Midnight Park Pleasures

Story by PrettyPanther on SoFurry

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I breathed out a low sigh, my breath creating soft clouds in the cold air. My phone tells me its 10:42, but it's a few minutes behind. "Come on, where are you?" I quietly ask the darkness. Online, I had met a girl who went by the name ScreemQueen69. We spoke about all sorts of pervy kinky stuff, things that usually made me feel out of place, in the wrong, misunderstood.. When I started talking to her however, she assured me it was okay to think the things I did and made me feel normal. We talked for hours at a time about the things that we enjoyed and our secret turn on's. Later she had told me her name was Jessie. After months of talking, we decided to meet at a park to hang out for real. Jessie said she had to wait until her parents were in bed and we agreed to meet here by 11. I pulled the collar of my coat against the wind as I sat on a cold, stone bench. My phone read 10:58 now, and the park lights were already turning off one by one.

BouncyBunnyBabe: _You sure you can make it? I don't mind waiting until the weekend. _

ScreemQueen69: _Trust me its fine. Besides, my parents stay up later on weekends. I'll be there, promise! _

BouncyBunnyBabe: _Ok, see ya then Jessie. _

ScreemQueen69: See ya Skylar.

Looking at our messages from the night before, I was somewhat assured. "I'll be there, promise!" repeated in my mind. Then I paused and listened, the sound of light footsteps coming in my direction. I looked around and only saw a man walking past, sighed and sat back down. After a few more minutes of waiting, I stood and messaged her as I began walking.

BouncyBunyBabe: _Hey, its nearly 11:30, we can just meet another night. _

A few moments later, she responded.

ScreemQueen69: _Hey sorry! I'm here, just not where we agreed. There's this little area with wood tables and a roof past the swings, I'm in there. _

BouncyBunnyBabe: _Well why didn't you say so? On my way now. _

Walking towards the area, I saw a figure leaning on one of the four pillars holding the roof up. I smiled and waved, jogging over. "Jessie!" The figure turned and I slowly stopped. He stepped out into the light and pulled his hood down. "Skylar!" he called, smiling. He looked to be the same age as me, but- "I thought you were a girl..." I said hesitantly. He paused, then frowned. "It was the username wasn't it? I'm sorry, I should have clarified. I was with this one chick when I made the account, and she came up with the name. I use the account though." Pondering a moment, I realized he never said he was a boy or girl, I only assumed. "Well, that's alright I suppose. I just sorta assumed." We sat next to each other on the wood bench and laughed. For a while we talked about how our days went and what we had expected to see when we met. "I thought you would have been taller!" he joked, patting my head. I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled. "Sorry to disappoint ya." I laughed. "I'm actually not all that disappointed." he smiled, a hand touching my lower back. My fur stood on end as his cold fingers met my warm skin.

"Whoa, hey there.." I muttered, lightly pushing his hand off. He leaned in close and whispered "You need to relax," his eyes meeting mine. His hand slid up my skirt and I lightly grabbed his wrist with no effort of holding him back. Icy fingertips trailed up my inner thigh and rubbed my panty line. "I- I don't know if we should.." I began, fingers trembling from the cold. He lightly shushed me, kissing my neck as he rubbed my developing wet spot below. Using his other hand, he pulled me over onto his lap and spreading his legs between my own, making mine spread even farther. The cold air rushed up my legs and I shivered, his hot lips meeting mine to sooth the chill. His hand returned and began pushing past my panties, and I suddenly came to my senses. "W-wait I can't do this.." I started, trying to close my legs. Swallowing, I pushed my hands on the bench to try and stand up.

He pulled my hands behind me and pushed me to the ground, my lip coming between my teeth. Taking my hands and pinning them above my head in one hand, he used his other and scratched down my side. I shivered and tried to hold back a moan, the taste of my blood on my tongue. "I know what you like Skylar, we talked about this all the time." He was right, I told him everything I like, everything that turns me on. And now he's doing what I said I wanted done to me. . He scratched down my other side and pressed his body on top of mine, his hard-on pushing nearly under my skirt. My fur stood on end again and I tried to pull my hands away. Instead of releasing me, he pulled rope from his pocket and bound my hands tight, using the same knot that I told him I preferred months ago. He then pulled my hands behind my head and tied the rope around my neck so if I pulled with my hands, it would tighten around my throat. The fact that he listened so well to what I enjoyed surprised me, but I still did my best to tell my body that this was somehow wrong.

Then he grabbed a bag that I hadn't noticed from near a pillar and pulled out more rope. He pulled me over to the pillar and sat me up, making knots on my knees and pulling the rope behind the pillar, spreading my legs as far as they could go. He then pulled the rope from the back to the front and made an X between my breasts. Getting on his knees in front of me, he rubbed my panties and came away with wet fingers. I blushed and turned away slightly. Again I tried reminding myself this wasn't right, but I couldn't help but want him to do more to me. He turned my face to his and frowned. "Oh, I didn't mean to hurt you.." he muttered, genuinely concerned. Leaning forward, he lightly sucked my lip and rubbed my slit. Giving in to the feeling, I finally let myself moan a little. Pulling back, he unbuttoned my coat and shirt from under the ropes, pulling them back to reveal my body to the night. Then he reached behind and unclasped my bra, pulling it up over my head to my elbows.

He reached behind with both hands and grabbed my ass, spreading it wide as he bit my nipple. I curled my toes and moaned again, louder this time. One hand slid past my panties and rubbed my wetness before sliding in. I tried to straiten my arms and the rope around my throat tightened, a strained sound of pleasure forcing its way from my lips. He smiled and grabbed my purse, feeling around in it. "H-hey~" I called. He pulled out a small candy container, nearly an inch in diameter and about 3 inches long, and smiled. Lowering it, he rubbed it between the lips of my pussy. "Hey, n-not that.." I whined. His lips found themselves on mine, and a few moments later two of his fingers were forcing themselves into my rear. I opened my mouth to object, but his tongue muffled my sounds as he kissed me deeper. Using his two fingers, he spread me wider and began to push the candy holder into me.

Once the bottom was in, he used his palm and slowly pushed it deeper until all that stuck out was the top where it opened. My body quivering, he put his feet under him and grabbed hold of my ass cheeks again, standing and pulling me up the pillar so I was off the ground. Once standing, with me at his level, he pulled his pants down enough for his cock to spring out. I leaned my head forward a bit, the rope around my throat lightly choking me, as I kissed him begging for it. His body pressing against me, he rubbed his head on my clit, then pulled my lower on the pillar on top of him. Grabbing hold of my breasts, he thrust into me over and over. Again he bit onto my breast, this time sucking as much of my breast into his mouth as he could. In the back of my mind, I wondered how nobody in the neighborhood had heard my moans, then decided I didn't care if they heard. Still sucking my breast and pounding into me, he put his hand on my throat and choked me, releasing just when I needed air before tightening his grip again. "You're so tight, I'm gonna cum." he grunted, his hips moving faster. "P-please, cum inside of me.." I begged. Moaning loudly, he grabbed my hips and slammed my body on top of his shaft. I moaned with him as I climaxed as well. Below, my body tightened around his cock and around the container so much that the container popped open, little white candies bouncing across the cement. After a few moments break, I looked down to see he was still hard as ever and smiled. "Let's go again." I told him, to which he only grinned wider than I.