Surgimorphs Chapter Eleven: When You Mess With A Fox (2/3)

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#12 of Surgimorphs

Well Sukura's in jail.

Something happens at the Club,

The Black Rose has been called.

What will happen in this chapter? Well I'm afraid I'm just not telling.


Well to say that I enjoyed being in a jail cell was to say that A rat enjoyed being in an electric shock maze. I looked towards the two in front of my cell. "If we are being held can't we get a phone call?" I ask keeping my tone courteous. They looked at one another and shrugged lightly. The human passed over his cell phone. "Make it quick." I mentally sighed and with some difficulty punched in a number. I Knew of course that they did this too keep a record of the number but the person I was calling always had a few back up cell phones.

When the call completed and I heard a cuatious "Hello" my voice took on a bit of a British accent. "Victor, This is Sukura. I need you to find someone for me and I also need you to lose your current cell phone somewhere. Her name is Sayomi Londos The Black Rose. Tell her flower boy is having troubles." I didn't wait for confirmation. I ended the call and passed back the phone. "Well that was interesting..." began Max.

I smiled innocently. "I'm afraid neither of those names are of any concern to either one of you." my tone was sweet and rather silky while still British. "Why is that. Anything you can and say will be used against you in the court of law you know. and you just said those names in front of us both. " replied Max.

My smile turned slightly feral."Names have power Mr. Max, you had best be careful which ones you say aloud." "You wouldn't be threatening my mate now would you?" said Austin his hand clenched in a fist. "No I wouldn't be, I'm in a cage after all." Of course nothing could stop me from phasing through the bars to escape except the fact that I would have to leave Pengu behind if I did such.

I wouldn't leave the sweet wolf to be questioned or punished for something I had done and what he was innocent for. However playing those two cards especially in front of the cops would incur quite a significant favor from both Victor and Sayomi in the future. Of course if I had access to my usual resources I wouldn't had to have relied on Victor to find her.

I glanced over towards Pengu to make sure that I hadn't frightened him any due to my actions and while he looked to be confused the look in his eyes showed me that he still trusted me and so I smiled at him gently in thanks for that confidence. He blushed a bit in response which made my smile widen and his tail wagged behind him.

_I'll have to talk to him later after all of this is sorted out. Unfortunately I'll be stuck with the accent for awhile but that can't be helped. Thank you grandmother for being British. _


I woke to a blinking red strobe light. Normally that wouldn't have bothered me but the special tone that played with it was nine kinds of annoying and I slammed my hand down irritably on the button that would shut the damn thing off before yawning and getting into my chair to check over my command center to see what had sparked the alarm.

Apparently someone had started to move around funds and one of my spy probes caught it. Now normally I wouldn't care about that but the funds were being moved from an account that didn't exist to an account that didn't exist and proceeded to make several leapfrog jumps before just vanishing completely into nothing. I admit I was intrigued by this as it wasn't everyday that money vanished into digital dust and wasn't seen ever again.

I decided to look up an acquaintance of mine that well dealt with the more unsavory clients. I punched in the ten digit code he gave me to contact him and her voice came onto the line cultured and crisp. "Yes my darling Angel?" I relayed my request to her for help along with what my spy probe had just caught. "My question Ms Viper is this something you know about?"

She took her time in answering and when she did answer she spoke with the slightest hesitation which that in itself was unusual. "She is known as the Black Rose. Few people ever get to know her name, even fewer than that can actually find her. Signs indicate that she is heading your way and if someone called for the Black Rose I would suggest running."

It seemed she had said all she would on this topic. Or so I thought before she added. "I would not try to go digging for information on the Black Rose Angel. Her thorns are very sharp and reach long distances. Heed my warning Angel, for I do not give them lightly." She disconnected the call leaving me seriously disturbed. She was practically royalty in her sect of the trade and for someone to frighten her in such a way meant very bad things for anyone on the receiving end.

So while I didn't look up information on Black Rose I did look up the symbolic meaning behind the flower and the results didn't surprise me as a black rose symbolizes death. However even in knowing this while still bearing in mind Viper's warning I still find myself quite reluctant to let this manner go without attempting to get some information. For now though the only thing I can do is call Aruna. I made to do such and some local police traffic made me pause then chuckle.

_Seems like our Fox has gotten himself captured which means the wolf was involved somehow. Quite obvious that things are progressing between them though I know less about the fox than I would care too. _


I was by the bar when I got the phone call, so I nodded to Saphire and took a pull on my soda before heading out to answer it. I passed Evan on my way out or should I say I passed Orphan Annie. I ignored him as I moved outside and took my call. "Who slow down Angelo and tell me from the beginning."

The hacker took a breath and told me his findings. "So what I gather from this is a female called the Black Rose is suddenly on the move and she packs enough punch to scare some of your less... scrupulous clients. Also the fox and wolf got arrested and are currently in the furry community jail. Movement of the Black Rose only surfaced now and the two of them have been in jail for at least a day." Angelo confirmed my summary which had me thinking that it's time I went to the source that referred those two to begin with.

I headed back inside and slipped Saphire a tip for my drink and grabbed my things from behind the counter. "I'll be out and about. I don't know when I'll be back." I told her and she nodded promising to pass the message along if needed. However my exit was delayed with Evan and Kova almost running me over and a girl with flowing black hair and a skin tight black dress and high heels stepped into the club. I tilted my head to the side as we don't usually have the lady of the evening types venture into this club. Especially if they were human.

She didn't seem to realize what danger she was in as both Furs went straight for her. Ok I take that back she was too relaxed, too in control to be casual. The dance floor had frozen with her entrance and she smiled as if she knew it was her doing. Holo skin was nothing knew however when she snapped her fingers her whole body shimmered and danced with lazer light before it began to change.

Gone was the black dress instead a rather dangerous set of armor seemed to cover it. Unless I mistaken fire was also wreathing her hands. She didn't appear to be affected and her flaming red hair and eyes seemed to scream danger. Furs as they so often do quickly backed away from the source of heat and only Kova and Evan remained approaching. Saphire and DJ looked on stunned as Techno music still played over the speakers.

I admit I watched too as I didn't feel the need to involve myself just yet. No one had ever disturbed the peace of this club and got away with it. No one had ever beaten Kova in a fight either. Kova's claws seemed to shine as he lashed out at her and she twisted niftly to the side before rolling back as Evan slashed with a war fan.

Now I'll admit as I watched the battle continue I couldn't help but admire the girl but despite the supposed fire in her hands not once did she attempt to strike back at them or do anything other than dodge. The scuffle had gone on for about ten minuets now. I raised my eyes to the ceiling and considered hitting the fire sprinklers just to see if that fire was legit or not. Now don't get me wrong Kova and Evan don't attack someone lightly and when it comes to contests of skill both of them are gifted in their own way. Evan had the speed while Kova had the muscle. They would never attack someone without good reason and as it appeared this young woman is quite the femme fatal.

Don't give me that look. I'm not trying to objectify women here you know. More than have of the characters in this story are girls you know. To further confuse matters someone dropped from the ceiling with blue hair and landed right in front of the red head which only seemed to infurate her. The two squared off and it turned out that fire was legit as blue hair had her hands wreathed in water and as they matched each other blow for blow billowing clouds of steam rose up. Kove and Evan drew back uncertain as the fight continued.

I meanwhile had enough of waiting and apparently DJ had agreed with me because I saw him come out from the back with a tranq gun in his hands. He headed up the stairs above the lights and lined up his shots. Saphire apparently was spotting him as she said "Fire." into her headset and two seperate shots rang out and while red was hit blue dodged. "Dammit sis." she muttered and reached down to grab red head by her hair and began dragging her out.

No one stopped her, I glanced over to Evan and Kova who seemed to be composing themselves and then Evan held up his hand and I tossed him his usual microphone. "Ladies and Gentleman that concludes tonights exhibition fight. Give our ladies a round of applause and then resume your night."

_Well that's total Bullshit _ I thought but I started the clapping and slowly everyone joined in until the pace of the club was returned to normal. Evan walked back over to me with the mic and gave me a pointed look as I took it. I smiled and nodded "Nice show boss." I commented to him and he laughed lightly at that.

I put the mic away then followed him back to the private rooms. To my surprise Evan was actually shaking from what had just occurred. "Do you know those two?" I asked him gently. "Yes I do. Their third sister will not be happy to learn those two are around. All she wanted was peace with her mate. Fire and Water never get along anyway."

Evan didn't speak further instead he dismissed me with a wave and I went to leave once more the evening's excitement a bit too much for me to process at this time. I decided to pay our fox friend a visit. Angelo's warning still haunted my eardrums as I headed out so as a precaution I slipped my stun gun into my purse and fit my composite bow under my shirt with a few arrows in the quiver under that and disguised it with a school bag.

It took me three hours of walking to reach the outskirts of the Furs settlement and I decided to call on the old woman the two had talked to before as I made way in deeper. When I knocked on the door she answered promptly. "So can you tell me what's going on?" I asked her and her shrewd sharp eyes seemed to pierce into mine.

"Are you asking as a friend? Or are you trying to gather information for that group of yours?" I hesitated could I really count myself a friend of the Fox? He didn't know me and was still suspicious of me. Probably didn't know my name and still didn't trust me. My group had treated him roughly in the past and gone to outright kidnapping of his friend to get him to join. He killed them without a second thought. True he did it to protect his friend but if that's the type of person he is did we even want him in the protectorate?

"Now I'll stop your thought's there Aruna. That fox is many things but a cold blooded killer is not one of them. I garuntee you he sees their deaths every night and the actions he took to make it happen." "Then why did he do it?" I retort. "Becuase he had no other choice." she replied just as firmly.

As she finished speaking she put a mug down in front of me. "I'll leave you to your thoughts." She turned to head back inside and I staid on the porch holding the mug and sipping it idly as I thought over my most recent thoughts. _So the question here is do I risk my neck for him and see if that earns his trust or do I try and see what happened and get him proven innocent. He does seem to be the type that would count that as a debt owed still my own organization has tried to kill him several times. If I only knew more about his past then I could get a better insight into how he might think and act. _


When my phone rang once more I was suprised to see it was Aruna. Her tone was thoughtful as she spoke. "Can you get me the files from the local jail? video and audio files?" "Yes I can but why do you want them?" "I need to know more about the Fox and I'm guessing your initial search didn't turn up too much. I need his human name."

"Alright. I'll send them to your compact this one is free." I told her and she gave thanks before hanging up. I began my work and it didn't take me long to get the data I wanted. However when I did hear the name I passed her related articles and googled his current name and passed those results along in the data I sent her. Our Fox had quite the dark history it seemed.


Once I had the information you have said my brain explouded and you wouldn't have been to far off. Not only was he in the news years ago but he had built his own network of contacts online. He truly beleived himself to be psychic and apparently he formed the group known as the Lunar Dividers to protect other's like him and to provide help to "psychics" and Norms" alike whatever that meant.

Everything went well until someone known as SilverFang went onto the website and then the battle started. Not to soon after that the Senrea disaster happened. Whoever he was now this Fox had quite the sharp mind and while he appeared to be kind and gentle on the surface underneath he had one of the most deadliest intellects I've ever seen.

Yet he was compassionate, thanks to the private messages Angelo supplied me with I could see that. He did honestly personally teach almost every member of the Lunar Dividers and while he kept his own suspicions to himself it makes me wonder if he might not have split personality disorder.

The evidence was here in my hands yet somehow I doubted that. He was to calculated to let his mind fracture like that. He had friends that could make things happen in the shadows and his name alone at least the one he took for online held great weight on itself. Yet as I look further over his history I find that after the Lunar Divider's fell apart he never once took a position of power ever again. He carried the weight of what happened there with him. He didn't trust himself with power.

I finished my mug before I finished my reading and deductions. By the end of it I was left with one question. "Just who is he underneath his fur?" If anyone could possibly tell me that it would either be this Sayomi Londos aka the Black Rose or the wolf he was courting.

I got to my feet and set the mug on the step resolving to go and get some answers from the beast himself. I began the walk to the police station my steps measured and careful, my face filled with determination as I moved. The distance flew by and within moments I was walking into the station. "I'm here to visit Sukura." I said and almost instantly I felt the attendant's focus sharpen. "Your Sayomi?" she asked me.

"I'm Aruna." I replied evenly and passed over my ID. "Put your weapons in the box and then you can see him." I grudgingly put m,y bow and stun gun in the box. She waved me back and then I approached the visitor's Area. Or at least that's what I thought until a brown haired human pointed me towards an interrogation room.

Sukura looked like he had been freshly placed there and was looking around. I smiled grimly and resolved to get some answers.