Making an escape.

Story by DeathAvenged on SoFurry

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#7 of Opposites.

Kora let out a grunt as she landed on the hotel room floor after Riley had shoved her onto the floor. Her face and breasts were once more covered with his cum after he held her down and forced her to use her breasts on him. It had been several hours since the car ride from the farm house where he had bought Kora. the fox panted as she shifted and moved so she was sitting up, her hands still cuffed together as Riley walked around the room with a lit pipe in his mouth. He moved to the hotel windows and pushed the open to air out the smell of his cum and the pipe. Kora leaned against the foot of the bed in silence, her tail curling around her legs tightly while Riley was watching her from his spot by the window. He soon put his pipe down and moved to her, grabbing the chain connecting the cuffs and lifting her up onto her feet with her letting out a grunt. Riley was enjoying his new toy and was far from done with her. He had entire night to play with her before his business the next day would take up his time. Riley pulled Kora over to the table in the room and bent her over it, his cock still rock hard and throbbing as he ran his hands over her ass cheeks, spreading them apart and pressing his thumb against her rear hole a few times while his cock rubbed along her pussy lips slowly before he suddenly thrust into her. Kora let out a cry that could be heard from those passing by on the streets below. The fox shuddered and closed her eyes tightly as her claws dug into the table. She knew if she tried to fight back against the lion he would hurt her more so she resigned herself to take it. Riley dug his fingers into her ass, kneading her flesh as he began pounding his cock into her pussy roughly with the thud sounds of his hips hitting her echoing through the room with his grunts of pleasure.

Kora kept her eyes closed tightly the entire time, finding herself forgetting it was Riley and replacing him with the image of Blade just to help herself get through it. Kora could feel Riley's cock throbbing inside of her while his barbs massaged and scraped against her inner walls while his index finger rubbed against her ass slowly before pushing into it and wiggling around inside her ass. Riley gripped her hip with his free hand, his claws sinking into her skin as he began slamming his cock into her pussy harder and faster then before, making the table she was bent over shift and shake with his movements into her while Kora left deep claw marks in the wood of the table. Riley pulled his cock from her pussy before he blew his load, rubbing his cock between her ass cheeks slowly with a groan coming from him before he pressed the tip of his cock against her ass and pressing down, taking some effort to get the head of his cock into her ass before he began thrusting and pushing more and more of his cock into her ass until he was sheathed in her. Kora went wide eyed from the new sensation as tears rolled down her cheeks once more. Riley growled in pleasure from how tight her ass was around his cock. One of his hands gripped the base of her tail hard, holding onto it while the other tangled itself in her hair with a tight grip. Riley began pounding his hips into her ass, moving his cock into her tight hole hard and fast with heavy grunts coming from him. "Fuck little fox...such a tight will look good leaking my cum." Kora winced and whimpered as she tried to ignore his voice.

Riley closed his eyes tightly as he gripped her tail tighter then before, his thrusting increasing in power as his cock throbbed hard inside her ass with each thrust he made before he finally let out a loud growl, his cock throbbing hard with each burst of hot cum he released in her ass. Riley held himself there in her ass for several minutes before pulling out of her and stepping back, watching as his cum began leaking from her as she slid down to the floor in a heap. Riley left her like that as he disappeared into the bathroom to shower while Kora laid there sobbing softly.


When Riley finished with his shower he undone Koras handcuffs and locked her in the bathroom so she could get cleaned up while he began making calls for deals he had to get set up and payments to be picked up before he left for his home with Kora. The fox whimpered as she took a long hot shower to get her fur clean. She felt sore beyond anything she thought she would feel and was hesitant when she finished her shower. Riley unlocked the door after hanging up his phone and pulling her out of the bathroom without really giving her time to dry off. As he was putting the cuffs back on her Eric knocked on the hotel room door. Riley let the wolf in and smiled to him. "Ah Eric...come to check on the little cock sleeve I bought from you?" Eric nodded a bit as he looked from Riley to Kora who was shivering in the floor and looking up to the two of them. Eric looked back to Riley and tilted his head to the side a bit. "She is to your satisfaction then?" Riley nodded with a grin as he moved to sit at the table he had just fucked Kora on sometime before with Eric sitting across from him. "I am very satisfied with this little cunt...a tight pussy...tight ass...soft breasts...she is a good buy Eric." The wolf nodded some as he looked at the claw marks on the table Kora had left behind before looking to Riley. "Good then...I won't have to worry of her showing back up anytime soon then." Riley laughed and nodded some before watching as Eric stood up with a heavy sigh coming from him. "I am glad your enjoying your new play thing if you will excuse me...I should head home and sleep...enjoy the rest of your time here in town." Riley nodded as Eric left the room.

Outside the hotel Blade was watching from across the street as his father came out and got into his car to head home. Blade looked up to the windows of the hotel, spotting Riley moving by the window a few times before he heard a small cry from Kora. Riley had stripped down again and was laying back on the bed after grabbing Kora by her arm roughly and pulling her up onto the bed with him. Riley was pulling her hips so her pussy was in his face, his tongue pushing into her and licking around inside her as the fox struggled and tried to pull away only to feel his claws sinking into her hips to make her hold still as he worked his tongue around inside her. Blade growled and took a deep breathe. He had been following his father since the farm house, having followed to the bank, a bar then the hotel. Blade had made it a point to empty out his own bank accounts before he followed his father to the hotel. Now Blade ran across the street and walked into the hotel, moving up to the floor Riley was staying on. Kora was panting and struggling a bit more now as Riley was licking her pussy faster then before, his rough tongue massaging her inner walls with no mercy while his thumb pressed into her clit to rub it. Blade managed to find the lions hotel room by the sound of Kora crying out in orgasm as Riley kept his tongue in her pussy while it clenched down on his tongue with her juices spilling out onto his muzzle. Riley pulled his tongue from her and licked along her pussy a few times before licking his lips clean and patting her ass a few times. "A sweet taste little fox..." Riley was getting ready to push her off of him in order to mount her from behind when Blade knocked on the hotel door.

"who the fuck..." Riley shoved Kora off of him and got up from the bed, pulling on a robe as he moved to the door and pulled it open only to be nailed in the face with a punch from Blade. The lion stumbled back and fell on his ass with a grunt as Blade walked into the room and closed the door before moving to Riley and grabbing him by his mane, punching him hard a few times before letting go and watching the lion slump back onto the floor looking dazed. Blade took a few deep breathes before moving to Kora as she sat up on the bed shaking and crying. He pulled his hoodie off after taking the key to the cuffs out of the lions pants and getting them off of Kora. He helped her put his hoodie on before hugging her as tightly as he could, whispering into her ear. "It is alright is over. Come on we need to get out of here before this douche bag wakes up." Kora whimpered and nodded as she pulled the bottom of his hoodie down to get herself covered better while she ran from the hotel room with Blade who led her down to his mothers car. Once they were in the car Blade drove down the street like a bat out of hell, heading out of the city while Kora was sitting in the passenger side shaking with tears rolling down her cheeks.


As Blade was leaving town with Kora Riley came to with a bloody nose. He shook his head and looked around, seeing the cuffs that were on Kora now laying on the floor before he snarled and got up to grab his phone and call Eric. At the time Blade was speeding down the highway. He felt nervous but he was glad to have Kora beside him again. He knew this was cutting ties with his family, with his mother who he loved greatly but somehow he knew she would be the one to understand. Kora by now had fallen asleep in the passenger seat, her exhaustion getting to her now that she was safe with Blade. The wolf drove for sometime before pulling into a small road side inn. He got a room, paying cash for it before getting Kora inside. While she was sitting on the bed Blade went outside and took his mothers license plate off the car, switching it with a different one so it couldn't be tracked, thankful his mother had an older car that would be harder to keep track of now. He went back inside the room and locked the door behind him only to be pinned when Kora ran to him and hugged him as tightly as she could.

Blade lowered his ears as he hugged her back, holding her tightly as his hands rubbed along her back slowly while he looked down at her. "Kora..." The fox lifted her head and looked at him, her eyes tearing up again as she stared at him. Blade leaned his head down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply while he held her a bit tighter then before as she returned the kiss before pulling back and taking a deep breathe while he nuzzled his muzzle against her own. "It is over Kora...I am sorry this all happened to you...I hope you didn't get hurt to badly by my father...or that lion." Kora closed her eyes with a sigh, returning the nuzzling before she pulled back some to looking at him. "I have been made to cum by that lion several times since your father put me in that...weird room with the mirrors...I am not hurt badly...some scratches and a sore rear...but I am just glad to be here with you now...I didn't know if i would get to see you again." Blade gently led her over to the bed, laying down with her after turning the light out in the room. She cuddled into him as he pulled the hoodie off of her and set it aside, pulling the heavy blanket of the bed over them and gently massaging her sides while he sighed. " My father is just...I don't know he wasn't like this when I was a kid...but it is over with. We will not go back and we will not have to deal with him or anything like that again...I will make sure your never taken away like that again..." Kora gently pressed her nose to his and blushed as she looked him in the eyes before she nodded then nuzzled her face into his neck as she took a deep breathe, taking in his scent and relaxing in his arms as his massaging lulled her into sleep. Blade laid awake for a while, keeping her held to him until sleep finally took him over, the two laying under the covers pressed together while back home Eric was flipping out, yelling into the phone with question after question before finally slamming it down in anger while Camille watched from the door way of his study. She figured Blade had finally found Kora and left. She wouldn't rat him out though and turned to leave her husband drown in his anger.