hit her back. Nightmare looked behind her to see Twilight and four of her friends and fellow element bearers.
"Selene, what are you doing?" Twilight asked.
"It's it clear Twilight, I'm Nightmare Moon. Your friend is gone."
_< YOU. BIG.FREAKING.LIAR!>_Twilight looked on in shock, her ears bent back and she shook her head.
"No, no, poor Selene." Twilight closed her eyes and a tear fell before they opened back with anger and determination. "You will pay for that Nightmare Moon, you will pay for killing my friend."
"I wasn't responsible. Those that created me did. Now Twilight I do not want to hurt you. You are missing one of your number so you are no match for me. Stand down."
"No they're not." Pinkie said and she appeared out of garbage can. Nightmare Moon had her jaw dropped.
"It's not possible. I had you bound and unconscious in a sealed room."
"That's Pinkie for you." Rainbow Dash stated.
_<Well Moonie, you are in check, possibly mate.>_In rage Nightmare Moon's mane extended up ward and several bolts of lighting came from it. The girls scatter and the next thing Nightmare knew was a chromatic blur before she felt pain in her jaw as her head went up. Before she could recover another hit to the head forced her down. Before she could further react she felt a rope on her legs and tighten to pinned her legs together. Nightmare went to star mist form then started a tornado sending the bearers flying and some hitting walls. Nightmare then felt another blast and sent her into a building. With some groaning she got up and saw Celestia glowing with her power.
* * * * * *
Rainbow was getting up and started to fly again when she felt somethings wrap around her. She looked behind her and was shocked.
"Mane-iac, you're real?"
"She is based off of me Rainbow Dash. Surrender and the Queen will spare your life."
"Not in your life." Mane-iac left her wings free to she shot up as fast as she can and even manage to drag Mane-iac with her till the strange earth pony let go. Mane-iac landed safely and was managing to hold of Apple Jack and surprisingly Pinkie. Rainbow streaked through the air before diving and at street level she was near rainboom speed and hit Mane-iac sending her flying.
* * * * * *
Twilight was not having a good night. Celestia ordered her to get some rest from the search for Selene and then Luna. Now Canterlot was under attack, Celestia hurt, and Nightmare Moon back again. And it was all HER fault. She should have listened to her brother and Celestia, even Selene suggested guards. But she didn't want a barrier between her and the common pony. She wanted to be like a normal pony still. Yes she had her duties they will always keep her above them but she wanted to keep the lifestyle she had just after her accession. But because of her stubbornness a good friend has been taken from her and changed into one of her worst villains. She had to stop nightmare Moon, even if that meant killing her friend. The others were ether knocked out or busy fighting. She now really knew what Celestia felt all those years ago. With tears in her eyes she charged her strongest attack and fired at Nightmare Moon.
* * * * * *
Celestia was down again but not without cost. Nightmare's armor was trashed and she wasn't feeling so hot herself. She then saw a lavender beam head right for her but before it could hit she saw a fly Grape Vine hit it instead. The mare was ...laughing as the beam disintegrates her.
'Horseapples, she was a good ally.' With a quick hop Nightmare summon some lighting and struck Twilight causing her to scream and fall. Nightmare glanced around. Celestia was too weak and injured to offer anymore resistance, but the Element bearers were getting up and none of her allies are nearby. She had to end this threat.
* * * * * *
Twilight groan from the lighting hit and looked to see Nightmare Moon walking to her with her horn glowing with energy. This was it, she had failed and was going to die. She looked at the black alicorn with sadness and regrets. Nightmare Moon was close now and seemd to be about to strike what will likely be a killing blow when something strange happened. Nightmare Moon gritted her teeth and the glow disappeared from her horn.
"Quit it Selene!"
"No, you will not kill my friend." Nightmare Moon reared and fell back and held her head in her hooves.
"You were just a mistake. You are nothing but a MISTAKE!"
"No, I am a human and you never underestimate the human spirit."
"NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!" Nightmare Moon just panted here for a minute to a confused Twilight who had manage to stand up.
"Twilight, you have to hurry, kill us before she can regain control. Not sure how long I can hold her back." This, this was Selene and she was willing to sacrifice herself for Equestria and her friends. Twilight saw her friends up and about. She was not going to sacrifice her friend when she had another option.
"Girls get together and power up." They all flew or limped over and together they activate their harmony powers and transformed. Then they fired the power at Nightmare Moon, no Selene for it was with a content look on her face just before it hit. Then she screamed and the rainbow beam swirled around her, then there was just white.
When Twilight came to she saw Nightmare Moon laying in front of her with eyes closed. As fast as her tired body could she got to the alicorn's side and checked on her. She was breathing but who was in control she didn't know. Twilight looked over and saw Celestia trying to get up and her friends woke up.
"Girls let's get them both to the hospital." Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy took Celestia while Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity took Nightmare Moon/Selene as the battle for Canterlot continued.