Chapter Nineteen (Todd)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#19 of First Steps 2: Happy Trails

I walk with Wendell in the woods. He mentioned once that his dad taught him how to make weapons. That is, before they disowned him. We walk paw in paw as we search for supplies. The only thing we can really find is a bunch of sticks and leaves.

Wendell looks up and stops us. "That one looks perfect." He points up at the tree above us.

"Yeah. But it's like 15 feet high. How're you going to get there?" I ask. He turns to me and laughs.

"Silly foxy," he kisses my cheek, "there's a reason climbing was invented." Wendell grips the tree. He hoists himself up and finds a sturdy branch to grab. As he climbs, he sets his foot on each branch to make sure it'll hold his weight. Let's face it, he's seventeen and he's a growing wolf. When he reaches the branch he was seeking, he grabs it with both paws and I can't tell what he's doing.

"What're you doing?!" I yell.

"I'm seeing if this branch will break," Wendell makes more grunting noises and says, "yep. This one will work. I'ma send it down ok?" He takes out his pocketknife, carefully saws off the branch and it comes tumbling to the ground right in front of me.

"Got it Wendell!" I say. I bend down to pick it up, but he shouts at me again.

"Hold out your arms babe!" I make out the words. I do as he asks wonder why. However by the time I realize what he's up to, he comes crashing to the ground, falling into my arms; but I end up falling down with him on top of me. I wrap my arms around him and smile.

"Thanks Todd." He smiles and kisses me.

"You're crazy." I whisper.

"I know," Wendell lowers his face so our noses are touching and I can feel his warm breath on my face. "But I know you like it when I'm crazy." He locks lips with me again. As the kissing intensifies, we slowly stand up and it ends with him holding me in his arms. At this point, were French kissing. When it breaks (sadly), I need to ask him something.

"So, what's the branch for?" I ask.

"You'll see." He says. Such a tease when it comes to information. He gently sets me on the ground and he goes to pick up the stick he just cut off. Wendell walks around a bit more. He continues to climb trees and gather some more branches theatre almost as thick and durable as the first one he cut. Before he goes to climb another one, he reaches into his pocket and gives me another pocketknife. This one looks different and I've never seen it before.

"Where'd you get this?" I ask.

"I stole it from Dexter." Wendell says. I widen my eyes at what he just said.

"You did what!? They could unarmed right now!!"

"No! I heard that Tom carries an emergency flare gun in case."

"A flare gun? Dude, those can only be fired once!"

"Relax. I'm sure they'll fire it wisely. Besides, we have weapons to make so let's keep going." He grabs one of the branches he got and starts whittling the end. After a few minutes, there's wood dust at our feet and the stick is sharpened like an arrow. Hold on, arrow!

"You're making an archery kit?" I ask.

"Yep. And as for where the bow will come from, I've got a bungee cord back at the cabin that I found when we came to The Clearing one morning." He hands me more of the sticks. "I want you to white more of these while I get more of them. We'll need a dozen of these things at least."

Wendell finds another tree and starts climbing. I've got about six sticks in paw and I start sharpening them with Dex's stolen knife. They way I do it is not as good as the way Wendell does it, but it'll be good enough.

He finds six more and then sits down beside me. I've got four more done. He takes an unwhittled stick and starts going at it.

"Who knew that we'd be sitting here, our lives at stake, in the middle of the woods, making bows in the middle of the afternoon?" Wendell says.

"I know." I say. "We have a weird life, don't we Wendell?"

"True. But then again, I know you like weird."

"How do you know?" He holds up my left paw and shows me the ring again. It still makes me so happy to know that we can get married soon. As soon as we get out of this mess, I'll be known as Todd McCarthy-Tripp. The thought excites me. "What do you want to do after we get married?" I ask.

"Well, for our honeymoon, I was thinking we could go to this awesome beach I read about. The afterwards, we get a house and we can go from there." Wendell says. That idea is awesome; but still, something does tug in my brain.

"Will we ever get kids?" I ask.

"Not sure. Why?"

"Just thinking about how nice it'd be if we had a family." Wendell puts an arm around me.

"I'd do anything for you, Todd. And if having a family makes you happy, then we'll do it." He kisses me. "But when the time is right, ok?"

"Absolutely." I say, kissing him back. I notice that we've finished whittling and we didn't even notice. I smile at Wendell and he smiles at me. I look down and notice his tent has grown back.

"Trying to sneak a peak, are we?" Wendell teases me.

"Wendell, we shouldn't be having sex, not while we're being terrorized." I say, half serious.

"C'mon? Quick oral?" Wendell pins his ears down. "Just a minute. Please?"

I roll my eyes. It's so hard to say no to eyes like that. "Fine." I say. I'll admit I do have a boner too. "But only for a minute. After that, we stop and head back to camp."

"Yay!!" Wendell playfully says. He reaches for my pants button and unbuttons it. He unzips the zipper, reaches into my briefs and pulls my hard cock out. I slide my clothes off by a few inches to give Wendell a better angle. He wraps his muzzle around it and starts sucking. I throw my head back and moan. My paws find the back of his head and helps him move his head up and down. I feel his tongue run up and down my shaft as I play with his ears. He keeps his paws on my hips as he sucks harder. Wendell occasionally gives my hips the occasional squeeze.

I count sixty seconds and even though I'm lost in list and want to stay that way, I say, "Ok Wendell. Let's head back." He keeps sucking though. Even though I smile, I put both paws on his cheeks and pull him off my cock. I put it back in my pants and zip and button them back up.

"Awww, I wanted foxy to orgasm though." He pins his ears down again and I get puppy dog eyes again.

"Well 69 together later." I say. I can't help but laugh. "But right now, we need to get back to camp."

"Fine." He says. But neither of us move. We sort of look at the ground and then at each other. I can't help but smile and he does too. He reaches out and slowly rubs my crotch through my shorts. I do the same for him. I blush a bit and giggle like a girl. Wendell puts a paw on my shoulder and I put a paw on his cheek. We both lean forward and kiss again, our tongues quickly wrapping around each other. He keeps tubing me downstairs and I can't help but murr a bit into the kiss. Wendell does the same.

I feel him smile as we kiss. His paws crawl to my ass and he gently spanks me. I climb on top of him and we kiss more intensely. His paws stay on my ass and he gently massages it.

When the kiss breaks, I say, "I love you Wendell."

"I love you too Todd." He says. My handsome wolf then goes back to making out with me. However, it only lasts about ten seconds before Wendell's phone rings. He takes it out and answers it.

"Hello? Oh hey Angie... I'm about to head back to camp right now... What?... No way! Are you serious?... Well bring it with you and then we can figure it out... Ok. Bye." He hangs up.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Apparently they found a photo of Janelle tied to a chair."


Angie, Dex, Tom, and Steele brought the photo they mentioned back to cabin one. Now that I see it, I definitely see Jani tied to a chair. As for where she is, I couldn't tell ya.

"It looks like she's in some sort of building." I say. We are all sitting on the bed except for Tom, who's on the floor.

"Yeah. But where is this place?" Angie asks.

"Not sure," Tom says, "it looks like some old abandoned warehouse.

"It's a prison." Wendell says point blank. We all turn to him and he suggest for him to elaborate. He rolls his eyes, gets off the bed and walks over to the photo, which is placed on the dresser. He points at the Windows letting in light in the room. "Barred windows. Where do you find that? Prison." He points to the very far rift of the picture. "See some more bars right here? The ones that kind of look like they're forming a wall, like a prison cell." He points to the middle where Jani is at, specifically at what appears to be her wrists. "Those look like handcuffs. Where do you find those? In a prison."

"Ok. So we have some idea of where she's at." Angie says.

"Tom, know any local prisons?" Dex asks. Tom thinks for a minute, then he must remember something because he gets that look where you remember something but you don't know how to react.

"Brenner," he says.

"Brenner?" I ask.

"Brenner street. It's where we found this photo. There's an old prison about 10 miles up Brenner street." Tom explains.

"We need to get there." Angie says.

"How? We don't have a car." Dex says. Wendell perks his ears up and smiles evilly.

"Oh no." I say. "That face never means anything good."

"Hush foxy." Wendell says, "I've got an idea. It's obvious that they got there using some kind of transportation. They didn't just walk here from the airport. They have to be driving something to get here. So, we find where they're hiding their truck or whatever and use it on a joyride to find Janelle."

"He does have a point." Angie says. "But where do we get to the point where we kill those bastards for kidnapping our friend?"

"If we see Rodger or one of his little friends, we'll teach them a lesson." Wendell says. He drags out his makeshift bow and arrow and fires an arrow right at the wall to prove his point.

"But they have weapons." Tom says.

"So do we," Wendell says, "we have a bow and arrow, two pocket knives, and an unused flare gun. I'm sure that we can stand up to them."

"How do you know that?" Tom asks.

"Really? I've went on a cross country adventure. I've been face to face with vicious criminals. And for fuck's sake we're up against terrorists for crying out loud! Every single time something has gone wrong, I always knew how to fix it. Every single time, things work out in the end. So I would know what I'm talking about. We're going to get through this you guys. Are we going to let them beat us and trap us here? No! So let's get out there and kick some terrorist ass!"


"Let's do this!" The crowd goes crazy over Wendell's speech. My phone vibrates and I take it out of my pocket. It's Toby. I haven't heard from him in a bit. I answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi, Todd." Toby's voice says.

"Where are you?"

"Where are you?"

"Cabin one. Me and the rest of the guys are just talking, why?" There was something about the way Toby was speaking that made me suspicious of whether or not to tell him the truth.

"Oh no reason." I hear him trembling. Oh shit. Do they have him too? That's when I hear something unusual from the other line. I can't make it out exactly, but I think I hear "Nuzzzeerp."

"What?" I ask. The others in the room look at me with concern. They know now that something is up.

"I'm speaking foreign." I hear a whisper from the other line. Then it's said again. This time I know it's Toby. "Nuzzzeerrrrrp."

"Toby? Where are you?" I ask.

"Nuzzzzerrrrp!!" He sounds frantic. I hear screaming and then the line cuts. I hang up and put my phone away.

"What happened?" Wendell asked.

"Toby called. But it didn't sound anything like him." I say. "And he kept saying the same thing over and over again: Nuzerp."

"Nuzerp?" Dex asks. "What the hell does that mean?"

"I don't know. But it sounded like he was trying to say something to us in secret. Like he was being held on gunpoint." I say.

"Nuzerp." Wendell says. He plays around with the word for a while, exaggerating each syllable. Eventually, he snaps his fingers and says, "Nuzerp. Isn't it obvious?" No one says anything and we all just stare at him.

"Nuzerp!! It's prison pronounced backwards!! Toby's been kidnapped!"