
Story by pigglesworth on SoFurry

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#14 of Sold

So, I guess that's it. There is no more planned in this series at this point, but you never know when an idea might pop into my head.

Thanks to all the people who took some time out of their lives to read these stories and leave the occasional comment, I hope you enjoyed them.

"And how did that make you feel?"

Nate had grown to hate that question with a passion. By this time he had been sure a voice recording stuck on a loop would be qualified to become a psychiatrist. He started giggling at the thought of the lectures, the female lemur now sitting in front of him, listening to said recording while quickly scribbling down page after page of the exact same question.

"Are you listening to me Nate?"

"To be honest no."

"Then how do you expect to make progress?"

"Listen, all you do is make me tell you 2 things per session, then ask me to describe how that made me feel, let me give you the cliffnotes. It sucked, I hated it, I wished I was dead multiple times. He hurt me, in more ways than one, he reduced me to a sobbing mess on multiple occasions but I survived that. Then I got sold, I figured it would get even worse, but the exact opposite happened, I actually felt happy, like a person again and it just kept getting better. Matt has done more for me than I think you ever could."

"So you like that otter? Even though he is the one holding you captive right now?"

"WE WENT OVER THIS! Are YOU even listening? I've had enough for today. See you next week ... maybe."

Natt got up and stormed out of the office. How could anyone being paid to listen to people not pay attention at all to what he was saying. The same question had been asked in every session again and again. Sure, it is kind of an important one, but the answer was pretty obvious.

As Nate began to think about it though he, begrudgingly, had to admit the lemur had a point. Matt had bought and he had used him. Sure he was a good person and Nate didn't care about that at all but the fact remained that it did happen.

Leaving the office he headed towards the city center. These past few weeks had for the most part reduced the panic he had felt among people. He was getting more and more comfortable just walking through the city, or going to the cinema on occasion, with or without Matt.

Getting to the park he stopped at one of the food stands, picked up a sandwich and sat down on a bench near the skatepark. He had gotten used to coming here after his sessions, using the sound of the skateboards as white noise he just let his mind wander as he watched the young furs trying not to hurt themselves too much.

"Mind if I sit down?" a young lion asked Nate.

Nate shook his head while almost staring at the lion. His fur wasn't anything out of the ordinary, it had the same yellowish sand colour most lions had, but his short mane was red, and by the looks of it not dyed.

"Staring is rude, you know?

"S-sorry, I just have never seen a lion with a red mane."

"Yeah, my friends keep bugging me to dye it-"

"DON'T! Sorry, I just... think it looks nice."

"Aren't you sweet. I'm Tib by the way."

"Strange name."

"Short for Tiberius, perks of having parents who are into sci-fi I guess."

"Could be worse, they could have gone with Khan."

"Oh god, not you too!"

"I dabble. I'm Nate, nice to meet you Tib."

Sitting again in front of the lemur Nate stared at his feet for the first few minutes before he finally worked up the nerve to talk

"I wanted to apologize for last time, I realized the question wasn't as stupid as I had thought."

"That's ok, the important thing is you gave it some thought." she smiled

"Yeah, and to answer the question, yes, I still think I like him. He is nice and cares for me, he also cares about me."


"He still bought me, and ... technically you could say he did force himself on me, at least the first few times."

"How so?"

"When he had just brought me home he just went for it, had he given me a choice back then I would have said no, but I was just afraid he'd react as the bear would have."

"You feel different now?"

"Yes, for one thing I now know if I said no he'd listen, but I actually do like it now, though it has changed a bit in the last few weeks."


"He has gotten, I don't know, in a relationship I'd call it distant I guess. He no longer ... initiates. I don't know if it's because he wants me to decide when I'll have sex, or if he just wants to get used to me not being there, in case I do decide to leave."

"I see. Do you want to leave him, Nate?"

"I ... don't know honestly. I like him, but I met someone last week that kinda reminded me how it was before. Getting to know someone, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, I didn't have that with him and I'm actually kinda worried he was right and all I feel for him is just some misplaced gratitude."

"Ultimately only you can decide what you feel."

"Heh, thanks for the insight doc."

Leaving the office again Nate hurried to the skatepark, looking forward to spending some more time with the lion. Tib had promised him some lessons on the skateboard, and while e wasn't actually interested in learning that, the prospect of getting caught by the lion after tripping made him feel strangely excited.

Tib had been waiting for him and even had brought some protective gear for Nate to put on, which as it turned out was necessary. On the ice Nate had no problem keeping his balance, on the small board however that was a totally different story.

The first time he tried to move on it he lost balance and landed on his face, the second time he managed for about two seconds before falling on his ass. It didn't bother him though all throughout the lesson he kept smiling and laughing, until his phone rang.

"Oh hey Matt. ... No, still in the city. ... The park actually, getting some skateboarding lessons. ... Yeah, I'll be home for dinner.... Ok, bye!"

"Sorry about that."

"So, was that your ... boyfriend?" asked Tib, sounding slightly hurt.

"No, he's my ... I'm just staying at his place for a while."

"That sounds very convincing. You can be honest with me. I'm not just talking to you because I think you're cute. Even if you do have a boyfriend we can still hang out you know."

"It's ... complicated, and you wouldn't believe half of it anyway."

"Right... because the collar makes it so hard to guess."

Nate blushed, he had totally forgotten he was wearing the collar. He barely even felt it these days, it was just like a second skin to him.

"Honestly, I don't care, but if you ever decide you are interested in a boyfriend let me know, I might know a lion that'd be interested in filling that ... position." Tib chuckled.

Matt could hear the key turning and quickly went to welcome his bunny home. What he saw coming through the door still shocked him a bit, even though Nate had mentioned skateboarding lessons. His pants and shirt had rips in them and the bunny himself was slightly bruised as well, slightly limping.

"Dear god, what happened to you, were you mugged?"

"No, I just suck at skateboarding Sir."

Moving in he gave his bunny a small kiss on the nose before picking him up and carrying him to the couch. Matt knelt down and carefully removed his shoes, looking and slightly prodding at his ankles until he touched a slightly swollen part, making Nate wince.

"Stay here, I'll go get you a bandage for that."

"Yes Sir." he giggled.

Matt applied the bandage quickly, making sure to immobilize Nate's ankle as much as possible. Satisfied with his work he looked up at the bunny, who had closed his eyes and was smiling.

"So, I take it you met someone?"

"Yes Sir, a lion, Tib."

"What kind of name is Tib supposed to be?"

"Relax dad!" Nate said while trying to sound like an annoyed teenager.

Matt smirked.

"I will not be spoken to like that in MY house young man! If that happens again I will get my belt, bend you over this couch and ... " Matt couldn't finish that sentence with a straight face and just started laughing.

Calming down Matt looked at the bunny, "You like that guy then I guess?"

"He's funny and nice and ... I don't know. He's just the first friend I made on my own in a long time and it just feels good to spend time with him, you don't mind, do you Sir?"

"No, you deserve whatever makes you happy, never forget that."

"Sir, I know you're working from home tomorrow, but I was wondering if it would be ok if I went out tomorrow, Tib wanted to show me something, no idea what though."

"Well I ... nevermind you go have fun."

"If you had something planned Sir, I'll stay in."

"Nope you're leaving, maybe that way I'll get some actual work done."

Watching Nate getting more and more independant made Matt proud. A few weeks ago he was still doubting whether or not Nate would be able to do it, but the past few week had shown him how strong his bunny was. The one thing he hadn't considered though was the effect his independence would have on him. He had gotten so used to having the bunny around that the possibility of losing him was making him more and more depressed.

The simple fact that he would have to spend tomorrow alone at home felt like he had been stabbed in the gut, but after all that happened he knew that he had no right to deny Nate the simple pleasure of seeing a friend, he was, after all, doing what he wanted him to do, enjoy his life.

Nate wasn't paying attention at all as the lemur was talking to him today, all that was on his mind was that this was his final session, no more 'And how does that make you feel?'.

"There is one last thing I'd like to ask you, though that's mostly my curiosity. Have you decided what you're gonna do? Stay or leave I mean."

"Yes I have."

"But you're not telling me?"

"Yes, and how does that make you feel? ... Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

"It's not that. I have decided, then i reconsidered, then again. I've made my mind up about twenty times today ranging from staying with Matt to moving to a different city entirely. There is just so much that could go wrong, or right for that matter that it's honestly a little overwhelming."

"True, but that is always the problem with choice. Would you rather go back to mindlessly obeying any order given?"

"Yes and no. It certainly made things easier, no planning required, just get up do what you're told and that's it. But in that life I'd never have met Tib, or had the pleasure of letting you annoy me."

"Well, that's it from my side, if you want to keep coming, that's entirely up to you, but I think you'll be doing fine. You might get into trouble here and there, but that's part of the experience."

When Matt heard the front door close he knew that now would he had to be strong for his bun- for Nate. He had to support him in whatever decision he'd make. Matt grabbed the suitcase he had bought and filled for Nate, just a few necessary things to get him started.

With the suitcase in hand he walked down the stairs, putting it down before greeting Nate with a tight hug.

"How was it?"

"All in all, it was ok I guess. The repetitive questions were annoying, but she did kind of help me to think things through. Also I wouldn't have met Tib without her."

Matt grabbed the wooden box containing the contents of the gold package and handed it over to Nate, who quickly opened it and started looking at the contents.

"Uhm, why is there already money in that account?"

"Let's call it a parting gift, or a welcome home present, depending on what you choose. It's the refund, well most of it, we got from the company, seemed only right to give it to you."

"I can't take that, you've done more than enough for me, if anything I should be paying you."

"No, that is yours and if you even mention giving it back again I won't hesitate to give you one more good spanking before ..."

"Yes Sir." Nate smiled.

The silence that followed was all consuming. Neither wanted to be the one to continue on to the inevitable. After a minute of awkward stares Matt was the one who broke the silence.

"So... will you be leaving then?"

"I ... I told you before, I liked being your slave, it was ... fun, somehow at least, ...maybe fun is the wrong word but... I liked it."

"I understand."

"It's just I met this wonderful guy, and I kind of want him to be my boyfriend, but that won't happen as long as I'm your slave." Nate took a step towards the suitcase, stashed the wooden box inside and picked it up.

"I hope he makes you happy, and if he doesn't you can always stay here for a while."

"Thank you, goodbye Sir."

Matt watched as Nate closed the door behind him. He felt strange, not sad, just somehow numb, like something important was missing. He sighed, sitting down on the stairs and realizing for the first time in almost 6 months how quiet the house was without the bunny.

A soft knock on the door got Matt's attention, looking around he wondered if Nate had forgotten anything. He got up, as much as he dreaded looking at the bunny again he had to. Slowly the door opened and Nate stood there with the brightest smile Matt had ever seen on his doorstep.

"Hi, I'm Nate, and I got my terrible sense of humor from my boyfriend."

Nate jumped forward hugging the otter and pulling him to the ground. He planted one kiss after another on the otter's face.

"I hate you so much right now Nate" Matt said while laughing, tears of joy running down his face.

"I hate you too ... Matt"