I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 1
A collaboration by earbender and I.
I was playing the blues at the Crossroads when I met the devil, and he made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
The dark night air was thick with smoke as I drew out the chords, laying down my latest riff blood-hot, straight from the heart. The crowd was with me but too thin, always too thin. And too old. How long could I keep this gig going? There just was not enough audience for the blues anymore. Everyone knew that. Even rock n' roll was dead - hip hop killed it. Mine was a dying art.
After I had packed up my stratocaster and was leaving the stage, there was gentleman waiting for me. Right away I thought he was odd: he wore a turban, not the most fashionable headgear these crazy days, and nobody wears a three piece suit to a cheap night club, but he was waving me over. For a brief moment I wondered if he was a talent scout...
No way could I get that lucky, I thought.
We walked up to each other. He put out his right hand, a fine cigar smoking in his left, and introduced himself.
"Lewis Star", he said, pumping my hand.
"Larry Indigo", I replied. His grip was somewhat oily. I could smell the faint stench of sulfur through the cigar smoke, as if he had just lit a match and the odor was still lingering.
He patted me on the shoulder. "I like your sound", he said, "and I know some others who'll like it too. If you're willing I'll show you a whole new world, and a much bigger audience."
And that's how it all began.
So he led me to a private booth, walking with a strange gait as if he where club-footed. By the table stood a big bouncer-looking guy, again in a dark three piece suit: muscle. The muscle was holding a briefcase, which he put on the table. He opened it.
It was full of cash. Counterfeit, of course, but it looked so real! I was kind of creeped out now but... of course! This is all just a gag by my buddies. What a costume! And the sulfur taint was a nice extra touch.
"One million dollars", said Lewis.
The bills on top were C-notes. Exactly ten thousand of them if he was telling the truth. Just enough to fill a briefcase like this one.
"Only a million dollars?", I laughed. A nervous laugh it's true but no one was gonna say I couldn't take a joke! "Really now, my soul is worth a lot more than that!"
"Very well, one million dollars ernest money now, with another nine million dollars delivered tomorrow", he replied. Then he held out a sheaf of papers: the contract.
Still thinking it a gag I took the contract and signed it, not bothering to read the fine print. Felt a sting on my finger and dropped the pen, touched finger to my lips and tasted blood. "What the hell..."
The devil smiled widely, revealing eerily real-looking snaggled teeth. "No hell," he said, "just a simple DNA sample. For reference purposes. It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Indigo!"
Then he took from his pocket a small camera-like device, pointed it at me, and clicked.
And suddenly I was enveloped in darkness. It felt like I was floating. I blinked a few times and opened my eyes.
I was looking up at the ceiling in a well-lit white room. The room smelled like dog, a girls bathroom, and a boys gym. And I was looking down a white furry muzzle with a black nose at the end of it.
'Huh?', I thought, and brought my hands of to my face: my hands where also covered with white fur, and my arms had tan and black furry splotches...
I felt my face: it really was a muzzle, with sharp canine teeth and a cold, damp nose.
"What the hell!", I yelled, my voice oddly high-pitched, sounding strange in my ears. In fact, it sounded like a girls voice...
I looked around me. I was laying in a bed with a white sheet over me. To my left was a... dog man. A doberman dog man. In a white doctor's hospital outfit. He looked up from the notepad he was carrying in his hand-paws.
I stared at him, open mouthed. "Gah...", I managed, in a soft, sweet, unfamiliar voice.
"Hello Miss Larry Indigo, welcome to our beautiful planet Vrouf!", he said. I felt my ears pivot towards him as he spoke. "We know you'll love it here and we're so looking forward to your performances when you become acclimated to your new body. Do you have any questions or comments you'd like to share first off?"
"My new body?", I blurted out, using my new girlish sounding voice. I sat up in bed, the sheet falling from me. Things jiggled and swayed on my chest and belly as I sat up, feeling like small weights. I looked down at myself: I was in a hospital gown.
I leaned forward, grabbed the gown, and pulled it up over my hips - and got the shock of my life.
I was staring down at the smooth curve of a female groin, covered in white fur. And on my lower belly where two white furred teats, about B-cup sized. Mouth agape I pulled the gown all the way up my chest, revealing a double row of eight white furred teats, four on each side, with big pink nipples.
I stared at the doberman doctor. "Wha... what am I?", I managed in what I recognized as my now female voice.
"You're a Vroufling now", he said with a doggy smile. "As per your contract. And a most lovely sweet bitch you are, if I may be so bold!"
Suddenly I felt dizzy. A Vroufling bitch, he said? On the planet Vrouf? Where the hell was planet Vrouf? And what in blazing sulfer-stinking hell was a Vroufling? Other than the new bitchy me, of course, and no doubt the doberman doctor dog beside me. No matter, not my department. Reset time. Game over.
"Turn... me... back!", I shouted.
The doctor shuffled his feet, looking embarrassed. "I'm so sorry Miss Indigo but we can't do that. We Vrouflings don't do the body synthesis at all. It is far beyond our technological abilities, and is part of the package we've contracted with our Yenta cultural exchange partners. They have delivered the product as requested - that is you - and will not agree to any change other than return as defective". Then he got very serious. "Trust me on this. You do NOT want to be returned as defective."
We stared at each other as that sank in. "Do you have any other questions?", he asked, nervous-voiced.
"Yes! Why did you make me a bitch?"
"Oh, dear, were you a male before? But you had long fur on your head! We thought only the females of your species could grow long head fur!"
"Both male and female humans grow long hair. Sometimes we cut it, sometimes we don't. Now if you'll be so kind as to explain this to your lovely-fine Yenta cultural partners and have them put me back in their lovely-fine transmogrifier-bitch-making-machine and correct this small problem I'll be very much obliged."
He shook his head no. "Miss Indigo you don't understand. There is no 'back' for you to go to. You are a copy of the original Larry Indigo, inhabiting a synthesized body. The Yenta could make a new male body with a fresh copy of your personality, but for the 'you' as you perceive yourself now, there is no going back. Only erasure."
Erasure. I let that sink in. So the original me was somewhere back on Earth, holding ten million dollars, and I was stuck here in the body of a Vroufling bitch...
I sighed. I guess I really should have read the small print.
"So where is Lewis Star?", I asked.
"Your manager? I'll send for him right away."
At that, he turned around and walked out the door.
Left alone, my mind spun: what was I going to do now?
I got up out of the bed. To my right was an open door, leading to a bathroom, with a mirror over the sink. Filled with a sense of morbid curiosity, I knew I had to see my new body in the mirror.
I walked to the bathroom, my hips shifting in an unfamiliar way with each step. That's when I noticed I now had a tail, which swung in counter-balance to my steps as I walked. I sighed and shook my head, walking into the bathroom.
I looked into the mirror: the face staring back at me looked like a border collie's and was white furred with tan and black markings. I frowned, backed up, and lifted my gown again, revealing my wide feminine hips, female groin, and lower teats.
I put my hand-paws to my lower teats and lifted them, rubbing the bottoms: they felt somewhat heavy, fluid and soft. I ran my thumbs over the big pink nipples. 'God this feels weird', I thought.
Then I ran a hand-paw down the smooth curve of my now-female groin, between my legs, and felt the little furry lips of my new pussy.
I sighed and shut my eyes, taking my hand-paws away and letting the gown fall back down.
Then the doors opened, and in walked the doberman doctor and Lewis Star, the stench of sulfur accompanying him. Only this time his head was bare, revealing pointed ears and a small pair of goat-like horns. And he had a tail. A long red tail that ended in a spade. I stared at him: he really did look like the devil!
He looked at me and shook his head. "Larry I'm so sorry about the gender mix-up! I should have specified a male body!"
I glared at him. "So what now?", I asked.
"Well", he said with a smile, "I want to show you to your band. After all, I did promise you a whole new world and much wider audience!"
I could only stare.
"Come with me, and I'll take you to your trailer so you can get changed. I want to start recording as soon as possible. Remember, you still have a contract!"
That was it. I couldn't take it any more. "Screw the contract!", I shouted. "I'm not doing anything with you!"
At that he frowned and said, "Doctor could you see fit to grant us a bit of private time? Miss Indigo and I have matters to discuss."
When the doberman was gone he said, "Do you really mean to reject your contract? We Yenta take great pride in honoring our promises. If you can't or won't deliver on your contract we'll be forced to erase you and offer the Vrouf another choice. Is that truly what you want?"
We stared at each other for a long minute as the realization of my helplessness at last sank in.
"Okay, fine. Show me to my trailer", I sighed.
"Follow me", he said, and so I did. Together, we left the lab.