Redwall: Cluny and Sela - Big Surprises

Story by Magna Vulpes on SoFurry

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#7 of Redwall

Numerous fires flickered in the night around St. Ninian's Church. The sound of beasts talking to one another filled the camp of Cluny the Scourge. It had been a very long, very interesting day there in Mossflower Country. Early that morning, the vermin horde had been ordered to witness the grisly execution of Cheesethief the rat. Cheesethief--who had the misfortune of failing Cluny the Scourge one too many times--had been given to Scragg the weasel for sexual pleasure. Cheesethief had seized an opportunity when Scragg wasn't looking to grab hold of a dagger and kill him. Though the rat had a very good chance of escaping the empty camp, he made a grievous error when he decided first to pay Sela the Vixen--Cluny's lover--an unannounced visit. Long deprived of sexual release, Cheesethief tried to force himself on the vixen, but was foiled when Sela's son Chickenhound heard his mother's cries for help. Rushing in, he bashed the rat over the head with a club, knocking him senseless, and sealing his fate at the hands of the wrathful Cluny, who ordered his execution earlier in the day. The morbid scene left a distinct impression on all the vermin watching. They were now completely certain of what Cluny would do to them if they crossed him.

Sitting around one fire were Darkclaw, Redtooth, Killconey, Ragear and Fangburn. The five vermin ate what could best be described as sub-standard rations. No one had planned for such a long siege at Redwall, thinking that the woodlanders were mere pushovers who could not adequately defend themselves against seasoned warriors such as they. Much to their surprise, the peaceful creatures proved themselves better adversaries than any of the horde thought. Cluny had at first been skeptical about a prolonged battle with the Redwallers, knowing that a pitched battle would likely result in heavy casualties on his side. After all, he would need an army to garrison the abbey and control the creatures he captured, whom he intended to use as slaves, but Cluny's ambitions would not stop there. He planned on spreading his new kingdom throughout all Mossflower and beyond. But as every day seemed to end in a stale mate, he grew more desperate, and would soon not care about sacrificing the lives of even his most battle-hardened warriors.

"I tell ya, mate," said Ragear. "I'm getting' sick of all this war."

"Me too," said Fangburn before throwing a lone stick into the fire.

"You lot better shut your mouths," ordered Redtooth, Cluny's second in command. "If the chief catches you sayin' that, he's likely to lose his temper."

"Yeah, think of ol' Cheesethief hangin' up there," added Darkclaw.

The entire group shivered at the mention of the rat. No one wanted to share his fate.

"He still alive?" asked Ragear.

"Last time I saw him, he was still hanging up there wheezin' and groanin' from the pain," said Fangburn.

It was possible that Cheesethief might still live a few more days. Impalement was a slow, agonizing death, which many succumbed to not just from being run through, but suffocating and freezing at night.

"Killconey," scowled Redtooth, "what the hell are you doin'."

Killconey the ferret was practically doubled over, his paws tugging at his crotch. "Ah, me balls ache from not getting to paw off!"

The mention of pawing off made every one uncomfortable. Cluny had been so furious with the lack of progress, that he ordered all the beasts in his horde to abstain from any sexual activity, or face harsh punishment. The rat had theorized that the lack of seminal release would make them more aggressive, thus making them fight better, but that too seemed to have little effect on their performance.

"Ah," groaned Killconey. He looked at the food on his plate, coming up with an idea. "I'll give me dinner to anybeast that sucks me off!" he declared. His offer was not met with entthusiasm.

"Piss off," said Ragear, spitting in the ferret's general direction.

"Yeah, fuck you," added Fangburn.

"You're out of your stinkin' mind!" snarled Darkclaw.

"And you're gonna get your balls cut off, just like Cheesethief did to Scragg!"

"Hey," said Killconey, growing angry. Scragg had been his sex partner, until Cluny ordered his "no sex" rule. Though Killconey had been denied sexual gratification, Scragg had the rule rescinded in his favor for agreeing to personally watch after Sela when Cluny was away. His reward had been Cheesethief, a reward that didn't work out so well.

"Don't you talk about Scragg that way!" snarled Killconey.

"Sorry if we insulted your dead boyfriend!" cackled Fangburn.

Seeing the situation growing tense, Redtooth tried to subdue the hostility. "Come on, mates! You're wastin' good energy that we could use in battle!"

"Redtooth's right," seconded Darkclaw. "You lot save your energy for killing them Redwallers!"

"Yeah," said Ragear. "Just think of all them young maids they got in that place. There'll be plenty to go around for us all! Hell, maybe we could get two a piece. That'd be nice, wouldn't it? Getting all them nice little mouse maids to suck your cock!"

"In Killconey's case," said Fangburn. "He'll certainly want little boys!"

"That's it!" snarled the ferret. Getting to his feet, he rushed Fangburn, ramming his head into the rat's stomach. Knocked to the ground, Fangburn kicked at the ferret, landing a foot on his face. The entire camp erupted in cheering and shouting as soldiers nearby gathered to witness the fight.

Cluny the Scourge was in his tent, lying on his bed. He had no problem in the sex department at all. Not only had he come across the lovely vixen, Sela, but he was getting his rocks off several times a day. At the moment, Cluny was lying on his back, legs spread wide as Sela went down on him.

"Ah," he said, leaning his head back. "Right there, my dear!"

Sela, always happy to accommodate her lover, swirled her warm, wet vulpine tongue around the head of Cluny's big shaft, making the ratter shutter from the ticklish, yet sexually stimulating sensation. Sela slowly wrapped her lips around the rat's girth, slowly taking in inch after inch.

"Oh . . . yes!" breathed Cluny, "that's wonderful, my vixen! That's . . ."

A ruckus outside suddenly caught Cluny's attention. His head shot up from his pillow. Grumbling, he pulled out of the vixen's maw, though always careful never to hurt his lovely fox. Getting out of bed, he quickly threw his clothes back on before leaving the tent.

"Forgive me, my dear, but I have to go deal with this!"

Sela watched as Cluny stomped out of the tent, not sure when he would be returning. Opening the tent flap, Cluny was greeted to the sight of a fight taking place not far from him. Gnashing his teeth, he violently shoved the gathered beasts aside to get to the source of the problem. Near a campfire, he saw Killconey and Fangburn fighting, each creature trying to kill the other. Cluny took hold of both of them, and with one swift motion, crashed their heads together, effectively ending the fight and making the rat and ferret see stars.

"What the hell are you idiots doing out here?" screamed the rat at the top of his lungs.

The entire horde fell silent, with the creatures nearest Cluny backing away for fear of what their leader might do next. Cluny snarled, kicking at the ground beneath him. He looked over at Redtooth, went over to him and grabbed him by his shirt collar.

"Redtooth," he said, picking up his first officer. "Tell me what just happened, now!"

Frightened to the point of almost pissing himself, Redtooth quickly explained what had transpired. "Chief, Killconey and Fangburn got in an argument and then started knockin' each other around!"

"Argh!" growled the rat as he threw Redtooth to the ground, then kicked him in the rump. "Why can't you morons fight like this against the Redwallers, huh? What does it take to motivate you against a bunch of pathetic little mice!"

Again, no beast wished to answer the enraged rat. Cluny grabbed hold of several rocks and threw them at his soldiers randomly, all the while cursing them. "You worthless sons of whores! I'd like to find all your mothers and kick them right between the legs for bringing cowardly, idiotic excuses for soldiers like you into this world!"

For some inexplicable reason, Darkclaw felt the need to voice his opinion. "We're just achin' from you not lettin' us get any tail!"

Cluny dropped the rocks in his paws, turned around and walked over to Darkclaw, his face showing a hideous smile. "Is that so?" said Cluny in a calm, but sinister tone. "Perhaps I have a solution for you!"

The horde all looked at each other for answers. As forceful and direct as Cluny could be, he was not without his moments of being terribly cryptic. Folding his arms together, the warlord called out his soldiers.

"Fangburn, Ragear, Killconey, Darkclaw, and Redtooth! You lot come with me!"

Shivering and wondering what exactly the rat had in store for them, the five beasts began following Cluny, but not before a confused Sela came out from Cluny's tent. As usual, was completely naked, and did nothing to cover herself.

"Are you coming back soon, My Lord?" she said.

Cluny smiled at her. "In a while, my dear. I have some business to take care of first."

Sela blew a kiss to her lover. Cluny looked at the five creatures he had summoned, all of them had their eyes firmly planted on the gorgeous vixen, but that didn't bother Cluny in the least.

"Go ahead and look at her," said the warlord, "just remember what happened to Cheesethief when he put his paws on her!"

All five creatures gulped at the mention of Cheesethief's fate. Though everyone--with the possible exception of Killconey--found the vixen to be unimaginably gorgeous, no one dared get close to her, especially after seeing the gruesome display that morning. Cackling, Cluny ordered his five beasts into the forest. As they marched, Cluny could hear the chattering of their teeth, a sign they were scarred beyond words. Inwardly, Cluny smiled. As a warlord, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies, as well as his soldiers, was second only to victory.

Finding a clearing in the forest, Cluny ordered a halt, then told them to form a circle. Killconey the ferret started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Chief," he blubbered. "You ain't gonna kill us, are you?"

The rat clenched his paw into a fist. "Shut your damn mouth, you little faggoty ferret!" Cluny knew about Killconey's sexual orientation, as did the horde, and everyone gave him and the now deceased Scragg grief about it.

Smiling like only a demon from the depths of hell could, Cluny addressed the five soldiers.

"You lot better set your eyes on this!" he shouted.

Suddenly, Cluny took off his clothes; something the five beasts present were not expecting. In the light of the full moon, the creatures watched as their leader's cock started to stiffen, growing in length as any healthy male's would, but there was something different, very different about Cluny's rat-hood. The five other beasts present watched in confusion, and soon disbelief as Cluny's cock continued to grow, well past a foot, then two feet, and on and on. It was like being in some bizarre dream to those present, watching as the rat's testicles seemed to grow to the size of ripe melons as his cock grew both in size and length, seemingly without end! The warlord cackled and taunted his soldiers, degrading them even more than before.

"Get in front of me!" yelled the warlord, his cock now unimaginably huge.

The five beasts slowly moved in front of the massive cock. Cluny, scrunching up his face as though he were constipated, felt his body quake and shiver, his giant cock shaking violently, like some great earthquake was taking place in it. Cluny lifted his head towards the full moon above him and howled like a wolf as it happened. The five beasts present were ill prepared for what happened next. The dream now became a nightmare as Cluny climaxed, his giant member shooting what looked like a great river of cum onto the beasts, knocking them over as they coughed, their throats and stomachs filling from his seed. It seemed to go on forever for the unlucky creatures.

Drained of energy, Cluny's load finally emptied. Falling to his knees, the rat watched as his dick shrank back to normal size, allowing him to regain his strength. Getting to his feet once more, he laughed as the five beasts were soaked in his seed, their clothes soaked, their fur matted and crusty as it dried.

"Now," said Cluny as he put his clothes back on. "If any of you think you need sex, just tell me and we can do this again!"

All five beasts were silent. They would be sure never to complain abou tthat to their chief again, nor would they breath a word of this to any one else for the rest of their lives. Sticky, humiliated and defeated, they plodded their way back to the camp.

Cluny returned once more to his tent, greeted by the lovely sight of his naked, eager to please vixen. Sela smiled at her lover, ready for them to pick up where they left off.

"Is everything alright, My Lord?" she asked, obviously concerned.

"Everything's fine, my dear," he said, pulling off his clothes. "I can handle those idiots with my eyes closed."

"Well then," said Sela, patting their bed. "Shall we continue?"

There was no way Cluny would be able to climax again that night. The experience had been so draining, it was a miracle he made it back at all.

"Actually," he said as climbed into bed and up against Sela, feeling her soft, warm fur. "I'm quite tired. Would you wind if we waited until morning?"

"Of course not," said Sela, resting her head on the rat's chest, an area she always used as her pillow.

Cluny closed his eyes, glad to be next to his loving mate. He opened his eyes only briefly.

"My dear," he said, yawning.

"Yes, My Lord?" said Sela.

"Remind me to show you something tomorrow night, would you?"

"What is it?" asked Sela, yawning as she kept her head on the rat's chest.

"Something very special," said Cluny with a grin. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it."